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TT_IO_COMPLETE_ERRORTT_IO_CACHE_COMPLETETT_IO_CACHE_CALLBACKTT_IOCTL_COPY_FAILEDTT_CONFIG_DD_COMPLETETT_SEND_CACHE_REQUESTVPBA: %llu FREE ENTRY TT_RDWR_EXTENT_FAILUREOld workpool size: %u ********************** * Global Cache Stats * ********************** TT_DEVSTRAT_CACHE_CHECKTT_IOCTL_GET_PERF_STATSTT_IOCTL_ADD_DEVICE_TRCTT_IOCTL_ADD_DEV_FAILEDNew workpool size: %u Cache Device IO stats : *********************** * Per-LUN Cache Stats * *********************** TT_STRATEGY_START_FAILEDTT_DEVSTRAT_SEND_REQUESTTT_STRATEGY_START_REQUESTTT_CLONE_IO_BUFFER_FAILEDTT_INTERFACE_ADD_TO_CACHETT_INTERFACE_CREATE_CACHEulimit failed. errno: %d Evictions Count: %16llu Cache state: Cache is %s TT_IOCTL_REMOVE_DEVICE_TRCTT_IOCTL_REMOVE_DEV_FAILEDTT_INTERFACE_DESTROY_CACHESector size: %16u bytes TT_SCAN_CREATE_THREAD_STARTTT_CONFIG_CHILD_INITP_FAILEDTT_STRATEGY_START_FAILED_DEVTT_SEND_CACHE_REQUEST_FAILEDTT_SCAN_CREATE_THREAD_FAILEDFragment size: %16llu bytes Extent size: %16llu bytes Read IO Error count : %10d Write IO Error count : %10d TT_DEVSTRAT_CACHE_CHECK_RETRYCache size: %16llu bytes IO Throttled count : %10d Native AIX Triton Statistics TT_CONFIG_CHILD_CREATEP_FAILEDTT_SEND_CACHE_REQUEST_CONTINUEIDX: %7d TIMESTAMP: %15llu %s TT_DEVSTRAT_SEND_REQUEST_FAILEDTT_SEND_CACHE_REQ_ALLOC_OP_FAILSuperuser privileges required. TT_SEND_CACHE_REQ_ALLOC_BUF_FAILFail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) Fail to execute command(err=%d) VPBA: %llu VALID SECTOR RANGES: Stats for device %s (LUN ID: %s) Read Count: %20.20lld Write Count: %20.20lld Read Hit Count: %20.20lld Partial Read Hit Count: %20.20lld Power Flash Cache not configured. Changing the debugging level to %d. VPBA: %llu DEVICE: %s BYTE OFFSET: %llu Fregments %s are not all cached. errno:%d dump_ttstats: ioctl to /dev/pfcdd0 FAILED. MAX_PRINTABLE_BITMAP >= params.fragment_sizeEvictions Count since cache creation : %10d --------------------------------------------- No debugging level specified. Defaulting to 0. dump_ttstats: ioctl open to /dev/pfcdd0 FAILED. dump_statesave: ioctl to /dev/pfcdd0 F A I L E D. dump_statesave: statesave dumped to /var/adm/ras/ Power Flash Cache workpool size successfully set. Avg. data read per second | %16llu | %16llu | Avg. read request size | %16llu | %16llu | Avg. read latency (usec) | %16llu | %16llu | Avg. data written per second | %16llu | %16llu | Avg. write request size | %16llu | %16llu | Avg. write latency (usec) | %16llu | %16llu | Lookups | %16llu | %16llu | Promotes | %16llu | %16llu | Partial Promotes | %16llu | %16llu | Server Promotes | %16llu | %16llu | Invalidates | %16llu | %16llu | Purges | %16llu | %16llu | Toggle of statesave on lease expiration failed %d VPBA: %llu LUN: %s FRAGMENT: %llu (byte offset: %llu) Cache operations |%13d sec | %12d sec | Power Flash Cache IOCTL to set workpool size failed. Valid data: %16llu (%.2f%% of allocated space) Hit Rate | %15.2f%% | %15.2f%% | Partial Hit Rate | %15.2f%% | %15.2f%% | dump_statesave: ioctl open to /dev/pfcdd0 F A I L E D. Power Flash Cache will statesave on a lease expiration Allocated Space: %16llu (%.2f%% of total cache space) Avg Promote Latency in last 60 sec: %16llu (micro sec) Invalid workpool size (%u) given. Valid range: [0,%u]. Power Flash Cache will NOT statesave on a lease expiration Reporting average statistics for the last %d and %d seconds. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Invalid debugging level specified. Only values in the range [0, 3] are valid. Cache Size: %d fragments Fragment Size: %d sectors Sector Size: %d bytes - Cache Size: %d fragments Fragment Size: %d sectors Sector Size: %d bytes - 4 t  $ ( D   VPBA: %llu VALID SECTORS: %u/%u FLAGS: %u PINS: %u REFERENCES: %u TIMESTAMP: %llu IRG: %u@(#)98 1.5 src/bos/usr/sbin/triton/util/etcras.c, dascache, bos72F, f2017_25A0 6/15/17 08:29:01The cache does not look configured -- you probably need to run set_cache_parameters() first. Exiting. The cache does not look configured -- you probably need to run set_cache_parameters() first. Exiting. ******************************************************************* NOTE: THIS IS A DEBUG FEATURE AND THE RESULTS WILL ONLY PROVIDE A CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT OF THE CACHE METADATA PER 1 MILLION ENTRIES, ENTRIES. USERS OF THIS COMMAND HAVE BEEN WARNED. ******************************************************************* ***************************************************************** Power Flash Cache and AIX PFCDD Driver RAS Tool ******************************************************************* USAGE: pfcras -a -l -p -f :: The following functionality is supported: - 'a ' specifies the action to perform: dump_dir : print out the cache directory contents dump_stats : print out cache-related statistics dump_ttstats : print out ttdd driver-related statistics debug_level : set the debug output level of the cache directory to what the -l parameter specifies. Default value is 0. dump_log : print out the cache log (if enabled at compile time) dump_statesave: dump the statesave to file. set_workpool : Resize the PDM work pool. query_fragment: print out cache directory contents of a specific fragment range of a Triton LUN. ssonexpire : Toggle the statesave-on-lease-expire option - 'l ' specifies the debugging level to change to. Supported levels are 0 to 3 - 'p ' specifies the PDM work pool size. - 'f ::' specifies the fragment range of a LUN. <Xttttt <Xt4P`|||||$@xx99TTDCPLADMpfcddpfcddpfcddpfcddpfcddpfcddpfcddstop_cachestop_cachetritonTermtritonTermtritonTermtritonTermtritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonInittritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadtritonLoadstart_cachestart_cache/dev/pfcdd0/dev/pfcdd0triton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctritonUnloadtriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctriton-set.ctritonLoadExttritonLoadExt%016llX%016llX%016llX%016llXtritonCheckExttritonCheckExttritonCheckExttritonLoadFunctritonUnloadExttritonUnloadExttritonUnloadExttritonUnloadExttritonUnloadExttritonUnloadExttritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAlltritonUnloadAll/usr/lib/drivers/usr/lib/drivers//usr/lib/drivers//usr/lib/drivers//usr/lib/drivers//usr/lib/drivers/trying tritonTerm trying tritonTerm /usr/ios/cli/ioscliInvalid pool_id : %s Invalid pool_id : %s /usr/lib/drivers/pfcdd/usr/lib/drivers/pfcdd/usr/lib/drivers/pfcddLoad pfcdd failed: %d Init pfcdd failed: %d /usr/lib/drivers/pfcdd/usr/lib/drivers/pfcdd/opt/triton/system-stop/usr/lib/drivers/pfcurh/usr/lib/drivers/pfcregtrying to unload pfcdd /usr/lib/drivers/pfcreg/usr/lib/drivers/pfcurh/usr/lib/drivers/pfcregLoad pfcreg failed: %d /usr/lib/drivers/pfcurh/usr/lib/drivers/pfcurh/usr/lib/drivers/pfcregtrying to unload pfcdd ) ) ) trying to unload pfcurh trying to unload pfcreg KMOD failed for %s (%d) /opt/triton/system-starttrying to unload pfcurh trying to unload pfcreg /usr/lib/drivers/pfccachepfcdd already loaded: %d /usr/lib/drivers/pfccache/usr/lib/drivers/pfccachepfcyslib load failed: %d /usr/lib/drivers/pfccachetrying to unload pfccache trying to unload pfccache trying to unload tritonsys start.system failed: rc=%d pfcdaemon: minor number: %d stop.system failed: retrc=%d pfcdd unload failed: retrc=%d SINGLELOAD failed for %s (%d) pfcdd unload failed: retrc=%d pfcurh unload failed: retrc=%d pfcreg unload failed: retrc=%d pfcurh unload failed: retrc=%d pfcreg unload failed: retrc=%d 00000000000ABCDE000000000001234500000000000ABCDE0000000000012345pfccache unload failed: retrc=%d pfccache unload failed: retrc=%d pfcdaemon: Calling stop_cache ... tritonsys unload failed: retrc=%d pfcdaemon: query load, dd.kmid=%d. pfcdaemon: making special file.... Could not terminate pfcdd: retrc=%d Cleanup and unload all 4 triton KEs /usr/lib/drivers/pfcsyslib(shr_64.o)All 5 triton kernexts are loaded OK pfcdaemon: Issuing start_cache .... /usr/lib/drivers/pfcsyslib(shr_64.o)pool_id_w0 = %llX, pool_id_w1 = %llX pool_id_w0 = %llX, pool_id_w1 = %llX pfcdaemon: pfcdd device devno=0x%llx pfcdaemon: pfcdd device devno=0x%llx tritonCheckExt: %s found with kmid=%u pfcdaemon: failed to get minor number. pfcdaemon: mknod /dev/pfcdd0 succeeds. tritonUnloadExt: %s Found with kmid=%d Fail to call URH_STOP_ENTITY, status=%d tritonUnloadExt: %s Unloaded successful Load pfccache failed, unload pfcreg: %d Fail to call URH_START_ENTITY, status=%d pfcdaemon: Calling STOPENTITY command... tritonCheckExt: %s is not loaded, kmid=0 tritonUnloadExt: %s is not loaded, kmid=0 tritonUnloadAll: tritonTerm Failed. rc=%d pfcreg, pfccache and pfcurh already loaded pfcdaemon: Issuing StartEntity cmd here... pfcdaemon: pfcdd device major=%d: minor=%d. tritonUnloadExt: %s Unloaded failed. errno=%d tritonCheckExt: Fail to query %s loading status tritonUnloadExt: %s failed to stop with errno=%d tritonUnloadExt: Fail to query %s loading status pfcdaemon: Attempting to configure /etc/drivers/pfcdd pfcdaemon: pfcdd device is busy, fail unconfiguring... pfcdaemon: mknod /dev/pfcdd0 failed. Fail pfcdd cfg... Load tritonsys failed, unload all 4 triton kernexts: %d Load pfcurh failed, unload pfcreg, pfccache, pfcurh: %d pfcdaemon: SYS_CFGDD configure failed, unloading pfcdd kernext pfcdaemon: error generating major number for pfcdd. Fail pfcdd cfg... pfcdaemon: error generating minor number for pfcdd. Fail pfcdd cfg... @(#)96 1.10 src/bos/usr/sbin/triton/libos/triton-set.c, dascache, bos72L, l2017_36A0 9/1/17 08:10:52a+w+TTDCPLADM%s %s .bkposdebug.ctt_initDebug%s %s %s %s %s0123456789abcdef/var/adm/ras/pfc//var/adm/ras/pfc/PFCD_TRACE_FILE_SIZEPFCD_TRACE_FILE_SIZE ? ? ?/var/adm/ras/pfc/pfcd.log** pfcCheckTraceFile failure ** %s %2s %s, %s 0x%x %-20s %-20s %d %s -- ++ pfc_dameon debug initialized. pfc_trace_info.max_size = %u ++@(#)45 1.2 src/bos/kernext/triton/libos/osdebug.c, dascache, bos72F, f2016_28A2 6/30/16 04:55:410TTDCPLADMoslock.h A A A%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x@(#)47 1.1 src/bos/kernext/triton/libos/oslunfcid.c, dascache, bos720, 1510A_720 12/19/14 11:44:19 B` B B B   ) ? ? E0 F AeDbh8@%@ -@ 5@ =@ F@ R@ Z@ c@q@~@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ "@ +@ 5@ <@ C@ M@ T@ ]@ h@ q@ |@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@6@E@ T@ l@ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @  Bh! ? ? ? @? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? &? '? '? '? '? ' ? '(? '0? '8? '@? 'H? 'P? 'X? '`? 'h? 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E?/ E ?'/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.olibpthreads.ashr_xpg5_64.olibcfg.ashr_64.o@VPDpfcras/5765E6200/520errnoclosemkdirmknodrename sysconfigumaskunlink ___strcmp64 ___bzero64 ___memset64 ___memmove64 ___strcpy64_iob __mod_initmallocfreeunloadloadgetenv_Errnoexitstrlenfopenopenstrtoulfprintffclosegeteuidatoistatsprintftimeulimit snprintfprintf __assertfflush vsnprintfsscanfperrorsleepftellfseekstrdup localtimeasctimesystemioctlmemcmpgetopt__crt0vopterroptarg__malloc_user_defined_name __n_pthreads pthread_selfpthread_rwlock_wrlockpthread_rwlock_rdlockpthread_rwlock_unlock __pth_init __pthreadloadext reldevno genminor getminor genmajor__start