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Mirroring is stopped. portmir: Cannot pop module : %s portmir: Cannot pop module : %s portmir: changed console to: %s portmir: changed console to: %s portmir: changed console to: %s portmir: Cannot get attributs : %s portmir: Cannot set attributs : %s portmir: Cannot get attributs : %s portmir: Cannot set attributs : %s portmir: Cannot load mirror module portmir: Cannot load mirror module portmir: Cannot unload mirror module portmir: Cannot push mirror module : %s portmir: Cannot push poped modules : %s portmir: Cannot push poped modules : %s portmir: Cannot connect to the key : %s portmir: Cannot set SIGPOLL signal : %s portmir: Cannot get list of modules : %s portmir: Cannot get list of modules : %s portmir: Cannot revoke process on %s : %s portmir: Cannot find system console device portmir: Cannot activate mirror module : %s portmir: Cannot activate mirror module : %s portmir: Cannot activate mirror module : %s portmir: Cannot interchange write queues : %s portmir: Cannot interchange write queues : %s portmir: Cannot unactivate mirror module : %s cons:0123456789:off:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/consoleportmir: Remote user connected, mirroring active. portmir: Cannot get information from the modem : %s @(#)78 1.4 src/bos/usr/bin/mirror/setup.c, cmdmirror, bos720 6/5/06 15:32:21rcondincondwaitcondwaitwaitcallwaitcalldisconnectdisconnectdisconnectm_hangup_s1m_hangup_s1m_hangup_s2portmir: Poll error : %s portmir: Modem dialog error portmir: Wait connection ... portmir: Modem dialog timeout portmir: Modem dialog error : %s portmir: Connection waiting stopped portmir: Connection waiting stopped portmir: The script <%s> does not exist portmir: The script <%s> does not exist portmir: The script <%s> does not exist portmir: ICDelay variable must be initialized portmir: DefaultTO variable must be initialized portmir: Cannot open modem parameters file %s : %s @(#)76 1.1 src/bos/usr/bin/mirror/modem.c, cmdmirror, bos720 12/1/97 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