acctmerg Command
Merges total accounting files into an intermediary file or a daily report.
/usr/sbin/acct/acctmerg [ -a [ Specification ] ] [ -h [ Specification ] ] [ -i [ Specification ] ] [ -p [ Specification ] ] [ -q Filename ] [ -v [ Specification ] ] [ -X ] [ -t ] [ -u ] [ File ... ]
The acctmerg command merges process, connect-time, fee, disk-usage, and queuing (printer) total accounting records (in tacct binary or tacct ASCII format, tacctx binary, or tacctx ASCII format) and then writes the results to standard output. (See the tacct structure in the acct File Format for a description of the total accounting format or /usr/include/sys/tacct.h for a description of the tacctx format). The acctmerg command reads the total accounting records from standard input and from the additional files (up to nine) specified by the File parameter. The acctmerg command then merges the records by identical keys, usually a user ID and name. To facilitate storage, the acctmerg command writes the output in binary format unless you use either the -a, -v, or -p flag.
The acctmerg command is called by the runacct command to produce either an intermediate report when one of the input files is full, or to merge the intermediate reports into a cumulative total. The intermediate report is stored in the /var/adm/acct/nite(x)/daytacct file. The cumulative report is stored in the /var/adm/acct/sum(x)/tacct file. The cumulative total is the source from which the monacct command produces the ASCII-format monthly summary report. The monthly summary report is stored in the /var/adm/acct/fiscal file.
The Specification variable allows you to select input or output fields, as illustrated in Example 1. A field specification is a comma-separated list of field numbers, in the order specified in the tacct(x) structure in the acct File Format. Field ranges may be used, with array sizes taken into account, except for the ta_name characters. In the following example:
The -h flag causes column headings to display for the following types of data, in this order:
- login name (2)
- prime CPU (3)
- connect time (11)
- fee (15)
- queuing system (14, as implied in the range)
- disk usage data (13)
- the login name again (2)
The default displays all fields, otherwise specified as 1-18 or 1-, and produces wide output lines containing all the available accounting data.
Queueing system, disk usage, or fee data can be converted into tacct records by using the acctmerg -i Specification command.
The tacct fields are:
No. Header | Description |
1 UID | User ID number. |
2 LOGIN NAME | Login name of user. |
3 CPU PRIME | Cumulative CPU minutes during prime hours. |
4 CPU NPRIME | Cumulative during non-prime hours. |
5 KCORE PRIME | Cumulative minutes spent in the kernel during prime hours. |
6 KCORE NPRIME | Cumulative during non-prime hours. |
7 BLKIO PRIME | Cumulative blocks transferred during prime hours. |
8 BLKIO NPRIME | Cumulative during non-prime hours. |
9 RW/WR PRIME | Cumulative blocks read/written during prime hours. |
10 RW/WR NPRIME | Cumulative during non-prime hours. |
11 CONNECT PRIME | Cumulative connect time (minutes) during prime hours. |
12 CONNECT NPRIME | Cumulative during non-prime hours. |
13 DISK BLOCKS | Cumulative disk usage. |
14 PRINT | Queuing system charges. (pages) |
15 FEES | Fee for special services. |
16 # OF PROCS | Count of processes. |
17 # OF SESS | Count of login sessions. |
18 # OF SAMPLES | Count of count of disk samples. |
Item | Description |
-a[Specification] | Produces output in the form of ASCII records. |
-h[Specification] | Displays column headings. This flag implies the -a flag, but is effective with -p or -v. |
-i[Specification] | Expects input files composed of ASCII records, which are converted to binary records. |
-p[Specification] | Displays input without processing. The output is in ASCII format. |
-q Filename | Reads the specified qacct file (accrec.h file format) and produces output records sorted by user ID and user name. These records contain the user ID, user name, and number of pages printed. |
-t | Produces a single record that contains the totals of all input. |
-u | Summarizes by user ID rather than by user name. |
-v[Specification] | Produces output in ASCII format, with more precise notation for floating-point numbers. |
-X | Prints and processes all available characters for each user name instead of truncating to the first 8 characters. |
Access Control: This command should grant execute (x) access only to members of the adm group.
- To merge disk accounting file dacct with
field specification -i1-2,13,18 into an existing total accounting
file, tacct, enter:
The acctmerg command reads the field specifications for the user ID, login name, number of blocks, and number of disk samples (i1-2,13,18) from the dacct file, merges this information with a tacct record, and writes the result to standard output.acctmerg -i1-2,13,18 <dacct | acctmerg tacct >output
- To make repairs to the tacct format file jan2.rpt,
first enter: acctmerg -v <Jan.2.rpt >jan2.tmpNow edit the file jan2.tmp as desired. This command redirects the content of Jan2.rpt to Jan2.tmp, with the output in ASCII format.
- To redirect Jan2.tmp to Jan2.rpt, with the output
in binary record format, enter the following command: acctmerg -i <jan2.tmp >jan2.rpt
Item | Description |
/usr/sbin/acct/acctmerg | Contains the acctmerg command. |
/usr/include/sys/acct.h | Contains the acct and tacct file formats. |
/var/adm/acct/nite/daytacct | Contains an intermediate daily total accounting report in binary format. |
/var/adm/acct/sum/tacct | Contains the cumulative total accounting report for the month in binary format. |
/var/adm/acct/fiscal | Contains the monthly accounting summary report, produced from the records in the /var/adm/acct/sum/tacct file. |