clctrl Command
Provides a set of system administration functions for managing a cluster.
clctrl <subcommand> options
where <subcommand> are {-start | -stop | -tune | -sec | -commit}
Subcommand Syntax
To take a node offline for maintenance or bring it back online:
clctrl [-n clustername]{-start | -stop} [-n clustername]{ -m node[,...] | -a}
To display or set cluster tunable attribute values:
clctrl - tune -h [tunable]
clctrl -tune [-n name | -u uuid] (-a | {-L | -x} [tunable] | {-o tunable})
clctrl -tune [-n name | -u uuid] (-D | {-d tunable} | {-o tunable=value}))
To display or set security tunable values:
clctrl -sec { -l sec_level -s sec_alg } [-e] [ -t certificate_type [-c certificate_file -f privkey_file ]]
To manually commit a new cluster level that is effective throughout the cluster:
clctrl [-n clustername] -commit
The clctrl command provides a set of subcommands for managing a cluster.
The -stop subcommand is used to take one or more nodes offline for maintenance. Stopping a node causes the other nodes to consider it as down. A stopped node does not send or receive heartbeat messages, and it remains in the stopped state, even across reboot operation, until a -start subcommand causes it to rejoin the cluster. The -stop subcommand can also be issued while a node is powered off to prevent it from rejoining the cluster when it is rebooted.
The -start subcommand is used to bring one or more nodes back online after they have been offline for maintenance. Starting a node allows it to rejoin the cluster and have the other nodes consider it as up. The -start subcommand can also be issued while a node is powered off to allow it to rejoin the cluster when it is rebooted.
The -tune subcommand is used to display or set cluster tunable values. The following flags control the -tune subcommand:
Item | Description |
-a | Displays values for all tunables, one per line. |
-D | Resets all tunables to their default values. |
-d tunable | Resets tunable to its default value. |
-h | Displays help about the command and its arguments. |
-h tunable | Displays help about a tunable. |
-L tunable | Lists information about one or all tunables in a table format. |
-n name | Specifies the name of the cluster or node entity to which the tunable belongs. The name must be unique. Otherwise, the -u uuid flag must be used to identify the entity. |
-o tunable | Displays the current value of a tunable. |
-o tunable=value | Sets tunable to the value. |
-u uuid | Specifies the UUID of the cluster or node entity. If neither the -u nor the -n options are specified, the invoking node is assumed. |
-x tunables | Lists information about one or all tunables in a comma-separated format |
Item | Description |
-c | Specifies the path to the certificate file for the asymmetric key. |
-e | Displays values for all security tunables, one per line. |
-f | Specifies the path to the private key file for the asymmetric key. |
-l | Sets the security level. A value of 0 disables security; a value of 1-3 enables security and sets the level to the value. The default security level is 2. |
-s | Specifies the algorithm type used to generate the symmetric key. The value may be set to AES, DES, or 3DES. Setting a value of NULL disables security if it is enabled. The default value is AES. |
-t | Specifies the certificate type for the asymmetric key. The value may be set to Self Signed Certificates, Open SSL Certificates, or SSH Certificates. The default value is Self Signed Certificates. |
The -commit subcommand manually commits a new cluster level that is effective throughout the cluster, after upgrading the CAA software levels on all nodes. The CAA software automatically commits the new cluster level. However, a system administrator might need to manually commit the new cluster level if the automatic commitment of the new cluster level fails.
- To take a node named fileserver1 offline for maintenance:
clctrl -stop -n clustername -m fileserver1
- To bring the node back online after completing maintenance:
clctrl -start -n clustername -m fileserver1
- To take all the nodes offline for maintenance:
clctrl -stop -n clustername -a
- To bring all the nodes back online after completing maintenance:
clctrl -start -n clustername -a
- To display information about all cluster tunables in a table format:
clctrl -tune -L
- To display help about tunable repos_mode:
clctrl -tune -h repos_mode
- To set cluster tunables value:
clctrl -tune -o repos_mode=e
- To display the current value of all security tunables:
clctrl -sec -e
- To set the security algorithm used to generate the symmetric key:
clctrl -sec -s DES
- To manually commit a new cluster level that is
effective throughout the cluster:
clctrl -commit
- To set the cluster communication mode to the unicast
clctrl -tune -o communication_mode=u
- To set the cluster communication mode to the multicast
clctrl -tune -o communication_mode=m