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SM_Trend return; Npts<=2 IO_CONFIG SM_Query returnWORKLOAD SM_Query result2Hour %d on %s, %s %d%s, %dIO_CONFIG SM_Query return2IO_CONFIG_SM_Query return3IO_BALANCE SM_Query returnSYS HEALTH SM_Query resultidle (waiting for startup) %6.2lf [%6.1lf %%] : %sfailure on SM_RECORD recordfailure on SM_RECORD recordSM_Trend; X = %lf, Y = %lf SM_Trend; x1 = %lf +/- %lf Number of .SM records = %d IO_BALANCE SM_Query return2GetSYSParms SM_Query resultSYS HEALTH SM_Query result2 X `  h read_SM validation structureNumber of SM_LIST_ITEMs: %d SM_Trend; xcoeffs = %lf %lf %lf %lf xcoeffs_inv = %lf %lf %lf %lf SM_Trend; residual[%d]= %lf Phys. volume %s is not busy FILE SYSTEMS SM_Query resultPAGING SPACE SM_Query resultPage space %s USE is growingreport_header SM_Query resultSM_Trend; x0 = %lf, x1 = %lf ssq_tot = %lf (%d) ssq_lof = %lf (%d) FILE SYSTEMS SM_Query result2File system %s is unavailablePAGING SPACE SM_Query result2failure on SM_LIST_ITEM recordFile system %s (%s) is growingMean page space used = %.2lf MBFile system %s (%s) is shrinkingCurrent process state breakdown:stopped after receiving a signalSM_Trend return; all Yvals equal residuals_ok return(0); Long run Performance Diagnostic Facility %sProcess %s (%s) CPU use is growingHost %s appears to be unreachable.code, data and temp files for pdt. No paging spaces have been defined! volume %s, mean util. = %.2lf %% volume %s, mean util. = %.2lf %%PING delay to host %s is increasing*** .SM database appears to be emptySM_Query: invalid date argument, %s Process %s (%s) CPU use is decliningWorkload %s indicator is increasing; %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d %s %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d %s Process %s (%s) MEMORY use is growing F_reg = %lf; F(%d,%d) = %lf residuals_ok return(1);i residuals ok while volume %s has %.0lf MB availableFurther, stdin should be the .SM file Process %s (%s) MEMORY use is decliningRange of analysis includes measurements SM_Trend; adj = %lf, ssq_reg = %lf (%d) SM_Query: cannot find absolute date, %d File (or directory) %s SIZE is decliningSystem is Thrashing %.2lf %% of the time ************** DEBUG listing ********* while Physical Volume %s has only %.0lfFile (or directory) %s SIZE is increasing*** invalid .SM file record %d %s; skippedPhysical Volume %s has %.0lf paging areas,Getty process %s has consumed too much cpuPaging space %s is nearly full at %.0lf %%now %.2lf, and growing an avg. of %.2lf/daynow %.2lf, and growing an avg. of %.2lf/dayError: pdt_tmp environment variable not set while Physical Volume %s has only %.0lf MBProvide_context: unexpected attribute type, TProvide_context: unexpected attribute type, BProvide_context: unexpected attribute type, LProvide_context: unexpected attribute type, ? SM_LIST_ITEM_P: %x *->next: %x; *->prev: %x residuals_ok return(0); imbalanced residuals residuals_ok return(0); imbalanced residuals %x : %s %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d %s %d First appearance of %s (%s) on top-3 cpu listSM_Trend; var_covar = %lf %lf stddev[0] = %lf %lf %lf stddev[1] = %lf %x : next %x prev %x t_o_next %x t_o_prev %x SSA Controller %s has %.0lf more disks than %sFile system %s (%s) is nearly full at %.0lf %%System has %.0lf MB memory; may be inadequate.Error: pdt_config environment variable not set ms_lof = %lf (%d); ms_reg = %lf (%d) SCSI Controller %s has %.0lf more disks than %sPACKET LOSS percentage to host %s is increasing  X ` <   P |  ;Zx0Nresiduals_ok: smallest improbable run length=%d Physical Volume %s has %.0lf MB of paging space,Paging space %s on volume group %s is fragmentedFirst appearance of %s (%s) on top-3 memory listStandard deviation of page space used = %.2lf MBnow %.2lf ms, and growing an avg of %.2lf ms/dayset: pdt_config, pdt_code, pdt_dat, pdt_tmp to Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] Threshold file parameter %s out of range [%f,%f] residuals_ok: totpts=%d; largest=%d; cumprob=%lf Phys. vol. %s is significantly busier than othersAt this rate, %s will be full in about %.0lf daysHardware ERRORS; time to next error is %.3lf daysSoftware ERRORS; time to next error is %.3lf daysAt this rate, %s will be full in about %.0lf daysnow %.2lf, and increasing an avg. of %.2lf %%/dayWhere the following environment variables must be maxuproc (currently %d) may be too low for user %sSSA Controller %s has %.0lf MB more storage than %s now %.2lf and growing an avg. of %.2lf %% per day now, %.2lf MB and growing an avg. of %.2lf MB/dayUnrecognized parameter in .thresholds file (%s): %s SCSI Controller %s has %.0lf MB more storage than %sNote: volume %s has %.0lf MB available for allocation now %.2lf and declining an avg. of %.2lf %% per dayMemory Load Control parameter %s = %d (default is %d)Memory Load Control parameter %s = %d (default is %d)Memory Load Control parameter %s = %d (default is %d)Memory Load Control parameter %s = %d (default is %d)Memory Load Control parameter %s = %d (default is %d)point to the directories holding configuration files, now %.2lf %% and growing an avg. of %.2lf %% per dayMean number of processes used by user %s is increasing[based on %d measurements, each consisting of 1 sample]Physical volume %s is unavailable; (in no volume group)now, %.2lf %% full, and growing an avg. of %.2lf %%/day now %.2lf %% and declining an avg. of %.2lf %% per day now, %.0lf KB and declining an avg. of %.0lf bytes/dayPhysical Volume %s (type: %s) has no paging space defined now, %.0lf KB and increasing an avg. of %.0lf bytes/daynow, %.2lf %% full, and declining an avg. of %.2lf %%/day (ping loss %% = %d) and has been for the past %.0lf days[based on %d measurements, each consisting of %d sample(s)][based on %d measurement consisting of %d %d-second samples]All paging spaces have been defined on one Physical volume (%s)residuals_ok: i %d, Nneg %d, Npos %d, inRun %d, Max %d, RunL %d [based on %d measurements, each consisting of %d %d-second samples]report_IO_BALANCE: number of phys volumes (%d), exceeds limit (%d) Consider further investigation to determine if memory is a bottleneckSM_Trend; sumX = %lf, sumXsq = %lf, sumY = %lf, sumYsq = %lf, sumXY = %lf Warning : VMM has identified %d bad frames Run diag to double-check itThere is evidence of memory contention, yet Memory Load Control is disabledresiduals_ok: Npts = %d; Nnegative = %d; Npositive = %d; MaxRun length = %d  @(#)03 src/bos/usr/sbin/perf/diag_tool/reports.c, pdt, bos720 6/27/01 04:41:43@?R@Gz@(\)@@ \(@ Q@@333333@\(@zG@\(@p =q@333333@\(@@ =p@\(@ffffff@QR@=p = x? 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