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܃}!Aa컁N ,@HyAKHA8;8bc8:8-,xATKA`{HA8}@cd8cKA8`HyA@K48t8 KA`d8}@8KрA8`HyAK AI mapupdate A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N  A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N A L| N  A L| N $A L| N (A L| N ,A L| N 0A L| N 4A L| N 8A L| N HA L| N LA L| N PA L| N TA L| N XA L| N \A L| N `A L| N dA L| N hA L| N lA L| N pA L| N tA L| N xA L| N A L| N  8  @(#)23 1.6 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos720 6/21/07 15:28:59@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21%s.%s%s:%ss:u:h:s:u:h:/bin/sh/var/ypupdaterscmdnfs.cat/etc/publickeypublickey.byname%s: unknown host: %s %s: cannot chdir to %s%s: Invalid password. %s: Invalid password. %s: Invalid password. %s: unknown user: '%s' Adding new key for %s. Please retype password:Enter %s's login password:Must be superuser to run %s %s: ERROR, invalid password. Enter %s's root login password:Enter local root login password:%s: cannot find my own host name %s: failed in routine setnetconfig() %s: could not get the hostname for %s %s: unable to update nisplus database %s: could not update unknown database: %d %s: unable to update NIS database (%u): %s %s: hence, unable to update publickey database %s: could not get the equivalent netname for %s %s: could not get the equivalent netname for %s %s: can only be used on NIS master machine '%s' Please wait for the database to get updated ... %s: unable to locate password record for uid %d %s: cannot find master of NIS publickey database %s: unable to locate shadow password record for %s @(#)74 1.7 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/keyserv/newkey.c, nis, onc720 8/19/05 06:02:36usage: %s -u username [-s nisplus | nis | files] %s -h hostname [-s nisplus | nis | files] .....nisnisDESDESDES unixcredfilesfiles%s.%s%s.%sERROR:nisplusnisplusWARNING:cred_tblpublickeypublickeypublickeypublickeypublickeycred.org_dir/etc/.rootkey/etc/.rootkey/etc/.rootkey/etc/.rootkey/etc/.rootkey  D  l  x   (/etc/nsswitch.conf/etc/nsswitch.conf See nisaddcred(1). /var/nis/NIS_COLD_STARTWrote secret key into %s %s: invalid netname: '%s'. %s: invalid netname: '%s'. Could not open %s for update [cname="%s",auth_type=%s],%s.%sIt should be "publickey: %s"%s Updating %s publickey database. [auth_name=%s,auth_type=%s],%s.%s[auth_name=%d,auth_type=LOCAL],%s.%s%s: unrecognized netname type: '%s'. %s There is no publickey entry in %s. %s: NIS+ server busy, try again later. %s: NIS+ server busy, try again later. %s: NIS+ server busy, try again later. %s: NIS+ server busy, try again later. %s: NIS+ server busy, try again later. %s: unable to get result from NIS+ server.; add 'files' if you want the 'nobody' key.%s: error talking to server, NIS+ error: %s. %s: error creating credential, NIS+ error: %s. %s: error looking at cred table, NIS+ error: %s %s: error looking at cred table, NIS+ error: %s %s: error modifying credential, NIS+ error: %s. The default publickey policy is "publickey: %s". %s: LOCAL entry for %d in directory %s not unique %s The publickey entry in %s is "publickey: %s". %s: insufficent permission to update credentials. %s: insufficent permission to update credentials. %s: insufficent permission to update credentials. %s: insufficent permission to look up old credentials. %s: invalid principal name: '%s' (forgot ending dot?). %s: insufficent permission to look at credentials table %s: you must create a "LOCAL" credential for '%s' first. Could not set %s's secret key May be the keyserv is down? %s: %s credentials with auth_name '%s' already belong to '%s'. Should only add DES credential of principal in its home domain %s: domain of netname %s should be same as that of principal %s %s: domain of principal '%s' does not match destination domain '%s'. @(#)69 1.6 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/keyserv/chkey_common.c, nis, onc720 3/26/01 15:22:57 wrrw%d-c%s %u %u %u nobody%s.tmp%s %s %s %s exec %s/bin/sh/var/ypupdaters%s -s -f %s %s/etc/publickeypublickey.byname/usr/ccs/bin/make%s: cannot read %s %s: cannot delete %s %s: cannot rename %s to %s %s: cannot access %s, errno=%d. %s: cannot change key-pair for %s %s: cannot create '%s' to write to. %s: %s not found, please install on the system @(#)75 1.5 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/keyserv/update.c, nis, onc720 8/19/05 06:16:47 4 4 4 (        Vn{ X @)@5@B@errno@chdir@ close@ _exit@ pipe@ rename@ seteuid@ unlink@ N@ crypt@ _iob@malloc@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ open@ \@ fprintf@ fclose@ geteuid@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ fputs@ fdopen@ fwrite@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ fscanf@ perror@ getpwnam@ getpwuid@ execl@ i@ fork@ dup@ wait@ getopt@ u@ @ @ getpass@ @ @ __crt0v@optind@optarg@@@@@ @ @ 0@ =@ P@ _@ n@ }@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ nis_list@ *@ ;@ xencrypt@ J@ W@ k@ z@ __start !       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