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Time: %s Component: %s parse_record: parsed---> parse_record: rectype=%d. ------------------------- ------------------------- END Command Tracking Report cmdtrk: added node[%d]=[%s]. cmdtrk: file[%s] content[%s]. ctcmdtrk: invalid option [%c]. cmdtrk: -i option pattern=[%s]. user: id=[%s] pid=[%s] Records matching tracking id=[%s] Class Action: Class=%s ActionID=%s Commands initiated from NodeID=[%s] *** no command tracking logs found *** ctcmdtrk: -l and -d flags are required. parse_dirs: p_dirstr=[%s] p_prefix=[%s] parse_record: field=[%s] found, s=[%s]. *** no command initial records found *** ctcmdtrk: no command tracking logs found. ERROR: open() failed with rc=%d for file=%s parse_dirs: prefix_len=%d max_dirs=%d s=[%s] ctcmdtrk: error (%d) while locating log files. cmdtrk: unable to allocate %d bytes on line %d. establish_initial: added file[%s] for node[%s]. establish_initial: added file[%s] for node[%s]. cmd: type=[%s] classid=[%s] actionid=[%s] ctcmdtrk: unable to open directory [%s], skipping... parse_record: no trk trace comp, skipping line=[%s]. ctcmdtrk: [-p] option must specify a valid directory. gen_report: unexpected record type=%d for record[%s]. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ parse_and_add_log: filename=[%s] subsys=[%s] nodeid=[%s]. Syntax: ctcmdtrk -l -d [-p ] [-i [-x]] parse_and_add_log: skipping filename=[%s] - invalid nodeid=[%s]. cmdtrk: duplicate log found for subsys=%s. Files: [%s] and [%s]. *** initiating record not found - related records may follow *** load_tracking_files: directory struct for %s is null, skipping... ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ============================================================================= ctcmdtrk: the (-x) option requires the (-i) option with a specific command id. cmdtrk: added file to node=[%s] - file[%d]={name=[%s] subsys=[%s] fp=[%p] node=[%s]}. CommandID=[%s] Class Action: Class=%s ActionID=%s Time: %s Component: %s User: PID=%s @(#)37 1.3 src/rsct/utils/cmdtrk/ctcmdtrk.c, common_utils, rsct_rady, rady2035a 8/10/20 17:52:43Command Tracking Report ----------------------- Options: %s Command Flow Matching: NodeID[%s], CommandID=[%s] ####################################################################### # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # # # 5765-F07 # # # # (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001 # # All Rights Reserved # # # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # # ####################################################################### ||||\ (0  t     8      0     `   @          \ bgerrno@@@@'@_iob@malloc@ free@ _Errno@ exit@ strlen@ fopen64@ fprintf@ fclose@ strchr@ sprintf@ vfprintf@ strncmp@ fgets@ strdup@ strstr@ opendir@ 3@ closedir@ getopt@ strtoull@ ?@ __crt0v@opterr@optarg@L@__start `!      0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ ` d h l p t x |                ( 0 < D P X ` d h l t x                !             $  ( , 0 4 8 < @ D H L P T X \ `  d  h l p t x /usr/lib:/liblibc.ashr.o ___strcmp ___memset ___memmove ___strcpy readdir_r __mod_init__malloc_user_defined_name