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[arg] - list directory cd arg - change directory restore interrupted, continue verbose - toggle verbose flag pwd - print current directory list of files to be extracted help or `?' - print this list %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s add [arg] - add `arg' to list of delete [arg] - delete `arg' from quit - immediately exit program command lines cannot be continued extract - extract requested files If no `arg' is supplied, the current%s: unknown command; type ? for help setmodes - set modes of requested directories @(#)97 src/bos/usr/sbin/rrestore/interactiv.c, cmdarch, bos720 5/24/04 02:40:30+8++,@,++-+++/,+++/T/+/++/+/.ww//./r/. rr..ls..%s%s%d%dl2sopenopen%s: read%s: leafdir leafdir fopenwritefopenfreadfreadfseekfseekm %s fopenfreadfseekmallocfdopenfdopenfwritereallocopendir%10d %s %10d %s %10lld %s %10lld %s %-*s %-*s %-*s %-*s%8o %-*s %-*s%8o %-*s %-*sout of memory /tmp/rstdir%d%d/tmp/rstmode%d%d/tmp/rstmode%d%d/tmp/rstmode%d%d/tmp/rstmode%d%dcannot create file Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed set owner/mode for '.'Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed error reading directory corrupted directory: %s. cannot open mode file %s cannot open mode file %s cannot open mode file %s no memory directory table %s%s: name exceeds %d char Extracting attributes for %s error setting directory modes Extract directories from media Root directory is not on media cannot find directory inode %d Out of memory, malloc() failed. Out of memory, malloc() failed. Out of memory, malloc() failed. corrupted directory: bad inum %d Import of PCL for file %s failed. bad seek pointer to rst_seekdir %d corrupted directory: bad reclen %d Directory not found in mode file %s restore: %s - cannot create modefile restore: %s - cannot create modefile Set directory mode, owner, and times. Warning: `.' missing from directory %s Warning: `..' missing from directory %s Cannot find directory inode %d named %s Warning: One or more files are modified Warning: One or more files are modified directory mode, owner, and times not set write error extracting inode %d, name %s write error extracting inode %d, name %s restore: %s - cannot create directory temporary restore: %s - cannot create directory temporary File or directory %s does not exist in the target path ##@(#)96 src/bos/usr/sbin/rrestore/dirs.c, cmdarch, bos720 11/26/08 07:34:53Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set attributes for %s. Execution must be done as the owner of the file or as root user. Could not set directory attributes. Execution must be done as the owner of the directory or as root user. . l-%c%c: , %c%c1l2ljfs2%s%djfs2%s: %s: forklseekwritewriteexecvmallocfclearfclearreallocioctl()8l4s31lcontinue/rrestore/rrestore/rrestore%s%s%s%s%s wanted: %smaxino = %d SYSTEM_MLSSYSTEM_MLShole in map cannot stat .cannot stat .cannot stat .Volume header Can't open %s /sbin/helpers//sbin/helpers/Cannot open %s SYSTEM_NRESYSTEM_NRFSESYSTEM_NRESYSTEM_NRFSEMount volume %d extract file %s extract file %s Media read errorDump mask headerDump date: %s. Dumped from: %s. bad block size %d Wrong volume (%d) cannot create filecannot create fileRemove mask headercontinuation failedFile header, ino %d towards the first. You have read volumesEnd of archive headerCan't get info on %s Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed Specify next volume #: ran off end of archive Media block size is %d Wrong dump date got: %sextract special file %s unextracted directory %s active file into volume 1 %s: unknown file mode 0%o cannot create special fileNote: Doing Byte swapping Note: Doing Quad swapping Cannot find file dump list not at beginning of a file readhdr fails at %d blocks Media is not in dump format media is not in dump format no header after volume mark! no memory for file dump list with the last volume and workCannot identify owner for %s Cannot identify group for %s Cannot identify group for %s Cannot find file removal list gethead: unknown inode type %d no memory for file removal list Changing volumes on pipe input? File continuation header, ino %dYou have not read any media yet. Unless you know which volume your file(s) are on you should start Media is not volume 1 of the dump Import of PCL for file %s failed. Import of PCL for file %s failed. resync restore, skipped %d blocks Verify archive and initialize maps Import of EA %s for file %s failed. Import of EA %s for file %s failed. Media read error while restoring %s partial block read: %d should be %d ; predicted %d blocks, got %d blocksChecksum error %o, inode %d file %s Volume numbers are positive numerics then enter device name (default: %s) Converting to new file system format. Missing address (header) block for %s unallocated block in symbolic link %s %s: zero length symbolic link (ignored) Cannot allocate space for archive buffer Cannot have multiple dumps on pipe input write error extracting inode %d, name %s write error extracting inode %d, name %s fclear error extracting inode %d, name %s fclear error extracting inode %d, name %s fclear error extracting inode %d, name %s symbolic link name: %s->%s%s; too long %d need keyletter ``f'' and device ``host:tape'' Media read error while trying to resyncronize Media read error while skipping over inode %d Media read error while trying to set up archive restore: 0511-369 Import of Extended Attributes failed. restore: 0511-369 Import of Extended Attributes failed. restore: Import of Trusted AIX security attributes failed. restore: Import of Trusted AIX security attributes failed. restore: 0511-370 Import of EFS Extended Attributes failed. restore: 0511-370 Import of EFS Extended Attributes failed. Media block size (%d) is not a multiple of dump block size (%d) @(#)03 src/bos/usr/sbin/rrestore/tape.c, cmdarch, bos720 7/27/11 16:58:57restore: Cannot restore jfs2 backup from pipe. Use jfs2 helper while restoring from pipe. 4      0ŸXXŸXXX0``XX0XXC tcprootR%d readW%d W%d W%d W%d seekshellclosewritewritewritewriteioctlO%s %d L%d %d I%d %d %s: %s rdump: shell/tcp: unknown service rdump: Lost connection to remote host. Protocol to remote tape server botched (code %s?). Protocol to remote tape server botched (in rmtgets). sh -c "PATH=/usr/sbin:/etc:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin /bin/sh -c "rmt""@(#)91 src/bos/usr/sbin/rdump/dumprmt.c, cmdarch, bos720 6/22/05 01:47:24noyeshardNODELEAF|NIL|NEW|KEEPabortmallocRSTTMPrealloc%s%d%llusymbolic|REMOVED|TMPNAME|EXTRACT|EXISTEDWarning: Warning: Warning: name: %s dump coreflags: %s %s? [ %s ] Make node %s bad entry: %s not on ino listRemove node %s Remove leaf %s parent name %s entry type: %s rename %s to %s sibling name: %s inode number: %ld %s? [ yes or no ] newnode: not a nodenext link name: %s next entry name: %s Import of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed removenode: not a noderemoveleaf: not a leafCreate %s link %s->%s linkit: unknown type %d next hashchain name: %s %s is not on the archive mktempname: called with TMPNAMEWarning: cannot rename %s to %sremovenode: non-empty directoryWarning: cannot create hard link %s->%s: Warning: cannot create symbolic link %s->%s: @(#)04 1.16 src/bos/usr/sbin/rrestore/utilities.c, cmdarch, bos720 4/7/09 00:05:39w.openstatreadfopenmallocfwritereallocbad name duplicate inumlink not foundduplicate entry lookupino failedcannot move ROOTnot marked REMOVEDImport of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed %s is not a directory %s: pathname too long addino: out of range %d deleteino: %d not found bad name to addentry %s Initialize symbol table. link to non-existant name no space for string table Checkpointing the restore no memory for entry table deleteino: out of range %d freeing non-empty directoryfreeing referenced directoryIncremental archive too low Incremental archive too high cannot find entry in parent listno memory to extend symbol table cannot open symbol table file %s cannot stat symbol table file %s cannot read symbol table file %s initsymtable called from command %c cannot allocate space for symbol table cannot create save file %s for symbol table output error to file %s writing symbol table @(#)02 src/bos/usr/sbin/rrestore/symtab.c, cmdarch, bos72L, l2017_28A0 6/28/17 05:53:14%s%s%c%cleafdir ./%u|NILmallocrealloc|ONTAPE|INOFNDrestorerestorerestorerestore%10d %s |NAMEFND|MODECHG%10lld %s Add links %s: REMOVE [%s] %s: %s [%s] %s: %s [%s] %s: %s [%s] %s: %s [%s] %s: %s %sD %Y %sD %sT %d: bad first r-w- r-w-r-w-[%s] %s: %s|LINK missing inumber %d type should be LEAFExtract new leaves. incomplete operationsImport of ACLs failed Import of ACLs failed corrupted symbol table unreferenced with flagscorrupted symbol table corrupted symbol table cannot remove, non-emptyunknown file on archive Extract requested files Check the symbol table. %s is not on the archive [%s] %s: Extraneous name %s is not on the archive Find unreferenced names. %s is not on the archive Warning: missing name %s [%s] %s: impossible state unexpected file on archiveMark entries to be removed. cannot KEEP and change modes[%s] %s: inconsistent state %s: remove unreferenced name %s: remove unreferenced name expected next file %d, got %d %s is not found on the archive %s is not found on the archive @s@xS-sxS-txT-Remove old nodes (directories). Continue extraction of new leaves name/inode conflict, mktempname %s = = A = > A > > Adeleted hard link %s to directory %s @(#)99 src/bos/usr/sbin/rrestore/restore.c, cmdarch, bos720 12/29/09 03:45:59dPdedg@gdhh4hiPiPij(ihij( DP DP DP` DP DP DP@ DP DP DP` DP DPd DP7 DPl` DPo` DPp DP\ DPb DPa DP  8 G G G C  G  G K K  K  " K " C "( L  1 1  1 2 $ ( C , 4 0 7 4 7 8 @  G@ GM GQ G  G G G G G  G$h G( G,[ G0 G4 G8 G<P G@D GD GH GLY GP GT GX G\ G`a Gd GhO Gl GpH Gt Gx G|& G G G G' GI Gf Gg Gv G G G G G G G# G_ Gw G"/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibefs.ashr.o@VPDrrestore/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy setsockopt_system_configurationsec_checkauth setppdmode __lc_charmap __lc_ctypeposix_memalign priv_clrall_getpwuid_shadow localtime setlocale setvfsent getvfsent setlinebufgetservbyname aclx_convert IDtogroup__stack_chk_fail __mod_init__ssp_canary_word__malloc_user_defined_name efs_chmod efs_chgrp efs_chown