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US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.r1.  statpopenfgetsHACMPmallocHA_DOMAIN_NAMErpi_get_HACMP_domain/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomainODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomainODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomainODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomainODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomainODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomainODMDIR=/etc/es/objrepos /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/cldomain../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c../../../../../../src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c@(#)60 1.9 src/rsct/pem/rmapi/domain_objects/ha_rr_get_HACMP_domain.c, rmapi, rsct_rady, rady2035a 2/2/99 15:20:22ha_em.catUnknown lock condition. Unknown error condition. Unable to locate free page. A system call was unsuccessful. An RMAPI internal error occurred. Manager session assignment not valid. The Spmi library was not initialized. Shared memory cell boundary not valid. Shared memory segment not initialized. Unable to locate monitor PTX contexts. Unexpected initial size of segment, %1$d. Shared memory segment identifier mismatch. The haem shared memory segment was damaged. A call to an Spmi routine was unsuccessful. %1$s: 2521-847 Internal RMAPI error: %2$s Variable array overflow in response message. A resource variable's value pointer was NULL. %1$s: 2521-818 No SIGIO signal handler found. Unexpected value, "%1$d", in switch statement. %1$s: 2521-815 No connection pending to accept. %1$s: 2521-808 The RMAPI has not been initialized. One or more SBS fields were missing from the value. Less than or 0 bytes on partial control message read. %1$s: 2521-801 The RMAPI has already been initialized. %1$s: 2521-824 Unknown notification protocol argument. Unexpected cell size, %1$d, for system page size, %2$d. A portion of a response message is missing or not valid. getmsg_rmapi_set: Bad msg index(%d) for msg set rmapi_set.%1$s: 2521-805 Checksum was unsuccessful on EMCDB file: %2$s. %1$s: 2521-813 Resource monitor server socket does not exist. %1$s: 2521-814 Notification protocol argument does not match. %1$s: 2521-823 Resource monitor server socket already exists. Unexpected NULL value cell for variable %1$s resource ID %2$s. Unexpected NULL Spmi stat for variable %1$s, resource ID %2$s. SBS field serial number, %1$d, is not defined for the variable. %1$s: 2521-844 The command, %2$s, did not return a domain name. The data type, %1$d, of SBS field %2$d is not a valid data type. %1$s: 2521-851 A pointer parameter passed to the RMAPI was NULL. %1$s: 2521-821 Connection closed by the resource monitor manager. %1$s: 2521-806 Resource monitor %2$s not found in EMCDB file: %3$s. %1$s: 2521-809 There was a problem with a variable vector argument. SBS value length, %1$d, is greater than the allowed maximum of %2$d. An unsolicited ADD response was sent to the resource monitor manager. An unsolicited DEL response was sent to the resource monitor manager. Actual length of the SBS value was not equal to the specified length. %1$s: 2521-857 The UNIX domain socket file name, "%2$s", is too long. %1$s: 2521-835 Too may objects providing node number found in the ODM. Number of variables, %1$d, is not valid for response message type %2$d. A control message incorrectly specified instance %1$d of variable %2$s. The red-zone section of a shared memory segment was found to be damaged. %1$s: 2521-807 Spmi function %2$s was unsuccessful with error %3$d. %4$s %1$s: 2521-816 Additional Event Manager client session request rejected. %1$s: 2521-827 SDR function %2$s was unsuccessful with return code %3$d. %1$s: 2521-812 There was a problem with a variable value vector argument. %1$s: 2521-859 A session with the Event Management daemon already exists. %1$s: 2521-820 No session found matching the session file descriptor: %2$d. SBS field with serial number, %1$d, was found more than once in the SBS value. %1$s: 2521-817 System call "%2$s(%3$s)" was unsuccessful with error: %4$d-%5$s. %1$s: 2521-841 The command %2$s, used to obtain the domain name, was not found. %1$s: 2521-852 The command parameter passed to the RMAPI was not a valid value. A call to malloc() or realloc() was unsuccessful allocating the requested memory. %1$s: 2521-825 PTX context or contexts not found in the EMCDB for variable: %2$s. The Event Management deamon detected an error in the resource monitor or the RMAPI. %1$s: 2521-840 Unknown value "%2$s" found in domain type environment variable %3$s. %1$s: 2521-819 A server resource monitor can have a maximum of %2$d active sessions. %1$s: 2521-833 An ODM error occurred while determining the node number: %2$s(): %3$s. %1$s: 2521-863 The size, %2$d, of the EMCDB file %3$s, is not a valid EMCDB file size. %1$s: 2521-822 Resource monitor "%2$s" is not defined to be a server in the EMCDB file. %1$s: 2521-828 SDR class %2$s has a missing or unexpected data type for attribute %3$s. %1$s: 2521-845 Cannot add variables to an unidentified resource monitor manager session. %1$s: 2521-866 The RMAPI was passed a resource variable handle value which was not valid. The EMCDB version in use by the RMAPI did not match the version in use by the haemd daemon. %1$s: 2521-829 EMCDB version does not match the version in use by the Event Manager daemon. %1$s: 2521-834 The format of the node number found in the ODM is not valid; value was: %2$s. %1$s: 2521-802 The "%2$s" system call was unsuccessful attempting to allocate %3$d bytes: %4$s %1$s: 2521-810 The resource class "%2$s" was not found in the EMCDB for resource monitor %3$s. %1$s: 2521-853 The command to set values cannot be called after the RMAPI has been initialized. %1$s: 2521-865 The Event Management daemon detected an error in the resource monitor: %2$d-%3$s. %1$s: 2521-803 The "%2$s" system call was unsuccessful attempting to open file "%3$s": %4$d-%5$s. Duplicate registrations were sent to the resource monitor manager for 1 or more resource variables. %1$s: 2521-848 The RMAPI subroutines have been locked following a previously returned error: %2$s %1$s: 2521-843 The command, %2$s, used to obtain the domain name, terminated with an exit value of %3$d. %1$s: 2521-849 No data was available to be read from the resource monitor manager session socket "%2$d". %1$s: 2521-861 The haem shared memory segment "%2$d" was found to be damaged at page %3$d cell offset %4$d. A control message contained a resource variable identifier which was not valid. The value specified was %1$d. %1$s: 2521-842 Unable to execute or determine the exit status of command %2$s, used to obtain the domain name. %1$s: 2521-831 The RMAPI received an unknown manager identifier from the session with socket descriptor "%2$d". %1$s: 2521-836 Unable to determine the system partition name. The SDR function SDRGetSyspar() was unsuccessful. %1$s: 2521-850 An error was found in the value of the resource variable "%2$s" with resource ID "%3$s". %4$d-%5$s %1$s: 2521-860 The "%2$s" system call was unsuccessful attempting to invoke a function on file: "%3$s". %4$d-%5$s. %1$s: 2521-864 The internal reported size, %2$d, of the EMCDB file %3$s is larger than the actual file size of %4$d. %1$s 2521-867 An attempt to connect to an Event Manager daemon with a UNIX domain socket was unsuccessful: %2$s: %3$d-%4$s. The length of SBS field %1$d, was not valid for the data type. The expected length is %2$d, the SBS value specified is %3$d. %1$s: 2521-846 Cannot add State variable "%2$s", with resource ID "%3$s", to the specified resource monitor manager session. %1$s: 2521-832 The RMAPI was called with an effective user identifier of (%2$d). Effective identifier of 0 (root) is required. %1$s: 2521-804 Unable to obtain a lock in the file %2$s. Attempted to lock a monitor instance identifier in the range %3$d-%4$d. %1$s: 2521-858 The calling process must have an effective user identifier of 0 (root), or have the %2$s group in its group list. %1$s: 2521-838 The value "%2$s" of environment variable %3$s, does not match the %4$s domain name value "%5$s" determined by the RMAPI. %1$s: 2521-839 The domain name environment variable, %2$s, was set to "%3$s", but the domain type environment variable, %4$s, was not set. %1$s: 2521-862 The load() system call was unsuccessful attempting to load the Spmi library (libSpmi.a). The load() error is %2$d - %3$s. %4$s. %1$s: 2521-856 The resource monitor requested the instance identifier "%2$d", but is configured to only allow monitor instances in the range %3$d-%4$d. %1$s: 2521-854 The resource monitor instance identifier specified, "%2$d" is not a valid value. Resource monitor identifiers must be in the range %3$d-%4$d. %1$s: 2521-830 The "%2$s" system call was unsuccessful attempting to send a response message to the manager session with socket descriptor "%3$d": %4$d-%5$s. %1$s: 2521-837 The load() system call was unsuccessful attempting to load module %2$s used for determining the domain name. The load() error is %3$d - %4$s. %5$s. %1$s: 2521-855 The resource monitor requested a non-zero resource monitor instance id, but is configured to allow only a single instance of the monitor to execute at a time.  `   d 4     | , L T  l *$  0 (    % !0 l     !     - (  \  & ' /L    X < &  `  $ d 4  "   #  4 !  # %` 38 + . 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