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otherwise : negative) : %d -t parameter length must be less than 9 characters -d parameter value must be enclosed between 0 and 7 -e parameter value must is not a defined yp map name write_dump: Wrong type of query received in element to write At least one of the -a, -b, -f, -s, -l, -h flags must be specified -a, -b, -f, -s, -l flags are exclusive; only one must be specified run_cmd in cmd sent: cache_type : %d, ulm_name : %s, struct_type : %d With -t and -e flag, one of the -a, -b, -f, or -s flags must be specified Hash index : %d, Max number of entries : %d, Current number of entries : %d netcdctrl: Error setsockopt SO_LINGER failed on Netcd Daemon Socket errno = %d netcdctrl: Error setsockopt SO_RCVTIMEO fails on Netcd Daemon Socket errno = %d usage: netcdctrl [[-b file|-a file|-s file|-f] [-t type -e type]] [-l level] [-h] usage: netcdctrl [[-b file|-a file|-s file|-f] [-t type -e type]] [-l level] [-h] -e parameter value must be : hosts, protocols, servers, networks, netgroup or all @(#)74 1.7 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/netcdctrl.c, netcd, tcpip720 9/18/08 13:17:17  , d t  ,  , ,   , , , , , h x   T  l ` lyp%s%sdnsnisulmlenallalladdraddraddraddraddraddrHostlocalhostsvaluevalueGroupvaluevaluestringstringnetentNETENTstringResultypmapsYPMAPSdomainstringnisplusname = name = hostentHOSTENTaliasesAddressserventSERVENTServiceNetworkaliasesAddressservicesnetworksnetgroup%s = %s %s = %d %s = %d %s = %s %s = %d %s = %d protoentPROTOENTProtocolnetgroupNETGROUPprotocols%s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s addressesaddresses%s = %d Val = %s group.bygidPort numberPort numberPort numberType = %d User = %s passwd.byuidgroup.bynamenetid.bynameProto numberProto numberInkey = %s Alias = %s passwd.bynameLength = %d Domain = %s Outkey = %s Domain = %s vallen = %d users_not_used%s name = %s Machine = %s groups_not_usedProtocol numberinkeylen = %d outkeylen = %d Number of %s = %d Number of %s = %d Protocol name = %s passwd.adjunct.bynameAddress length = %d ################### %s #################### end of %s printnetcdval: Map type unknown # tcache_name:%s tcache_mask:%x # tmapyp_name:%s tcache_mask:%x error on address len ===> not printableerror on address len ===> not printableerror on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable printnetcdval: too many strings for netgroup #################### END DISPLAY %s ############ ################### DISPLAY %s ################# @(#)76 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/common.c, netcd, tcpip720, 1508A_720 2/3/15 13:34:06 ##### RECEIVE NETCD_QUERY ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query str1:%s str2:%s str3:%s # query Key:%lld #### ##### RECEIVE NETCD_QUERY ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query param1:%d # query param2:%d # query Key:%lld #### #### NETCD_QUERY_RES message # msg_type:%d # msg_len:%d # flag_found:%d # size of the element cache:%d # nb_mask send:%d %s #### ##### BUFFER ###### # MSG TYPE = %d # MSG LEN = %d # cache_index = %d # map_index = %d # search_index = %d # ulm_name=%s ##### ##### RECEIVE UPDATE ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query str1:%s str2:%s str3:%s # query Key:%lld # r_len:%d (neg answer : 0, or 4 in case of hosts or networks and not yp) # ttl (DNS only):%d #### ##### RECEIVE UPDATE ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query param1:%d # query param2:%d # query Key:%lld # r_len:%d (neg answer : 0, or 4 in case of hosts or networks and not yp) # ttl (DNS only):%d #### %s %s.0%s.%d%s.%d%s [%s] %u:Stoping log Starting log Error when opening file : %s netcd: logmsg: Unable to rotate log files netcd: logmsg: Unable to write in log file @(#)82 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/netcd_log.c, netcd, tcpip720 5/4/11 13:54:17 d      '`` '` '` 'H l ) )    % & &\`=oO /8 @(@ 0@ 9@ E@ N@ V@ ^@ g@ r@ @@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ )@ 3@ =@ D@ K@ U@ ]@ d@ m@ v@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@!@0@ G@ V@ k@ @ @ @ ' ! l? t? |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? &? &? &? &? &? 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