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Privilege not defined. Privilege not defined. Privilege not defined. Privilege not defined. Privilege not defined. Error getting privileges. Entry "%s" does not exist. You do not have permission. Allows a process to dump core. Allows a process to upgrade SLs. Allows a process to downgrade SLs. Allows a process to configure PMU. Allows probevue RAS events functions. Allows a process to change REAL mode. Allows a process to set a new role ID. Allows a process to change object SLs. Allows a process to change subject SL. Allows a process to change its own SL. Allows a process to change its user ID. Allows a process to set a new group ID. Allows a process to modify subject SCLs. Allows a process to modify subject TCLs. The system is not in Enhanced RBAC MODE. Allows a process to query kernel modules. Equivalent to all SU privileges combined. Allows a process to change other domains. Allows a process to access CPU-time clock. Allows a process to modify network tables. Allows a process to change its own domain. Allows a process to read labeling database. Allows a process to access domained object. Allows a process to reserve NX/VAS credits. Allows a process to patch kernel extensions. Causes the getuid() system call to return 0. Allows a process to use PMU from user space. Allows a process to bind to privileged ports. Equivalent to all Domain privileges combined. Allows a process to access a CAPI Flash disk. Allows users to dynamically trace applications Allows users to dynamically trace system calls Allows a process to create a file of any type. Allows a process to change its root directory. Allows a process to enter into kernel cluster. Allows a process to record/add an audit record. Allows a process to change the owner of a file. Allows a process to upgrade the SL of a packet. Allows a process to configure the LVM sub-system. Allows a process to configure the NFS sub-system. Allows a process to change Kernel Security Flags. Allows a process to downgrade the SL of a packet. Allows a process to bypass MAC read restrictions. Causes a process to pass all authorization checks. Allows a process to bypass integrity restrictions. Allows a process to modify subject and object TLs. Allows a process to bypass MAC write restrictions. Allow a process to perform security library trace. Allows users to dynamically trace the entire system Allows a process to configure a Workload partition. Allows a process to configure networking paramters. Error getting privilege name for privilege id "%d". Allows a process to pass any non-SU privilege check. Allows users to dynamically trace their applications Allows a process to mount and unmount a file system. Allows a process to make a hard link to a directory. Equivalent to all DAC privileges (PV_DAC_*) combined. Allows a process to modify the kernel security tables. Allows a process to use PMU for System wide profiling. Allows a process to perform data management operations. Allows a process to checkpoint/restart another process. Allows a process to invoke dynamic reconfig operations. Equivalent to all PMU Privileges (PV_PMU_*) combined .. Allows a process to use PMU for Thread level profiling. Allows a process to read a file marked as an audit file. Allows a process to retrieve the kernel security tables. Allows a process to send signal to an unrelated process. Equivalent to all Kernel privileges (PV_KER_*) combined. Allows a process to configure and utilize error logging. Equivalent to all Label privileges (PV_LAB_*) combined.. Allows a process to use PMU for Process level profiling. Equivalent to all Auditing privileges (PV_AU_*) combined. Allows a process to configure and query the audit system. Allows a process to override DAC ownership on all objects. Allows a process to manage disk quotas related operations. Equivalent to all Process privileges (PV_PROC_*) combined. Allows a process to get or set an audit state of a process. Allows a process to make or set partitioned type directory. Allows a process to submit and use fine granularity timers. Allows a process to modify the kernel trusted library path. Allows ASO user daemon access to ASO specific system calls. Allows a process to run operations specific to live update. Causes a process to pass authorization checks during exec(). Equivalent to all File System privileges (PV_FS_*) combined. Allows to attach resource set (rset) to a process or thread. Allows a process to modify the system clock and system time. Allows a process to initialize and modify WLM configuration. Equivalent to all Networking privileges (PV_NET_*) combined. Allows a process to have direct access to the network layer. Allows a process to bypass integrity clearance restrictions. Equivalent to all other MAC privileges (PV_MAC_*) combined.. Allows a process to initialize or query the eWLM environment. Allows a process to set or clear the kernel trusted path flag. Allows a process to override DAC ownership on all IPC objects. Allows a process to bypass sensitivity clearance restrictions. Allows a process create more processes than the per user limit. Allows a process to set user information in the user structure. Allows a process to override DAC read permission on all objects. Equivalent to all PROBEVUE_ privileges (PV_PROBEVUE_*) combined. Allows a process to override DAC write permission on all objects. Allows a process to set new process credential during the exec(). Allows a process to perform checkpoint/restart operation in WPAR. Allows a process to override DAC execute permission on all objects. Allows a process to retrieve and update process tunable parameters. Allows a process to perform various system configuration operations. Allows a process to examine or set kernel run-time tunable parameters. Allows a process to shut down the system using the reboot system call. Allows a process to configure kernel extensions and devices in the system. Allows users to dynamically trace system calls invoked by their applications Allows a process to modify or view privilege sets associated with a process. Allows a process to load/unload kernel extensions and devices in the system. Grant the process all privileges associated with the standard AIX superuser. Allows users to update probevue parameters and query all the probevue sessions @(#)10 1.8 src/bos/usr/sbin/lspriv/lspriv.c, cmdsrbac, bos720 2/21/14 05:27:51Allows a process to perform various configuration tasks in a kernel extensions. Allows a process to bypass the domain checks and allow it to access the object. Allows a process to perform extend and shrink type of operations on a file system. Allows a process/thread to change priority, policy and other schedulig parameters. Allows a process to use large (non-pageable) pages for the shared memory segments. Allows a process to read a IPC Message Queue, Semaphore Set, or Shared Memory Segment. Allows a process to write a IPC Message Queue, Semaphore Set, or Shared Memory Segment. Allows a process to bypass MAC restrictions for files flagged as being exempt from MAC. Allows a process to attach a master context, download FPGA image, etc to a CAPI device. Allows a process to perform restricted operations pertaining to the accounting subsystem. Allows a process to modify swap parameters and other VMM tunable parameters in the kernel. Allows a process to configure or write RAS records, error logging, tracing, dumps functions. Allows a process in a WPAR to load a kernel extension specified in the WPAR's configuration. Allows a process to perform various control operations except extend and shrink on a file system. If the UID is 0, then grant the process all privileges associated with the standard AIX superuser. Indicates a process is a trusted path process and allows actions limited to trusted path processes. Allows a process to write or delete a file marked as an audit file, or to mark a file as an audit file. Allows a process to raise the value of IPC message queue buffer and allow shmget with ranges to attach. Allows a process to bypass MAC read restrictions when the object's label is within the process's clearance. Allows a process to bypass MAC write restrictions when the object's label is within the process's clearance. Allows a process to bypass MAC read restrictions when reading from a STREAM, provided that message's label is within the process's clearance. Allows a process to bypass MAC write restrictions when the process label dominates the object's label and the object's label is within the process's clearance. Allows a process to bypass MAC write restrictions when the process label is dominated by the object's label and the object's label is within the process's clearance. Allows a process to bypass MAC write restrictions when sending a signal to a process, provided that the target process's label is within the acting process's clearance. Allows a process to bypass MAC read restrictions when getting information about a process, provided that the target process's label is within the acting process's clearance.   @ d |  *X lv v     v 4v L   < !    @v d  t    "  # , X   ! 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