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Input parameters not sufficient. [ link0 | -link0 ] [ link1 | -link1 ] [ link2 | -link2 ] 1430-070 This operation is not allowed while Live Update is in progress. ifconfig nat toaddr
fromport toport [ af [ address [ dest_addr ] ] [ netmask mask ] [ broadcast addr ] out of sync parsing NET_RT_IFLIST expected %d, got %d msglen = %d buf:%p, next:%p, lim:%p out of sync parsing NET_RT_IFLIST expected %d, got %d msglen = %d buf:%p, next:%p, lim:%p @(#)71 src/bos/usr/sbin/ifconfig.gre/ifconfig.gre.c, netcmdkern, bos72F, f2017_19A9 5/8/17 14:41:22UPBROADCASTDEBUGLOOPBACKPOINTOPOINTNOTRAILERSRUNNINGNOARP PROMISC ALLMULTI OACTIVE SIMPLEXSNAPHWLOOPALLCASTBRIDGEMULTICASTLINK0LINK1LINK2TCP_NOCKSUMGROUPRT64BITCHECKSUM_OFFLOADTCP_DISABLE_CKSUMPSEG T  (i@i !X !x   \  d        d    t       !h ! ! !  O` M F@ -` 6 5 3 2 / 8@ l h ! !  ! ! @ D H L P T X !x " " \ ` " " " d " "@ " h " " p.@  #@___bzero@/@;@H@errno@close@ T@ socket@ `@ n@ _iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fprintf@ catopen@ catgets@ isdigit@ atoi@ sprintf@ fputs@ printf@ __flsbuf@ strncmp@ perror@ islower@ @ syslog@ ioctl@ bcmp@ getopt@ getgrgid@ @ __crt0v@optind@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ __start ! l p x h p t                       $ ( 0 < p t x |                         4& 8% < @( D H L P T  X \ ` d h l p t  x |        !          "      # '       * !. ! ! !  ! ! ! ! !  !$ !( !, !0 !4$ !8 !<, !@/ !D) !H- !L+/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lpp/xlC/liblibc.ashr.olibbind.ashr.o@VPDifconfig.gre/5765E6200/520 ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy sysconfig getkerninfoliveupdate_operations setlocale __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name inet_addrgethostbynameinet_makeaddr inet_aton inet_network inet_ntoa getnetbyname