ISO8859-19  +%QSi  -   %5L`wy#/1 E f!~"#$%0&/'*(D),W*+, -. /012)3@4"Y50|6u77#83[9%s: bad value broadcast %ssysconfig(SYS_CFGKMOD) failed! ifconfig.ib: error calling entry point for Encapsulation Routingifconfig.ib: error loading flags inet %s ifconfig.ib: error querying kernel extension ifconfig.ib: error loading metric %dnetmask 0x%x %s: permission denied ifconfig.ib: can't stat driver path, %s: no such interface ioctl (SIOCGIFADDR)ioctl (SIOCGIFDSTADDR) ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS)ioctl (SIOCGIFNETMASK)ioctl (SIOCGIFMETRIC)ioctl (set metric)ioctl (SIOCSIFMTU)ifconfig.ib: unknown interface: %s ifconfig.ib: socket ioctl (SIOCDIFADDR) ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR)ifconfig.ib: %s: Not Supported. bad subchannel address ioctl (set subchannel addr.)ioctl (SIOCIFDETACH).ioctl (SIOCIFATTACH). usage: %s interface %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s [ af ] [ address ] [ up ] [ down ] [ detach ] [ ib_adapter dev_name ] [ ib_port port ] [ p_key key ] (format 0x or decimal) [ netmask mask ] [ srq_size size ] [ mtu n ] [ debug | -debug ] [ superpacket | -superpacket ] [ com_timer time ] [ inc_timer time ] [ q_key key ] [ hwloop | -hwloop ] [ ubr_rate Kbits/sec ] [ tcp_low_rto n | -tcp_low_rto ] The tcp_low_rto value is not in the valid range The tcp_low_rto value specified must be equal to or a multiple of ten times 'timer_wheel_tick ' network option value pmtu %d qkey 0x%x qpn 0x%x lid 0x%x hca iba%d port %d Warning: inet6 needs a prefix length. Assuming %s. ifconfig interrupted. Exiting