asoo Command
Manages the tunable parameters of the active system optimizer (ASO).
asoo [-p|-r] [-y] {-o Tunable [=Newvalue]}
asoo [-p|-r] [-y] {-d Tunable }
asoo [-h] [Tunable]
The asoo command is used to configure the ASO tunable parameters. This command sets or displays the current or next boot values for all ASO tunable parameters. It also makes permanent changes or defers changes until the next reboot operation.
Whether the command sets or displays a parameter is determined by the accompanying flag. The -o flag performs both actions. It can either display the value of a parameter or set a new value for a parameter.
Before changing any tunable parameter, first carefully read about all the tunable parameter characteristics in the Tunable Parameters section , and follow any Refer To pointer to fully understand its purpose. You must then ensure that the Diagnosis and Tuning sections for this parameter actually apply to your situation and that changing the value of this parameter could help improve the performance of your system. If the Diagnosis and Tuning sections both contain only N/A, do not change this parameter unless specifically directed by the AIX®.
Item | Description |
-a | Displays the current, reboot (when used in conjunction with the -r option), or permanent (when used in conjunction with the -p option) value for all tunable parameters, one per line in pairs: Tunable=Value. For the permanent options, a value only displays for a parameter if its reboot and current values are equal. Otherwise, it displays NONE as the value. |
-d Tunable | Resets the Tunable parameter to the default values. If a Tunable parameter needs to be changed (that is, it is currently not set to its default value) and is of type Bosboot or Reboot, or if it is of type Incremental and has been changed from its default value, and the -r option is not used in combination, it is not changed but a warning is displayed instead. |
-D | Resets all Tunable parameter to their default value. If Tunable parameter, which need to be changed are of type Bosboot or Reboot, or are of type Incremental and have been changed from their default value, and the -r option is not used in combination, they are not changed but a warning is displayed instead. |
-F | Forces display of the restricted tunable parameters when the -a, -L, and -x options are specified alone on the command line to list all tunable parameters. When the -F flag is not specified, restricted tunable parameters are not displayed, unless these restricted tunable parameters are specifically named with a display option. |
-h Tunable | Displays help about the tunable parameter if the parameter is specified. Otherwise, displays the asoo command usage statement. |
-L Tunable | Lists the characteristics of one or all tunable
parameters, one per line, using the following format:
-o Tunable=[NewValue] | Displays the value or sets tunable parameter
to NewValue. If a tunable parameter needs to be changed
(the specified value is different from the current value), and is
of type Bosboot or Reboot, or if it is of type Incremental and its current value is larger than the specified value, and the -r option is not used in combination, and is not changed but
a warning is displayed instead. When the -r option is used in combination without a new value, the nextboot value for tunable parameter is displayed. |
-p | When the -p option is used in combination without a new value, a value is displayed only if the current and next boot values for tunable parameter are the same. Otherwise, it displays NONE as the value. When used in combination with the -o, -d, or -D options, this flag applies changes to both the current and reboot values. That is, this flag turns on the updating function of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file in addition to turning on the updating function of the current value. These combinations cannot be used on the Reboot and Bosboot type parameters because their current value cannot be changed. When used with the -a or -o options without specifying a new value, values are displayed only if the current and next boot values for a parameter are the same. Otherwise, it displays NONE as the value. |
-r | When the -r option is used in combination with the -o, -d, or -D options, this flag applies changes to the reboot values, for example, turns on the updating function of the /etc/tunables/nextboot file. If any parameter of type Bosboot is changed, you are prompted to run the bosboot command. When the -r option is used with the -a or -o options without specifying a new value, next boot values for tunable parameters are displayed instead of current values. |
-x [Tunable] | Lists characteristics of one or all tunable
parameter, one per line, by using the following (spreadsheet) format:
-y | Suppresses the confirmation prompt before running the bosboot command. |
Tunable Parameters Type
All the tunable parameters that are manipulated by the tuning commands (no, nfso, vmo, ioo, schedo, raso, and asoo) are classified into the following categories:
Item | Description |
Dynamic | The parameter can be changed at any time. |
Static | The parameter can never be changed. |
Reboot | The parameter can only be changed a during reboot operation. |
Bosboot | The parameter can only be changed by running the bosboot command, and rebooting the system. |
Mount | Changes to the parameter are only effective for future file systems or directory mounts. |
Incremental | The parameter can only be incremented at boot time. |
Connect | Changes to the parameter are only effective for future socket connections. |
Deprecated | Changes to this parameter are no longer supported by the current release of AIX. |
For parameters of the Bosboot type, whenever a change is performed, the tuning commands automatically prompt you to determine whether you want to run the bosboot command. For parameters of the Connect type, the tuning commands automatically restarts the inetd daemon.
Tunable Parameters
For default values and range of values for tunable parameters, see the help information for the asoo command (-h<tunable_parameter_name>).
Item | Description |
aso_active |
debug_level |
Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, ee the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.
- To list the current and reboot values, the range, the unit, the
type, and dependencies of all the tunable parameters that are managed
by the asoo command, enter:
asoo -L
- To list (spreadsheet format) the current and reboot values, the
range, the unit, the type, and dependencies of all the tunable parameters
that are managed by the asoo command, enter:
asoo -x
- To reset the aso_active tunable parameter to the default,
asoo -d aso_active
- To display help information for the aso_active tunable
parameter, enter:
asoo -h aso_active
- To permanently reset all the asoo tunable parameters to
the default, enter:
asoo -p -D
- To list the reboot value for all the asoo parameters, enter:
asoo -r -a