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Not all filesets for %s were found. Not all filesets for %s were found. Fileset %s is applied on the system. Fileset %s is applied on the system. %s: The -%s flag requires an argument. Fileset %s is not applied on the system. Fileset %s is not applied on the system. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: Using alternate installation device %s. There was no data for %s in the fix database. %s: There are no filesets on the media for %s. %s: %s is an invalid argument to the -%s flag. Interim fix '%s' associated with %s is installed. #Keyword:Fileset:ReqLevel:InstLevel:Status:Abstract PATH=/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin/X11:/sbin%s: No software packages found for the specified platform. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. No filesets which have fixes for %s are currently installed. No filesets which have fixes for %s are currently installed. %s: There are no filesets on the media for the requested Fix IDs. %s: Unknown VPD error occurred while processing the fix database. %s: Cannot change to directory %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: No software packages found which are compatible with this system. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. instfix: The -M flag may only be used in conjunction with the -T flag. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ============================================================================== /usr/bin/awk '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if($i ~ /^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{5}$/){print $i}}}' 2>/dev/null %s: Cannot create a directory in the /tmp directory. Check permissions or available space. %s: Cannot create a directory in the /tmp directory. Check permissions or available space. @(#)89 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/instfix/instfix.c, cmdinstl, bos72D, d2016_16A9 4/18/16 11:31:48Usage: instfix [-R Path] [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (required for all but -i and -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -R User Specified Install Location -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix), 'i' (interim fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. Usage: instfix [-R Path] [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (required for all but -i and -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -R User Specified Install Location -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix), 'i' (interim fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. Usage: instfix [-R Path] [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (required for all but -i and -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -R User Specified Install Location -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix), 'i' (interim fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. Usage: instfix [-R Path] [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ] [-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a] Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or fixes. -a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or -f). -c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes keyword name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status, and abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct level), + (superseded), and ! (not installed). -d Input device (required for all but -i and -a). -F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix are installed. -f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard input. The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f. -i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes or keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted. If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are displayed. -k Install filesets for a keyword or fix. -M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present on the media that have to do with the platform specified. -p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords. Installation is not attempted when -p is used. -q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading is displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed. -R User Specified Install Location -S Suppress multi-volume processing. -s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified string. -T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the media. -t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type. Currently valid types are 'f' (fix), 'i' (interim fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance). -v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each fileset associated with a fix or keyword. 0000000100003D3h3t0000000000003|0330400505000055056$06D@(#)16 1.14 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_msg.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/16/94 17:33:17MTM\MTMTMTLPLPLPLPLPMM\MT/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/lib/objrepos/usr/share/lib/objrepos@(#)27 1.7 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libswvpd/vpdremote.c, libswvpd, bos52I 8/12/04 18:13:36   T X( U R Jh Z I ^ _p M P0 ` b0 c K0 Lp N Qp d fP gidverrelmodfixlpplppverrelmodfixptfverrelmodfixptffixfixverrelmodfixnamesizefesnnametimeloc0loc1loc2sizenametypeGUIDtypeddirtimepathstategroupstatemediaeventstatePGUIDmisc1misc2misc3flagsusilcusilclpp_idlpp.vclpp.vcupdateprereqlpp_idcp_modcp_fixlpp_idformatfix.vcfix.vcmsgcatmsgsetlpp_idvendorvendorcp_flagcomp_idcp_flagfixinfoproductproductcommenthistoryhistoryprivatesymptomlpp_namecorr_svnchecksumabstractfilesetsinstancecommentsusilc.vcsceded_byfile_typeinventoryinventorymsgnumbervendor.vcvendor.vcsupersedesproduct.vcproduct.vclogin_namehistory.vchistory.vcdescriptiondescriptionuninstallerdescriptionmagic_letterinventory.vcinventory.vc F H H I I E  F| H F FL  G< FTX G\@ G`@ Ϭ E T I(0T Ϭ G X( ]0T Ϭ G| U IH0T Ϭ G| U Ih0T Ϭ HD$ R I0T Ϭ HP$ R I0T G,  G H8 G4 F, F4 F< FD G  F F  F Gt F H E E E E HR F G  F E E E E E G"( GJ G$T H^ Fp F$t Gx G G| G G F F* F E E E E E F H, G G  H H F\ E E E F Fd Fl H GL H\ GT G\ F FtL HP HT FX F\ F` H Ϭ E T _P0T F Ϭ G X( `0T H Ϭ Ed Jh b0T G< Ϭ Gdd Z cp0T Hh Ϭ F I d0T H Ϭ Ed Jh f00T GD Ϭ Gld Z g0T Ht Ϭ F I d0T I k  @ b  7 Y {@(#)73 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libswvpd/vpd_free.c, libswvpd, bos720 3/29/12 14:06:11mn o o@op qxINUCORRAL/etc/objrepos/usr/lib/objreposVPD_FORCE_VIEW_VAR/etc/objrepos/.vpdmask/usr/share/lib/objrepos@(#)93 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libswvpd/vpdmask.c, libswvpd, bos720 9/28/12 08:47:40''*[?= '*[?= ' AND %s=%d%s=%ld LIKE ' LIKE 'vpdbldsql: tbl_id=%d key_mask=%X search=%s //../ %s %s %s=%sfork()fork()strdup()putenv()realpath()/etc/objrepos/etc/objrepos/usr/lib/objreposINU_RELOCATED_PATHINU_RELOCATED_PATH/usr/sbin/mkusil -IR /usr/sbin/mkusil -XIR /usr/share/lib/objreposINSTALL ROOT PATH = %s %s: invalid relocated path specified %s: error reading usilc ODM object class %s: unable to locate or access directory %s %s: relocated path is limited to %d characters %s: executing "%s" to create new USIL instance %s: relocated path is limited to %d characters %s: unable to locate relocated path %s in SWVPD %s: unable to locate or access relocated path %s +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------++-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+@(#)42 1.4 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_usil.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/4/08 20:09:05%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. sh-cdupduppipeforkexecwaitpid/usr/bin/sh%s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed %s: %s system call failed @(#)59 1.12 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_do_exec.c, cmdinstl, bos720 5/25/94 13:03:13..rrrrrrrr%s%d%d%s %s %[^ ]%s/%sWEBSMWEBSMsleep 2sleep 2sleep 5%d %d %s %s%s/.toc%s%s/.toc%s%s/.toc%s%s/.toc%s%s/.toc%d %u %s %d %u %s /usr/sys/mvCD/usr/sys/mvCD/installp/mvCD%s%s/volume_id/installp/mvCD/installp/mvCD%s%s/volume_id%s%s/volume_id/tmp/.cd_XXXXXX/tmp/.cd_XXXXXX/aix/installp/mvCD/aix/installp/mvCD/aix/installp/mvCD/usr/sbin/cdeject %s/usr/sbin/unmount %s/usr/sbin/cdcheck -m %s/usr/sbin/cdmount -q %s%s: Unable to unmount %s. TAPE I/O Error: %d, errno = %d %s: Unable to mount %s over %s. /usr/sbin/mount -v cdrfs -oro %s %s/usr/sbin/cdcheck -aq %s 2>/dev/null 1>&2/usr/sbin/cdcheck -mq %s 2>/dev/null 1>&2/usr/websm/bin/wsmprompt -title "%s" -text "%s" 1>&2/usr/websm/bin/wsmprompt -title "%s" -text "%s" 1>&2%s: Cannot create file %s. Check permissions and available space. %s: Cannot create file %s. Check permissions and available space. ODMDIR=/etc/objrepos /usr/sbin/chdev -l %s -a block_size=%d 1>/dev/null%s: Please insert volume %d into device %s and click OK to continue. %s: Please insert volume %d into device %s and press Enter to continue. %s: Please insert volume %d into device %s and press Enter to continue. @(#)60 1.45 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_dev_ctl.c, cmdinstl, bos530 12/3/02 15:12:52%s: Device %s not ready for operation. Please insert media and click OK to continue. %s: Device %s not ready for operation. Please insert media and press Enter to continue. %s: Please insert volume %d into device %s and press Enter to continue or enter "q" to quit. /usr/sbin/mount | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1 " " $2}' | /usr/bin/grep " %s$" | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}' >%s 2>/dev/null/usr/sbin/mount | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1 " " $2}' | /usr/bin/grep "^%s " | /usr/bin/awk '{print $2}' >%s 2>/dev/null %s: You have inserted volume %d, but it is from a different set of CDs. Please insert volume %d from the same set of CDs so that processing can continue. %s: You have inserted volume %d, but it is from a different set of CDs. Please insert volume %d from the same set of CDs so that processing can continue. /bin/rm -rf %s@(#)20 1.11 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_rm.c, cmdinstl, bos720 7/12/01 17:28:20@(#)50 1.9 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/getbasename.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/17/93 16:13:22/usr/lib/instl/usr/lib/instl/usr/lib/instl@(#)11 1.1 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_tape_lock.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/23/94 14:48:50@(#)15 1.8 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_signal.c, cmdinstl, bos720 8/1/94 08:56:01r333rrrrrrrrrr %s%sIP%sIPIPIP%s%s%sppc%d %d %d ia64.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.toc.tocvol%vol%vol%%s%s/SPOT/.cd_/SPOT/.toc/.toc/SPOT/.toc/.toc/.toc/.toc/.toc/.toc/.toc%s/%s%d %c SYSTEM/dev/%s %[^ {] %[^ {]%[ { ]/cdrom/cd%d %d %s %d %d %s %d %d %s BUILDDATEINUBOSTYPEINUBOSTYPEINUBOSTYPE/dev/usbms./lpp_name./lpp_name./lpp_nameINU_EXECINGINU_EXECING/.cd_XXXXXX%*d %u %*s %*d %u %*s %*d %u %*s RELOCATABLEORIG_BOOTDEVORIG_BOOTDEVORIG_BOOTDEVINU_SINGLE_CDORIG_BOOTTYPEORIG_BOOTTYPEORIG_BOOTTYPE%s/installp/%s%s/installp/%s%s/installp/%s%s/usr/sys/mvCD>/dev/null 2>&1>/dev/null 2>&1>/dev/null 2>&1%c %c %s %[^ {]%s/installp/mvCD/usr/sbin/inutoc /usr/sbin/inutoc /usr/sbin/inutoc %s/aix/installp/%s%s/aix/installp/%s%s/aix/installp/%s%s %c %c %s %[^ {]Selected Option List/usr/sbin/unmount %s%s/aix/installp/mvCD%s/usr/sys/mvCD/.tocINU_CALLED_FROM_SMIT%s/installp/mvCD/.toc%s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s/usr/sys/inst.images%s/SPOT/usr/sys/inst.images%s/aix/installp/mvCD/.toc%s/usr/sys/mvCD/volume_id%s %s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s %s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s %s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s %s %s %c %c %s %[^} ] %s/installp/mvCD/volume_idBOSINST_NO_MULTI_PROCESSINGDescription is not available%s/aix/installp/mvCD/volume_id%s: Unable to mount %s over %s. /usr/sbin/cdcheck -aq 2>/dev/null 1>&2Unable to determine the CD mount point. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: The format of the toc file is invalid. %s: Obtaining device information, please wait. /usr/sbin/mount | grep "/cdrom/cd" | awk '{print $1}'%s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: The specified device %s is not a valid device or file. %s: Unable to obtain information about whether %s is mounted. %s: Cannot create file %s. Check permissions and available space. %s: The fileset name %s does not begin with its package name of %s. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. installp: 4.1-formatted fileset updates cannot contain a PTF ID field. %s: Cannot create the directory %s. Check permissions and available space. installp: 4.1-formatted fileset updates cannot contain supersedes information. installp: Fileset update %s %d.%d.%d.%d.%s incorrectly contains a PTF ID field. installp: Base level fileset %s %d.%d.%d.%d.%s incorrectly contains a PTF ID field. installp: The 4.1-formatted fileset update %s incorrectly contains supersedes information. installp: 4.1-formatted fileset updates cannot contain zero modification and zero fix values. %s: The package name field required in a 4.1-formatted package is missing from the lpp_name file. %s: The package name field required in a 4.1-formatted package is missing from the lpp_name file. %s: The package name field required in a 4.1-formatted package is missing from the lpp_name file. %s: The package name field required in a 4.1-formatted package is missing from the lpp_name file. @(#)76 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_toc.c, cmdinstl, bos72L, l2017_30A5 7/13/17 16:04:30%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Incorrect content field of '%c' in the file lpp_name for software package '%s'. Assuming '%c' and continuing. %s: Incorrect content field of '%c' in the file lpp_name for software package '%s'. Assuming '%c' and continuing. installp: The 4.1-formatted fileset update %s %d.%d.%d.%d.%s incorrectly contains zero modification and zero fix values. %s: %s is an invalid level. ALL levels must be in one of the following formats: vv.rr.mmmm.ffff OR vv.rr.mmmm.fffff.ppppppppp installp: The product ID data for fileset %s is missing from the iFOR/LS information within the table of contents on the installation media. installp: The product version data for fileset %s is missing from the iFOR/LS information within the table of contents on the installation media. %s: The package containing installable fileset %s does not have a size file for the fileset. The size file is required for 4.1-formatted packages. (R)%s %d.%d.%d.%d%s %d.%d.%d.%d.%s@(#)93 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_get_lppname.c, cmdinstl, bos720 10/3/12 11:40:50%2hd%2hd%4hd%4hd%2hd%2hd%4hd%4hd@(#)69 1.9 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_level_convert.c, cmdinstl, bos720 6/17/93 16:09:56@(#)69 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_obj_mgmt.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/15/07 04:17:03%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures.  q%s/%sinstallprestbyname/usr/bin/B1/usr/sbin/restbyname%s -S -pxh%sf%s %s >/dev/null/usr/lib/instl/inu_tape_dd -b 10 -r -d %s | %s -S -C 10 -qxhf - %s > /dev/null@(#)72 1.24 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_restore.c, cmdinstl, bos720 8/9/98 14:01:32/usr/sbin/inurdsd -d%s -v%d -b%d -n%d | (%s -S -xhqf - %s >/dev/null; exec < /dev/null; wait)%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. %s: Please mount volume %d and restart the command. %s: Please mount volume %d and restart the command. %s: An error occurred while attempting to read from the device %s. %s: Please mount volume %d on %s. Press the enter key to continue. @(#)78 1.12 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inurddk.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/6/94 19:28:33 }r./../tmp/.inutoc.XXXXXX%s: Cannot change to directory %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot change to directory %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot access or open file %s. Check path name and permissions. %s: Cannot create a directory in the /tmp directory. Check permissions or available space. @(#)05 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_mktoc.c, cmdinstl, bos720 11/21/13 21:52:58%s: Received an error while trying to allocate space using malloc. Use local problem reporting procedures. /%s: Cannot create the directory %s. Check permissions and available space. %s: Cannot create the directory %s. Check permissions and available space. @(#)16 1.18 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_mk_dir.c, cmdinstl, bos720 3/6/94 19:27:59 }@(#)68 1.9 src/bos/usr/sbin/install/inulib/inu_level_compare.c, cmdinstl, bos720 4/28/94 17:34:23    7  (   C C C Dx h i j j j  kl  kp  p $ r ( 0 4 {x |H |L |P |X | }X 8 @ H , 0 4 8 $ H ( , ( 0j?;@___bzero@*@6@___fill@C@errno@access@ chdir@ close@ mkdir@ pipe@ semctl@ semget@ umask@ unlink@ O@d@_iob@|@malloc@ realloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen64@ fopen@ open64@ lseek64@ open@ getenv@ fprintf@ fclose@ geteuid@ catopen@ catgets@ strchr@ atoi@ sprintf@ write@ @ snprintf@ fputs@ printf@ fflush@ fstat@ vfprintf@ fdopen@ __filbuf@ read@ strncmp@ strrchr@ fgets@ sscanf@ fscanf@ perror@ fread@ strdup@ stat64@ strtok@ strpbrk@ system@ waitpid@ execl@ @ strcspn@ ioctl@ getcwd@ fork@ strstr@ dup2@ @ @ @ mktemp@ pclose@ popen@ getopt@ setbuf@ putenv@ basename@ openx@ ftok@ realpath@ creat64@ _B1_load@ @ @ @ semop@ @ __crt0v@optarg@@@(@ 7@ H@ Y@ h@ x@ @ @ @ odmerrno@__start ! 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