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'%s'attribute = '%s' and value = '%s'lspv: E no_pv_default subroutine. no_pv_default: FAIL: dlsym failed lspv: L no_pv_default subroutine. lfunction: FAIL: lvm_cfglock rc=%d pfunction: FAIL: lvm_cfglock rc=%d no_pv_default: FAIL: ht_new failed no_pv_default: FAIL: ht_new failed no_pv_default: FAIL: dlopen failed PdDvLn like 'disk*' and status = '1'no_pv_default: current pv = %s = %s get_max_request: DF_LGDSK set for %s main: FAIL: get_vgid_from_name failed no_pv_default: FAIL: odm_get_list failed PdDvLn like 'rwoptical*' and status = '1'no_pv_default: FAIL: odm_get_list failed lspv: E get_default_odm_data subroutine. lspv: L get_default_odm_data subroutine. no_pv_default: reverting to legacy method defaultf: FAIL: lvm_cfglock failed, rc=%d main: FAIL: lvm_queryvg_full failed, rc=%d lfunction: FAIL: lvm_querypv failed, rc=%d pfunction: FAIL: get_vgid_from_name failed pfunction: FAIL: lvm_querypv failed, rc=%d no_pv_default: found %s = %s in hash table defaultf: FAIL: get_vgid_from_name failed. lfunction: FAIL: get_vgid_from_name failed. no_pv_default: adding %s = %s to hash table %-15s %-16.16s %-15s %-12s%08x-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02xget_default_odm_data: FAIL: bad arg, pvid==NULL get_default_odm_data: FAIL: odm_get_first failed get_max_request: FAIL: unable to open %s, errno=%d get_max_request: %s is not DD_SCDISK || DD_SCRWOPT no_pv_default: FAIL: lvm_queryvg_full failed, rc=%d get_max_request: max_request for %s was %d (outside range) get_max_request: FAIL: ioctl failed, cmd=IOCINFO, (pv_filename=%s, errno=%d) @(#)23 src/bos/usr/sbin/lvm/highcmd/lspv.c, cmdlvm, bos72X, x2021_50B1 12/14/21 08:48:28"$$$%%(%@%X%p%% lLMn:pv:PulLMn:pv:Puparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv.cparselspv: end parselspv: start parselspv: E getflg subroutine. parselspv: L getflg subroutine. parselspv: FAIL: pvdescript==NULL getflg: FAIL: invalid option flag. parselspv: FAIL: Illegal combination of options parselspv: FAIL: Illegal combination of options parselspv: FAIL: input_str_length(%d)>=STRSIZE(%d)-1 parselspv: FAIL: input_str_length(%d)>=STRSIZE(%d)-1 parselspv: FAIL: input_str_length(%d)>=STRSIZE(%d)-1 [-L] [-M | -l | -p] [-n pvname] [-v vgid] [pvdescript]@(#)25 src/bos/usr/sbin/lvm/highcmd/parselspv.c, cmdlvm, bos720 8/30/11 14:55:11--@(#)93 1.2 src/bos/usr/sbin/lvm/liblv/set_flg.c, cmdlvm, bos720 6/26/97 11:58:09 $ $=` $ & !$ 6( $ !( !0 $Pcnt@___bzero@'@3@errno@close@ seteuid@ _iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ atexit@ strlen@ fopen@ fprintf@ fclose@ geteuid@ getuid@ catopen@ stat@ sprintf@ getpid@ printf@ strncmp@ fscanf@ perror@ sleep@ strdup@ lstat@ ?@ O@ ioctl@ getopt@ openx@ dlopen@ dlsym@ dlclose@ remove@ dlerror@ [@ n@ __crt0v@optind@optarg@{@@lvmt@ @ @ @ @ ht_new@ ht_free@ @ @ @ @ @ -@ :@ lvm_log2@ F@ lvm_lsvg@ T@ g@ s@ ht_size@ @ lvmt_end@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ &@ getmem@ lvm_msg@ 7@ D@ Q@ a@ n@ @ @ get_pvid@ @ @ errmsg@ @@@@@getattr@ __start $!                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prt_pvmapget_odm_data_emynumber_of_megabytesdistributions scmc_catd PdAt_CLASS CuDv_CLASS CuAt_CLASS CuLk_CLASS