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What? commandcommandtimeoutkeytypeversiondmpeersconnectKeyid: [ %s ]Keyid: xntpdc> hostnamec:dilnpsc:dilnps/dev/ttyhostnameslistpeerslocalhostusage: %sxntpdc.catPassword: 0123456789Password: exit xntpdc--- %s --- %u.%u.%u.%uno|more|lessselect failsfunction: %s function: %s delay %lu ms keyid is %lu keytype is %spolling selectOpening host %s no current host no keyid defined key type (md5|des)write to %s faileddebug level is %d current host is %s Password unchanged print version numberClosing old host %s Commands available: %s: malloc() failed! last frame received ***Permission denied ***Request timed out ***Error opening %s: %s: realloc() failed! ***Can't find host %s primary timeout %d ms still no current host Keyid must be defined hostnames being shown debug level set to %d current host set to %s ***Command `%s' unknown ***No file for redirect Command `%s' is unknown current host remains %s Received sequence numbers last frame not received set/change debugging levelGot ntp/udp service entry Encrypted packet received ***Command `%s' ambiguous Command `%s' is ambiguous hostnames not being shown ***Illegal integer value %s %s: ntp/udp: unknown service Packet received with mode %d No password, request not sent ***Value %s should be unsigned keytype must be 'md5' or 'des' set the primary receive time out%s: timed out, nothing received Short (%d byte) packet received Packet received with version %d ***Server reports data not found Received itemsize %d, previous %d tell the use and syntax of commandstell the use and syntax of commands%s: timed out with incomplete data Received second end sequence packet ***No host open, use `host' command usage: %s [-dilnps] [-c cmd] host ... Received duplicate sequence number %d ***Response from server was incomplete Received packet with nonzero MBZ field! Keyid must be defined, request not sent ***Server returns unknown error code %d Received request packet, wanted response ***Server doesn't implement this request set keyid to use for authenticated requestsError code %d received on not-final packet specify the host whose NTP server we talk toset the delay added to encryption time stamps***Server implementation incompatable with our own specify a password to use for authenticated requestsspecify whether hostnames or net numbers are printedReceived implementation/request of %d/%d, wanted %d/%dset key type to use for authenticated requests (des|md5)Received items %d, size %d (total %d), data in packet is %d ***Server reports a format error in the received packet (shouldn't happen) @(#)79 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/xntpdc/ntpdc.c, ntp, tcpip72F, f2016_32A2 8/5/16 04:14:08  f D 0 4 8  f L < @ D < T f H L P @ f T X \  g ` d h   g l p t x  g $ | L  g( h  g4 D g@ ( \ gL 4  d gX  08\@@AALA@@A@@@@@@@@AB amnesia: unknown option -: unknown option -: option requires argument -: option requires argument -@(#)15 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/getopt.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:28:04libntp.cat@(#)24 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/logging.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:28:49sigaction@(#)45 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/syssignal.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:30:50 (xntpdc version=3.4y@(#)83 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/xntpdc/version.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:23:25@(#)27 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/md5.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:29:06@(#)89 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/a_md5encrypt.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:10:55@(#)20 1.1 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/tsmemcmp.c, ntp, tcpip72F, f2016_32A2 8/5/16 06:08:36@(#)88 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/a_md5decrypt.c, ntp, tcpip72F, f2016_32A2 8/3/16 06:14:56@(#)87 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/a_md512crypt.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:16:550authkeys.cauthistrustedip: keyid not found/trusted!@(#)97 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/authkeys.c, ntp, tcpip72F, f2016_33A5 8/12/16 02:38:36 <0123456789abcdef@(#)00 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/authusekey.c, ntp, tcpip72F, f2016_32A2 8/3/16 06:13:11 + gp $ $ $ $ F4 ' g| $ $ $ $ @d )h g $ $ $ $ HT * g -` ,L ,X ,d G ( g -p ,p ,| , H * g /( $ $ % ? )p g % % % % @ * g % % % % ? * g %$ %( %, %0 B )x g %4 %8 %< %@ @ , g %D %H %L %P D ) g & ' ) - @ + h & ' ) . 0 -0 h  & ' . . 0( + h ' ' ) ) B8 + h$ - , , , C ( h0 A` & & & Kt ) h< A & & & K ) hH %T %X %\ %` A + hT ) ' H & D , h` ) ' I4 & A -< hl ) ' ) %d 0 ) hx ) %h %l %p J ) h ( %t %x %| G$ ' h ?$ & & & F ( h - , , , Il + h % % % % K +, h ' ' ' ' Fd , h ' ' ' ' G +8 h % % % % F ( h % % % % B\ ) h ) '( + % ?D * h * '0 + % I! - h ( % % % J" - i ( % % % L0# +D i % % % % J$ +P i % % % % C@% + i, * * * *( @& ( i8 *0 8, ( % EX' ( iD *8 *@ *H *P B( - iP - % % % Ch) +\ i\ & & & & B* & & & & & ,,,,, , ononio.................................%4dpllpllppsppsoffoffsysmem &addraddraddrmodeaddrmaskmaskmaskportportpll pps authauthnoneauthval1val1val2val2%17s%37speerskeyidkeyidkeyidresetkeyidkeyidkeyidkeyidkeyidkeyidkeyidkeyidtrapskeyidkeyidfudgevalue %-8dnone auth statsstatstimertime1time1time2time2flagsflags%12ld%12lupstatsenableon|offpresetclkbug none stats preferpreferdone! done! done! ignorenopeernotraplptrapdone! done! done! done! done! done! done! done! done! done! dmpeerssysinfoiostatsaddpeerversionversionversionminpolldisablereslistaddressaddressaddressntpportmonlistversionmonitoraddtrapaddressclrtrapaddressaddressaddressaddressaddressaddressaddressaddressaddressaddress%s auth %-8.8s %-8.8sonelineonelinebclientbclientmonitormonitornoservenotrustnoquerylimitedntpportntpportntpportshowpeerloopinfosysstatsmemstatsunconfigrestrictreadkeystrustkeyauthinfoctlstatsleapinfokerninfo%-9s %s bclient monitor nomodifyallpeerswildcardlistpeersaddserverbroadcastinterfaceinterfaceclockstat%s config%s prefermultilinemultilinepps_sync interfacetimes: %dpeer2_addrpeer3_addrpeer4_addrpeer2_addrpeer3_addrpeer4_addrtimerstatspeer2_addrpeer3_addrpeer4_addrunrestrictpeer2_addrpeer3_addrpeer4_addruntrustkeyrequestkeycontrolkey%s bclientvalues: %daddrefclockdelrestrict%s refclockconfigured peer_addresspeer_addresspeer_addresspeer_addresssetprecision system_peerkernel_sync sys_precisionlow priority minpoll|preferminpoll|preferminpoll|preferminpoll|preferfilter delay: filter offset:filter order: monitor what? interface: %s, How many lines? Unknown flag %s Unknown flag %s Invalid mask %s Flag %s unknown normal priority oneline|multilinetimer %lds, flags%s not understood What fudge is %s? sys.leap: %s leap.indicator: %s leap.warning: %s leap.bits: %s remote %s, local %s address %s, port %d hash table counts: configure a new serverconfigure a new serversystem flags: Flag %s inappropriate 11 (clock out of sync)delete a restrict entrytime since reset: %ld alarms handled: %ld alarm overruns: %ld calls to transmit: %ld Not done due to errors * ,4 &,boffset %s, ttl/mode %d reference time: %s originate timestamp: %s receive timestamp: %s transmit timestamp: %s remote host: %s local interface: %s candidate order: %d system peer: %s system peer mode: %s stratum: %d precision: %d reference time: %s receive buffers: %d free receive buffers: %d used receive buffers: %d low water refills: %d total peer memory: %d free peer memory: %d clock address: %s clock type: %s last event: %d current status: %d fudge time 1: %s fudge time 2: %s reference ID: %s clock address: %s packets sent: %ld packets received: %ld bad authentication: %ld bogus origin: %ld duplicate: %ld bad dispersion: %ld bad reference time: %ld poll adjust: %ld dropped packets: %ld ignored packets: %ld received packets: %ld packets sent: %ld packets not sent: %ld interrupts handled: %ld received by int: %ld time since reset: %ld calls to findpeer: %ld new peer allocations: %ld peer demobilizations: %ld time since reset: %ld key lookups: %ld keys not found: %ld uncached keys: %ld encryptions: %ld decryptions: %ld number of polls: %lu no response to poll: %lu bad format responses: %lu bad data responses: %lu running time: %lu stratum: %ld pll time constant: %ld calibration cycles: %ld jitter exceeded: %ld stability exceeded: %ld calibration errors: %ld time1|time2|val1|val2|flagstime last received: %lds time until next send: %lds reachability change: %lds offset: %s s leap indicator: %c%c root distance: %s s root dispersion: %s s reference ID: [%s] broadcastdelay: %s s authdelay: %s s time since reset: %ld %-15.15s %-15.15s %9ld %s calls to leap process: %lu fudge flags: 0x%x Unknown fudge parameter %s status: %04x calibration interval: %d s watchdog timer: %ld s system uptime: %ld time since reset: %ld bad stratum in packet: %ld old version packets: %ld new version packets: %ld unknown version number: %ld bad packet length: %ld packets processed: %ld bad authentication: %ld limitation rejects: %ld time since reset: %ld requests received: %ld responses sent: %ld fragments sent: %ld async messages sent: %ld error msgs sent: %ld total bad pkts: %ld packet too short: %ld response on input: %ld fragment on input: %ld error set on input: %ld bad offset on input: %ld bad version packets: %ld data in pkt too short: %ld unknown op codes: %ld frequency: %s ppm frequency: %s ppm stability: %s ppm minpol must be within %d..%d 00 (no leap second scheduled)pll offset: %ld us pll frequency: %s ppm maximum error: %ld us estimated error: %ld us precision: %ld us frequency tolerance: %s ppm pps frequency: %s ppm pps stability: %s ppm pps jitter: %ld us io|sys|mem|timer|auth|allpeersconfigure a trap in the serverLeap overide option in effect display loop filter informationdisplay local server statisticsleap more than month away: %lu leap less than month away: %lu leap less than day away: %lu leap in less than 2 hours: %lu leap happened: %lu display peer summary informationdisplay local server informationdisplay I/O subsystem statisticsconfigure a new peer associationdisplay clock status informationdate of next leap interrupt: %s Stratum 1 restrictions in effect auth|bclient|pll|pps|monitor|statsauth|bclient|pll|pps|monitor|statsdisplay the server's restrict listremove flags from a restrict entryfunny version number %u specified sequence %d, number of resets %ld configure broadcasting time servicedisplay the traps set in the serverdisplay clock debugging informationtime to next leap interrupt: %ld s display peer memory usage statisticsdisplay the kernel pll/pps variablesunconfigure existing peer assocationsdisplay the current leap second stateset the server's advertised precision00 (leap controlled by lower stratum)No data returned in response to query No data returned in response to query Expected one item in response, got %d %-20.20s %5d %9ld %4d %3d %9lu %9lu 01 (second to be added at end of month)01 (second to be added at end of month)display event timer subsystem statisticscreate restrict entry/add flags to entryset for %ld secs, last set %ld secs ago clock type: unknown type (%d) set/change one of a clock's fudge factors%-25.25s %5d %9ld %4d %2d %9lu %9lu %9lu 10 (second to be deleted at end of month)10 (second to be deleted at end of month)reset various subsystem statistics countersdisplay list of peers the server knows aboutadd one or more key ID's to the trusted listdisplay the state of the authentication codehmode %s, pmode %s, stratum %d, precision %d valid %d, reach %03o, unreach %d, flash %03o, turn the server's monitoring facility on or off%-22.22s %5d %-15s %8ld %1d %1d %6lu %6lu %7lu remove one or more key ID's from the trusted listdisplay detailed information for one or more peersoffset %s, delay %s, dispersion %s, selectdisp %s %c%-15.15s %-15.15s %2d %4d %3o %7.7s %9.9s %7.7s display peer summary info the way Dave Mills likes itdisplay statistical information for one or more peers11 (lower stratum leap information ignored - no leap)ntpport|ignore|noserve|notrust|noquery|nomodify|nopeerntpport|ignore|noserve|notrust|noquery|nomodify|nopeerreset stat counters associated with particular peer(s)offset %s, frequency %s, time_const %ld, watchdog %ld remove a trap (configured or otherwise) from the serverdisplay packet count statistics from the control module address mask count flags display data the server's monitor routines have collectedchange the keyid the server uses to authenticate requestsleap %c%c, refid [%s], rootdistance %s, rootdispersion %s ppoll %d, hpoll %d, keyid %lu, version %d, association %u set a system flag (auth, bclient, pll, pps, monitor, stats)request a reread of the keys file and re-init of system keysclear a system flag (auth, bclient, pll, pps, monitor, stats)change the keyid the server uses to authenticate control messages***Incorrect item size returned by remote host (%d should be %d) ===================================================================== remote local st poll reach delay offset disp address port count mode version lasttime firsttime ====================================================================== ======================================================================= ( * * * + ) )@ ) * &(remote address port local address count m ver drop last first =============================================================================== address port count mode ver lastdrop lasttime firsttime =============================================================================== @(#)81 1.2 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TdCHUUSNOLOCALGPS_HPUNKNOWNWWV_PSTGENERICMSF_EESGPS_TRAKGPS_TRUEGPS_BANCGPS_NMEAGPS_MOTOATOM_PPSPTB_ACTSWWVB_SPECIRIG_TPROGPS_DATUMNIST_ACTSWWV_HEATHIRIG_AUDIOGPS_MX4200GPS_AS2201OMEGA_TRUEATOM_LEITCHGENERIC_TRUEGPS_GOES_TRUEunspecified type (0)IRIG Audio Decoder (6)PPS Clock Discipline (22)TRAK 8810 GPS Receiver (2)EES M201 MSF Receiver (14)Spectracom WWVB Receiver (4)Heath WWV/WWVH Receiver (19)Undisciplined local clock (1)Scratchbuilt CHU Receiver (7)Naval Observatory dialup (24)Bancomm GPS/IRIG Receiver (16)Generic NMEA GPS Receiver (20)TrueTime generic receiver (25)TrueTime GPS/GOES Receivers (5)Austron 2201A GPS Receiver (10)Magnavox MX4200 GPS Receiver (9)Datum Precision Time System (17)TrueTime GPS/TM-TMD Receiver (15)Generic reference clock driver (8)TrueTime OM-DC OMEGA Receiver (11)Motorola Six Gun GPS Receiver (21)PSTI/Traconex WWV/WWVH Receiver (3)KSI/Odetics TPRO/S IRIG Interface (12)PTB Automated Computer Time Service (23)NIST Automated Computer Time Service (18)Leitch CSD 5300 Master Clock Controller (13)HP 58503A GPS Time & Frequency Receiver (26)@(#)07 1.2 src/tcpip/usr/lib/libntp/clocktypes.c, ntp, tcpip720 2/16/96 10:27:13 = DX E 0 C D E H!2UCSduq8T o6->O`Rqn5Q):mK4[l}Pl3%N6FWhjy1Mi0 1BSLdth/ȽلK -f>-N_pIe,H)9J[dl+|Gc)$5~FEW gxa(}D  `1'ARc|tC _&{ A  , = N] _$ o y @  ԕ \ #   (x 9? 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