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Usage: %1$s Psname Removes a paging space. %1$s: Low paging space condition signalled. %1$s: Paging device %2$s is already active. 0517-023 %1$s: Execution permission denied. %1$s:%2$s:%3$s:%4$d:%5$d:%6$s:%7$s:%8$s:%9$d %1$s:%2$s:%3$s:%4$d:%5$d:%6$s:%7$s:%8$s:%9$d /usr/sbin/mklv -t %s -a c -b n -y %s %s %d %s%1$s: Do not specify the -a flag with Psname. %1$s: Specify paging space logical volume name. %1$s: Specify either the -a flag or DeviceName. 1$s: An integer argument should be given to -c. 1$s: An integer argument should be given to -d. 1$s: An integer argument should be given to -s. /usr/bin/grep -p '^%s:' /etc/swapspaces >%s 2>&1%1$s: %2$s is not a paging space logical volume. %1$s: Paging space %2$s recreated with new size. %1$s: Error executing the helper executable %2$s. %1$s: Do not specify the -c flag with the -l flag. %1$s: Cannot remove the primary paging space %2$s. %1$s: Dump device moved to temporary paging space. %1$s: Not enough memory to create paging space %2$s. #Psname:Pvname:Vgname:Size:Used:Active:Auto:Type:Chksum %1$s: New boot image created with resized paging space. %1$s: New boot image created with temporary paging space. Paging space limit exceeded. Please specify smaller size. Paging space limit exceeded. Please specify smaller size. %1$s: The parameter for NewLPs must be greater than zero. Usage: %1$s [-t ps_helper] Psname Removes a paging space. #Psname:Hostname:Filename:Size:Used:Active:Auto:Type:Chksum %1$s: The parameter for DecrLPs must be greater than zero. Usage: %1$s {-a | DeviceName...} Activates a paging device. %1$s: The parameter for the -a flag must be character y or n. %1$s: Cannot move dump device to temporary paging space %2$s. %1$s: Cannot activate %2$s since this LV is not of type paging. %1$s: An existing NFS paging space is using the file %2$s on %3$s. %1$s: 0960-540 Operation is not permitted in a workload partition. Usage: %1$s DeviceName {DeviceName...} Deactivates a paging space. /usr/bin/echo ' %s: dev = %s auto = %s checksum_size = %d ' >> %s%1$s: The parameter -d can not be specified for an NFS paging space. %1$s: The parameter -s can not be specified for an NFS paging space. /usr/sbin/mkdev -c swap -s nfs -t paging -a 'hostname=%s swapfilename=%s'1430-070 This operation is not allowed while Live Update is in progress. %1$s: Low paging space condition detected, verify current configuration. %1$s: Cannot resize paging space %2$s due to failure in the swapoff command. %1$s: Low paging space condition detected, increased size of temporary paging space. %1$s: Command name should be either chps, lsps, mkps, or rmps -- lsps is the default. Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %%Used Active Auto Type Chksum Page Space Server Hostname File Name Size %%Used Active Auto Type Chksum %1$s: Decrement size too big, use the swapoff/rmps commands to remove a paging space. %1$s: Cannot move dump device back to %2$s paging space, leaving temporary paging space. %1$s: Cannot create temporary paging space on %2$s, adjust free space on the volume group. %1$s: Cannot recreate a boot image with new primary paging space, boot image may be broken. %1$s: Resized and original paging space characteristics differ, check the lslv command output. Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %%Used Active Auto Type Chksum @(#)76 src/bos/usr/sbin/lsps/lsps.c, cmdps, bos72F, f2016_32A1 8/4/16 07:08:20Usage: %1$s [-c | -l] {-a | Psname | -t {lv|nfs} } Lists the characteristics of a paging space. %1$s: Cannot create a boot image with temporary primary paging space, boot image may be broken. %1$s: Deactivation of paging space %2$s suspended: I/O errors encountered on user backing pages. %1$s: Cannot swapoff the %2$s temporary paging space, use the swapoff and rmps commands to remove. Usage: %1$s {-s | [-c | -l] {-a | Psname | -t {lv|nfs} } } Lists the characteristics of a paging space. %1$s: Low paging space condition detected, leaving temporary paging space, verify current configuration. %1$s: Cannot remove the %2$s temporary paging space, use the rmps command to remove the temporary paging space. %1$s: Failed to activate %2$s as the physical volume that contains the %2$s paging space is not in active state. Usage: %1$s [-s NewLPs | -d DecrLPs] [-a {y|n}] [-c ChksumSize] [-f] Psname Changes attributes of a paging space. Usage: %1$s {{-t {lv|nfs|ps_helper} | -a | Psname } -s | [-c | -l] } Lists the characteristics of a paging space. %1$s: New total paging space does not satisfy current occupation, use the lsps command to help redefine decrement size. %1$s: New total paging space does not satisfy current occupation, use the lsps command to help redefine decrement size. %1$s: Deactivation of paging space %2$s suspended: I/O errors encountered on system backing pages. The system may crash. %1$s: Cannot remove %2$s paging space, use the rmps command to remove the paging space and continue shrink procedure manually. Usage: %1$s [-t ps_helper] [-s NewLPs | -d DecrLPs] [-a {y|n}] [-c ChksumSize] [-f] Psname Changes attributes of a paging space. %1$s: Low paging space condition detected, leaving new boot image created with temporary paging space, verify current configuration. %1$s: Insufficient free disk space on the volume group and current occupation imposes a temporary paging space, adjust configuration. %1$s: Cannot safely shrink the primary paging space without creating a temporary boot image, adjust configuration for the bosboot command. %1$s: Cannot create resized paging space for %2$s, use the mklv command to recreate the paging space and continue shrink procedure manually. /usr/sbin/lslv -L -m %s | /usr/bin/sed '1,2d' | /usr/bin/awk '{print $3}' | /usr/bin/sort | /usr/bin/uniq -c |/usr/bin/awk '{printf("%%s %%03d\n",$2,$1)}'%1$s: Cannot activate resized paging space for %2$s, use the swapon and chps commands to activate the paging space and continue shrink procedure manually. %1$s: Insufficient free disk space on the volume group, cannot safely shrink the primary paging space without creating a temporary paging space, adjust configuration. Usage: %1$s [-a] [-n] [-t lv] [-c ChksumSize] -s NumLPs Vgname Pvname Makes a paging space using logical volume. %1$s [-a] [-n] -t nfs hostname pathname Makes a paging space using an NFS server Usage: %1$s [-a] [-n] [-t lv] [-c ChksumSize] -s NumLPs Vgname [Pvname] Makes a paging space using logical volume. %1$s [-a] [-n] -t nfs hostname pathname Makes a paging space using an NFS server Usage: %1$s [-t lv|[ps_helper psname]] [-a] [-n] [-c ChksumSize] -s NumLPs Vgname [Pvname] Makes a paging space using logical volume. %1$s [-a] [-n] -t nfs hostname pathname Makes a paging space using an NFS server %1$s: The swapoff command returned an I/O error on a system backing page for the %2$s paging space, serious risk of system crash, advise immediate system shutdown and restart using temporary paging space. Recommend leaving %3$s until disk replacement. %1$s: The swapoff command returned an I/O error on a user backing page for the %2$s paging space, serious risk of application crash, advise immediate system shutdown and restart using temporary paging space. Recommend leaving %3$s until disk replacement.          0  4 h  d    , p  t  %<  < \ `  \ D  < H   0  H    <   (  l  h ! h   "4 ! $ |   ' (    " #     H  , & \  0 &  $ X  l  +P +P  , C, C0` C4FOD:@___bzero@'@errno@access@ accessx@ psdanger@ swapon@ 3@ swapqry@ A@ P@ a@ q@ _iob@malloc@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ fprintf@ fclose@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ atoi@ sprintf@ printf@ fflush@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ fscanf@ perror@ sleep@ lstat64x@ stat64x@ system@ @ fork@ @ @ @ pclose@ popen@ execv@ wait@ getopt@ tempnam@ putenv@ basename@ AFopen@ AFgetatr@ AFclose@ regcomp@ regexec@ regfree@ AFgetrec@ @ NLgetenv@ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@@ @ @  @ /@__start +<!        ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) * * * *  * * * * *  *$ *( *, *0 *4 *8 *< *@ *D *H *L *P *T *X *\ *` *d *h *l *p *t *x *| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + +  + + + + +  +$ +( +, +0 +4 +8 +< +@ +D +H +x? +|< + +B + + += + +5 +; +6 + +7 +( +3 + +4 + + +> + + +" + + +& +) +0 +/ + +# +E +D +C , ,G ,F ,  , , ,2 ,' , % ,$ ,(  ,,- ,0. ,4$ ,8 ,< ,@1 ,DA ,H@ ,L  ,P ,T8 ,X ,\: ,` ,d! ,h9 ,l  ,p ,t* ,x  ,|, ,+ ,  ,  , , , ,/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibodm.ashr.olibcfg.ashr.o@VPDlsps/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___strcpy _swapon_ext _swapqry_extcorral_getinfocorral_getcidliveupdate_operations setlocale opendir64 closedir64 readdir64 __mod_init NLcatgets__malloc_user_defined_nameodm_terminate odm_set_pathodm_initialize odm_get_list CuAt_CLASS