#!/bin/ksh # IBM_PROLOG_BEGIN_TAG # This is an automatically generated prolog. # # bos720 src/bos/usr/lib/nim/methods/chcosi.sh # # Licensed Materials - Property of IBM # # COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2006,2011 # All Rights Reserved # # US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or # disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. # # IBM_PROLOG_END_TAG # @(#)85 src/bos/usr/lib/nim/methods/chcosi.sh, cmdnim, bos720 7/15/11 05:06:49 # # COMPONENT_NAME: CMDNIM # # FUNCTIONS: ./usr/lib/nim/methods/chcosi.sh # # ORIGINS: 27 # NIMPATH=/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim NIM_METHODS="${NIMPATH}/methods" export NIMPATH NIM_METHODS . ${NIM_METHODS}/c_sh_lib . ${NIM_METHODS}/libcosi # --------------------------- module globals argtype="" commitsw="" devicetype="" operation="" ARGUMENT="" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NAME: usage # # FUNCTION: Print usage message # # PARAMETERS: None. # # RETURNS: 0 - successful function execution # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function usage { /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CHCOSI_INSTALL_USAGE} \ 'To install software:\n\ %1$s -i -s Source [-f Fileset | -b installp_bundle | -F Fixes | -B fix_bundle] [-c] [-R] [-v] COSI\n' \ "${PROGNAME}" /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CHCOSI_UPDATE_USAGE} \ 'To update software:\n\ %1$s -u -s Source [-f Fileset | -b installp_bundle | -F Fixes | -B fix_bundle] [-c] [-R] [-v] COSI\n' \ "${PROGNAME}" /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CHCOSI_REJECT_USAGE} \ 'To reject software:\n\ %1$s -j {-f Fileset | -b installp_bundle | -F Fixes | -B fix_bundle} [-R] [-v] COSI\n' \ "${PROGNAME}" /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CHCOSI_REMOVE_USAGE} \ 'To remove software:\n\ %1$s -r {-f Fileset | -b installp_bundle | -F Fixes | -B fix_bundle} [-R] [-v] COSI\n' \ "${PROGNAME}" /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CHCOSI_COMMIT_USAGE} \ 'To commit software:\n\ %1$s -c {-f Fileset | -b installp_bundle | -F Fixes | -B fix_bundle} [-R] [-v] COSI\n' \ "${PROGNAME}" return 0 } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NAME: ck_attr # # FUNCTION: Check for valid attribute. # # PARAMETERS: None. # # RETURNS: 0 - valid attribute # 1 - invalid attribute # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function ck_attr { # Check the following global flag: # ARGUMENT # source # location ck_user || return 1 if [[ -z $ARGUMENT ]] || [[ $(echo $ARGUMENT | wc -w) -gt 1 ]] || [[ -n $reject && -n $remove ]] || [[ -n $update && -n $install ]] || [[ -n $fix_bundle && -n $installp_bundle ]] || [[ -n $commit && (-n $reject || -n $remove) ]] || [[ -n $source && (-n $reject || -n $remove) ]] || [[ -z $source && (-n $update || -n $install) ]] || [[ -z $install && -z $update && -z $reject && -z $remove && -z $commit ]] || [[ -n $fixes && -n $installp_bundle ]] || [[ -n $fixes && -n $fix_bundle ]] || [[ -z $filesets && -z $fixes && -z $installp_bundle && -z $fix_bundle && (-n $reject || -n $remove) ]] || [[ -n $filesets && -n $fixes ]] || [[ -n $filesets && -n $installp_bundle ]] || [[ -n $filesets && -n $fix_bundle ]]; then usage return 1 fi if [[ $(obj_exist "master" $ARGUMENT; echo $?) -ne 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CMD_NOT_EXIST} \ '%1$s: \"%2$s\" does not exist.\n' "${PROGNAME}" "${ARGUMENT}" return 1 fi if [[ -n $source ]]; then devicetype=`get_devicetype $source` if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${ERR_SET} cmdnim.cat ${ERR_SOURCE} \ '0042-055 %s: \"%s\" is not a valid \"source\" for\n\tthis operation' \ ${PROGNAME} "${source}" echo return 1 fi if [[ $devicetype = "cdrom" ]]; then source=`ck_source $source` || return 1 fi fi # Check if fileset exists in the source before creating performing operation on COSI if [[ -n $filesets ]]; then if [[ $devicetype = "dir" ]] || [[ $devicetype = "mnt" ]]; then source_location=$source elif [[ $devicetype = "cdrom" ]]; then nim_mount $source source_location=$access_pnt nim_unmount $source elif [[ $devicetype = "nim" ]]; then source_location=`get_attr_value "master" $source "location"` fi filesets=`echo $filesets | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN { FS=" "; OFS="\n" } { print $0 }'` filesets_count=`echo $filesets | /usr/bin/wc -w | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}'` filesets_tr=`echo $filesets | /usr/bin/tr ' ' '\n'` filesets_exist=`/usr/sbin/geninstall -Ld $source_location | /usr/bin/cut -d: -f2 | /usr/bin/grep -e "$filesets_tr" | /usr/bin/uniq` list_count=`echo "$filesets_exist" | /usr/bin/wc -l | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}'` filesets_not_exist=`echo "$filesets_tr" | /usr/bin/grep -v -e "$filesets_exist"` if [[ $list_count -ne $filesets_count ]]; then for temp_file in $filesets_not_exist do /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CMD_NOT_EXIST} \ '%1$s: \"%2$s\" does not exist.\n' "${PROGNAME}" "$temp_file" done return 1; fi fi return 0 } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NAME: change_cosi # # FUNCTION: Perform maintenance on a common image. # # PARAMETERS: None. # # RETURNS: 0 - successful # 1 - unsuccessful # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function change_cosi { typeset -i count=0 typeset -i rc=0 typeset -i NAME_CHANGE=0 if [[ $(get_attr_value "master" $ARGUMENT "alloc_count") -gt 0 ]]; then count=$(/usr/sbin/lsnim -t spot | /usr/bin/grep "${ARGUMENT}_X" | /usr/bin/sort | \ /usr/bin/tail -1 | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}' | /usr/bin/awk 'BEGIN { FS="_X" } {print $2}') ((count=$count + 1)) name=${ARGUMENT}_X${count} /usr/sbin/cpcosi -c $ARGUMENT $name if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${ERR_SET} cmdnim.cat ${ERR_CANT_DEFINE_OBJ} \ '%1$s: Unable to define %2$s object.\n' "${PROGNAME}" $name return 1 fi NAME_CHANGE=1 else name=$ARGUMENT fi # Determine the source. # cdrom - Mount the cdrom, create a temporary lpp_source to create the common image. # Once completed, unmount the cdrom and remove the lpp_source. # # dir - Create the lpp_source from the directory to create the common image. # Once completed, remove the lpp_source. # # mnt - Create the lpp_source using the mounted location as a source to create the common image. # Once completed, remove the lpp_source and remove the content from the lpp_source location. # # nim - Create the common image from the NIM lpp_source object. # # remote - Mount the remote location, and create the lpp_source from the mounted location. # Once completed, remove the lpp_source and remove the content from the lpp_source location. server=`get_attr_value "master" $ARGUMENT "server"` location=`get_attr_value "master" $ARGUMENT "location"` location=`/usr/bin/df -m $location | /usr/bin/awk '(NR==2) {print $7}'` if [[ $devicetype = "dir" ]]; then define_res "lpp_source" "${name}_$$_lpp" $server "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" $source || return 1 lpp_source="${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "mnt" ]]; then define_res "lpp_source" "${name}_$$_lpp" $server "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" $source "true" || return 1 lpp_source="${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "cdrom" ]]; then define_res "lpp_source" "${name}_$$_lpp" $server "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" $source || return 1 lpp_source="${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "remote" ]]; then nim_mount $source define_res "lpp_source" "${name}_$$_lpp" $server "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" $access_pnt || return 1 lpp_source="${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "nim" ]]; then # Use the source since it is a already a nim object lpp_source=$source fi # The installp_bundle is not a NIM object. # We will define it as a NIM object for the operation and remove it afterward. if [[ -n $installp_bundle ]] && [[ $(obj_exist "master" $installp_bundle; echo $?) -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ -s $installp_bundle ]]; then cp_file $installp_bundle "${location}/${name}_$$_installp_bundle" || return 1 define_res "installp_bundle" "${name}_$$_installp_bundle" $server "$location/${name}_$$_installp_bundle" || return 1 installp_bundle="${name}_$$_installp_bundle" DEFINE_INSTALLP_BUNDLE=yes else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CMD_NOT_EXIST} \ '%1$s: \"%2$s\" does not exist.\n' "${PROGNAME}" "${installp_bundle}" exit 1; fi fi # The fix_bundle is not a NIM object. # We will define it as a NIM object for the operation and remove it afterward. if [[ -n $fix_bundle ]] && [[ $(obj_exist "master" $fix_bundle; echo $?) -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ -s $fix_bundle ]]; then cp_file $fix_bundle "${location}/${name}_$$_fix_bundle" || return 1 define_res "fix_bundle" "${name}_$$_fix_bundle" $server "$location/${name}_$$_fix_bundle" || return 1 fix_bundle="${name}_$$_fix_bundle" DEFINE_FIX_BUNDLE=yes else /usr/bin/dspmsg -s ${MSG_SET} cmdnim.cat ${MSG_CMD_NOT_EXIST} \ '%1$s: \"%2$s\" does not exist.\n' "${PROGNAME}" "${fix_bundle}" exit 1; fi fi if [[ -n $install ]]; then /usr/sbin/nim -o cust ${filesets:+-a filesets="$filesets"} ${fixes:+-a fixes="$fixes"} \ ${installp_bundle:+-a installp_bundle=$installp_bundle} ${fix_bundle:+-a fix_bundle=$fix_bundle} \ -a installp_flags=a${requisite:+g}${commit:+c}X -a lpp_source=$lpp_source $name elif [[ -n $update ]]; then /usr/sbin/nim -o cust ${filesets:+-a filesets="$filesets"} ${fixes:+-a fixes="$fixes"} \ ${installp_bundle:+-a installp_bundle=$installp_bundle} ${fix_bundle:+-a fix_bundle=$fix_bundle} \ -a installp_flags=a${requisite:+g}${commit:+c}X -a lpp_source=$lpp_source $name elif [[ -n $reject ]]; then [[ -n $fixes ]] && filesets=`get_apar_fileset $fixes` [[ -n $fix_bundle ]] && filesets=`get_fixbundle_fileset $fix_bundle` /usr/sbin/nim -o maint ${filesets:+-a filesets="$filesets"} \ ${installp_bundle:+-a installp_bundle=$installp_bundle} -a installp_flags=\"-r${requisite:+g}\" $name elif [[ -n $remove ]]; then [[ -n $fixes ]] && filesets=`get_apar_fileset $fixes` [[ -n $fix_bundle ]] && filesets=`get_fixbundle_fileset $fix_bundle` /usr/sbin/nim -o maint ${filesets:+-a filesets="$filesets"} \ ${installp_bundle:+-a installp_bundle=$installp_bundle} -a installp_flags=\"-u${requisite:+g}\" $name elif [[ -n $commit && -z $install && -z $update ]]; then [[ -n $fixes ]] && filesets=`get_apar_fileset $fixes` [[ -n $fix_bundle ]] && filesets=`get_fixbundle_fileset $fix_bundle` /usr/sbin/nim -o maint ${filesets:+-a filesets="$filesets"} \ ${installp_bundle:+-a installp_bundle=$installp_bundle} -a installp_flags=\"-c${requisite:+g}\" $name fi rc=$? if [[ $devicetype = "dir" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_lpp" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "mnt" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_lpp" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "cdrom" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_lpp" elif [[ $devicetype = "remote" ]]; then nim_unmount $source rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_lpp" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" fi if [[ $DEFINE_INSTALLP_BUNDLE = "yes" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_installp_bundle" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_installp_bundle" fi if [[ $DEFINE_FIX_BUNDLE = "yes" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_fix_bundle" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_fix_bundle" fi if [[ $rc -ne 0 ]] && [[ $NAME_CHANGE -eq 1 ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}" fi return $rc } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NAME: undo # # FUNCTION: Undo files and object that were created. # # PARAMETERS: None. # # RETURNS: 0 - file removed successfully # 1 - unable to remove file # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # function undo { if [[ $(obj_exist "master" "${name}_$$_lpp"; echo $?) -eq 0 ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_lpp" fi if [[ -s "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" ]]; then rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_lpp" fi if [[ $DEFINE_INSTALLP_BUNDLE = "yes" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_installp_bundle" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_installp_bundle" fi if [[ $DEFINE_FIX_BUNDLE = "yes" ]]; then rm_nim_obj "${name}_$$_fix_bundle" rm_file "$location/${name}_$$_fix_bundle" fi err_signal return 1 } # ---------------------------------- chcosi --------------------------------- # # # NAME: chcosi # # FUNCTION: /usr/sbin/chcosi command # # NOTES: # # RETURNS: (int) # 0 = SUCCESS # 1 = FAILURE # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # trap cleanup 0 trap 'undo' 2 11 15 # NIM initialization nim_init # set parameters from command line while getopts :B:F:Rcb:f:ijrs:uv x do case ${x} in B) # Specify the fix bundle to process against the common image. fix_bundle=${OPTARG} ;; F) # Specify fixes to process against the common image. fixes=${OPTARG} ;; R) # Specify operation apply on requisites requisite=true ;; c) # Specify to commit commit=true ;; b) # Specify the installp bundle to process against the common image. installp_bundle=${OPTARG} ;; f) # Specify filesets to process against the common image. filesets=${OPTARG} ;; i) # Specify to install install=true ;; j) # Specify to reject reject=true ;; r) # Specify to remove remove=true ;; s) # Specify the source for creating the common image. source=${OPTARG} ;; u) # Specify to update update=true ;; v) # verbose mode (for debugging) set -x for i in $(typeset +f) do typeset -ft $i done ;; \?) # unknown option usage exit 1 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) ARGUMENT=$* ck_nim_env || exit 1 ck_attr || exit 1 change_cosi rc=$? exit $rc # end of script