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ptx_get_icmpstat. mobility call%s when not started: %u hiwat:%d lowat:%d mbcnt:%d mbmax:%d hiwat:%d lowat:%d mbcnt:%d mbmax:%d %lu resend%s due to path MTU discovery %lu connection%s dropped by keepalive %u datagram%s that can't be fragmented netstat : error from ptx_get_icmp6stat. %u init-acks received in wrong state %u times avoid false fast retransmits %d packets dropped due to network down %d packets dropped due to network down %d number of times cl_input got called %d packets dropped due to network down %lu out-of-order packet%s (%lu byte%s) %lu discarded because packet too short %lu time%s SACK holes array is extended %u dead gateway detection packet%s sent %u packet%s not sent due to MLS filters %u message%s received with bad checksum %u input packet%s without enough memory %u packet%s not sent due to MLS filters %u packets dropped due to no resources %d number of times gre_input got called %d number of times gif_input got called %d number of times cl_output got called %lu time%s SACK blocks array is extended %lu spliced connection%s persist timeout %lu Connection%s dropped due to bad ACKs %u successful path MTU discovery cycle%s %u path MTU discovery response timeout%s %u message%s received with too few bytes %u output packet%s without enough memory %u unexpected INIT in COOKIE WAIT state %d number of times gre_output got called %d packets received with routing present %d packets got by NAT but not TCP packet %d number of times gif_output got called %lu times avoided false fast retransmit%s %u path MTU rediscovery cycle%s attempted %u path MTU discovery decrease%s detected %u output packet%s dropped due to no bufs %d packets got by NAT but with IP options %lu spliced connection%s keepalive timeout %u packet%s sent with fabricated ip header %u association timeouts due to heartbeats %u stale cookies received in wrong state %d packets received where version non-zero %d packets received where version non-zero %lu discarded due to listener's queue full %lu connection%s dropped by rexmit timeout %lu TCPTR connections dropped for no memory %u fragment%s dropped (dup or out of space) %u fragment%s dropped (dup or out of space) home agent address discovery request%s: %u %u incoming packets dropped due to no port %u associations aborts with shutdown guard %lu discarded for bad header offset field%s %lu ack packet header%s correctly predicted %lu segment%s updated rtt (of %lu attempt%s) %u packet%s for unknown/unsupported protocol %u output packet%s discarded due to no route %u path MTU discovery no-response estimate%s %u packet%s for unknown/unsupported protocol %u packet%s sent with fabricated ipv6 header %u output packet%s discarded due to no route %u avoided deadlock (from input processing) %u avoided deadlock (from timer processing) %d packets received where reserved0 non-zero %d packets dropped due to host not reachable %d packets dropped due to host not reachable %lu data packet%s (%lu byte%s) retransmitted %lu data packet header%s correctly predicted bad home agent address discovery reply%s: %u bad home agent address discovery reply%s: %u %u packets discarded due to checksum failure %u avoided deadlock (from output processing) %lu connection%s closed (including %lu drop%s) %lu TCPTR maximum per host connections dropped %u avoided deadlock (from receive processing) %u times chunk matched peeled off association %u memory allocation failed when sending SACK %lu packet%s (%lu byte%s) received in-sequence %lu completely duplicate packet%s (%lu byte%s) %lu packet%s (%lu byte%s) of data after window %u output packet%s dropped due to no bufs, etc. %u incoming packet%s dropped due to MLS filters %u incoming packet%s dropped due to MLS filters bad home agent address discovery request%s: %u %u incoming packets dropped due to no listener %u error notification of stale cookie received %d packets received with protocol not supported %d packets received with protocol not supported %lu connection%s established (including accepts) %lu when congestion window less than 4 segments %lu connection%s dropped due to persist timeout %lu fastpath loopback sent packet%s (%lu byte%s) %u association timeouts due to retransmissions %d packets received with sequence number present %d packets dropped due to protocol not supported %d packets received with sequence number present %d packets dropped due to protocol not supported %d packets dropped due to protocol not supported %lu packet%s with bad hardware assisted checksum %lu segment%s with congestion experienced bit set %u path MTU discovery memory allocation failure%s %u data chunks received after application closed %d packets dropped due to Mbuf allocation failure %d packets dropped due to Mbuf allocation failure %u packets dropped due to receive buffer overflow %d packets received with recursion control present %lu TCP checksum offload disabled during retransmit %u IP Multicast packet%s dropped due to no receiver %u membership quer%s received with invalid field(s) %u invalid broadcast or multicast packets received %lu packet%s with some dup. data (%lu byte%s duped) %lu segment%s with congestion window reduced bit set %lu fastpath loopback received packet%s (%lu byte%s) %d packets dropped due to error in ip output routine %d packets dropped due to error in ip output routine %lu packet%s dropped due to memory allocation failure %lu Connection%s dropped due to duplicate SYN packets %u dead gateway detection packet allocation failure%s %u error%s not generated because old message was icmp %u membership report%s received with invalid field(s) %u packet%s dropped due to full socket receive buffer %u peeloff failed due to association aborted by peer %d packets received with strict source route present %u dead gateway detection gateway allocation failure%s %u packet%s not delivered due to bad raw IPv6 checksum %lu path MTU discovery termination%s due to retransmits %lu connections dropped due to max assembly queue depth %u error%s not generated because old message was icmpv6 %u memory allocation failed when processing COOKIE ECHO %u packet%s dropped due to the full socket receive buffer %u association timeouts due to no window probe response %d packets dropped due to error in cluster output routine %u broadcast/multicast datagram%s dropped due to no socket %u unexpected INIT in states other than SHUTDOWN-ACK-SENT %u membership report%s received for groups to which we belong Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) @(#)86 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/inet.c, netcmdkern, bos72Q, q2018_38A1 8/21/18 08:55:58 <      t    x | . 6 :, : ! ! 4 6 ! ! ! ! ! ! . :< < ! !$ !( !, !0 !4 !8 !< !@ !D !H !L !P !T !X !\ !` !d !h !l !p !t !x !| ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! # # # # # # # # # # # # $ $ $ $ $ $( $0 $8 $@ $H $P $X $` $h $p $x $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ; $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % % % % % %( %0 %8 %@ %H %P %X %` %h %p %x % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % & & & & & &( &0 &8 &@ &H &P &X &` &h &p &x & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ' ' ' ' ' '( '0 '8 '@ 'H 'P 'X '` 'h 'p 'x ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ( ( ( ( ( (( (0 (8 (@ (H (P (X (` (h (p + + - )@ - - -@ - - - + 2 9 7L 7\@ 8  2 / 2  4  << - - 2,$ ( 3p 1H 1T 1` 1l 5P@ * 1x 1 3| 1 5\ 3 5h@ ( , 58 7  : 7 5D 1<@ ! ! ( ( , * , /8 - - -@ - -  5t * -( ( 3 3@ ! 3 = 8\ 5@ =, ! ! !  ( *@ , , , ! , * /, * * / / 5, 3@ 3L , / 3X 1$ 4   B 9< <   #  p 9L < 4 <( > E ? =       spp %d %suserdrop%8x %s: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d inputoutput -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x -- x respondPCB/ADDR %-22.22s %-22.22s%-5.5s %6d %6d persist timeoutrcvd ack packetdata byte%s senttime%s we got rttkeepalive timeoutdelayed ack%s sentretransmit timeoutdata packet%s sentrcvd duplicate ackcall%s to ns_errortotal packet%s sentwindow probe%s sent (including servers)connection%s droppedActive NS connectionsconnection%s acceptedNS error statistics: connection%s initiatedkeepalive probe%s sentack-only packet%s senttotal packet%s receivedNo Listener%s at SocketInput Error Histogram: connection%s establishedbyte%s rcvd after windowrcvd window probe packetOutput Error Histogram: data byte%s retransmittedbyte%s acked by rcvd acksrcvd window update packetrcvd ack%s for unsent datadata packet%s retransmittedpacket%s sent with URG onlybyte%s received in sequencepacket%s received too shortpacket%s rcvd after 'close'packet%s with bad checksumsout-of-order byte%s receivedpacket%s received in sequenceBad Checksum%s at Destinationembryonic connection%s droppedduplicate-only byte%s receivedout-of-order packet%s receivedpacket%s smaller than a headerBad Checksum%s while gatewayeddup. byte%s in part-dup. packetpacket%s with data after windowpacket%s dropped out of sequencewindow update-only packet%s sentduplicate-only packet%s receivedpacket%s smaller than advertisedconnection%s dropped in keepalivepacket%s received with bad offsetpacket%s with some duplicate dataPacket%s forwarded too many timespacket%s where we tried to get rttpacket%s received with ccksum errsUnspecified Error%s at DestinationPacket%s too large to be forwardederror packet%s received incompletecontrol (SYN|FIN|RST) packet%s sentUnspecified Error%s while gatewayedconnection%s closed (includes drops)connection%s dropped in rxmt timeoutUnknown XNS error code 0%o in transitpacket%s duplicating the highest packetrequest%s to send a non-existant packeterror packet%s received of unknown typepacket%s refused as exceeding allocationUnknown XNS error code 0%o at destinationconnection%s dropped due to no new socketsconnection%s dropped due to mismatched id'sconnection%s terminated due to our end dyingerror request%s in response to error packetserror%s ignored due to insufficient addressingconnection%s incompleted due to mismatched id'sconnection%s dropped due to inability to connectPacket%s Refused due to lack of space at DestinationProto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) This is a kernel snapshot. It's different from the active running kernel now @(#)84 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/ns.c, netcmdkern, bos720 8/31/06 00:34:17  ` h  X  \ :- +-+- *Wt ( (%s%s%s%s%uUseExp): XNS ->): %x%s /%d/%d%5sMAX%5d%5d%6d%6s%8s=> %8s=> *.*any0H.noneIf CostRefsIf X.25(%d)%s%x(%d) %4u %4s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s%-8s => .%xHdebugvinitFlagsFlags%-*s %-*s RR - %s%s %s%d%u.%u*.%xHlswparchwparrmwparmkwparPolicyGroups%16lx %s/%d WRR RND LUT -"-%.5s%d - runwparmigwpar%-8.8s AddressGatewayGateway%-16lx %-6.6s defaultdefaultdefaultlink#%d%-*.*s %-6.6s WRND HASH%-5.5s - - stopwparsyncwparwparexecrc.wparskillwparresourcesavewparmovewparInternet mask %4d %9u %u.%u.%u%xH.%s%sstartwparchkptwparrouting: rebootwparresumewparNetmasks: %d refs, restartwparDestinationConfig_CostDestinationInternet v6%u.%u.%u.%u%u.%u.%u.%uout of space Routing tables %6.6s %16lx : %16lx mk = %16lx {(%d),%s%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xHroute-getkerninfo-estimate %u bad routing redirect%s %u use%s of a wildcard route rtstat: symbol not in namelist %u dynamically created route%s actual retrieval of routing table Route tree for Protocol Family %d Route tree for Protocol Family %d %u new gateway%s due to redirects %u destination%s found unreachable %-18.18s %-17.17s %-6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %5.5s %4.4s %s %-18.18s %-17.17s %-6.6s %5.5s %7.7s %5.5s %-4.4s %s @(#)89 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/route.c, netcmdkern, bos720 11/11/09 15:17:10 h t 8   p , @^^H^\^p^^UGHRD M@dCXLSB u@21Wc3eP l@bmAs    P 8 X P ` tp{}()[]<>%s %d%s: %8x *.* *.* %s: PCB/ADDR %-12.12s~LOCAL, PDN~LOCAL,~PDN LOCAL,~PDN LOCAL, PDNTP_OPEN(0x4)ER_TPDU(0x6)CR_TPDU(0x7)DR_TPDU(0x8)DC_TPDU(0x9)CC_TPDU(0xa)AK_TPDU(0xb)DT_TPDU(0xc)%*sSending: ST_ERROR(0x0)TM_inact(0x0)XPD_TPDU(0xd)XAK_TPDU(0xe)TP_CLOSED(0x1)TP_CRSENT(0x2)TP_AKWAIT(0x3)T_DETACH(0x16)%*sReceiving: TP_CLOSING(0x5)TP_REFWAIT(0x6)TM_retrans(0x1)TM_sendack(0x2)TM_notused(0x3)T_CONN_req(0xf)T_XPD_req(0x13)%-5.5s %6d %6d %*s%6d EOTSDU T_DISC_req(0x10)T_DATA_req(0x12)T_USR_rcvd(0x14)T_NETRESET(0x17)T_ACPT_req(0x18) %*s%d: over 16 %*s%d EOT rcvd %*s%d EOT sent %*sConnections: 0123456789abcdefTP_LISTENING(0x7)TM_reference(0x4)T_USR_Xrcvd(0x15) %*s%d cluster%s %*s%d dec bit%s %*sACK reasons: %*s%6d fcc reqd TP_CONFIRMING(0x8)T_LISTEN_req(0x11)%*sMiscellaneous: %*s%6d user rcvd %u bad checksum%s TP not configured %*s%d: %d %d: %d %*s%6d timer%s set %*s%6d timer%s set TM_data_retrans(0x5) (including servers) %*s%d small mbuf%s %*sRetransmissions: %6d timer%s expired %6d timer%s expired %*s%6d duplicate DT %*s%6d reordered DT %d clnp cache misses addr: 0x%x, prev 0x%x %*s%d invalid length %*s%d duplicate DT%s %*s%d source quench %*sDT %6d (%5.2f%%) %*sXPD %6d (%5.2f%%) %6d timer%s cancelled %6d timer%s cancelled %*s%6d strategy==each %d short pdus received %*s%d invalid dutype%s %*s%d EOT indication%s %d total fragments sent %d incorrect checksum%s %*s%d DT%s out of order %*s%d tp 4 connection%s %*s%d tp 0 connection%s Active ISO net connections %*s%d invalid checksum%s %*s%d DT%s not in window %*sE Timers: [%6d ticks] %*sC Timers: [%6d ticks] %s: %d total packets sent %d total packets received %*s%d XPD%s not in window %*s%d concatenated TPDU%s %d rd sent, %d rd received %s: %u incomplete header%s %u bad data length field%s %*s%d XPD mark%s discarded %*s%6d random DT%s dropped %*s%d negotiation failure%s %*s%6d strategy==fullwindow %d esh sent, %d esh received %d ish sent, %d ish received %d with an incorrect version %*s%6d faked reneging of cdt %*s%6d not acked immediately %*s%6d CC%s sent to zero dref %*s%d invalid parameter code%s %*s%d invalid parameter value%s %*s%d XPD%s w/o credit to stash %*sCR %6d CC %6d DR %6d %*s%d invalid suffix parameter%s %*s%6d inactive timer%s cancelled %*s%d time%s local credit reneged %*s%6d illegally large XPD TPDU%s %d pdus received with bad checksum %*s%d variable parameter%s ignored %*sXPD stopped data flow %d time%s %*s%d time%s foreign window closed %*sM:L ( M mbuf chains of length L) %*sPathological debugging activity: %d pdus received with bad type field %d with header length not reasonable %d with unreasonable address lengths %*sTpdus SENT [%d total, %d dropped] %*s%d invalid destination reference%s %d with fixed part of header too small %d dropped because the ttl has expired %d clnp congestion experience bits set %*s%11.11s: %5d:%-6d | %5d:%-6d | %-6d %s control block: symbol not in namelist %*s%d connection%s used extended format %d pdus received with bad version number %d with an incorrect protocol identifier %*sDT %6d AK %6d DR %4d CR %4d %*sDT %6d AK %6d DR %4d CR %4d %d with forgotten segmentation information %*s%d connection%s turned off checksumming %d pdus not sent due to insufficient memory %d clnp congestion experience bits received %*sRound trip times, listed in (sec: usec): %*s%d connection%s dropped due to retrans limit prev 0x%x next 0x%x isop_prev 0x%x isop_next 0x%x %*sXPD %6d XAK %6d DC %4d CC %4d ER %4d %*sXPD %6d XAK %6d DC %4d CC %4d ER %4d %*s%d connection%s allowed transport expedited data %*sCategory Smoothed avg | Deviation | Deviation/Avg %*sTpdus RECVD [%d valid, %3.6f %% of total (%d); %d dropped] Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address (state) This is a kernel snapshot. It's different from the active running kernel now @(#)83 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/iso.c, netcmdkern, bos720 8/31/06 00:31:02 x   `    * h h+ 0 p  `IPddTCPUDPdevdmxIPv6_if%d%s_%s%iOut of memory Out of memory /usr/sbin/netstat_loadifnet: symbol not defined ifnet: symbol not defined (Note: N/A -> Not Applicable) %-15.15s %20lu %20lu %10lu %10lu %-15.15s %20lu %20lu %10lu %10lu %-15.15s %20lu %20lu %10lu %10lu %-15.15s %20lu %20lu %10lu %10lu %-15.15s %20lu %20lu %10lu %10lu %-15.15s %20.0lu %20.0lu %10u %10u Net IF Total %20u %20u %10u %10u Protocols Total %20u %20u %10u %10u Unable to open device %s, errno = %d %-15.15s %20.0lu %20.0lu %10lu %10lu getkerninfo(KINFO_SET_DMX_STATS) failedDevices Total %20.0lu %20.0lu %10u %10u Drivers Total %20.0lu %20.0lu %10u %10u Unable to connect to device %s, errno = %d Unable to get statistics on device %s, errno = %d NFS/RPC Total N/A %20u %10u %10u %-15.15s %20.0lu N/A %10lu N/A NFS/RPC Client %20u N/A %10u N/A NFS/RPC Server %20u N/A %10u N/A NFS Client %20u N/A %10u N/A NFS Server %20u N/A %10u N/A Demuxer Total %20.0lu N/A %10u N/A ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Ipkts Opkts Idrops Odrops @(#)72 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/packets.c, netcmdkern, bos72L, l2018_11B8 3/13/18 09:59:19 freemapbinusecallshiwatfreedinusecallsCallsfailedfailedmemusememmaxFailedBy sizedelayedBy typedelayedElementsOutcountCluster SizeMax OutcountPool Addressmbstat: bad read %u mbufs in use: bucket: bad read write, clear statskmemstats: bad read mbpr: setup srad error ******* CPU %d ******* Cluster pool Statistics Error reading clustpool Error reading clustpool Kernel malloc statistics: %u mbuf cluster pages in use %u Kbytes allocated to mbufs %u requests for mbufs denied Error reading mclustpool_info mbstat: symbol not in namelist bucket: symbol not in namelist getkerninfo(KINFO_ZSTATS) failed Unable to read clustpool_info %14s %11s %7s %8s %8s %12s %16s %-*s %6s %9s %6s %9s %7s %7s %7s %-*s %6s %7s %6s %7s %7s %7s %5s error reading large kmembuckets. kmemstats: symbol not in namelist error reading kmemstats for srad %d%u calls to protocol drain routines Error on read from kernel, errno =%d Error on read from kernel, errno =%d Error on read from kernel, errno =%d Error on read from kernel, errno =%d Error on read from kernel, errno =%d Error on read from kernel, errno =%d mbpr: netkmems: symbol not in namelist Error on read from kernel, errno = %d error reading netkmem_srad for srad %d error reading netkmem_srad for srad %d %14lu %11lu %7lu %8lu %8lu %12lu %16lX %-*d %6lu %9lu %6lu %9lu %7lu %7lu %7lu %-*d %6lu %9lu %6lu %9lu %7lu %7lu %7lu %-*s %6lu %9lu %6lu %7lu %7lu %7lu %5lu Unable to malloc memory for netkmemptrs. mbpr: net_maxsrads: symbol not in namelist Unable to malloc memory for cpu_to_netkmem . %u sockets not created because sockthresh was reached ***** Allocations greater than %d Bytes for rad id %d ***** @(#)$RCSfile: mbuf.c,v $ $Revision: $ (OSF) $Date: 1992/02/17 16:52:56 $@(#)88 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/mbuf.c, netcmdkern, bos720 6/4/13 10:22:32freembufmclustersocketpcbroutetblfragtblifaddrsooptssonamemblkmblkdatastrheadstrqueuestrqbandstrmodswstrsigsstrpollstrosrstrsyncqstreamsiovfhandleNFS reqNFS mountfilefile descioctlopsselect/polldevbufpathnamekernel tablemountsuperblockUFS mountS5FS mountS5FS superbkvnodespec infospec aliasspec buflockingdevswmls netcredmls ruletblkalloctempmcast optsmcast addrsll mc addrsacf descacf bufmcl_groupmcl_entry psestats: bad read psestats: bad write %u low priority mblk failures %u high priority mblk failures Streams mblk statistic failures: %u medium priority mblk failures allocfailure: symbol not in namelist @(#)11 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/mblk.c, netcmdkern, bos720 6/4/13 10:20:44writembstat: bad read Number of cache hit: %u Number of cache miss: %u Current number of cache: %u Maximum number of cache: %u Number of cache updated: %u Number of cache removed: %u Number of cache with data: %u Number of cache validation: %u ------------------------------- Number of searches in cache: %u Number of cache newly added: %u Network Buffer Cache Statistics: Current total cache data size: %llu Maximum total cache data size: %llu Current total cache buffer size: %llu Maximum total cache buffer size: %llu Number of successful cache accesses: %u Current total NBC_NAMED_FILE entries: %u Maximum total NBC_NAMED_FILE entries: %u Number of unsuccessful cache accesses: %u Current number of free private segments: %u Current total number of private segments: %u Maximum total number of private segments: %u Current total cache data size in private segments: %llu Maximum total cache data size in private segments: %llu @(#)45 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/nbc.c, netcmdkern, bos720 6/4/13 10:24:19 DLPI statistics: dlpistats: bad read dlpistats: bad write Number of received bytes = %d Number of received packets = %d Number of times no buffers = %d Number of successful binds = %d Number of transmitted bytes = %d Status of sap level promisc = %d dlpistats: symbol not in namelist Status of phys level promisc = %d Number of transmitted packets = %d Status of multi level promisc = %d Number of enab_multi addresses = %d Number of incoming pkts discard = %d Number of outgoing pkts discard = %d Number of unknown message types = %d Number of incoming pkts discard raw= %d Number of incoming pkts discard ether= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_mcast= %d Number of incoming pkts discard raw_mcast= %d Number of incoming pkts discard raw_promsc= %d Number of incoming pkts discard ether_mblk= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_baddrop= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_hdrdrop= %d Number of incoming pkts discard raw_nobufs1= %d Number of incoming pkts discard raw_nobufs2= %d Number of incoming pkts discard raw_nobufs3= %d Number of incoming pkts discard ether_mcast= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_nostream= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_mbufdrop= %d Number of incoming pkts discard ether_nobufs= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_codlsdrop= %d Number of incoming pkts discard ether_strfull= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_listendrop= %d Number of incoming pkts discard llc_maxintrmbuf= %d Number of incoming pkts discard rx_ui_flowctrldrop= %d @(#)20 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/dlpi.c, netcmdkern, bos720 5/15/12 14:29:19 ctisit%d)%*s %s%d%d%c%x%c %5d %5u%*s %5u %5u %5u %5u%s%d* Coll Time Drop%-28s %-28s to %s drops drops drops drops link#%d%23s %smalloc()malloc()%-11.11s %-16.16s (%.12s%d)none %-6.6s %-5d zero if stats%23s %-17.17s %23s %-19.19s none Invalid interface name. Invalid interface name. ifnet: symbol not defined %16lu %5lu %16lu %5lu %5lu%16lu %5lu %16lu %5lu %5lu%16lu %5lu %16lu %5lu %5lu %16lu %5lu %16lu %5lu %5lu%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x %16llu %5lu %16llu %5lu %5lu packets errs packets errs colls packets errs packets errs colls Error accessing ptx_get_ifnets(), rc = %d Error accessing ptx_get_ifnets(), rc = %d input (Total) output input (Total) output input %-6.6s output input %-6.6s output packets errs packets errs colls packets errs packets errs colls Name Mtu Network Address Ipkts Ierrs Opkts Oerrs@(#)13 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/if.c, netcmdkern, bos72X, x2021_11B1 2/8/21 23:24:20-dfcs-drNONEstatfcsddfcnet/usr/sbin/out of space getkerninfo-estimateactual retrieval of nddFork for ndd stat commandExec error for %s. Errno = %d Fork for netstat command failed. Could not retrieve network dd data. Network Device Driver info not found Could not retrieve actual network dd data. /usr/sbin/%sstat -z %s | /usr/bin/grep -vp "FC SCSI" /usr/sbin/%sstat -e %s | /usr/bin/grep -vp "FC SCSI" @(#)51 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/drvstats.c, netcmdkern, bos72L, l2018_05A1 1/11/18 11:27:20 %c%c%4u%c[%d] %u:%u [%d] %3d - %3d | >50 | %3u %-15.15sLocal-Address multicast routing: %-15.15s %8u %8u Vif Thresh Rate_lmt %-15.15s %5s %2u %10u upcall made to mrouted %2u %3u %6u %-15.15s %10u upcalls made to mrouted Virtual Interface Table %s%s%s Packets In-Vif Out-Vifs:Ttls Multicast Forwarding Cache %s%smrtstat: symbol not in namelist mfctable: symbol not in namelist viftable: symbol not in namelist Virtual Interface Table is empty Upcall time(mS) No. of packets ip_mrtproto: symbol not in namelist Remote-Address Pkt_in Pkt_out ip_mrtproto: symbol not in namelist Hash Origin Mcastgroup Multicast Forwarding Cache is empty multicast routing protocol %u, unknown multicast routing protocol %u, unknown %10u datagram cleaned up by the cache %10u datagram with no route for origin %10u datagrams cleaned up by the cache %10u datagrams with no route for origin timing info: data symbol not in namelist %10u datagram arrived on wrong interface %10u datagrams arrived on wrong interface %10u datagram dropped - bucket Q overflow %10u datagrams dropped - bucket Q overflow %10u datagram with malformed tunnel options %10u datagrams with malformed tunnel options %10u datagram dropped - larger than bkt size Timing histogram of upcalls for new packets no multicast routing compiled into this system no multicast routing compiled into this system %10u datagram with no room for tunnel options %10u datagrams dropped - larger than bkt size %10u datagrams with no room for tunnel options %10u datagram dropped due to upcall Q overflow %10u datagrams dropped due to upcall Q overflow %10u datagram dropped selectively by ratelimiter %10u datagrams dropped selectively by ratelimiter %10u datagram dropped due to upcall socket overflow %10u datagrams dropped due to upcall socket overflow @(#)24 1.6 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/mroute.c, netcmdkern, bos720 12/13/01 06:25:39#0rawrdmdgram %.*sstream %16lx seqpacketActive UNIX domain sockets %16lx %-6.6s %6d %6d %16lx %16lx %16lx %16lx@(#)90 src/bos/usr/sbin/netstat/unix.c, netcmdkern, bos720 8/29/11 05:59:50SADR/PCB Type Recv-Q Send-Q Inode Conn Refs Nextref Addr   ; B`  `         9  >   { x v `       @ D H   P X  8 ~` ` d  @ h p $ (  0  X x ` h    8  @  p   p  x |     (    <  0 @<  p x            H   P X  ` h    ( H h    (  + ) )8 ) ( ) )h 0 )p 8 * * * *( $ *0 *@ ( *P x 0 * * 8 * ِ * *   Xcwd@AT8 @&@ .@ 7@ C@ L@ Z@ h@ w@ @ @@@@@@@@ @  @ @ @ '@ .@ 5@ >@ H@ Q@ [@ e@ o@ v@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ !@ (@ .@ 5@ =@ D@ Q@ \@ e@ p@ {@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@ )@ 9@ G@ Q@ ^@ k@ w@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 0@ A@ S@ f@ z@ @ P P `! ? ? ? L? X? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P? X? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? (? 0? 8? @? H? P? X? `? h? p? x? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0? H? `? x? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? 8? P? h? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (? @? X? p? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0? H? `? x? ? ? ? ? ? ?  ? 8? P? h? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? (? 0? H? P? h? p? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? v`? vh? vp? vx? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? v? w? w? w? w? w ? w(? w0? w8? w@? wH? wP? wX? w`? wh? wp? wx? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? w? x? x? x? x? x ? x(? x0? x8? x@? xH? xP? xX? x`? xh? xp? xx? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? x? y? y? y? y? y ? y(? y0? y8? y@? yH? yP? yX? y`? yh? yp? yx? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? y? z? z? z? z? z ? z(? z0? z8? z@? zH? zP? zX? z`? zh? zp? zx? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? z? {? {? {? {? { ? {(? {0? {8? {@? {H? {P? {X? {`? {h? {p? {x? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? {? |? |? |? |? | ? |(? |0? |8? |@? |H? |P? |X? |`? |h? |p? |x? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? |? }? }? }? }? } ? }(? }0? }8? }@? }H? }P? }X? }`? }h? }p? }x? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? }? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~ ? ~(? ~0? ~8? ~@? ~H? ~P? ~X? ~`? ~p? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~? ~? ? ?  ? 0? @? P? `? p? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0? @? 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