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Will abort on errors! could not register on %srpcbind debugging enabled.setnetconfig() failed: %s device %s does not exist nc_sperror() returned NULL setnetconfig() failed: %s %s: could not create serviceSorry. You are not superuser could not read /etc/netconfigsvc_run returned unexpectedly%s: cannot open connection: %s%s: cannot allocate netbuf: %scould not register %s version 3could not register %s version 4Couldn't set IP_REUSEADDR optionCouldn't set IP_REUSEPORT optionCouldn't set SO_REUSEADDR optionCouldn't set SO_REUSEPORT optionunable to set RPC max record size netid %s: device %s does not existrbllist_add:getnetconfigent2 error! netdir_getbyname for HOST_SELF failed netdir_getbyname for HOST_SELF succeeded netid %s: cannot find an address for HOST_SELF netdir_getbyname for HOST_SELF_CONNECT failed netdir_getbyname for HOST_SELF_CONNECT succeeded netid %s: cannot find an address for HOST_SELF_CONNECT-a (abort) specified without -d (debugging) -- ignored. netdir_getbyname for HOST_SELF, service "rpcbind" failed %s: found %d errors with network configuration files. Exiting.%s: found %d errors with network configuration files. Exiting. netdir_getbyname for host HOST_SELF, service "rpcbind" succeeded netdir_getbyname for HOST_SELF_CONNECT, service "rpcbind" failed netid %s: cannot find an address for host HOST_SELF, service "rpcbind" netdir_getbyname for host HOST_SELF_CONNECT, service "rpcbind" succeeded netid %s: cannot find an address for host HOST_SELF_CONNECT, service "rpcbind"@(#)74 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/rpcbind.c, onccmds, onc720, 1512A_720 3/12/15 12:17:00tcpudp %d.%dunknownsuperusersuperuser%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%dhandle_reply: %s rpcbind: no memory! create_rmtcall_fd: no memory!rpcbind: rejecting YPPROG(%d) netdir_merge failed for %s: %srpcbproc_callit_com: No Memory! rpcbind: rejecting MOUNTPROG(%d) rpcbproc_callit_com: No memory! handle_reply: xdr_replymsg failed rpcbproc_callit_com: duplicate request rpcbproc_callit_com: xdr_u_long failed create_rmtcall_fd: svc_tli_create failed rpcbproc_callit_com: svc_getargs failed rpcbproc_callit_com: xdr_callhdr failed handle_reply: t_alloc T_UNITDATA failed rpcbproc_callit_com: malloc of %d failed rpcbproc_callit_com: AUTH_MARSHALL failed rpcbproc_callit_com: rpcbind_get_conf failed rpcbproc_callit_com: forward_register failed rpcbproc_callit_com: xdr_opaque_parms failed rpcbproc_callit_com: uaddr2taddr of %s failed handle_reply: recvd packet with T_MORE flag set rpcbproc_callit_com: getnetconfigent2 of %s failed handle_reply: t_rcvudata returned %d, t_errno TLOOK rpcbproc_callit_com: authwhatever_create returned NULL handle_reply: t_rcvudata returned %d, t_errno %d, errno %d create_rmtcall_fd: couldn't open "%s" (errno %d, t_errno %d) rpcbproc_callit_com: t_sndudata failed: t_errno %d, errno %d create_rmtcall_fd: couldn't bind to fd for "%s" (errno %d, t_errno %d) rpcbproc_callit_com: oa_flavor != AUTH_NONE and oa_flavor != AUTH_SYS rpcbproc_callit_com: calling RPCBPROG procs SET, UNSET, or CALLIT not allowed @(#)73 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/rpcb_svc_com.c, onccmds, onc720 1/13/13 10:22:51. p no memory!%d.%d.%d.%d%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%s: add_bndlist cannot bind (1): %s%s: add_bndlist cannot bind (3): %s%s: add_bndlist cannot bind (2): %s %s: add_bndlist cannot open connection: %s%s: add_bndlist cannot open connection: %s @(#)68 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/check_bound.c, onccmds, onc72X, x2022_03A0 9/16/21 07:50:55@(#)70 1.2 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/rpcb_stat.c, onccmds, onc720 3/3/09 xdr_%s: failedrpcbind: xdr_%s: failed cannot save any registrationcannot open file = %s for writingrpcbind: will start from scratch rpcbind: cannot open file = %s for reading rpcbind: cannot open file = %s for reading rpcbind: cannot stat file = %s for reading rpcbind: cannot lstat file = %s for reading rpcbind: invalid permissions on file = %s for reading rpcbind: invalid permissions on file = %s for reading @(#)76 1.5 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/warmstart.c, onccmds, onc720 10/12/05 14:21:40unknown::.%d.%d::.%d.%d0.0.0.0.%d.%d%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%d%d.%d.%d.%d.%d.%dportmap: svc_sendreply portmap: svc_sendreply portmap: svc_sendreply @(#)69 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/pmap_svc.c, onccmds, onc720 2/22/12 13:46:14rpcbind: svc_sendreply unable to free arguments rpcbind: could not decode @(#)71 1.4 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/rpcb_svc.c, onccmds, onc720 3/14/08 07:27:374|rpcbind: svc_sendreply unable to free arguments rpcbind: could not decode @(#)72 1.6 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpcbind/rpcb_svc_4.c, onccmds, onc720 3/14/08 07:27:40<`p    % & @  E E@   D C` A `          \ ` d h l p t x |       h  p '  (             ( 4 @  L X d p | ( ( kxd@___bzero@*@6@C@errno@close@ unlink@ socket@ _iob@malloc@ free@ xdr_pmap@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ isatty@ open@ O@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ abort@ stat@ sprintf@ getpid@ time@ printf@ fstat@ fdopen@ strrchr@ sscanf@ \@ signal@ perror@ setpgrp@ strdup@ lstat@ strtok@ h@ syslog@ t@ ioctl@ fork@ dup@ memcmp@ getopt@ putenv@ openlog@ @ @ @ @ __crt0v@@@@@ @t_alloc@ t_free@ t_bind@ t_close@ @ t_open@ @ @ ,@ 9@ t_unbind@ F@ t_errno@W@ c@ o@@ xdr_void@ xdr_rpcb@ @ @ @ @ xdr_bool@ @ @ @ @ !@ 2@ @@ N@ \@ o@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ '@ 6@ D@ [@ m@ |@ @ @ @ @ @ @ svc_reg@ @ @ xdr_free@ @ @ +@ xdr_long@ 8@ H@ Z@__start !     x ` d h l p t x |  L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                            ( , 4 8 @ D L P X \ d h p t |   J O 9 8  < = ;  /   &    , f  a    d  c _  b e ^  +   $ (4 ,7 0y 4 8 < @ D H L P3 T( X \ ` d h l% pS t| x" | # }   X  W  ? 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