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Trace file (env. var.): %1$sSRC system %1$s is starting. Request queue init time: %1$s2649-070 Authentication error.No. of requests serviced: %1$dTrace levels (env. var.): %1$sHBA CCDB's time-to-live: %1$dsHBA2 CCDB's time-to-live: %1$ds2649-042 Invalid mechanism code.2649-077 Invalid ACL entry type.2649-040 Unix Identity mismatch.2649-001 Informational message 1.Trace file size (env. var.): %1$d2649-004 Configuration file error.2649-008 The connection timed out.2649-127 Unix Identity mis-match. 2649-039 Unable to allocate memory.2649-044 A socket operation failed.2649-071 Network credentials error.2649-072 Delegated credentials error.2649-169 %1$s: Invalid option: %2$c. HBA2 security context lifetime: %1$ds2649-129 The credentials have expired.2649-002 ctcasd is not running as root.No. of worker threads: %1$d (%2$d idle)Max/min no. of worker threads: %1$d/%2$d2649-073 User information processing error.2649-020 Unable to find directory /var/ct/. SRC system %1$s is inactive or inoperative. 2649-043 Incorrect buffer or version number.2649-076 Empty ACL submitted for processing.2649-003 Memory allocation error (%1$s:%2$d).2649-010 The reading of data was interrupted.Client or server must continue data exchange.2649-078 Invalid privilege attributes buffer.SRC system %1$s is ready to receive requests. SRC system %1$s is ready to process requests. CAS client socket file clean up interval: %1$dsSRC system %1$s is already running on the host. 2649-069 A socket operation failed (errno = %d).2649-074 Unable to obtain host name or IP address.No. of current requests: %1$d active; %2$d pending2649-036 Caller provided incorrect arguments to %s.2649-037 Invalid security services or context token.2649-013 Service 0x%1$08x is not supported by ctcasd.2649-014 Error on thread operation (%1$s: rc = %2$d).2649-167 %1$s: Option provided more than once: %2$s. 2649-024 The server reported a 'server busy' condition2649-132 Environment Variable: %1$s value is in error.SRC system %1$s was started successfully (pid = %2$d). 2649-041 Buffer has incorrect identifier or is corrupt.2649-006 Error on socket operation (%1$s: errno = %2$d).2649-018 Error on signal operation (%1$s: errno = %2$d). 2649-075 Unable to determine service name for target: %s.Unable to allocate memory for full status, but I'm alive!2649-130 The credentials are either not valid or corrupted.2649-005 One of the arguments provided to %1$s is not valid.2649-012 Request 0x%1$08x not supported by service 0x%2$08x.SRC system %1$s was started but unable to receive requests. 2649-168 %1$s: Option %2$s provided with invalid value: %3$s. 2649-128 The system call to retrieve the local hostname failed.2649-019 Unable to create directory %1$s (mkdir(): errno = %2$d). 2649-035 An error occurred in the MPM layer: %08#x %08#x %08#x %s.2649-063 Verification of the signature failed in the routine %s. 2649-060 Invalid security context token or identity context token. 2649-011 %1$s: the buffer containing the marshaled data is not valid.2649-051 unix_mpm Failure: Invalid mapping entry in the mapping file 2649-054 unix_mpm Failure: The network identity (%1$s) has no mapping 2649-021 The server is not able to perform the authentication request. 2649-061 User represented by identity context (%s) is not authorized. 2649-015 Unable to queue request: queue size=%1$d pending requests=%2$d 2649-016 Unable to create the minimum number of worker threads configured. 2649-047 Unix mpm failure: Unable to determine service name for target: %s.2649-030 %1$s Failure: Incorrect mapping entry in the mapping file: %2$s 2649-032 %1$s Failure: The following network identity has no mapping %2$s 2649-062 One or more input buffers supplied to the routine %s are not valid. 2649-049 unix_mpm Failure: Error in routine %1$s while getting the mapped name 2649-022 An error occured during the server's attempt to get the client's identity. 2649-099 libct_cas Failure: Error on socket operation [%1$s:%2$d]. %3$s: errno = %4$d2649-009 Data communication failure (send(): message length = %1$d, bytes sent = %2$d.2649-059 Current process (%1$d) does not have permissions to set the user id to %2$d. 2649-045 Session Key expected but not received from CtCasd. Possible transmission error.2649-052 unix_mpm Failure: The number of tokens in rule and network identity does not match. 2649-023 Unable to set the current working directory to /var/ct/IW/run/ctcas (chdir(): %1$d). 2649-007 The file descriptor ready for reading or writing does not match the connecting socket.2649-017 Unable to set the appropriate permission on file/directory %1$s (chmod(): errno = %2$d). 2649-053 unix_mpm Failure: The network identity (%1$s) supplied to translator routine is not valid 2649-001 Unable to start DAE: dae_init() failed (rc = %1$d) file = %2$s version = %3$s line = %4$d 2649-038 Unix MPM Failure: The credentials acquired by the unix mpm is either not valid or corrupted. 2649-046 Unix mpm failure: Configuration error,Check the defaults/overrides file in /opt/rsct/lib/mpm/ 2649-134 libct_cas Status: The host identified in the credentials is not a trusted host on this system. 2649-131 The public key in %1$s does not match the public key for the host in the Trusted Host List %2$s. 2649-057 Unix MPM Failure: The network identity acquired by the Unix mpm is either not valid or corrupted. 2649-031 %1$s Failure: The following network identity supplied to translator routine is not valid: %2$s. 2649-056 unix_mpm Failure: Context token doesn't support the data privacy services requested by application 2649-055 unix_mpm Failure: Context token doesn't support the data integrity services requested by application 2649-065 unix_mpm Failure: unable to obtain the hostname of the current host. Detail: gethostname() returned -1. 2649-034 %1$s Failure: The number of tokens in the identity mapping rule and the network identity does not match. 2649-086 %1$s Failure: The context control data buffer acquired by the security mechanism are either invalid or corrupted. 2649-058 Unable to find mapping for predefined service name %1$s. Check the unix.map file in /var/ct/cfg/ or /opt/rsct/cfg/ .2649-064 unix_mpm Failure: unable to obtain the node id of the current host. Detail: cu_get_node_id() returned error code %1$d. 2649-068 unix_mpm Failure: The network identity (%1$s) and the ACLE identifier (%2$s) provided to the %3$s routine do not match. An error occurred when attempting to acquire status of SRC system %1$s. Make sure that the named SRC system is defined and has a valid definition. SRC system %1$s could not be started by the SRC master. Make sure that /opt/rsct/bin/ctcasd exists and is a valid program or that system resources are available to start the daemon. 2649-171 Failure: Unable to find a mapping for predefined service name %1$s. Please check the ctcas_hba2.map file in /var/ct/cfg/ or /opt/rsct/cfg/ and make sure such a mapping exists.2649-029 %1$s Failure: The following network identity, which was supplied to the internal translator routine, is not valid: network identity value: %2$s detected by subroutine: %3$s 2649-105 libct_cas Internal failure detected. Function name: %1$s Return code from function: %2$d Routine calling the function: %3$s Contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-025 libct_cas failure: the ctcas client library is unable to execute the /opt/rsct/bin/ctstrtcasd command. The following error was returned by the system() function call: errno = %1$d. 2649-067 unix_mpm Failure: The network identity (%1$s) provided to the %2$s routine is not a valid network identity. A valid network identity is of the following format: @. 2649-141 ctcasd Failure: The daemon was unable to initialize the CLiC runtime environment. The following message was returned by CLiC initialization routine: %1$s File name: %2$s Line number: %3$d 2649-066 unix_mpm Failure: This security mechanism does not support the use of the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE flag with a host name. To use the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE option, specify the target host as an address. 2649-139 libct_cas Failure: Unable to determine the permission of the client socket file. socket file name: %1$s stat() errno: %2$d Make sure that there is no other application that deleted the socket file. 2649-026 libct_cas failure: the ctcas client library is unable to start the ctcas SRC subsystem. Please make sure that the subsystem is registered with SRC and that /opt/rsct/bin/ctcasd exists on the system. 2649-118 ctcasd Daemon Internal failure detected. Function name: %1$s Return code from function: %2$d Routine calling the function: %3$s Contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-173 ctcasd Failure : Unable to enqueue SRC request due to a time-out condition. Source file name: %1$s(%2$d) The most probable reason for this error is a server busy condition. Resubmit the SRC request at a later time. 2649-085 %1$s Failure: This security mechanism does not support the use of the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE flag with a host name or with an incorrect host address. To use the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE option, specify the target host as a valid address. 2649-119 ctcasd Daemon Internal Failure: incorrect parameters were provided to a daemon subroutine. Function name: %1$s Positional parameter number: %2$d Parameter value: 0x%3$x Contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-175 ctcasd Failure : Unable to receive the SRC request. recvfrom() returned the following error: errno = %1$d Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The most probable reason for this error is a communication problem. Resubmit the SRC request at a later time. 2649-084 %1$s Failure: A data buffer is not in a valid format. An incorrect data buffer may have been used, or the data may have been corrupted. Contact IBM Customer Support and report this failure. failing subroutine name: %2$s location: %3$d 2649-120 ctcasd Daemon Failure: the daemon detected that an unsupported key generation method was configured. The following unsupported key generation method was configured: 0x%1$x Repair the ctcasd daemon configuration information to specify a supported key generation method. 2649-176 ctcasd Failure : Unable to receive the SRC request. recvfrom() received a smaller amount of bytes than expected. Number of bytes returned: %1$d Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The most probable reason for this error is a communication problem. Resubmit the SRC request at a later time. 2649-048 unix_mpm Failure: Incorrect parameters detected. Detecting function name: %1$s Positional parameter in error: %2$d Value of parameter: 0x%3$x Verify that the application is providing the correct parameters to this function, and correct the application to pass valid parameters. 2649-174 ctcasd Failure : Internal failure : pthread routine error. Name of failing routine: %1$s Return code of failing routine: %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The most probable reason for this error is a programming error. Please contact IBM Customer Support Center and report this problem. 2649-140 libct_cas Failure: Unable to change the file permission of the client socket file to at least execute/read/write by owner. socket file name: %1$s chmod() errno: %2$d file permission: %3$o file's owner uid: %4$d effective uid of process: %5$d Make sure that there is no other application that modified the socket file in any way. 2649-106 libct_cas Failure: The security library is unable to initialize the data structures necessary to convert between the codeset used by this application and the UTF-8 data encoding format. This failure has occurred because resources needed by the cluster utilities are not available at this time. Try to run this application again at a later time. 2649-156 ctcasd Failure : Unable to fully resolve the target host name provided in the request. Target host name: %1$s cu_gethostbyname() rc: %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The most probable reason for this error is the fact that the target host name does not have an entry with the DNS service. Update the DNS record to include the target host name specified. 2649-088 %1$s Failure: A response CCDB buffer was provided by the %2$s system service, but the %1$s was not expecting it. This failure forces the security infrastructure to not treat the client application as authentic. Note this failure information and contact the system administrator. System administrators should contact IBM Customer Support and report the problem. 2649-133 ctcasd Failure: the cipher contained in the CCDB has a length (%1$d) that is not multiple of the RSA modulus for the type of key used for decryption (%2$d). This condition may happen when the client and server hosts have different types of host keys. Please make sure that the client and server hosts has the same type of Host Based Authentication (HBA) keys. 2649-087 %1$s Failure: Unable to locate a fully resolved host name for the specified target host system. target host name: %2$s Ensure that the correct name was provided for the target host system. If the correct name was provided, contact the system administrator and have the system administrator verify that the host is registered with the domain name services for the network. 2649-154 ctcasd Failure: Credential timestamp/nonce already played. Credential owner: %1$s Credential nonce: %2$llx Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The credentials provided for authentication contain a timestamp and nonce that were already played before. This symptom is indicative of a credential replay attack and the authentication of these credentials is purposedly terminated with a failure. 2649-152 ctcasd Failure : Failed to initialize any of the HBA2 replay protection-related pthread mutex locks. Source file name: %1$s(%2$d) The usual reason for this failure is a lack of system resources. Make sure that the system has sufficient pthread resources available. The failure to initialize any of the HBA2 protection pthread mutex locks renders the protection mechanism inoperational. 2649-083 %1$s Failure: The security context has expired. The application must end this security context and establish a new security context. If this condition persists, report this condition to the software service representatives for the application. The software service representatives should modify the application to establish a new security context when the existing security context expires. 2649-027 %1$s Failure: incorrect parameters provided. Function name: %2$s Positional parameter number: %3$d Parameter value: 0x%4$x If this failure is encountered during the execution of the Cluster software trusted services, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. If this failure is encountered during the execution of other software, verify that the software is using this function correctly. 2649-101 libct_cas Failure: incorrect parameters provided. Function name: %1$s Positional parameter number: %2$d Parameter value: 0x%3$x If this failure is encountered during the execution of the Cluster software trusted services, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. If this failure is encountered during the execution of other software, verify that the software is using this function correctly. 2649-151 ctcasd Failure : Failed to lock the replay log pthread mutex lock. pthread_mutex_lock() rc: %1$d Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The logging of replay info is done in order to provide persistent tracking during daemon restarts. The failure to lock the pthread mutex lock associated with the replay logging may be indicative of a system-wide problem. Please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-137 Unix Identity mis-match. The party asking for credential authentication (%1$s) is not the intended target of the credentials. This condition may happen if the service name used by the client does not map to the same user id on both the client's and the server's host. Please check whether the process presenting the credential for authentication to the ctcasd security daemon is running under the correct identity. 2649-111 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The stat system call reported a failure in obtaining kernel memory resources. This may indicate that the operating system is not configured properly, or that additional resources need to be dedicated to the operating system kernel. Consult the problem determination documentation and procedures for the operating system in use on the system and perform any corrective actions recommended by those sources. 2649-082 %1$s Failure: A data buffer provided to the security mechanism subroutine is not large enough to store the requested data. subroutine name: %2$s size of data buffer provided: %3$d bytes size of data buffer needed: %4$d bytes Report this information to the software service representatives for the application. The application service representatives should modify the application to provide a buffer with sufficient memory space. 2649-143 ctcasd Failure : Unable to stat() the HBA2 service mapping file. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s stat() errno: %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) Most often, this failure occurs when the file or a directory in the file path does not exist. This files is installed by default by RSCT and the fact that it does not exist may signal other problems with RSCT. If the file does not exist, contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-155 ctcasd Failure : The HBA2 security mechanism does not support the use of the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE flag with a host name. To use the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE option, specify the target host as an address. Target host name: %1$s Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The target host identifier is provided in a format that is incompatible with the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE flag. If the SEC_F_NO_RESOLVE flags is provided, then the target host identifier must be provided as an IP address instead of a host name. 2649-161 ctcasd Failure: The server credentials provided for authentication do not contain a valid session key. Source file name: %1$s(%2$d) The most probable cause for this failure is a corrupted credentials due to a hacking attack or a communication problem between the application client and server. Make sure the application client and server are free of memory violation problems. If this happens in relation to an RSCT trusted service, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-164 ctcasd Failure: The HBA2 request is not valid. The request does not contain a valid CCDB that can be authenticated. Source file name: %1$s(%2$d) The most probable cause for this failure is a corrupted request due to a hacking attack or a communication problem between the application client and server. Make sure the application client and server are free of memory violation problems. If this happens in relation to an RSCT trusted service, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-080 %1$s Attention: A match between a network identity and an access control list entry was not found. Network identity: %2$s Acess control list entry identity: %3$s Comparison subroutine name: %4$s This may be the expected result of this comparison. This result occurred because an application was performing an access control verification step. The application is responsible for determining whether this result is the expected result, or if the result indicates a failure condition. 2649-090 %1$s Failure: A session key was provided by the %2$s system service for a security context that already has a session key established for it. This condition causes the security subsystem to not consider the client application authentic. Contact the system administrator and report this incident. System administrators should examine the %2$s system service for possible failure information and perform any necessary troubleshooting procedures and repairs. If the condition persists, contact IBM Customer Support. 2649-172 ctcasd Failure : Unable to verify the credentials provided for authentication by client. Failed to find any public key for the host identifiers included in the credentials that can verify the credential. Client name: %1$s Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The most probable reason for this error is an incomplete setup of the THL file on the local host. Please make sure that there is a public key for at least one of the host identifiers provided in the credential and that it matches the private key of the host it represents. 2649-089 %1$s Failure: Unable to extract a session key from the data provided by the %2$s system service. A security context cannot be established without a session key. This failure causes the security subsystem to not consider the client application authentic. Contact the system administrator and report this incident. System administrators should examine the %2$s system service for possible failure information and perform any necessary troubleshooting procedures and repairs. If the condition persists, contact IBM Customer Support. 2649-158 ctcasd Failure: Unix Identity mis-match. The party asking for credential authentication is not the intended target of the credentials. Client asking for credential authenticatoin: %1$s Identity for which credential was intended: %2$s Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) This condition may happen if the service name used by the client does not map to the same user id on both the client's and the server's host. Please check whether the process presenting the credential for authentication to the ctcasd security daemon is running under the correct identity. 2649-165 ctcasd Failure: The HBA2 time-to-live value is not valid. Its value contains charaters that are not numeric. TTL value string: %1$s Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The HBA2 time-to-live value is specified by the HBA2_CRED_TIMETOLIVE configuration parameter. Make sure that its value in the ctcad configuration file (either the default /opt/rsct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg or the overriding copy /var/ct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg) is a number between 0 and 600. If its value already is a number between 0 and 600, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-103 libct_cas Failure: The marshaled data provided to this routine is either incorrect or corrupted. It is possible that the application has inadvertently overwritten the variable containing the address of the data, or the application may have inadvertently overwritten the memory used to store the data. Verify that the application is providing the correct address for the marshaled input data to this routine. Perform memory leak and memory use verification tests on the application to ensure that the application is not inadvertently modifying this memory. 2649-079 %1$s Failure: A network identity is not in a valid format. The format expected is: @. Network identity in error: %2$s Detected in subroutine: %3$s This failure was detected as part of an access control verification step. Determine which application was performing this verification and contact the software support service for this application. Software support should verify that the proper access control data structures are being provided to the verification interfaces, and that this data has not somehow become corrupted. 2649-135 ctcasd Failure: Unable to construct a credential for the requesting client. Failing routine: %1$s Return code from failing routine: %2$d This failure may occur when the ctcasd daemon is unable to allocate memory. Verify that the system has sufficient virtual memory available. Administrators might consider extending the virtual memory size of the system or terminating applications using excessive virtual memory. If this condition persists or occurs frequently, contact the cluster software security service provider and report this condition. 2649-162 ctcasd Failure: The HBA2 request is not valid. The request is either intended for a different service or has an unsupported version. Request magic: %1$08x Request version: %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The most probable cause for this failure is a corrupted request due to a hacking attack or a communication problem between the application client and server. Make sure the application client and server are free of memory violation problems. If this happens in relation to an RSCT trusted service, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-159 ctcasd Failure: The credentials provided for authentication are not valid. The credential flags indicate they are both client's and server's credentials. Credentials flags: 0x%1$08x Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The most probable cause for this failure is a corrupted credentials due to a hacking attack or a communication problem between the application client and server. Make sure the application client and server are free of memory violation problems. If this happens in relation to an RSCT trusted service, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-166 ctcasd Failure: The HBA2 time-to-live value is not valid. Unable to convert its string representation to a numerical representation. strtol() errno: %1$d TTL value string: %2$s Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The HBA2 time-to-live value is specified by the HBA2_CRED_TIMETOLIVE configuration parameter. Make sure that its value in the ctcad configuration file (either the default /opt/rsct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg or the overriding copy /var/ct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg) is a number between 0 and 600. If its value already is a number between 0 and 600, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-163 ctcasd Failure: The HBA2 request is not valid. The request does not contain a valid target user/service name or a valid target registry name. Request target name: %1$s Request target user/service name: %2$s Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The most probable cause for this failure is a corrupted request due to a hacking attack or a communication problem between the application client and server. Make sure the application client and server are free of memory violation problems. If this happens in relation to an RSCT trusted service, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-033 %1$s Failure: unable to obtain the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) Node Identifier of the current host. This condition can occur when the RSCT software has not been configured, when the RSCT software configuration has been removed, or when the RSCT configuration files on the local system have been corrupted. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should verify that the RSCT software configuration has been properly established. If the RSCT configuration is correct, contact IBM Customer Support. Detail: cu_get_node_id() returned error code %2$d. 2649-157 ctcasd Failure : Unable to verify the credentials provided for authentication by client. Failed to find a public key for the host identifiers included in the credentials that can verify the credential. Client name: %1$s Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The most probable reason for this error is an incomplete setup of the THL file on the local host. Another reason for this error may be an unsanctioned change in the HBA key setup on the remote host. Please make sure that there is a public key for at least one of the host identifiers provided in the credential and that it matches the private key of the host it represents. 2649-104 libct_cas Failure: The marshaled data provided to this routine does not contain a required data field. It is possible that the application has provided an incorrect address for the marshaled data, or has inadvertently overwritten the variable containing the address of the data, or the application may have inadvertently overwritten the memory used to store the data. Verify that the application is providing the correct address for the marshaled input data to this routine. Perform memory leak and memory use verification tests on the application to ensure that the application is not inadvertently modifying this memory. 2649-148 ctcasd Failure : Failed to open the HBA2 service mapping file. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s open() errno: 0x%2$08x Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. If the problem occurs with the overriding copy of the HBA2 service file , please make sure that the file is valid. Otherwise, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-153 ctcasd Failure : Credential time skew too great. Credential owner: %1$s Time skew value in seconds: %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The credentials provided for authentication are too old or too far into the future. It is possible that the time difference between the credential initiator's host and the credential authenticator's host is greater than the time skew value. It is also possible that the network latency is too great. Another possibility is that these credentials are replayed. Please make sure that the time between the initiator's and the authenticator's hosts is synchronized and that there is no noticeable network latency. 2649-144 ctcasd Failure : The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file is a directory. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s File mode bits as returned by stat(): 0x%2$08x Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. Such an error with the HBA2 service mapping file may be generated by other problems within RSCT or the base operating system. Contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-145 ctcasd Failure : The HBA2 service mapping file has no contents. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s Size of the file as returned by stat(): %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. If the problem occurs with the overriding copy of the HBA2 service file , please make sure that the file has a valid contents. Otherwise, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-146 ctcasd Failure : The HBA2 service mapping file is not owned by root. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s Owner of the file as returned by stat(): %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. If the problem occurs with the overriding copy of the HBA2 service file , please make sure that the file is owned by root. Otherwise, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-160 ctcasd Failure: The credentials provided for authentication are not valid. Either there is no registry list; or the credentials are server credentials and there are more than one registry in the registry list. Credentials flags: 0x%1$08x Number of registries in list: %2$d Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The most probable cause for this failure is a corrupted credentials due to a hacking attack or a communication problem between the application client and server. Make sure the application client and server are free of memory violation problems. If this happens in relation to an RSCT trusted service, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-100 libct_cas Failure: The marshaled data provided to this routine is either invalid or corrupted. Name of the routine: %1$s Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) The routine detected a repeated data field within the marshalled data. It is possible that the application has inadvertently overwritten the variable containing the address of the data, or the application may have inadvertently overwritten the memory used to store the data. Verify that the application is providing the correct address for the marshalled input data to this routine. Perform memory leak and memory use verification tests on the application to ensure that the application is not inadvertently modifying this memory. 2649-149 ctcasd Failure : Failed to read the content of the HBA2 service mapping file. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s read() errno: %2$d Number of bytes requested to read: %3$d Source file name: %4$s(%5$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. If the problem occurs with the overriding copy of the HBA2 service file , please make sure that the file is valid. Otherwise, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-109 libct_cas Failure: The marshaled data provided to this routine is either incorrect or corrupted. The marshaled data interpretation functions of the security library detected a repeated data field within the marshaled data. It is possible that the application has inadvertently overwritten the variable containing the address of the data, or the application may have inadvertently overwritten the memory used to store the data. Verify that the application is providing the correct address for the marshaled input data to this routine. Perform memory leak and memory use verification tests on the application to ensure that the application is not inadvertently modifying this memory. 2649-150 ctcasd Failure : Failed to read the content of the HBA2 service mapping file. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s Number of bytes requested to read: %2$d Number of bytes read: %3$d Source file name: %4$s(%5$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. If the problem occurs with the overriding copy of the HBA2 service file , please make sure that the file is valid. Otherwise, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-107 libct_cas Failure: The security library is unable to translate a character string between the application codeset and the UTF-8 data encoding format. The character string contains bytes that are non-valid in the application codeset. This failure can occur when codesets that do not fully support UTF-8 conversion are used by the execution environment. This failure can also occur if the character string memory is overwritten. Verify that the application uses a locale with a codeset that does support UTF-8 conversion, or contact the system administrator to have the default execution environment set to use such a locale. Also verify that the application is not accidentally overwriting the character string data. 2649-108 libct_cas Failure: The marshaled data provided to this routine is either incorrect or corrupted. The marshaled data interpretation functions of the security library detected more substitutional arguments than indicated in the marshaled data's argument count. It is possible that the application has inadvertently overwritten the variable containing the address of the data, or the application may have inadvertently overwritten the memory used to store the data. Verify that the application is providing the correct address for the marshaled input data to this routine. Perform memory leak and memory use verification tests on the application to ensure that the application is not inadvertently modifying this memory. 2649-147 ctcasd Failure : The file permission bits of the HBA2 service mapping file allow the file to be writable by other than the owner itself. Name of the HBA2 service mapping file: %1$s File mode bits as returned by stat(): 0x%2$08x Source file name: %3$s(%4$d) The ctcasd's HBA2 service mapping file provides the mapping between service names and the user names used by the service's process during their execution. The HBA2 service mapping file is installed by default by RSCT and system administrators can customize it to fit their needs. If the problem occurs with the overriding copy of the HBA2 service file , please make sure that the file is writable by root only. Otherwise, please contact the IBM Customer Support and report this incident. 2649-125 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial trusted host list file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate systems within the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial trusted host list file in the following directory: %1$s The file system containing this directory does not have sufficient space to create the initial trusted host list file. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should examine the file system containing this directory for obsolete files that can be removed or trimmed. The system administrator can also correct this problem by extending he size of the file system containing this directory. 2649-115 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial public key file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial public key file in the following directory: %1$s The file system containing this directory does not have sufficient space to create the initial public key file. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should examine the file system containing this directory for obsolete files that can be removed or trimmed. The system administrator can also correct this problem by extending the size of the file system containing this directory. 2649-114 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial private key file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial private key file in the following directory: %1$s The file system containing this directory does not have sufficient space to create the initial private key file. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should examine the file system containing this directory for obsolete files that can be removed or trimmed. The system administrator can also correct this problem by extending the size of the file system containing this directory. 2649-124 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial trusted host list file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate systems within the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial trusted host list file in the following directory: %1$s A component directory in the above path name may be missing, or the access permissions for one of these components may have been modified to forbid access. Verify that the directory listed above exists, and that the permissions on that directory permit processes running with root access to access the directory and create files within the directory. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-113 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial public key file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial public key file in the following directory: %1$s A component directory in the above path name may be missing, or the access permissions for one of these components may have been modified to forbid access. Verify that the directory listed above exists, and that the permissions on that directory permit processes running with root access to access the directory and create files within the directory. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-112 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial private key file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial private key file in the following directory: %1$s A component directory in the above path name may be missing, or the access permissions for one of these components may have been modified to forbid access. Verify that the directory listed above exists, and that the permissions on that directory permit processes running with root access to access the directory and create files within the directory. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-123 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to locate or access the trusted host list file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this list, the daemon will be unable to authenticate systems within the cluster. The daemon expected to find this file in the following directory: %1$s The trusted host list file may be missing, the permissions on the file may have been modified to forbid any process from accessing the file, or a component of the directory name may have been modified to forbid access. Verify that the trusted host list file exists, and that the permissions on the file and the directory are set to permit processes running with root permission to access and modify the directory and the file. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-110 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to locate or access the key files to be used for host-based authentication. Without these files, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon expected to find these key files in the following directory: %1$s The key files may be missing, the permissions on the files may have been modified to forbid any process from accessing the files, or a component of the directory name may have been modified to forbid access. Verify that the public and private key files exist, and that the permissions on the files and the directory are set to permit processes running with root permission to access the directory and the files. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-142 ctcasd Failure : Memory allocation failure. Attempted allocation: %1$d bytes Source file name: %2$s(%3$d) Most often, this failure occurs when a process exceeds its memory allocation limit. In rare cases, this failure occurs when a number of processes allocate huge amounts of memory and utilize all available memory on the system. Verify that the allocation itself is not exceeding ctcasd's own limit. If it does not, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. If another software application is exceeding its limit, examine the software for memory management problems and memory leaks. If the application is not exceeding its memory allocation limits, contact the system administrator and report this incident. System administrators should identify processes using excessive memory and consider terminating these processes. 2649-126 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial trusted host list file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate systems within the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial trusted host list file in the following directory: %1$s This directory may reside in a read-only file system, one of the component directories in this path name may be missing, the directory name may contain more symbolic links than the operating system can support, or the path name may not reference a directory. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should verify that the above directory name is specified and constructed properly. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-117 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial public key file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial public key file in the following directory: %1$s This directory may reside in a read-only file system, one of the component directories in this path name may be missing, the directory name may contain more symbolic links than the operating system can support, or the path name may not reference a directory. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should verify that the above directory name is specified and constructed properly. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-116 ctcasd Daemon Failure: The daemon was unable to create an initial private key file to be used for host-based authentication. Without this file, the daemon will be unable to authenticate the local system to other systems in the cluster. The daemon attempted to create the initial private key file in the following directory: %1$s This directory may reside in a read-only file system, one of the component directories in this path name may be missing, the directory name may contain more symbolic links than the operating system can support, or the path name may not reference a directory. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. System administrators should verify that the above directory name is specified and constructed properly. If this condition persists, contact the cluster software service provider and report this incident. 2649-102 libct_cas Memory allocation failure. Function name: %1$s Attempted allocation: %2$d bytes Most often, this failure occurs when a process exceeds its memory allocation limit. In rare cases, this failure occurs when a number of processes allocate huge amounts of memory and utilize all available memory on the system. Verify that the allocation itself is not exceeding its own limit. If a Cluster software trusted service is exceeding its limit, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. If another software application is exceeding its limit, examine the software for memory management problems and memory leaks. If the application is not exceeding its memory allocation limits, contact the system administrator and report this incident. System administrators should identify processes using excessive memory and consider terminating these processes. 2649-050 unix_mpm : Memory allocation failure. Function name: %1$s Attempted allocation: %2$d bytes Most often, this failure occurs when a process exceeds its memory allocation limit. In rare cases, this failure occurs when a number of processes allocate huge amounts of memory and utilize all available memory on the system. Verify that the allocation itself is not exceeding its own limit. If a Cluster software trusted service is exceeding its limit, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. If another software application is exceeding its limit, examine the software for memory management problems and memory leaks. If the application is not exceeding its memory allocation limits, contact the system administrator and report this incident. System administrators should identify processes using excessive memory and consider terminating these processes. 2649-136 libct_cas Failure: The marshaled data provided to this routine is either not valid or corrupted. The most probable cause of this problem is that the public key of the source host in the target's host THL file does not match the private key of the source host. Another possible cause is that the application has inadvertently overwritten the variable containing the address of the data, or the application may have inadvertently overwritten the memory used to store the data. Verify that the public keys in the THL files match their corresponding private keys from the host listed in the THL records. Also verify that the application is providing the correct address for the marshaled input data to this routine. Perform memory leak and memory use verification tests on the application to ensure that the application is not inadvertently modifying this memory. 2649-028 %1$s Failure: Memory allocation failure. Function name: %2$s Attempted allocation: %3$d bytes Most often, this failure occurs when a process exceeds its memory allocation limit. In rare cases, this failure occurs when a number of processes allocate huge amounts of memory and utilize all available memory on the system. Verify that the allocation itself is not exceeding its own limit. If a Cluster software trusted service is exceeding its limit, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. If another software application is exceeding its limit, examine the software for memory management problems and memory leaks. If the application is not exceeding its memory allocation limits, contact the system administrator and report this incident. System administrators should identify processes using excessive memory and consider terminating these processes. 2649-121 ctcasd Daemon Failure: the daemon detected a private key file on the local system, but was unable to locate the associated public key file on the local system. The daemon has concluded that the private and public key configuration of the local system has been corrupted. The daemon expected to find public key file in the following location: %1$s Inform the system administrator of this failure. System administrators should recreate the public and private key files on the system. If cluster security based keys are in use, these keys can be recreated using the 'ctskeygen' command. If secured remote shell keys are in use, consult the documentation and procedures for configuring secured remote shell public and private keys. System administrators should also consider monitoring the status of the public and private key files, in case an application is accidentally or intentionally removing these files. 2649-138 ctcasd Daemon Failure: the daemon detected a public key file on the local system, but was unable to locate the associated private key file on the local system. The daemon has concluded that the private and public key configuration of the local system has been corrupted. The daemon expected to find the private key file in the following location: %1$s Inform the system administrator of this failure. System administrators should recreate the public and private key files on the system. If cluster security based keys are in use, these keys can be recreated using the 'ctskeygen' command. If secured remote shell keys are in use, consult the documentation and procedures for configuring secured remote shell public and private keys. System administrators should also consider monitoring the status of the public and private key files, in case an application is accidentally or intentionally removing these files. 2649-122 ctcasd Daemon Failure: the daemon detected a public key file on the local system, but was unable to locate the associated private key file on the local system. The daemon has concluded that the private and public key configuration of the local system has been corrupted. The daemon expected to find both the public and the private key files in the following directory: %1$s Inform the system administrator of this failure. System administrators should recreate the public and private key files on the system. If cluster security based keys are in use, these keys can be recreated using the 'ctskeygen' command. If secured remote shell keys are in use, consult the documentation and procedures for configuring secured remote shell public and private keys. System administrators should also consider monitoring the status of the public and private key files, in case an application is accidentally or intentionally removing these files. 2649-081 %1$s Failure: Unable to acquire credentials for a service application. The application provided a service name that is not recognized as a trusted service. Service Name: %2$s Verify that the proper service name was used. Contact the system administrator to verify that the application name is listed as a trusted service. Administrators should check the contents of this file to ensure that the service name shown above is listed: /var/ct/cfg/hba2.map If this file does not exist, administrators should check the default file: /opt/rsct/cfg/hba2.mpm If the service name is not listed in this file, the security subsystem will be unable to acquire credentials for this application. To add the service name to this list, modify the file /var/ct/cfg/hba2.mpm. Do not modify the default file /opt/rsct/cfg/hba2.mpm. To create /var/ct/cfg/hba2.mpm, copy the contents of the default file /opt/rsct/cfg/hba2.mpm to this location. If the problem persists after making these modifications, contact IBM Customer Support and report this incident. src 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15:02:22 ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### src 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Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### P      Eh $ ( , 0 E (4 kenviron@errno@chdir@ chmod@ close@ mkdir@ setreuid@ unlink@ socket@ @@___fill@@_iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ fprintf@ geteuid@ getuid@ sprintf@ getpid@ time@ strncmp@ strrchr@ '@ 3@ strdup@ stat64@ __assert@ getopt@ putenv@ send@ connect@ recv@ ?@ __crt0v@L@i@ v@srcstat@ srcstrt@ @ @ @ @ @ @ __start !                 $ 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                            $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                            $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                                            $ ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X  0        <* @) D H- L, P+ T X \ ` d h# l p! t% x |      $   .  0 1 3   4 2 /     '      "      5     & ( $/usr/lib:/liblibc.ashr.olibpthread.ashr_xpg5.olibsrc.ashr.olibct_cu.ashr.olibct_tr.ashr.o ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy 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