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src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos720 6/21/07 15:28:59@(#)61 1.16 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos720 8/2/07 13:09:21ACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: main_initmain_initmain_argsmain_argsmain_argsmain_argsmain_argsmain_argsmain_argsLog Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catLogFileName:Interface :f:u:p:a:t:?hf:u:p:a:t:?hmain_refreshmain_refreshDUID is %1$s main_shutdownmain_shutdowninfinite leasethread exiting hostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)shutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted error reading keyfileinvalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received keyfile read successfullysystem attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication attempting to read keyfilesystem attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file  `d invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)84 1.10 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/dhcpmain.c, dhcp, tcpip720 9/27/07 11:32:14 ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `  `  `  (`  4``   `   `   `  h`   `  `  `  h`  `   `  `  ` $ ` ( ` , ` 0 ` 4 ` 8 ` < ` @ ` D ` H ` L ` P `  T `  X h`  \ `  ` `  d `  h `  l `  p `  t ` ! x t` " | `#  ` $  `%  `&  ` '  ` (  "`)  `*  `+  `,  `-  `.  `/  `0  `1  `2  H`3  D`4  t`5  `6  8`7  `8  ` 9  `:  ` ;  ,` <  %`=  ` >  %`?  ` @  $`A  (`B  ,` C  `D  ` E  ` F  `G  ` H  $`I  ` J  `K  `L $ `M ( ` N , <`O 0 d` P 4 `Q 8 `R < 8`S @ @`T D ``U H `V L 4` W P ` X T `Y X ` Z \ (` [ ` d` \ d ` ] h (`^ l H`_ p h`` t `a x |`b | $`c  `d  `e  `f  T`g  @`h  `i  <`j  P`k  `l  `m  0` n  `o  @`p   `q  d`r  `s  ` t  4`u  D`v  `w  \` x  ` y  `z  `{  ` |  8` }  ` ~  `   x`   `   H`  `  @`  t`  #`  T`  h`  L`  `  `  $` $ "T` ( l` , ` 0 #` 4 ` 8 #D` < ` @ ` D $` H 8` L ` P ` T "` X ` \ !` ` (` d ` h ` l ` p ` t t` x l` | `  `  d`  `  `  `  `  4`  L`  d`  |`  `  T`  l`  `  `  |`  %H`  `   #`   `  l`  (`  <`  H`  P`  4`  l`   !t`  `  `  `  "`  `  0`  d`  $D`  `  !`  `  h`   ` $ `` ( h`  , ` 0 `  4 ` 8 ` < \`  @ ` D `  H T` L h` P %`  T `  X ` \ ACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEexiting %sUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catentering %sLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s infinite leasethread exiting hostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)shutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.loglogger_set_thresholdlogger_set_thresholdlogger_get_thresholdlogger_get_thresholdstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file @ ?d C(invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)73 1.6 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/logging.c, dhcp, tcpip720 5/31/04 23:49:05 ?` ?` ?` ?` @` @` @` @(` @4`  @@`  @L`  @X`  @d``  < <$`  <( @`  <, C` <0 G`  <4 E` <8 K4` << O` <@ K` = ]`? = M<` @ =$ ]p`A =( P`B =, A` C =0 E`D =4 Ld` E =8 G` F =< N`G =@ J` H =D D`I =H D` J =L G`K =P N`L =T J4`M =X Fl` N =\ D`O =` X` P =d D`Q =h JT`R =l E`S =p S`T =t O`U =x W`V =| W` W = H` X = Q`Y = Rp` Z = I` [ = W` \ = F` ] = H`^ = H`_ = H`` = V`a = @`b = U`c = M``d = L`e = F`f = U`g = A`h = F`i = @`j = P`k = L`l = I`m = G` n = Ep`o = L`p = R`q = L`r = D`s = I4` t = F`u = E`v = V`w > E ` x > ?` y > @p`z > M`{ > E` | > N` } > M` ~ > Q`  > Q`  >$ P`  >( I` >, Q0` >0 Q` >4 W` >8 \` >< A` >@ A` >D G` >H U0` >L VD` >P ]` >T [@` >X S` >\ W4` >` [` >d D` >h \0` >l Jt` >p J` >t \` >x R` >| XX` > X` > [` > K` > Z` > K` > P@` > M` > Y` > @` > ?` > ?` > ?` > ?` > ?` > @|` > @` > B` > B` > B` > B` > B` > B` > A0` > D0` > @` > U\` > A` > A` > ^4` > AX`  > \p`  > RH` ? DH` ? J` ? M` ? J` ? F` ? Y` ? G`  ? Z`` ? O|` ?$ C` ?( Vt` ?, [` ?0 Wd` ?4 X` ?8 R` ?< ]0` ?@ U` ?D Z` ?H Y(` ?L Q`  ?P G0` ?T M` ?X J`  ?\ IT` ?` S `  ?d B ` ?h N` ?l N`  ?p Al` ?t K`  ?x F` ?| Y` ? ^`  ? D``  ? Z,` ? Ph/rw+0x0x%s%d%02x%02s%02x%15s%02x:ACTIVEENABLEDioctl()Logging:DISABLEDTracing:socket()duid %s mv %s %sLog File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEget_hwaddrUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catcreate_duidcreate_duidLogFileName:Interface :random_delayDUID is %1$s get_hwaddresssave_clientidsave_clientidsave_clientidinfinite leasethread exiting hostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)shutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file z xd |invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d lsdev -Cc if -F "name" | sed -n "/lo0/!p" | sed -n "/xt/!p" | sed -n "/sl/!p" > %s@(#)85 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/dhcputil.c, dhcp, tcpip72L, l2017_27A4 6/29/17 05:35:24 y8` yD` yP` y\` yh` yt` y` y` y`  y`  y`  y`  y``  u u`  u y`  u }` u T`  u$ ` u( ` u, ` u0 X` u4 p`  u8 }` u< ` u@ ` uD ` uH }0` uL {` uP ` uT ` uX {` u\ ` u` {` ud ` uh ` ul ` up `  ut {@`  ux T`  u| z`  u t`  u |`  u `  u {T`  u }H`  u ` ! u ~` " u $`# u ` $ u `% u `& u ` ' u ` ( u `) u `* u `+ u `, u `- u `. u |`/ u `0 u `1 u `2 u 8`3 u 4`4 u d`5 u `6 u (`7 u |(`8 u }` 9 u ~`: u ` ; v ~P` < v ,`= v ` > v P`? v ` @ v `A v `B v {h` C v @`D v$ ` E v( ` F v, `G v0 t` H v4 }``I v8 }` J v< `K v@ `L vD `M vH ` N vL }x`O vP T` P vT ~`Q vX `R v\ \`S v` 0`T vd P`U vh `V vl $` W vp ` X vt `Y vx ` Z v| ` [ v T` \ v ` ] v `^ v 4`_ v T`` v `a v z`b v `c v `d v `e v `f v D`g v {|`h v `i v zX`j v @`k v `l v t`m v ` n v ~`o v 0`p v `q v T`r v ~ `s v ` t v <`u v ~h`v v t`w v ~` x v y,` y v y`z v `{ w ~` | w (` } w ` ~ w `  w h`  w x`  w 4` w ` w 0` w$ d` w( ` w, {` w0 {` w4 8` w8 ` w< ` w@ ` wD ` wH \` wL ` wP P` wT ~8` wX ` w\ ` w` ` wd P` wh (` wl ` wp ` wt ` wx ` w| 0` w ` w ` w x` w ` w z(` w x` w x` w x` w x` w x` w y` w z8` w |@` w |X` w |p` w |` w |` w |` w z` w }` w z` w ` w z` w {` w ` w {`  w `  w ` w }` w ` w ,` w 4` x X` x $` x t`  x ` x ` x |` x ` x h` x ` x$ ` x( T` x, ` x0 ` x4 ` x8 ` x< X`  x@ ` xD P` xH T`  xL ` xP `  xT {` xX t` x\ L`  x` {,` xd t`  xh x` xl X` xp `  xt }`  xx ` x| Ȁ@(#)76 1.1 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/md5c.c, dhcp, tcpip720 3/2/04 16:06:24/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.duidr w+{ 0x0x} { } %02s%02x%02s%02x %s %s rm %sACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:mv %s %sLog File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: interfaceLog Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.cat option %d option %d option %d LogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s interface %s prefer-opts: infinite lease option %d %s commit-opts: option %d %s thread exiting hostname : %1$s ia-addr %s %d %dbind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)shutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted skip_interface_stanzaskip_interface_stanzaskip_interface_stanzainvalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol_save_leaseinfoprotocol_save_leaseinfoprotocol_save_leaseinfoprotocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file H d Linvalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)72 1.9 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/lease.c, dhcp, tcpip720 3/7/05 23:07:27ia-id %lx starttime %d expirytime %d renew-time %d rebind-time %d server-addr %s server-id %s  |` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `  `  `  `  ``  ` d`  h <`  l d` p H`  t ` x È` | ` H` ``  |` ` ˜` ` ` h` ` t` D` x` \` ` ƈ` ` DŽ`  `  H`  @`  h`  t`  Ǩ`  `  `  ` ! ` " `# è` $ Ѭ`% `& ` ' p` (  `)  `* `+  `,  ̤`-  ɨ`.  l`/ Ƭ`0 $ `1 ( `2 , (`3 0 $`4 4 T`5 8 `6 < `7 @ `8 D ` 9 H `: L ` ; P ` < T `= X Đ` > \ @`? ` Ō` @ d `A h `B l ` C p 4`D t Ĵ` E x ` F | `G h` H `I ` J `K `L ˆ`M ` N `O D` P `Q ¨`R P`S `T @`U `V ` W ` X `Y ` Z ` [ D` \ ` ] `^ (`_ H`` `a `b `c Ű`d `e `f 4`g `h  `i  `j 0`k  `l  h`m  ` n  `o `p $ `q ( D`r , `s 0 ` t 4 0`u 8 `v < d`w @ ,` x D p` y H $`z L `{ P ` | T ` } X ` ~ \ `  ` X`  d h`  h (` l ɀ` p ` t T` x ` | ` ` ,` ̀` Δ` ` Ӑ` L` τ` @` ` Ԁ` ` ` @` ` Ш` ` ` ` ` ` Ȑ` h` ` x` @` 8` L` X` 0` 0` ` `  `  ` `  `  `  T`  ` ` $ ͬ` ( ` , ` 0 ք` 4 |`  8 `  < ʘ` @ ` D ` H ` L (` P L` T ` X h`  \ Ұ` ` ` d 4` h ` l X` p ϴ` t ` x D` | Հ` ` ` x` H`  ` @` H`  ` p`  0` d` <`  ` h`  l` H` `  $`  |` ȸ/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.dbACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.cateventq_initeventq_initeventq_initeventq_initLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s event_enqueueevent_enqueueevent_monitorevent_monitorevent_triggerevent_triggerevent_releaseevent_releaseinfinite leasethread exiting hostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)flush_event_queueflush_event_queueflush_event_queueshutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file , (d invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)69 1.4 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/event.c, dhcp, tcpip720 6/7/04 02:31:22 l` x` ` ` ` ` ` ` `  `  `  `  ``  `  `  ` `  ` @` ` ` `  ` X`  T` ` ` ` @` ,` `   0`  `  `  @`  \`  <`   `  `  $ L`  ( `  , `  0 ``  4 `  8 `  < @` ! @ D` " D `# H `` $ L d`% P  `& T ` ' X (` ( \ `) ` t`* d  `+ h ``, l  \`- p ``. t $`/ x d`0 |  `1 `2  `3  `4  `5 `6 `7 `8 ` 9 ``: ` ; ` < `= H` > `? D` @ x`A `B ` C `D l` E ` F `G  ` H `I ` J `K `L @`M x` N $`O ` P `Q ``R  `S   `T `U   `V   ` W  ` X  `Y x` Z $ ` [ (  ` \ , ` ] 0 `^ 4 `_ 8 `` <  `a @ (`b D  `c H h`d L `e P `f T  `g X (`h \ `i ` `j d `k h `l l `m p ` n t |`o x `p | `q `r `s @` t `u `v  `w ,` x `` y `z `{ ` | ` } ` ~ `  `   `  ` 8` `  ` ` <` P` `  8`  L` ` H`  `  <` ` ` 8`  `  ` `  `  ``  `  ` ` $ ` ( ` , H` 0  ` 4 ` 8 h` < <` @ 4` D H` H T` L ,` P ` T x` X ` \ ` ` ` d 4` h L` l d` p `` t <` x ` |  d` 8` d` <` `  x`  P` T` ` ` ` ` ` `  h` ` |`  |` `  l` ` ` 8`  ` ` 0` `  <` ` `  ``  (`  x` `  `   `  `   $`  `  `   l`  4` $ pT1ACTIVEIAADDRENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEtimer_stoptimer_stoptimer_stoptimer_stopUsage: ... dhcpcd6.cattimer_starttimer_starttimer_starttimer_startLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s timer_enqueuetimer_enqueuetimer_enqueuetimer_enqueuetimer_dequeuetimer_dequeuetimer_dequeueprocess_timerprocess_timertimer_handlertimer_handlertimer_handlertimer_handlerinfinite leaseRetransmissionthread exiting hostname : %1$s timer_queue_inittimer_queue_inittimer_queue_inittimer_queue_initstart_next_timerstart_next_timerstart_next_timerstart_next_timerstart_next_timerbind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)timer_flush_queuetimer_flush_queuetimer_flush_queuetimer_flush_queueshutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file / .xd 4Pinvalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)84 1.7 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/timer.c, dhcp, tcpip720 3/7/05 23:11:57 .` .` .` .` /` / ` /` /$` /0`  /<`  /H`  /T`  /```  + + `  + /`  + 4h` + 8`  + 6p` + ;` +$ @h` +( <` +, ?`  +0 4` +4 8` +8 D` +< AX` +@ 4` +D 2l` +H 6` +L H` +P 3H` +T D` +X 3`` +\ D@` +` ?` +d 7` +h ?`  +l 2`  +p :`  +t 1`  +x 8`  +| 3x`  + @ `  + 2`  + 4`  + 8` ! + 6` " + 6`# + <` $ + J$`% + Dl`& + :<` ' + B` ( + L@`) + 80`* + Et`+ + 9`, + E`- + B `. + <`/ + ?$`0 + EH`1 + 9<`2 + E`3 + G`4 + E`5 + :\`6 + @`7 + 3`8 + 5@` 9 + 6`: + <<` ; + 5` < + O`= , =` > , N`? , >` @ , N8`A , A`B , 2` C , 6`D , =,` E , 8L` F ,$ ?H`G ,( :` H ,, 4`I ,0 5X` J ,4 8h`K ,8 ?l`L ,< :`M ,@ 74` N ,D 4`O ,H I` P ,L 5p`Q ,P ;`R ,T 6`S ,X D`T ,\ @`U ,` H\`V ,d H` W ,h 9\` X ,l BH`Y ,p C8` Z ,t :|` [ ,x H` \ ,| 7P` ] , 9|`^ , 9`_ , 9`` , Gl`a , 1`b , F|`c , >(`d , =P`e , 7l`f , F`g , 2`h , 7`i , 0`j , A`k , =t`l , 9`m , 8` n , 68`o , =`p , Cd`q , =`r , 5`s , 9` t , 7`u , 5`v , F`w , 5` x , .` y , /l`z , >L`{ , 6T` | , ?` } - >p` ~ - Bp`  - A`  - @`  - :` - A` - B` - G` - Mx` -$ 2` -( 3 ` -, 8` -0 E` -4 G ` -8 Nx` -< L` -@ D` -D G` -H L` -L 5` -P L` -T ;<` -X ;\` -\ M` -` C` -d I ` -h IT` -l L|` -p <\` -t K` -x <|` -| A` - =` - JX` - /` - .` - .` - .` - .` - .` - /x` - 0 ` - 3` - 3` - 3` - 3` - 4` - 4 ` - 2` - 4` - 0` - F$` - 1,` - 3 ` - N` - 2`  - M8`  - C` - 5` - ;|` - >` - ;` - 7` - J` . 7`  . K(` . @D` . 48` . G<` . K` . H,` . I` . C` .$ M` .( FP` ., K`` .0 I` .4 B`  .8 7` .< >` .@ ;`  .D :` .H C`  .L 34` .P >` .T ?`  .X 2` .\ ;`  .` 6` .d J` .h OH`  .l 5(`  .p J` .t A0confdb_initconfdb_initconfdb_initconfdb_initconfdb_initconfdb_uninitconfdb_uninitif_nametoindexpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_initpost_confdb_init/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.keysextract_commit_iaoptionsextract_commit_iaoptionsextract_prefer_iaoptionsextract_prefer_iaoptionsextract_prefer_iaoptionslease file parsing failed; filename = %s config file parsing failed; filename = %s some lease errors exist, continuing anyway some configuration errors exist, continuing anyway @(#)80 1.13 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/confdb.c, dhcp, tcpip720 3/18/08 17:11:04x   X X@ x%u-%02x%02xtrueRENEWREPLYfalseACTIVEREBINDENABLEDSOLICITREQUESTCONFIRMRELEASEDECLINEfree_iafree_iafree_iaLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: ADVERTISELog Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catRECONFIGUREfree_optionfree_optionfree_optionfree_otablefree_otablefree_otablefree_iaaddrfree_iaaddrfree_iaaddrLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s option_lookupoption_lookupoption_lookupinfinite leaseclientmsg_initclientmsg_initclientmsg_initclientmsg_initclientmsg_initclientmsg_initthread exiting servmsg_cleanupservmsg_cleanupmessage_enqueuemessage_enqueuemessage_enqueuehostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)clientmsg_dequeueclientmsg_dequeueclientmsg_dequeueservermsg_dequeueservermsg_dequeueservermsg_dequeueclientmsg_cleanupclientmsg_cleanupclientmsg_cleanupservermsg_cleanupprotocol_valid_iashutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated INFOMATION REQUESTsocket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message protocol_add_optionprotocol_add_optionprotocol_add_optionprotocol_add_optionprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrprotocol_get_iaaddrrefresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logprotocol_copy_optionprotocol_copy_optionprotocol_copy_optionprotocol_copy_optionprotocol_copy_optionstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted protocol_get_ianainfoprotocol_get_ianainfoprotocol_get_ianainfoprotocol_get_ianainfoprotocol_get_ianainfoprotocol_get_iatainfoprotocol_get_iatainfoprotocol_get_iatainfoprotocol_get_iatainfoprotocol_get_iatainfoprotocol_plugin_leaseprotocol_plugin_leaseprotocol_plugin_leaseprotocol_plugin_leaseprotocol_plugin_leaseinvalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message protocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_build_dhcpmsgprotocol_update_resolvprotocol_update_resolvprotocol_update_resolvprotocol_update_resolvprocessing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_build_miscoptsprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_extract_iainfoprotocol_get_statuscodeprotocol_get_statuscodeprotocol_get_statuscodeprotocol_get_statuscodeprotocol_build_iaoptionprotocol_build_iaoptionprotocol_build_iaoptionprotocol_build_iaoptionprotocol_build_iaoptionprotocol_build_clientidprotocol_commit_optionsprotocol_commit_optionsprotocol_commit_optionsprotocol_commit_optionsprotocol_commit_optionsprotocol_plugin_optionsprotocol_plugin_optionsprotocol_plugin_optionsprotocol_delete_iaaddrsprotocol_delete_iaaddrsprotocol_delete_iaaddrsprotocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status protocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_extract_optionsprotocol_build_serverid protocol_build_serverid protocol_build_serverid protocol_build_serverid protocol_build_serverid protocol_build_clientid protocol_build_clientid protocol_build_clientid protocol_build_clientid becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received protocol_record_advertiseprotocol_record_advertiseprotocol_record_advertiseprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_plugin_iaoptionsprotocol_unplug_iaoptionsprotocol_unplug_iaoptionsprotocol_unplug_iaoptionssystem attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication protocol_primary_advtofferprotocol_primary_advtofferprotocol_primary_advtofferprotocol_build_elapsedtimeprotocol_build_elapsedtimeprotocol_build_elapsedtimeprotocol_build_elapsedtimeprotocol_release_addressesprotocol_release_addressesprotocol_release_addressessystem attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s protocol_release_advtoffersprotocol_release_advtoffersprotocol_release_advtoffersfailed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key protocol_alternative_advtofferprotocol_alternative_advtofferprotocol_alternative_advtofferinitialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file n ld t<invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message /usr/sbin/namerslv -X > /dev/null 2> /dev/nullClient Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table /usr/sbin/namerslv -C %s > /dev/null 2> /dev/nullread option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s server invalidated address, removing from interfacerandval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d /usr/sbin/namerslv -a -i %s > /dev/null 2> /dev/nullwriting option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)88 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/protoutil.c, dhcp, tcpip720 8/26/10 13:09:58 m` m` m` m` m` m` n` n` n`  n(`  n4`  n@`  nL``  i i`  i n|`  i t` i (`  i ~` i ` i 0` i ` i `  i t` i ,` i ` i  ` i t` i qT` i ` i ` i s4` i ` i sL` i ` i ` i ` i `  i q`  i (`  i pP`  i H`  i sd`  j `  j q`  j u`  j h` ! j |d` " j `# j ` $ j `% j 4`& j$ ` ' j( ` ( j,  `) j0 H`* j4 <`+ j8 `, j< `- j@ `. jD `/ jH `0 jL `1 jP `2 jT h`3 jX d`4 j\ `5 j` `6 jd X`7 jh s|`8 jl w ` 9 jp |`: jt ` ; jx x` < j| ``= j ` > j `? j ` @ j `A j H`B j q` C j  `D j ` E j d` F j `G j H` H j u,`I j w$` J j `K j 4`L j h`M j 4` N j uD`O j ` P j w<`Q j `R j <`S j ``T j `U j T`V j ` W j ` X j `Y j ` Z j ` [ j ` \ j P` ] k `^ k `_ k (`` k 4`a k o`b k D`c k `d k `e k l`f k$ t`g k( q`h k, `i k0 o,`j k4 p`k k8 <`l k< H`m k@ ` n kD |`o kH ``p kL ,`q kP `r kT wT`s kX h` t k\ `u k` x`v kd `w kh x` x kl m` y kp nd`z kt `{ kx |` | k| X` } k 8` ~ k 8`  k `  k `  k ` k ` k `` k ` k D` k q` k r` k ` k ` k ` k D` k ` k ` k ` k ` k wl` k ` k ` k ` k ` k X` k ` k L` k H` k (` k d` k H` k ` l ` l ` l o ` l m` l mD` l m` l m` l m4` l np` l$ o` l( s` l, s` l0 s` l4 s` l8 s` l< t ` l@ pd` lD u\` lH ol` lL ` lP p<` lT r` lX ` l\ qh`  l` `  ld ` lh ut` ll ` lp \` lt ` lx ` l| ` l `  l ` l  ` l t$` l ` l ` l ` l ` l ` l ` l ` l ` l ` l `  l ` l ` l (`  l ` l `  l r0` l ` l |`  l q|` l H`  l X` l  ` l `  l u`  l T` l   ACTIVEENABLEDioctl()Logging:DISABLEDTracing:dad_ipv6dad_ipv6socket()Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEIP_HDRINCLUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catSIOCGIFCONFLogFileName:Interface :SIOCAIFADDR6SIOCAIFADDR6SIOCAIFADDR6SIOCGIFADDR6SIOCGIFADDR6DUID is %1$s infinite leaseif_addrtoindexif_addrtoindexif_addrtoindexif_addrtoindexif_addrtoindexthread exiting hostname : %1$s IPV6_RECVPKTINFObind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)IPV6_AIXRAWSOCKETIPV6_MULTICAST_IFshutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated get_scoped_addressget_scoped_addresssocket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOPIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSrefresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message set_link_local_addressset_link_local_addressset_link_local_addressset_link_local_addressprocessing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file  hd pinvalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message autoconf6 -O -6 -i %s > /dev/null 2> /dev/nullClient Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)71 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/ipv6conf.c, dhcp, tcpip720 8/27/10 10:31:33 ` ` ` `  ` ,` 8` D` P`  \`  h`  t`  ``   `   `   `  <`   `  |`  `  @`  X`   ` $ ` ( ˔` , ` 0 ` 4 <` 8 |` < М` @ h` D p` H ` L ` P ƀ` T ` X |`  \ `  ` <`  d `  h \`  l `  p Ǡ`  t `  x `  | |` !  ` "   `#  Ü` $  `%  `&  ` '  h` (  `)  `*  `+  `,  ̜`-  ɠ`.  d`/  Ƥ`0  `1  `2   `3  `4  L`5  `6  `7  `8  `` 9  `:  ü` ;  8` <  D`=  Ĉ` >  h`?  ń` @  `A  `B  ` C  (`D  Ĭ` E  ` F  `G  \` H  `I  x` J $ `K ( `L , |`M 0 ` N 4 `O 8 l` P < `Q @ œ`R D D`S H `T L 8`U P  `V T <` W X ` X \ `Y ` ʸ` Z d ` [ h l` \ l ` ] p `^ t `_ x <`` | `a  `b  `c  Ũ`d  `e  `f  ,`g  `h  `i  D`j  (`k  `l  \`m  ` n  `o  `p  `q  <`r  `s  |` t  $`u  P`v  \`w  h` x  ` y  `z  `{  ` |  ` }  ` ~  `   P`   ``   `  x`  `  L`  (`  `  `   `  x` $ Ό` ( (` , Ӹ` 0 D` 4 |` 8 h` < ` @ Ԩ` D ¼` H ` L h` P ` T ` X ` \ ,` ` ` d H` h ` l Ȉ` p `` t ` x ` | `  `  `  `  `  `  `  `  `  `  `  (`  @`  `  `  T`  ͤ`  `  `  ֬`  P`   `   ʐ`  0`  `  `  `  @`  <`  \`   `  `  X`  μ`  Ӏ`  Ϭ`  8`  <`  ը`  `  `  Ѡ` $ @`  ( x` , 8` 0 <`  4 ` 8 h`  < ,` @ \` D 4`  H d` L \`  P `` T p` X `  \ H`  ` Ҥ` d ȰudpbindbindACTIVEsocketsocketdhcpc6dhcps6sendtodhcpc6ENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catsend_packetsend_packetsend_packetLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s infinite leasereceive_packetreceive_packetreceive_packetthread exiting hostname : %1$s IPV6_RECVPKTINFObind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)setup_send_socketsetup_send_socketsetup_send_socketsetup_send_socketsetup_recv_socketsetup_recv_socketsetup_recv_socketsetup_recv_socketsetup_recv_socketdhcp_service_portdhcp_service_portshutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file 8 d invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)90 1.5 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/aix/syssp_trans.c, dhcp, tcpip720 5/31/04 23:51:15 x` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `  `  `  `  ``   `   ,`   `  d`   `  `  `  h`  `   (`  `  `  `  @`  `  `   `  `  `  `  `  `  `  `   P`   d`   `   `    `   `   d`   X`   ` !  ` "  4`#  ` $   `%  `&  ` '  ` ( $  `) ( `* , `+ 0 `, 4 `- 8 `. < `/ @ `0 D `1 H `2 L H`3 P  D`4 T t`5 X `6 \ 8`7 ` 8`8 d ` 9 h `: l ` ; p `` < t <`= x ` > | ``?  ` @  `A  (`B  x` C  P`D  ` E  ` F  `G  ` H  p`I  ` J  `K  `L  `M  ` N  `O   d` P  `Q  `R  l`S  @`T  ``U   `V   4` W  ` X  `Y  ` Z  $` [   d` \  ` ]  $`^  D`_  d``   `a  `b  $`c  `d  `e  `f  T`g  `h $ 0`i ( `j , P`k 0 `l 4 `m 8 ,` n < `o @ @`p D  `q H d`r L 0`s P ` t T L`u X x`v \ `w ` ` x d l` y h `z l `{ p ` | t 8` } x ` ~ | `   x`   `   D`  `  @`   t`   `  `  `  H`  `  `   `   `  l`   `  ``  H`  `  `  `  ``  8`   `   `  $`  `   @`  $`  `  `   `  h`  H`  @`  T`  ``  `   `  x`  P` $ h` ( ` , ` 0 ` 4 ` 8 $` < ` @ ` D ` H ` L ` P ` T (`  X `  \ ` ` ` d $` h <` l D` p h` t  4` x `  |  `  `  `  `   x`   `   0`  d`  `  `   `   `  h`   `  ``  d`   `  `   `  `  \`   <`  `   `   h`  `   `    `   l mL nX mT m\ m m< m$ md ml n qrrrDUIDDUIDACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catLogFileName:Interface :syntax errorDUID is %1$s infinite leasethread exiting parse_duid_fileparse_duid_fileparse_duid_fileparse_duid_filehostname : %1$s parse_lease_fileparse_lease_fileparse_lease_fileparse_lease_fileparse_lease_fileparse_lease_filebind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)parse_config_fileparse_config_fileparse_config_fileparse_config_fileparse_config_fileshutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message yacc stack overflowrefresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file /p .Hd 3,invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d  .` .` .` .` .` .` .` /` /`  /`  /(`  /4`  /@``  * *`  * /d`  * 3D` * 7`  * 5L` * :` * ?@` * ;` * >`  + 3\` + 6` + B` + @0` + 3t` + 14` + 5` + G` + 2$` +$ C` +( 2<` +, C` +0 =` +4 5` +8 >`  +< 1p`  +@ 9`  +D 0`  +H 7`  +L 2T`  +P >`  +T 1`  +X 3`  +\ 7` ! +` 4` " +d 5h`# +h :` $ +l H`% +p CD`& +t 9` ' +x A` ( +| K`) + 7 `* + DL`+ + 7`, + C`- + @`. + ;`/ + =`0 + D `1 + 8`2 + Dx`3 + Ft`4 + D`5 + 98`6 + ?h`7 + 2l`8 + 4` 9 + 4`: + ;` ; + 4` < + Nl`= + ;` > + M`? + <` @ + M`A + @X`B + 1` C + 5`D + <` E + 7(` F + > `G + 9` H + 3`I , 44` J , 7D`K , >D`L , 9`M , 6` N , 3`O , H` P , 4L`Q , 9`R ,$ 5`S ,( Cp`T ,, ?`U ,0 G4`V ,4 Gd` W ,8 88` X ,< A `Y ,@ B` Z ,D 9X` [ ,H G` \ ,L 6,` ] ,P 8X`^ ,T 8x`_ ,X 8`` ,\ FD`a ,` /`b ,d ET`c ,h =`d ,l <(`e ,p 6H`f ,t E`g ,x 1`h ,| 6d`i , /`j , @`k , h` } , =H` ~ , AH`  , @`  , ?`  , 9x` , @` , Ap` , F` , LP` , 1` , 1` , 7|` - D` - E` - MP` - J` - C` - F` - K` - 4|` - K` -$ :` -( :8` -, L` -0 Bh` -4 G` -8 H,` -< KT` -@ ;8` -D Jp` -H ;X` -L ?` -P <` -T I0` -X /|` -\ .` -` .x` -d .` -h .` -l .p` -p /X` -t /` -x 2` -| 2` - 2` - 2` - 2` - 2` - 0` - 3` - /` - D` - 0` - 1` - M` - 1H`  - L`  - A` - 3` - :X` - =l` - :x` - 6` - Id` - 6`  - J` - ?` - 3` - F` - J` - G` - H`` - B` - L` - E(` - J8` . H` . A`  . 6` . =` . :`  . 8` . 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Increase the array size by defining YYLMAX to be a higher value x(X\(l,phDt4d$T4p$`P@x  8T` P Px,dp0`xx @(#)48 1.4 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libl/yywrap.c, libl, bos720 6/4/91 09:27:44aSRCSRCmainmainmainRECVRECVmainmainSIGHUPopen()SIGTERMSIGALRMPROTOCOLPROTOCOL/dev/ttyPROTOCOLPROTOCOL/dev/nullSIGNAL HANDLER_syssp_main_init_syssp_main_init_syssp_main_abort_syssp_main_abort_syssp_main_refresh_syssp_main_refresh_syssp_main_refresh@(#)90 1.5 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/aix/syssp_main.c, dhcp, tcpip720 6/7/04 02:22:49ACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:recv_msgrecv_msgrecv_msgLog File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: Log Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catrecv_threadrecv_threadrecv_threadrecv_threadrecv_threadLogFileName:Interface :recv_cleanuprecv_cleanupDUID is %1$s infinite leasethread exiting hostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)shutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file  d invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)83 1.6 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/recvpkt.c, dhcp, tcpip720 3/7/05 23:11:15 H` T` `` l` x` ` ` ` `  `  `  `  ``  p t`  x `  | `  L`   `  `  `  P`  h`   `  `  `  `  (`  `  `   |`  `   `  `  `  `  `  `   8`   L`   `   l`   `   `   L`   @`   ` !  ` "  `#  ` $  `%  `&  ` '  x` (  `)  `*   `+  `, $  `- ( `. , t`/ 0 `0 4  `1 8 `2 <  0`3 @  ,`4 D  \`5 H `6 L  `7 P  `8 T ` 9 X `: \ ` ; ` H` < d $`= h ` > l H`? p ` @ t `A x `B | `` C  8`D  ` E  ` F  `G  l` H  X`I  ` J  `K  `L  `M  ` N  p`O  L` P  `Q  `R  T`S   (`T  H`U   `V   ` W  ` X  `Y  ` Z   ` [   L` \  ` ]   `^  ,`_  L``   `a  `b   `c  `d  `e  `f   <`g  t`h  `i  `j  8`k  `l $ l`m ( ` n , `o 0 (`p 4 `q 8 L`r < `s @ ` t D 4`u H ``v L  l`w P x` x T <` y X `z \ `{ ` ` | d  ` } h ` ~ l `  p ``  t p`  x ,` | `  (`   \`  `  `  `  0`   `   `  `  `   T`   `  H`  0`  `  `  `  H`   `   `   `   `  `  (`   `  `  p`  `  P`  `  `  `   `  `  `  ``  8`  P`  h`  `  ` $ ` ( ` , ` 0 ` 4  ` 8 ` < ` @ ` D `  H `  L ` P ` T  ` X $` \ ,` ` P` d ` h l`  l ` p ` t ` x  ` | ``   `  `  L`  `   `  `  `  P`   `  H`  L`   `  x`   `  l`  D`   $`  l`   p`  P`  `   `   `  ACTIVEENABLEDLogging:DISABLEDTracing:Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: FF02::1:2FF02::1:2Log Level:NOT ACTIVEUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s initstate: %iattribute: %iinfinite leaseactiontype: %cthread exiting protocol_threadprotocol_threadprotocol_threadprotocol_threadprotocol_threadhostname : %1$s bind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)IPV6_MULTICAST_IFIPV6_MULTICAST_IFshutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted protocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_commit_replyprotocol_xmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_xmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_xmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_xmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_xmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_xmit_dhcpmsginvalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message protocol_process_eventprotocol_process_eventprotocol_process_eventprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_timerprotocol_process_replyprotocol_process_replyprotocol_process_replyprotocol_rxmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_rxmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_rxmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_rxmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_rxmit_dhcpmsgprotocol_sched_rxtimerprotocol_sched_rxtimerprotocol_sched_rxtimerprocessing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol_process_actionprotocol_process_actionprotocol_process_actionprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_validate_replyprotocol_process_reconfprotocol_process_reconfprotocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status protocol_process_dhcpmsgprotocol_process_dhcpmsgprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_validate_reconfprotocol_process_rxtimerprotocol_process_rxtimerprotocol_process_rxtimerprotocol_process_T1timerprotocol_process_T1timerprotocol_initiate_rebootprotocol_initiate_rebootbecoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received protocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_event_correlatorprotocol_process_reqreplyprotocol_process_reqreplyprotocol_initiate_msgxchgprotocol_initiate_msgxchgsystem attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication protocol_process_advertiseprotocol_process_advertisesystem attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s protocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_preprocess_dhcpmsgprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertiseprotocol_validate_advertisefailed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added protocol_process_renrebreplyprotocol_process_renrebreplyprotocol_process_iaaddrtimerprotocol_process_iaaddrtimerprotocol_process_iaaddrtimerprotocol_process_iaaddrtimer%1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file . -d 2invalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)86 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/protocol.c, dhcp, tcpip72F, f2017_18A6 4/24/17 01:51:31 . ` .` .$` .0` .<` .H` .T` .`` .l`  .x`  .`  .`  .``  *X *\`  *` .`  *d 2 ` *h A `  *l :` *p E ` *t Ix` *x E` *| H`  * 28` * >4` * M$` * Jh` * 2P` * 0$` * <` * Q` * 1` * N` * 1` * MP` * H` * =` * I `  * 0``  * C`  * /`  * A,`  * 10`  * I0`  * 0t`  * 2h`  * AL` ! * 8h` " * ;`# * E,` $ * S4`% * M|`& * CL` ' * K` ( * UP`) + >P`* + N`+ + Al`, + N,`- + K0`. + E`/ + H4`0 + NX`1 + A`2 +$ N`3 +( P`4 +, N`5 +0 Cl`6 +4 I`7 +8 1H`8 +< 4`` 9 +@ 8`: +D EL` ; +H 7` < +L X`= +P F` > +T W`? +X G` @ +\ WH`A +` J`B +d 0` C +h ;$`D +l F<` E +p >l` F +t HX`G +x C` H +| 2`I + 4x` J + >`K + H|`L + D `M + =` N + 2`O + R` P + 4`Q + D,`R + ;@`S + M`T + I`U + Ql`V + Q` W + A` X + KX`Y + LH` Z + C` [ + Q` \ + =8` ] + A`^ + A`_ + B `` + P|`a + /``b + O`c + G8`d + F``e + =T`f + O`g + 0`h + =p`i , /`j , J`k , F`l , B,`m , >` n , 8`o , F`p , Lt`q , F`r ,$ 4`s ,( BL` t ,, =`u ,0 7`v ,4 O`w ,8 70` x ,< .` y ,@ .`z ,D G\`{ ,H 8` | ,L H` } ,P G` ~ ,T K`  ,X J`  ,\ I`  ,` C` ,d K` ,h K` ,l P` ,p V` ,t 0` ,x 0` ,| >` , O` , P` , W` , U` , M` , Q ` , U` , 4` , V` , DL` , Dl` , V` , L` , R0` , Rd` , U` , El` , T` , E` , J` , F` , Sh` , .` , -` , -` , -` , -` , -` , .` , /` , 1`` , 1x` - 1` - 1` - 1` - 1` - /` - 2` - /@` - O4` - /` -$ 0` -( X ` -, 08`  -0 VH`  -4 L ` -8 2` -< D` -@ G` -D D` -H =` -L S` -P =`  -T T8` -X IT` -\ 1` -` PL` -d T` -h Q<` -l R` -p L` -t W` -x O`` -| Tp` - S` - K`  - =` - G` - D`  - Bl` - L`  - 0` - G` - H`  - 0L` - D`  - ;\` - S` - XX`  - 2`  - T` - J@pPPSTART %s %s %s %-16s%.64s%-16s%-24s%-16s%-24s%-15s%-16s%-28s%-50s%-28s%-30s%-28s%-28s%-28s%-28s%-28s%-30sACTIVESTATUSstat() %s %-10ld%-10ld%-10ld%-10ldENABLEDREFRESHLogging:DISABLEDTracing:src_initsrc_initsrc_initrecvfromTRACE ONdhcpcdv6malloc()Log File:INFO: SYSERR: OBJERR: PROTERR: WARNING: EVENT: ACTION: INFO: ACNTING: TRACE: INFO: LOCK: INFO: TRACE OFFsrcsrpy()Log Level:NOT ACTIVEsrc_threadsrc_statussrc_statusUsage: ... dhcpcd6.catsrc_processsrc_processLogFileName:Interface :DUID is %1$s infinite leaseSTOP SUBSYSTEMSTOP SUBSERVERdisplay_statusdisplay_statusdisplay_statusdisplay_statusthread exiting TRACE SUBSERVERhostname : %1$s STATUS SUBSERVERbind call failed IA-TA (Temporary)shutdown complete dns server : %1$s message validated socket call failed sendto call failed unknown event type invalid identifier option code : %1$d option args : %1$s domain name : %1$s validating message refresh has started refresh is complete recvmsg call failed invalid option data IPv6 Address : Address type : Starttime : Endtime : PrefLifeTime : ValidLifeTime :unknown action type /usr/tmp/dhcpcd6.logstarting %1$s thread received %1$s signal shutdown has started select timer expired event queue is empty timer queue is empty IA-NA (Non-Temporary)%1$d: %2$s at '%3$s' reconfigure accepted invalid option length receive packet failed %1$s message received received %1$s request building %1$s message processing timer-event request from host %1$s displaying long status protocol thread refresh processing action-event exiting, returning %1$d displaying short status becoming the %1$s thread protocol thread shutdown processing recvpkt-event invalid message received reconfigure key received system attempting refresh failed to read lease file timer alarm not cancelled transmitting %1$s message failed to allocate memory invalid identifier length request initiated locally invalid duid is specified data structure corruption generating authentication system attempting shutdown failed to record the offer event queue is already set timer queue is already set '%1$s' failed, error: %2$s option exec command : %1$s failed starting %1$s thread close issued on socket %1$d call to ioctl (%1$s) failed failed to build option %1$d IA option processing failed status code set : %1$d %2$s retransmitting %1$s message message length is too large message length is incorrect created transaction id %1$x tracing set to level 0x%1$x authentication option added %1$s message exchange failed option code not within range invalid data for option %1$d Cannot determine the user. setsockopt (%1$s) call failed event queue head is corrupted timer queue head is corrupted invalid message type received message transaction id : %1$x server unicast address : %1$s port %1$d is in invalid range interface %1$s does not exist check authentication settings failed to get reconfigure key initialization failed, exiting failed to process %1$s message action-event processing failed writing to lease file ( %1$s ) errors exist in the lease file u| rd xinvalid filename parameter %1$s failed to transmit %1$s message rxtimer-event processing failed recvpkt-event processing failed duplicate address %1$s detected database in memory is corrupted port for service '%1$s' is %2$d received %1$s request - invalid reboot on interface %1$s failed ia-timer-event processing failed incoming message size %1$d bytes SRC messaging failure - aborting Stop subserver: not supported. system has no network interfaces generation failed with code %1$d validation failed with code %1$d failed to read configuration file failed to retransmit %1$s message event queue initialization failed timer queue initialization failed Start subserver: not supported. accepting unauthenticated message could not configure signal masking errors exist in configuration file received %1$d bytes on socket %2$d corrupted/unexpected pointer value post initialization failed, exiting failed to allocate option structure option %1$d missing in %1$s message received unknown request - val %1$d initiating reboot on interface %1$s option %1$d missing in %2$s message shutdown already underway - aborting iaaddr-timer-event processing failed database is already loaded in memory Trace of subserver: not supported. Must be root user for long status. failed to build message options table rapid-commit option set, accept reply Status of subserver: not supported. %1$d syntax errors found in file %2$s unable to update the resolv.conf file no association exists with this server [-p client port] [-t solicit timeout] invalid option %1$d set in %1$s message SRC control is not being used - exiting assigned address %1$s to interface %2$s option %1$d NOT allowed in message %2$s responding to unauthenticated ADVERTISE system is currently refreshing - waiting waiting for subsystems to stop execution failed to initiate %1$s message exchange discarding invalid %1$s message received %1$s timer fired (timer duration : %2$f) refresh encountered fatal error - exiting failed to add option %1$d to option table failed to initialize client message block failed to copy option %1$d to option table failed to plugin options offered by server failed to commit options offered by server IA type: %1$s iaid: %2$x T1: %3$d T2: %4$d hostname not specified; updatedns not done sub-option %1$d not allowed in %2$d option function %1$s called with invalid arguments failed to convert address to numerical form not root user, will not display long status Link local address of interface %1$s : %2$s no available addresses in ADVERTISE message failed to start message retransmission timer failed to plugin IA options offered by server error while processing line %1$d in file %2$s scheduling %1$s timer (timer duration : %2$f) IA option missing in REPLY to REQUEST message Client Identifier does not match client's DUID Server Identifier does not match server's DUID sending %1$s message to %2$s on interface %3$s refresh or shutdown already underway - aborting failed to assign address %1$s to interface %2$s deleted address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s ignoring %1$d option while building option table read option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s preferred lifetime is greater than valid lifetime initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s failed to plugin existing lease for interface %1$s no valid interface specified in configuration file no reconfigure key was sent, rejecting reconfigure initiating %1$s message exchange on interface %2$s randval : %1$d random delay : %2$d nano secs : %3$d insufficient option length specified in option %1$d writing option code : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s unsolicited IA with iaid '%1$d' offered by the server inserting option type : %1$d length : %2$d data : %3$s collecting ADVERTISE until first retransmission timeout failed to delete address %1$s assigned to interface %2$s failed to build message (type : %1$s transaction id : %2$x) incoming %1$s message with transaction id %2$x not expected dhcpcd6 [-f configuration file name] [-u client duid file] error while processing option %1$d at line %2$d in file %3$s no addresses are associated with IA (iaid : %1$x) for renewal option length does not match with total length of sub-options processing iaaddr-timer-event (address : %1$s duration : %2$f) initialized control block for interface %1$s (ifindex : %2$d) processing ia-timer-event (iaid : %1$x T1 : %2$d duration : %3$f) updating dns server with hostname (%1$s) to IPv6 address (%2$s) mapping reconfigure authentication failed with code %1$d, rejecting reconfigure processing rxtimer-event (message type : %1$s) duration : %2$f count : %3$d @(#)87 1.7 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6/aix/src.c, dhcp, tcpip720 3/7/05 23:12:52 t` t` t` t` t` t` t` t` t`  t`  t`  u`  u``  o0 o4`  o8 up`  o< x` o@ }`  oD z` oH @` oL ` oP ` oT `  oX x` o\ |X` o` T` od ` oh x` ol v` op {@` ot ,` ox w` o| 0` o w` o ` o @` o {\` o <`  o v`  o `  o v`  o } `  o w`  o ``  o w`  o x`  o }@` ! o zD` " o z`# o `` $ o d`% o `& o ~` ' o (` ( o `) o |t`* o `+ o }``, o \`- o ``. o $`/ o d`0 o `1 o }`2 o `3 p `4 p  `5 p ~`6 p `7 p w`8 p y` 9 p z``: p ` ; p y` < p$ `= p( H` > p, `? 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