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No %s specified for stanza %s %s is not a known file system Internal error, strlen failed Internal error, strcpy failed Cannot form full name of "%s" Cannot form full name of "%s" Cannot inherit multiple mounts %s has an unknown gfstype (%d) Can not parse the mount buffer %s has an unknown gfstype (%d) Could not table filesystem dataCould not table filesystem dataThere are not 'type=%s' stanzas Cannot form full pathname of %s Stat of log device ("%s") failed No mount helper is defined for %s Could not find anything to unmount Could not find anything to unmount Default vfs for %s is indeterminate Unknown vfs name "%s" for object %s Stale filesystem? revision %d != %d %-8.128s %-16s %-16s %-6s %-12s %-16s %-8.128s %-16s %-16s %-6s %-12s %-16s %-8.128s %-16s %-16s %-6s %-12s %-16s Non-device mounts may not be removable Non-device mounts may not be removable Error loading the kernel extension %s. Error querying the kernel extension %s. The kernel extension %s was not loaded. Error querying the kernel extension %s. The kernel extension %s already loaded. Error unloading the kernel extension %s. /usr/bin/projctl ldadm -r > /dev/null 2>&1Bad status (%d) returned from mount helper The root filesystem may not be overmounted Error configuring the kernel extension %s. /usr/sbin/wlmcntrl -u -d "" > /dev/null 2>&1Error unconfiguring the kernel extension %s. Write permission is required to mount over %s. Failed getting mount status buffer for inherit There is no plausible log device for %s ("%s") Remote mounts on removable media are not allowed "Nodename" and "all" are mutually exclusive options Object %s for inherited mount is not fully qualified There are no file systems of type %s currently mounted. The superblock on %s is dirty. Run a full fsck to fix. Remote mount with the specified vfs type %s is not allowed Log device and filesystem device must be in the same volume group ?what am i?: This command must be named "mount" or "umount," not "%s." Only root,system group members and authorized users may perform "all" mounts The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. Usage: umount [-f] {-a|-n Node|-t Type|all|allr|Device|File|Directory|Filesystem} @(#)04 src/bos/usr/sbin/mount/mount.c, cmdfs, bos72X, x2021_42A1 10/11/21 14:19:31Usage: mount [-fipr] [-n node] [-o options] [-t type] [-{v|V} vfs] [-a | all | [[node:]device] [dir]] oxdxdxdxdxxdxdxxdxdxdxdxxyxdz0xdzxd{jfs h  ' !   !   !   !   ! %s/%s fcntl()/etc/locks/fs/etc/locks/fs/etc/locks/fs/etc/locks/fs@(#)70 1.9 src/bos/sbin/helpers/v3fshelpers/libfs/device.c, cmdfs, bos720 4/12/07 08:57:54rororqrwdevtruemountquotacheckfalseoptionsreadonly/etc/filesystems/etc/filesystems@(#)57 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/fstab.c, libcenv, bos720 6/7/00 16:35:25@(#)72 1.3 src/bos/sbin/helpers/v3fshelpers/libfs/inode.c, cmdfs, bos720 2/23/96 08:30:01@(#)71 1.3 src/bos/sbin/helpers/v3fshelpers/libfs/frag.c, cmdfs, bos720 12/11/95 18:36:19C!ee!C0000rc = %d@(#)73 1.6 src/bos/sbin/helpers/v3fshelpers/libfs/super.c, cmdfs, bos720 6/27/03 11:09:23 h    !, !,` !,  #` #p H # 3 C < @ P `   C       C    x s s s s s s sո ! s s s s`/@___bzero@(@4@___fill@A@errno@access@ chmod@ close@ M@ lseek@ mkdir@ mntctl@ pipe@ projctl@ seteuid@ setuid@ Y@ umask@ uvmount@ vmount@ e@}@_iob@@ malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ @ strlen@ isatty@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ getuid@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ write@ printf@ fflush@ fcntl@ vfprintf@ fdopen@ read@ strncmp@ fgets@ sscanf@ perror@ strdup@ stat64x@ strtok@ @ @ @ getcwd@ fork@ strstr@ dup2@ memcmp@ execv@ wait@ getopt@ getgid@ execlp@ writex@ basename@ strftime@ @ fshelp@ @ @ AFopen@ AFnxtrec@ AFgetatr@ AFclose@ llseek@ @ @ @ .@ ;@__crt0v@optind@optarg@N@b@u@@__start ! !                           ` h x               ! ! !  ! ! ! !  !$ !T[ !XY !\ !`a !d  !h: !l !p !t !x !| ! !* !& !9 !  !? !) !K ! !" !+ ! ! !6 !, !@ !^ !# !- ! !N !X ! !O !P ! ! ! !M !2 !  ! 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