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ERROR: netcd does not support this option. ERROR: netcd does not support this option. 1- AFTER NETCD_UPDATE nb_char remaining:%d .....netcd daemon: pthread_create th_src failed 1- AFTER NETCD_UPDATE nb char rc:%d ind_nwcd:%d ERROR in cnx_thread: setsockopt fails, errno = %d ERROR in cnx_thread: setsockopt fails, errno = %d PB Command receive rc:%d ind_deb:%d ind_nwcd:%d A positive number must be specified for the timeout Not enough space to create thread ==> Stopping netcd .....netcd daemon: pthread_create th_net_timer failed .....netcd daemon: pthread_create th_lcl_timer failed Error when opening local file - local cache not loadedA positive number must be specified for the debug level A positive number must be specified for the debug level cnx_thread: recv TIMED OUT timeout = %d ind_deb:%d rc:%d cnx_thread: Read Done ind_deb:%d size read:%d Incorrect command cnx_thread: ERROR READ FAILS ind_deb:%d rc:%d si rc=0 socket close ##### RECEIVE BUFFER in the preceding buffer rc:%d ind_deb:%d ###### 3 - AFTER NETCD_UPDATE NEW Command nb char remaining:%d ind_deb:%d usage: netcd [-l file] [-c file] [-d level] [-o timeout in seconds] [-h] usage: netcd [-l file] [-c file] [-d level] [-o timeout in seconds] [-h] usage: netcd [-l file] [-c file] [-d level] [-o timeout in seconds] [-h] main: Cannot create thread for connection %d: errno = %d, __n_pthreads = %d netcd : log_file : %s, log_level : %d, log_rotate : %d, log_size : %d, log_max : %d @(#)75 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/netcd.c, netcd, tcpip720, 1508A_720 1/30/15 05:39:472 - AFTER NETCd_UPDATE NEW Command Message MSGTYPE:%d MSGLEN:%d Complete(0) or Not(1): %d total nb_char:%d nb_char_missing:%d ind_deb:%d max_msg:%d 0<P00000000, /000=rk=id allall dnsalldnsallroot%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s byuidbygidbyuidbygidhostshostsownergroupcachesystembynamebyhostbyuserbyaddrbynamebyhostbyuserbyaddrgroupsypmapsaliasesaliasesbynumberbynumberhome_dirlog_filelog_size/etc/hostslog_rotate/etc/services/etc/networks/etc/netgroup/etc/protocols/etc/netcd.conf/etc/resolv.confStopping netcd socket_queue_sizenet_scan_frequencylocal_scan_frequencyWrong pathname length Exiting initiate_caches Entering initiate_caches Using default parameters Unable to initiate caches please use correct syntax This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored This line will be ignored Error when opening file : %s Default log size will be used Unknown key word or invalid value Not enough memory to execute netcd Not enough memory to execute netcd Not enough memory to execute netcd A positive number must be specified A positive number must be specified A positive number must be specified A positive number must be specified A positive number must be specified Example : cache dns hosts 128 20:10 Only number is allowed in TTL value Example : cache dns hosts 128 20:10 Example : cache dns hosts 128 20:10 netcd : edited line = %s %s %d %d %s Only hosts can be configured for dns netcd : Reading netcd conf file : %s netcd : End Update of cache_conf %d %d The map specified is not a defined yp map ypmaps line must be before any cache line after colon valid value must be specified initiate_caches: Unable to initiate caches colon is only supported with dns cache type WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : WARNING : In configuration file %s on line : netcd : End setting of user, group and home dir Size specification for log file will be ignored Invalid range of TTL: Valid TTL range is 0 to 9999999 Invalid range of TTL: Valid TTL range is 0 to 9999999 Error when setting group %s requested in configuration Error when setting owner %s requested in configuration Error when setting group %s requested in configuration File %s is an invalid key file This parameter is ignored netcd : Setting user, group and home dir to : %s, %s, %s Unknown key word or invalid value or invalid mix of keywords Unknown key word or invalid value or invalid mix of keywords Unknown key word or invalid value or invalid mix of keywords netcd : Colon seprated value is parsed ttl ttl_negative : %d, %d netcd : calling update table value of ttlt ttlt_negative : %d, %d Error when setting home directory to %s requested in configuration Error when setting owner %s and group %s requested in configuration More than 16 user loadable modules configured; only the first 16 ones will be cached WARNING: Error in configuration file: size for log file specified but rotate not specified WARNING: Error in configuration file: rotate specified without a valide size for log file specified @(#)77 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/parse_conf.c, netcd, tcpip720, 1520A_720 4/17/15 01:40:14The map specified must have one of the following values : hosts, protocols, networks, services, netgroup or all WARNING: for dns and local caches, the key file cannot be changed; if this parameter is different than the default, it will be ignored @ X #< #  t !   yp%s%sdnsnisulmlenallalladdraddraddraddraddraddrHostlocalhostsvaluevalueGroupvaluevaluestringstringnetentNETENTstringResultypmapsYPMAPSdomainstringnisplusname = name = hostentHOSTENTaliasesAddressserventSERVENTServiceNetworkaliasesAddressservicesnetworksnetgroup%s = %s %s = %d %s = %d %s = %s %s = %d %s = %d protoentPROTOENTProtocolnetgroupNETGROUPprotocols%s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s %s = %s addressesaddresses%s = %d Val = %s group.bygidPort numberPort numberPort numberType = %d User = %s passwd.byuidgroup.bynamenetid.bynameProto numberProto numberInkey = %s Alias = %s passwd.bynameLength = %d Domain = %s Outkey = %s Domain = %s vallen = %d users_not_used%s name = %s Machine = %s groups_not_usedProtocol numberinkeylen = %d outkeylen = %d Number of %s = %d Number of %s = %d Protocol name = %s passwd.adjunct.bynameAddress length = %d ################### %s #################### end of %s printnetcdval: Map type unknown # tcache_name:%s tcache_mask:%x # tmapyp_name:%s tcache_mask:%x error on address len ===> not printableerror on address len ===> not printableerror on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable error on address len ===> not printable printnetcdval: too many strings for netgroup #################### END DISPLAY %s ############ ################### DISPLAY %s ################# @(#)76 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/common.c, netcd, tcpip720, 1508A_720 2/3/15 13:34:06 ##### RECEIVE NETCD_QUERY ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query str1:%s str2:%s str3:%s # query Key:%lld #### ##### RECEIVE NETCD_QUERY ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query param1:%d # query param2:%d # query Key:%lld #### #### NETCD_QUERY_RES message # msg_type:%d # msg_len:%d # flag_found:%d # size of the element cache:%d # nb_mask send:%d %s #### ##### BUFFER ###### # MSG TYPE = %d # MSG LEN = %d # cache_index = %d # map_index = %d # search_index = %d # ulm_name=%s ##### ##### RECEIVE UPDATE ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query str1:%s str2:%s str3:%s # query Key:%lld # r_len:%d (neg answer : 0, or 4 in case of hosts or networks and not yp) # ttl (DNS only):%d #### ##### RECEIVE UPDATE ###### # MSG LEN = %d # q_len:%d # %s # query param1:%d # query param2:%d # query Key:%lld # r_len:%d (neg answer : 0, or 4 in case of hosts or networks and not yp) # ttl (DNS only):%d #### %s %s.0%s.%d%s.%d%s [%s] %u:Stoping log Starting log Error when opening file : %s netcd: logmsg: Unable to rotate log files netcd: logmsg: Unable to write in log file @(#)82 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/netcd_log.c, netcd, tcpip720 5/4/11 13:54:17value addr ceaddr cestring name = %s value = %d curtime = %d plowest = %d End th_net_timer End th_lcl_timer Exiting create_ce Exiting insert_in_h Exiting delete_from_h Exiting insert_in_tms Starting th_net_timer Starting th_lcl_timer Exiting delete_from_tms Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query Error when creating query cache_index > irs_dce :%d query.qparam1:%d query.param2:%d Already exist but time is passed Valid entry found in local cache Already exist but time is passed Exiting hash : calculated hash : %d Valid entry found in non local cache Valid entry found in non local cache Error when creating list of aliases Entering hash : with cachetype : 0x%X Entering insert_in_tms pcache : %x, ce = %x cache_index %d map_index:%d search_index:%d q_qptr_len = %d query->qtype = %x qkey = %lld already exist ptr->qparam1:%d ptr->qparam2:%d Entering delete_from_tms pcache : %x, ce = %x Creating local timer thread with frequency = %d Creating network timer thread with frequency = %d Entering delete_from_h pcache : %x, key = %d, ce = %x Entering exist_in_h: pcache = %x, key = %d, query = %x already exist ptr->qpstr1:%s ptr->qpstr2:%s ptr->qstr3:%s already exist ptr->qparam1:%d ptr->qparam2:%d ptr->ypqstr1:%s Entering insert_in_h pcache : %x, key = %d, ce = %x, ptr = %x Entering create_ce : hash_key = %d, entry = %x, elen = %d, tms:%d, query = %x @(#)81 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/cache_util.c, netcd, tcpip72X, x2021_01A1 12/6/20 11:49:59<cte_ttl =%d DNS response is negative value of buf_rec->q_update.ttl =%d DNS response is positive value of buf_rec->q_update.ttl =%d ENTRY FOUND REMOVE AND PUT THE NEW ENTRY IN THE CACHE q_answer:%d DNS response is negative value of pcache_tms->cte_ttl_negative =%d query_cache_entry: Thread ERROR: send NETCD_QUERY_RES fails rc:%d errno:%d @(#)79 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/netcd/interface.c, netcd, tcpip72L, l2017_33A6 6/29/17 03:50:46  4  8 ( < " "< "L ! "\ #/var/tmp/netcd.log H` H H H H` H H H H H0 , P NP NX @ D H P x    X    ( * + N` ` + [` 2 2 2 \h :x > BX B\ B` Bh B C G G G G l l l G HH l H` l Hx G l l H H H HsbG08 @$@ ,@ 4@ =@ I@ R@ [@ d@ l@ t@ }@ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@@ @@'@.@ ;@ D@ K@ T@ ]@ d@ m@ u@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ '@ .@ 9@ D@ M@ X@ a@ k@ u@ }@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ (@ 2@ 9@ C@ J@ V@ f@ r@ ~@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@ *@ ;@ S@ d@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @!@ +@ 5@  H?! ,? 4?  L(?A L0?V L8?Y L@?U LH? LP?' LX?= L`?< Lh? Lp? Lx? L? L?. L?- L?G L? L? L? L? L? L? L? L?7 L? L? L? L? M? M? M?8 M? M ?i M(?h M0?f M8? M@? MH?S MP? MX?e M`? Mh? Mp? Mx? M? M? M? M? M?P M?3 M?4 M?p M? M?T M? M?j M?r M?s M?E M?5 N?t N?9 N?O N? N ?J N(?g N0? N8?L N@?/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr_64.olibpthreads.ashr_xpg5_64.olibsrc.ashr_64.o@VPDnetcd/5765E6200/520errnochdirclosefstatx ftruncaterenamesetgidsetuidstatxunameunlinksocketbindlisten shutdown setsockopt ngetsockname_system_configuration ___strcmp64 ___bzero64 ___memset64 ___memmove64 ___fill64 ___strcpy64_iob __mod_initmallocfreegetenv_Errnoexitstrlenfopenopen64lseek64open strncasecmp strcasecmpfprintffclosecatopencatgetsisdigitstrchratoistatsprintfwrite sigemptyset sigaddsetgetpidtime catclose snprintfprintf vsprintffdopentolowerstrncmpfgetssleepfreadstrpbrkctime setlocalesyslog nrecvfromforkstrstrdup2memcmpalarmgetoptsigvec getgrnam basename strerror setlinebufopenlogsendnacceptrecv inet_atoninet_net_pton inet_ntoa inet_ntop inet_pton getnetgrent endnetgrent setnetgrent getuserattr__crt0vopterroptindoptarg__malloc_user_defined_name __n_pthreadspthread_mutex_unlockpthread_createpthread_attr_setscopepthread_cancelpthread_attr_setdetachstatepthread_attr_init pthread_exit pthread_selfpthread_mutex_initpthread_mutex_lockpthread_mutex_destroy __pth_initpthread_sigmask __pthreadsrcrrqssrcsrpysrcstat__start