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-H disable_ha nfso -H sm_gethost %s: unknown host %s %s: unknown host %s rpc.lockd debug levelnfs_allow_all_signalsrpc.lockd debug levelSetting %1$s to %2$s Setting %1$s to %2$s Setting %1$s to %2$s DEBUG: nfs_dupcsz %d OBJECT %s options=%s nfs_use_reserved_portsnfs_server_close_delay##Restricted tunables ##Restricted tunables %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s %-20s haczrpDFxLCo:d:l:H:@:?##Restricted tunables %s: not a log file %s num returned %d nfs_server_base_prioritynfs_v4_fail_over_timeoutnfs_server_base_prioritynfs_server_base_prioritycall to statd timed out call to statd timed out call to statd timed out fill length: %d EOR: %d nfs_securenfs_authtimeoutNFS server clread enablednfs_v3_server_readdirplusNFS client iopacing pages/usr/sbin/no -r -o sb_maxturn ON ha functionality SM register this host %s Logging of nfs hung mountsturn OFF ha functionality adding dupcache for %-32s writing superblock to log SM unregister this host %s DEBUG: udp cache size = %d nfso: UDP cache size zero DEBUG: tcp cache size = %d nfso: TCP cache size zero NFS server maximum read sizenfs_tcp_duplicate_cache_sizenfs_udp_duplicate_cache_sizeUnknown workload partition. reading superblock from log NFS server maximum write sizenfso: 1831-554 Out of memory nfso: 1831-554 Out of memory S = Static: cannot be changedUnable to resolve name '%s' Unable to resolve name '%s' Checksuming of NFS UDP packetsnfso: unable to dump dupcache nfso: unable to dump dupcache nfs_cntl_global_lockwindow_impr nfso -H sm_register %s: couldn't open log device %s NFS client dynamic retransmission%s: couldn't read log superblock contents of first log page read %s: can't open JFS log cdev (%s) %1$s: 1485-124 Error setting %2$s D = Dynamic: can be freely changed nfso -H sm_unregister %1$s: 1485-118 Too many arguments %1$s: 1485-118 Too many arguments %1$s: 1485-118 Too many arguments %1$s: 1485-118 Too many arguments %1$s: 1485-118 Too many arguments nfso: unable to dump UDP dupcache nfso: unable to dump TCP dupcache %s: JFS log appears to be currupt %s: JFS log has not been replayed Base priority of NFS server daemonsnfso: unable to dump UDP dupcache. nfso: unable to dump TCP dupcache. nfso -H dump_dupcache nfso [-c] [-p|-r] (-a|{-o tunable}) nfso: failure adding dup cache to %s %s: error writing JFS log superblock h.page %08x, h.xor %08x, h.eor %08x t.page %08x, t.xor %08x, t.eor %08x %s: can't seek to page %d of JFS log %s: can not write page %d of JFS log Enable/disable UTF-8 string validationSetting %1$s to %2$s in nextboot file Setting %1$s to %2$s in nextboot file Setting %1$s to %2$s in nextboot file new NFS tcp connections support RFC1323udp socket buffer size for nfsd daemonstcp socket buffer size for nfsd daemonsMaximum number of threads for rpc.statdMaximal value for tunable %1$s is %2$s Minimal value for tunable %1$s is %2$s %s: can't seek to offset %d of JFS log I = Incremental: can only be incremented%s: can't seek to superblock in JFS log %s: can't seek to superblock in JFS log Maximum number of threads for this server%1$s: 1485-110 Invalid tunable name %2$s %1$s: 1485-110 Invalid tunable name %2$s %1$s: 1485-110 Invalid tunable name %2$s %s: can not read at offset %d of JFS log Should messages printed by NFS be repeatedSize of the NFS server tcp duplicate cacheSize of the NFS server udp duplicate cache%1$s: 1485-120 Insufficient access rights %1$s: 1485-106 -r|-p must be placed first %1$s: 1485-106 -r|-p must be placed first nfso: 1831-550 The call to lockd timed out nfso: 1831-549 The call to statd timed out nfso: 1831-549 The call to statd timed out nfso: 1831-549 The call to statd timed out nfso: 1831-549 The call to statd timed out nfso: 1831-550 The call to lockd timed out nfso: no dup cache entries to place in log Enable/Disable GSS sequence window checking.nfso: %s is currently being used for %s, %s : nfso: 1831-731 cannot contact local lockd. : nfso: 1831-730 cannot contact local statd. : nfso: 1831-730 cannot contact local statd. : nfso: 1831-730 cannot contact local statd. : nfso: 1831-730 cannot contact local statd. : nfso: 1831-731 cannot contact local lockd. R = Reboot: can only be changed during reboot/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t nfso -o %s/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t nfso -o %s%1$s: 1485-112 Missing value for tunable %2$s nfso [-@ wpar] [-c] [-p|-r] (-a|{-o tunable}) nfso: %s may not be set in a workload partition Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified /usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t nfso -o %s=%dWarning: a restricted tunable has been modified Warning: a restricted tunable has been modified nfso: 1831-541 Some parameters were not parsed. NFS will allow locked file to process all signalsMinimum size of a write that sleeps before syncingMaximum number of pdts for version 2 client mountsMaximum number of pdts for version 3 client mountsMaximum number of pdts for version 4 client mounts%1$s: 1485-111 Invalid value %3$s for tunable %2$s %1$s: 1485-111 Invalid value %3$s for tunable %2$s %1$s: 1485-111 Invalid value %3$s for tunable %2$s %1$s: 1485-111 Invalid value %3$s for tunable %2$s %1$s: 1485-122 Error writing %2$s in nextboot file %1$s: 1485-122 Error writing %2$s in nextboot file %1$s: 1485-122 Error writing %2$s in nextboot file Allows the use of reserved ports for client rpc callsNumber of seconds for fail over timeout used in NFSv4nfso: 1831-551 -l cannot be used with any other flag. nfso: 1831-552 -H cannot be used with any other flag. Warning: changes will take effect only at next reboot Warning: changes will take effect only at next reboot Warning: changes will take effect only at next reboot Check that NFS request originated from a privileged portNFS automatic release-behind-on-read file offset trigger%1$s: 1485-121 Error reading tunables from nextboot file %1$s: 1485-121 Error reading tunables from nextboot file %1$s: 1485-121 Error reading tunables from nextboot file /usr/lib/perf/tundisplay -f nextboot -t nfso 2> /dev/null%1$s: 1485-121 Error reading tunables from nextboot file %1$s: 1485-121 Error reading tunables from nextboot file B = Bosboot: can only be changed using bosboot and reboot%1$s: 1485-105 -r and -p cannot be used at the same time %1$s: 1485-105 -r and -p cannot be used at the same time %1$s: 1485-101 -L, -x, -a and -o tunable cannot be mixed Maximum number of bufs per pdt for version 2 client mountsMaximum number of bufs per pdt for version 3 client mountsMaximum number of bufs per pdt for version 4 client mountsM = Mount: changes are only effective for future mountings%1$s: 1485-107 Tunable %2$s cannot be used more than once nfso: 1831-553 -c can only be used with -a or -o tunable. Enable/Disable nfs client side global lock window improvementWarning: the %1$s change is only effective for future mounts Modification to restricted tunable %1$s, confirmation required Change to tunable %1$s will only be effective for future mounts %1$s: 1485-104 -r|-p are not allowed before -h, -L, -x, or alone %1$s: 1485-104 -r|-p are not allowed before -h, -L, -x, or alone %1$s: 1485-104 -r|-p are not allowed before -h, -L, -x, or alone Enable/disable granting of file delegation by the version 4 serverIf set to true, server attempt to process delays on close locally.n/a means parameter not supported by the current platform or kernelEnable/disable acceptance of file delegation by the version 4 clientload_nfs(%1$d,%2$d): 1831-544 could not load nfs kernel extensions /usr/sbin/tunchange -f /wpars/%s/etc/tunables/nextboot -t nfso -o %s/usr/sbin/tunchange -f /wpars/%s/etc/tunables/nextboot -t nfso -o %s magic: %x version: %x size: %x redone: %x logend: %08x serial:%x magic: %x version: %x size: %x redone: %x logend: %08x serial:%x C = Connect: changes are only effective for future socket connectionsIf set to false, server will not support READDIRPLUS calls from clientsnfso: 1831-543 The client system call nfs_cntl(%1$d,%2$d,%3$d) failed. nfso: 1831-543 The client system call nfs_cntl(%1$d,%2$d,%3$d) failed. /usr/sbin/tunchange -f /wpars/%s/etc/tunables/nextboot -t nfso -o %s=%d%5d: 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%08x %1$s: 1485-115 Tunable %2$s is of type %3$c and cannot be changed without -r Number of seconds for timeout of DES credentials used in the Secure NFS client/usr/lib/perf/tundisplay -f /wpars/%s/etc/tunables/nextboot -t nfso 2> /dev/null--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------%1$s: 1485-103 -D and -d tunable | -o tunable=value cannot be used at the same time nfso: 1831-548 The nfs kernel extension is not loaded. Only root can load kernel extensions. @(#)64 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/nfso/nfso.c, onccmds, onc72L, l2017_34A0 8/16/17 03:57:18Without -r, new value for Incremental tunable %1$s must be greater than or equal to its current value %2$s With -r or -p, new value for Incremental tunable %1$s must be greater than or equal to its default value %2$s %1$s: 1485-100 Help (-h), display (-L, -x, -a, -o tunable) and modification (-o tunable=value, -d tunable, -D) flags cannot be mixed %1$s: 1485-100 Help (-h), display (-L, -x, -a, -o tunable) and modification (-o tunable=value, -d tunable, -D) flags cannot be mixed Usage: %1$s -h [tunable] | {[-F] -L [tunable]} | {[-F] -x [tunable]} %1$s [-p|-r] (-a [-F] | {-o tunable}) %1$s [-p|-r] [-y] (-D | ({-d tunable} {-o tunable=value})) -h Display help about the command and its arguments -h tunable Display help about a tunable -L [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a table format -x [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a comma-separated format -a Display value for all tunables, one per line -F Force display of restricted tunables when options (-a/-L/-x) are specified alone on the command line, else ignored -o tunable Display current value of a tunable -D Reset all tunables to their default values -d tunable Reset tunable to its default value -o tunable=value Set tunable to value -r Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to nextboot value -p Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to permanent (current and nextboot) value -y Suppress confirmation prompt before executing bosboot ||4|d||||}}4}T}t}}}~$~D~d~~~~$Tt$Dd$D(X9(t(t99(t9(t9(t(t(t::(t::(t(t(t;(t(t(t<(t(t<>D(t>(t(t(t(t(t?(t@`J2XL%s: can't seek to %x of J2 log %s: J2 log appears to be currupt %s: J2 log has not been replayed %s: error writing J2 log superblock %s: can not write page %d of J2 log %s: can't seek to offset %d of J2 log %s: can't seek to superblock in J2 log %s: can not read at offset %x of J2 log @(#)01 1.3 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/nfso/nfsoj2.c, onccmds, onc720 2/23/04 11:16:16err=clnt_stat RPC_UNKNOWNHOST RPC_UNKNOWNHOST call_tcp timeout @(#)31 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/rpc.statd/tcp.c,onccmds,onc72D,d2016_13A9 3/28/16 0  2|D PC MD N  FD `! N`" N 8 GD h Q( Qx  DD X S TX 4 6T   D 3 4  2D `5 6   TD   | 2HD E F   D G H p d $\D I J 0  04D K L Determine if the NFS version 4 client will accept delegations for open files. A value of 0 disables delegations. A value of 1 enables delegations. Allows the system administrator to control the NFS RPC sizes at the server. Useful when all clients need to have changes in the read/write sizes, and it is impractical to change the clients. Default means to use the values used by the client mount. This may be required to reduce the V3 read/write sizes when the mounts cannot be manipulated directly on the clients, in particular during NIM installations on networks where the network is dropping packets with the default read/write sizes. In that case, set the maximum size to a smaller size that works on the network. It can also be useful where network devices are dropping packets and a generic change is desired for communications with the server. Allows the system administrator to control the NFS RPC sizes at the server. Useful when all clients need to have changes in the read/write sizes, and it is impractical to change the clients. Default means to use the values used by the client mount. This may be required to reduce the V3 read/write sizes when the mounts cannot be manipulated directly on the clients, in particular during NIM installations on networks where the network is dropping packets with the default read/write sizes. In that case, set the maximum size to a smaller size that works on the network. It can also be useful where network devices are dropping packets and a generic change is desired for communications with the server. Enables very large TCP window size negotiation (greater than 65535 bytes) to occur between systems. If using the TCP transport between NFS client and server, and both systems support it, this allows the systems to negotiate a TCP window size in a way that will allow more data to be 'in-flight' between the client and server. This increases the throughput potential between client and server. Unlike the rfc1323 option of the no command, this only affects NFS and not other applications in the system. Value of 0 means this is disabled, and value of 1 means it is enabled. If the no command parameter rfc1323 is already set, this NFS option does not need to be set. Sets the number of seconds for which a DES credential. Value of 0 disables DES credential timeouts. Sets the base priority of nfsd daemons. By default, the nfsd daemons run with a floating process priority. Therefore, as they increase their cumulative CPU time, their priority will change. This parameter can be used to set a static parameter for the nfsd daemons. The value of 0 represents the floating priority (default). Other values within the acceptable range will be used to set the priority of the nfsd daemon when an NFS request is received at the server. This option can be used if the NFS server is overloading the system (lowering or making the nfsd daemon less favored). It can also be used if you want the nfsd daemons be one of the most favored processes on the server. Use caution when setting the parameter because it can render the system almost unusable by other processes. This situation can occur if the NFS server is very busy and will essentially lock out other processes from having run time on the server. This option allows the NFS server to be very aggressive about the reading of a file. The NFS server can only respond to the specific NFS-read request from the NFS client. However, the NFS server can read data in the file which exists immediately after the current read request. This is normally referred to as read-ahead. The NFS server does read-ahead by default. May be useful in cases where server memory is low and too much disk-to-memory activity is occuring. With the nfs_server_clread option enabled, the NFS server becomes very aggressive about doing read-ahead for the NFS client. If value is 1, then aggressive read-ahead is done; If value is 0, normal system default read-ahead methods are used. 'Normal' system read-ahead is controlled by VMM (for JFS file systems) and JFS2 (for JFS2 file systems). This more aggressive top-half read-ahead enabled via the nfs_server_clread option is less susceptible to read-ahead breaking down due to out-of-order requests (which are typical in the NFS server case). When the mechanism is activated, it will read an entire cluster (128 KB, the LVM logical track group size) at a time. Specifies using nonreserved IP port number. Value of 0 will use nonreserved IP port number when the NFS client communicates with the NFS server. Determines if READDIRPLUS calls are supported by the server. Value of 0 disables READDIRPLUS processing. Specifies a time out period which the NFSv4 client operation will fail over to the replica provided by the NFSv4 server. Measured in seconds. If value of 0 is specified, the timeout value wll be the timeout value for tcp multiple by 4. Value from 1 to 4 are reserved so if users specify value from 1 to 4, NFSv4 client will treat it as 0. NFSv4 allow client to fail over to other replica server if the main server is not responding. This value will determine how long a client has to wait for a respondfrom the server before it switch all the NFSv4 request for that fsid to other replica server. Checks whether an NFS request originated from a privileged port. Value of 0 disables the port-checking that is done by the NFS server. A value of 1 directs the NFS server to do port checking on the incoming NFS requests. This is a configuration decision with minimal performance consequences. Determine if the NFS version 4 server will issue read delegations for open files. A value of 0 disables delegation granting. A value of 1 enables delegation granting. Determine if the NFS version 4 client and server will check string data for UTF-8 correctness. A value of 0 disables the UTF-8 checking. A value of 1 enables the UTF-8 checking. Sets the level of debugging for rpc.lockd. None. Specifies that the NFS server adhere to signal handling requirements for blocked locks for the UNIX 95/98 test suites. A value of 1 turns nfs_allow_all_signals on, and a value of 0 turns it off. When the rbr (release behind on read) mount option is not specified, this value can allow release-behind on read behavior when a file is read beyond this trigger offset (specified in MB). The result is that sequentially read files will remain cached in memory as space allows up to the trigger offset, and then pages beyond the trigger will be released as the file continues to be read sequentially. A value of -1 disables this feature, a value of 0 allows the system to choose an appropriate value, and a positive value will be used as the trigger. This is ignored when the rbr mount option is used. Specifies whether the NFS client should use a dynamic retransmission algorithm to decide when to resend NFS requests to the server. If this function is turned on, the timeo parameter is only used in the first retransmission. With this parameter set to 1, the NFS client will attempt to adjust its timeout behavior based on past NFS server response. This allows for a floating timeout value along with adjusting the transfer sizes used. All of this is done based on an accumulative history of the NFS server's response time. In most cases, this parameter does not need to be adjusted. There are some instances where the straightforward timeout behavior is desired for the NFS client. In these cases, the value should be set to 0 before mounting file systems. Sets the minimum size of write requests for which write gathering is done. If either of the following two situations are observed, tuning nfs_gather_threshold may be appropriate: (1) Delays are observed in responding to RPC requests, particularly those where the client is exclusively doing non-sequential writes or the files being written are being written with file locks held on the client. (2) Clients are writing with write sizes < 4096 and write-gather is not working. If write-gather is to be disabled, change the nfs_gather_threshold to a value greater than the largest possible write. For AIX Version 4 running NFS Version 2, this value is 8192. Changing the value to 8193 disables write. Use this for the situation described above in scenario (1). If write gather is being bypassed due to a small write size, say 1024, as in scenario (2), change the write gather parameter to gather smaller writes; for example, set to 1024. Specifies the number of NFS file pages that are scheduled to be written back to the server through the VMM at one time. This I/O scheduling control occurs on close of a file and when the system invokes the syncd daemon. When an application writes a large file to an NFS mounted filesystem, that file data is written to the NFS server when the file is closed. In some cases, the resource it takes to write that file to the server may prevent other NFS file I/O from occurring. This parameter limits the number of 4k pages written to the server to the value of nfs_iopace_pages. The NFS client will schedule nfs_iopace_pages for writing to the server and then will wait for these to complete before scheduling the next batch of pages. The default value will usually be sufficient for most environments. Decreased the values if there are large amounts of contention for NFS client resources. If there is low contention, the value can be increased. If nfs_iopace_pages=0, then the number of pages written by the syncd daemon at one time is calculated using a heuristic intended to optimize performance and prevent exhaustion of resources that might prevent other NFS file I/O from occuring. Specifies the maximum number of NFS server threads that are created to service incoming NFS requests. The NFS server is multithreaded. The NFS server threads are created as demand increases for the NFS server. When the NFS server threads become idle, they will exit. This allows the server to adapt to the needs of the NFS clients. The nfs_max_threads parameter is the maximum number of threads that can be created. In general, it does not detract from overall system performance to have the maximum set to something very large because the NFS server will create threads as needed. However, this assumes that NFS-serving is the primary machine purpose. If the desire is to share the system with other activities, then the maximum number of threads may need to be set low. The maximum number can also be specified as a parameter to the nfsd daemon. Checks for duplicate NFS messages. This option is used to avoid displaying duplicate NFS messages. Tuning this parameter does not affect performance. Sets the queue size of the NFS server UDP socket. Increase the size of the nfs_socketsize variable when netstat reports packets dropped due to full socket buffers for UDP, and increasing the number of nfsd daemons has not helped. Specifies the number of entries to store in the NFS server's duplicate cache for the TCP network transport. The duplicate cache size cannot be decreased. Increase the duplicate cache size for servers that have a high throughput capability. The duplicate cache is used to allow the server to correctly respond to NFS client retransmissions. If the server flushes this cache before the client is able to retransmit, then the server may respond incorrectly. Therefore, if the server can process 1000 operations before a client retransmits, the duplicate cache size must be increased. Calculate the number of NFS operations that are being received per second at the NFS server and multiply this by 4. The result is a duplicate cache size that should be sufficient to allow correct response from the NFS server. The operations that are affected by the duplicate cache are the following: setattr(), write(), create(), remove(), rename(), link(), symlink(), mkdir(), rmdir(). Sets the queue size of the NFS TCP socket. The queue size is specified in number of bytes. The TCP socket is used for buffering NFS RPC packets on send and receive. This option reserves, but does not allocate, memory for use by the send and receive socket buffers of the socket. It may be appropriate to tune this parameter if poor sequential read or write performance between an NFS server and client is observed, and both of the following situations exist: (1) A large (32 KB or greater) RPC size is being used. (2) Communication between the server and client is over a network link using a large (9000-byte or greater) MTU size. Do not set the nfs_tcp_socketsize value to less than 60,000. The default value should be adequate for the vast majority of environments. This value allows enough space to: (1) Buffer incoming data without limiting the TCP window size. (2) Buffer outgoing data without limiting the speed at which NFS can write data to the socket. The value of the nfs_tcp_socketsize option must be less than the sb_max option, which can be manipulated by the no command. Specifies the number of entries to store in the NFS server's duplicate cache for the UDP network transport. The duplicate cache size cannot be decreased. Increase the duplicate cache size for servers that have a high throughput capability. The duplicate cache is used to allow the server to correctly respond to NFS client retransmissions. If the server flushes this cache before the client is able to retransmit, then the server may respond incorrectly. Therefore, if the server can process 1000 operations before a client retransmits, the duplicate cache size must be increased. Calculate the number of NFS operations that are being received per second at the NFS server and multiply this by 4. The result is a duplicate cache size that should be sufficient to allow correct response from the NFS server. The operations that are affected by the duplicate cache are the following: setattr(), write(), create(), remove(), rename(), link(), symlink(), mkdir(), rmdir(). Sets or displays the number of tables for memory pools used by the biods for NFS Version 2 mounts. For values greater than 1, this option must be set before NFS mounts are performed. Sets or displays the number of tables for memory pools used by the biods for NFS Version 3 mounts. For values greater than 1, this option must be set before NFS mounts are performed. Sets or displays the number of tables for memory pools used by the biods for NFS Version 4 mounts. For values greater than 1, this option must be set before NFS mounts are performed. Sets or displays the number of initial free memory buffers used for each NFS version 2 Paging Device Table(pdt) created after the first table. The very first pdt has a set value of 1000 or 10000 depending on system memory. This initial value is also the default value of each newly created pdt. For values other than the default number, this option must be set before NFS mounts are performed. Sets or displays the number of initial free memory buffers used for each NFS version 3 Paging Device Table(pdt) created after the first table. The very first pdt has a set value of 1000 or 10000 depending on system memory. This initial value is also the default value of each newly created pdt. For values other than the default number, this option must be set before NFS mounts are performed. Sets or displays the number of initial free memory buffers used for each NFS version 4 Paging Device Table(pdt) created after the first table. The very first pdt has a set value of 1000 or 10000 depending on system memory. This initial value is also the default value of each newly created pdt. For values other than the default number, this option must be set before NFS mounts are performed. Sets the level of debugging for rpc.statd. None. Sets the maximum number of threads for rpc.statd. The rpc.statd is multithreaded so that it can reestablish connections with remote machines in a concurrent manner. The rpc.statd threads are created as demand increases, usually because rpc.statd is trying to reestablish a connection with a machine that it cannot contact. When the rpc.statd threads become idle, they will exit. The statd_max_threads parameter is the maximum number of threads that can be created. Turns on or off the generation of checksums on NFS UDP packets. Make sure this value is set to on in any network where packet corruption might occur. Slight performance gains can be realized by turning it off, but at the expense of increased chance of data corruption. Determines if the NFS version 4 server should avoid sending a NFS4ERR_DELAY response. If NFS clients are being used which pause applications for long periods of time when encountering a NFS4ERR_DELAY response from the server, setting this option will attempt to process the delay on the server which may avoid pauses seen by the application. The priority at which NFS mount hang messages will be logged to syslog. Possible values are 1 - 7. 1: LOG_ALERT, 2: LOG_CRIT, 3: LOG_ERR, 4: LOG_WARNING, 5: LOG_NOTICE, 6: LOG_INFO, 7: LOG_DEBUG. Default is 6. Enable/Disable GSS Window size checking. A value of 0 disables GSS Window size checking. A value of 1 enables GSS Window size checking. Enable/Disable nfs client side global lock window improvement. A value of 0 disables nfs client side global lock window improvement. A value of 1 enables nfs client side global lock window improvement. NOTE: In very rare cases, rm -r $DIR may fail if this tunable is enabled    H    A A CX C` D D NwRV@___bzero@'@4@errno@close@ lseek@ mknod@ mntctl@ sync@ unlink@ @@ socket@ L@ [@ _iob@malloc@ realloc@ free@ k@ |@ xdr_void@ exit@ atexit@ strlen@ open@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ strchr@ atoi@ abort@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ printf@ fflush@ @ read@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ fscanf@ perror@ system@ @ @ @ xdr_enum@ xdr_bool@ xdr_long@ xdr_int@ pclose@ popen@ getopt@ puts@ strtol@ rpmatch@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@(@8@ioctl@ U@ nfs_cntl@ load_onc@ b@ w@ __start ! 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