#! /usr/bin/perl # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2008,2019 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # sccsid = "@(#)78 1.17 src/rsct/trace/trcspl/showtr.perl, trace, rsct_rady, rady2035a 11/12/15 16:32:25" # Search on "sub help" and/or "sub usage" for script description. use Getopt::Long; use Fcntl ':mode'; my $local_default = '^.+\.sp$'; my $spool_dir, $from, $to, $previous, $help, $ls, $rpttr_opt_f, $rpttr_opt_b, $rpttr_opt_r, $rpttr_opt_o, $rpttr_opt_t, $rpttr_opt_s, $ctsnap, $extract, $local, $nolocal; if (!GetOptions("spool_dir=s" => \$spool_dir, "from=s" => \$from, "to=s" => \$to, "help" => \$help, "h" => \$help, "ls" => \$ls, "f" => \$rpttr_opt_f, "b" => \$rpttr_opt_b, "r" => \$rpttr_opt_r, "o=s" => \$rpttr_opt_o, "t=s" => \$rpttr_opt_t, "s=s" => \$rpttr_opt_s, "ctsnap" => \$ctsnap, "extract" => \$extract, "local=s" => \$local, "nolocal" => \$nolocal)) { usage(1); } if (undef ne $help) { help(); } if ($nolocal) { if ($local) { printf STDERR "%s:%d: cannot specify both the --local and the --nolocal options\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } } else { if (!$local) { $local = $local_default; } } if ($extract && (! $ctsnap)) { printf STDERR "%s:%d: --extract option invalid without --ctsnap option\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } $previous = $ARGV[0]; my $time_specification; if ((undef ne $from) || (undef ne $to)) { if (undef ne $previous) { usage(1); } if (undef ne $from) { if (! ($from =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)) { usage(1); } else { $time_specification .= "--from $from "; } } if (undef ne $to) { if (! ($to =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)) { usage(1); } else { $time_specification .= "--to $to "; } } } else { if (undef eq $previous) { $previous = 0; } if (!($previous =~ /^\d+$/)) { # should be numbers only usage(1); } $time_specification = "--previous $previous"; } if (undef eq $spool_dir) { $spool_dir = $ENV{CT_TR_SPOOL_DIR}; if (undef eq $spool_dir) { printf STDERR "%s:%d: couldn't determine spool_dir\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } } if ($rpttr_opt_f) { $rpttr_opt_f = "-f"; } if ($rpttr_opt_b) { $rpttr_opt_b = "-b"; } if ($rpttr_opt_r) { $rpttr_opt_r = "-r"; } if ($rpttr_opt_o) { $rpttr_opt_o = "-o \"$rpttr_opt_o\""; } if ($rpttr_opt_t) { $rpttr_opt_t = "-t \"$rpttr_opt_t\""; } if ($rpttr_opt_s) { $rpttr_opt_s = "-s \"$rpttr_opt_s\""; } my $pwd = `pwd`; chomp $pwd; my $cluster_id; if ($ctsnap) { if ($pwd =~ /^(.+)\/var\/ct\/(.+)\/log\//) { $ctsnap = "$1"; $cluster_id = "$2"; } else { printf STDERR "%s:%d: couldn't determine cluster_id\n(need to be in a subdirectory of var/ct/*/log\nin directory where ctsnap is extracted)\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } } else { if ($pwd =~ /^\/var\/ct\/(.+)\/log\//) { $cluster_id = "$1"; } else { printf STDERR "%s:%d: couldn't determine cluster_id\n(need to be in a subdirectory of /var/ct/*/log)\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } } my $daemon_name; my $daemon_name_rc = 0; my $daemon_name_found = 0; if (! opendir DIR, "$pwd") { printf(STDERR "Error: cannot open current working directory(%s).\n", $pwd); exit 2; } while (my $entry = readdir(DIR)) { if (("." ne $entry) && (".." ne $entry)) { my ($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $blksize, $blocks) = stat("$entry"); if (S_ISREG($mode)) { $daemon_name = `rpttr -B $entry 2>/dev/null`; $daemon_name_rc = $?; if (0 == $daemon_name_rc) { $daemon_name_found = 1; last; } } } } close DIR; if (0 == $daemon_name_found) { print "Cannot determine daemon name because the current directory has no trace files containing in...\n"; print "Enter daemon name (e.g. IBM.ConfigRMd): "; $daemon_name = <STDIN>; } chomp $daemon_name; if ($daemon_name_rc || (! $daemon_name)) { printf STDERR "%s:%d: couldn't determine daemon_name\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } my $cluster_name; open LS, "ls -l $ctsnap/var/ct |" or die sprintf "%s:%d: trouble with ls -l $ctsnap/var/ct\n", $0, __LINE__; while (<LS>) { if (/^l.+ (.+?) -> \/var\/ct\/$cluster_id$/) { $cluster_name = "$1"; last; } } close LS; if (undef eq $cluster_name) { printf STDERR "%s:%d: couldn't determine cluster_name\n", $0, __LINE__; usage(1); } $ENV{'PATH'} = "/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin"; my $node_name = `hostname`; chomp $node_name; $node_name =~ s/\..*$//; my $node_id = `/opt/rsct/bin/lsnodeid`; chomp $node_id; if ($ctsnap) { $spool_dir = "$ctsnap/ctsnap_out/$spool_dir"; if ($extract) { system("cd $ctsnap/ctsnap_out; tar -xvf TRACE_SPOOL.tar"); } } my $lstrsp_command = sprintf("/opt/rsct/bin/lstrsp --spool_dir %s --cluster_name %s --cluster_id %s --node_name %s --node_id %s --daemon_name %s %s", $spool_dir, $cluster_name, $cluster_id, $node_name, $node_id, $daemon_name, $time_specification); if (undef eq $ls) { my $list = `$lstrsp_command`; my $rc = $?; if ($rc) { exit $rc; } else { if ("" eq $list) { exit 0; } else { # convert newlines to spaces $list =~ s/\n/ /g; # add local files if ($local) { my @files = split /\n/, `ls`; foreach my $file (@files) { if ($file =~ /$local/) { $list .= " $file"; } } } exit system("rpttr $rpttr_opt_f $rpttr_opt_b $rpttr_opt_r $rpttr_opt_o $rpttr_opt_t $rpttr_opt_s $list"); } } } else { my $rc = system($lstrsp_command); if ($local) { my @files = split /\n/, `ls`; foreach my $file (@files) { if ($file =~ /$local/) { print "$file\n"; } } } exit $rc; } # functions sub help { usage(); print STDERR <<HELP; The showtr utility passes selected trace spool files corresponding to the current working directory to rpttr. It thus must be executed from a directory from which trace files are spooled (or the respective directory extracted from a ctsnap if --ctsnap is specified). By default it also includes local trace spool pages files matching the perl regex '^.+\.sp$'. This filter can be overridden with the --local option, or disabled altogether with the --nolocal option. Examples: # show ConfigRM's trace files from today > cd /var/ct/IW/log/mc/IBM.ConfigRM > showtr # show ConfigRM's trace files from today and yesterday > cd /var/ct/IW/log/mc/IBM.ConfigRM > showtr 1 # show ConfigRM's trace files from the last week > cd /var/ct/IW/log/mc/IBM.ConfigRM > showtr 7 # show ConfigRM's trace files since a past date > cd /var/ct/IW/log/mc/IBM.ConfigRM > showtr --from 2008-03-31 # show ConfigRM's trace files from the beginning of the spool # until a past date > cd /var/ct/IW/log/mc/IBM.ConfigRM > showtr --to 2008-03-31 # show ConfigRM's trace files between two dates (inclusive) > cd /var/ct/IW/log/mc/IBM.ConfigRM > showtr --from 2008-03-31 --to 2008-04-15.11:15:33 HELP exit 0; } sub usage { print STDERR <<USAGE; Usage: showtr [--spool_dir <path> | first export CT_TR_SPOOL_DIR=<path>] [--ls] [--help] [--ctsnap [--extract]] [--nolocal] [--local <perl regex in quotes>] [rpttr flags] [<number of days before today>] | [--from <yyyy-mm-dd[.hh[:mm[:ss]]]> [--to <yyyy-mm-dd[.hh[:mm[:ss]]]>]] Notes: - <number of days before today> defaults to 0 - the --ls option lists the spool files instead of passing them to rpttr - showtr must be executed in a subdirectory of /var/ct/*/log - showtr attempts to determine daemon_name from "rpttr -B" against all trace files the current directory until found. If it can't, it prompts for daemon_name. - --ctsnap tells showtr caller is in var/ct/*/log of a ctsnap. It also forces the spool_dir path to be relative to the ctsnap's ctsnap_out directory, even if the spool_dir is an absolute path. - --extract tells showtr to extract ctsnap trace spool files from their archive (this need be done only once) USAGE if (undef ne $_[0]) { exit $_[0]; } }