# @(#)44 1.5 src/43haes/lib/libcl/README, hacmp.libcluster, 61haes_r714 11/30/11 12:52:31 ############################################################################# # # This README file is for the "libcl" sample fileset of the High Availability # Cluster Multi-Processing (PowerHA SystemMirror) product. # # libcl - part of the cluster information or "clinfo" feature of PowerHA SystemMirror # provides client programs an api for retrieving information about the # cluster. # # Version 5.3 of PowerHA SystemMirror includes a major rewrite of the libcl library # and the source code for libcl is no longer available with this fileset. # If you would like to obtain a copy of the source, please send email # to hafeedbk@us.ibm.com # # #############################################################################