canonls Command
Processes troff command output for the Canon LASER SHOT in LIPS III mode.
canonls [ -egFile ] [ -emFile ] [ -FDirectory ] [ -quietly ] [ -ugFile ] [ -umFile ] [ File ...]
The canonls command processes troff command output for the Canon LASER SHOT in LIPS III mode. This command is provided exclusively for Japanese language support.
The canonls command processes one or more files specified by the File parameter. If no file is specified, the canonls command reads from standard input.
The canonls command uses font files in the /usr/lib/font/devcanonls directory that have command names ending with .out. The canonls command does not produce correct output unless these files are provided.
Item | Description |
-egFile | Specifies the Gothic font for the IBM® Japanese extended character set. By default, the canonls command uses the Gothic font found in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/JP/IBM_JPN23G.snf file. |
-emFile | Specifies the Mincho font for the IBM Japanese extended character set. By default, the canonls command uses the Mincho font found in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/JP/IBM_JPN23.snf file. |
-FDirectory | Specifies a directory name as the place to find font files. By default, the canonls command looks for font files in the /usr/lib/font/devvcanonls directory. |
-quietly | Suppresses all nonfatal error messages. |
-ugFile | Specifies the Gothic font for the user-defined characters of Japanese. By default, the canonls command uses the Gothic font found in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/JP/IBM_JPN23G.snf file. |
-umFile | Specifies the Mincho font for the user-defined characters of Japanese. By default, the canonls command uses the Gothic font found in the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/JP/IBM_JPN23.snf file. |
To process the reports file for the Canon LASER SHOT printer, enter:
troff reports |canonls | qprt -dp
The canonls command first processes the output of the troff command, then sends the file to a print queue.
Item | Description |
/usr/lib/font/devcanonls/*.out | Contains font files. |