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-tError: invalid value for -rchanging rpcto to %d for %s DDDDD after calling load_onc() set extension debug level to %dDDDDD before calling load_onc() unable to set rpc_to value to %d Could not establish current mountsAttention: -%c option not supportedUsing automount master map as file %sunable to set extension debug value to %d autofsmount: Could not find out hostname. automount: Unable to start the automountd daemon. unable to set extension thread timeout value to %d unable to set extension thread timeout value to %d autofsmount: Waiting for a long time; backgrounding %s: command line mountpoints/maps no longer supportedStarted AutoFS automount daemon via SRC; Process id is %d Started AutoFS automount daemon via SRC; Process id is %d @(#)20 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/automount.c, autofs, onc72X, x2021_11A0 2/12/21 16:54:30Usage: automount [-m] [-n] [-v] [-t duration] [-i interval] [-f file] [-s timeout] [-D value] [-d value] [-r timeout]   D   p   ,4    devfsdupmnttab: Out of memory get_devid: bad device option '%s'@(#)23 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/fslib.c, autofs, onc720, 1504A_720 1/13/15 16:17:02 rojfsnfsnfsbsydiociorbrjfs2lofscifs%s:%scdrfsnodevautofsnosuidmalloccachefsAUTOMOUNT_BAD_OPTS%s: already mountednfs_vmount: opts were null noauto,remount,quota,noquotanfs_vmount: vmount returned %d setmntent: can't malloc %d bytes. setmentent: error calling mntctl(). nfs_vmount: oldopts=|%s| newopts=|%s| Cannot malloc vmount struct, FATAL ERROR autofs_vmount: error %d while mounting %s: nfs_vmount: stub=%s host=%s object=%s oldopts=|%s| newopts=|%s| @(#)09 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/aix_mnt.c, autofs, onc72Q, q2019_19B2 4/29/19 09:55:32BB(AdB4?B@???????????BLAdBX,,,,nestdirectignorerpcto=indirectautofs mount: memory allocation failed autofs mount: memory allocation failed @(#)12 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/auto_opts.c, autofs, onc720, 1504A_720 1/13/15 16:10:20nisnisnisnis+nis+filesfilesfiles/etc/-hosts-hosts-hostsnisplusnisplusnisplusnis_ldapnis_ldapnis_ldapautomountautomountlast != NULLns_generic.cgethostkeys called automount: using irs.confautomount: default? exit.automountd: using irs.confautomount: continue (%s,%s)loadmaster_map returns FAIL automountd: loading module %sautomount: *not* using irs.confautomountd: too many load modulesautomount: loading map (%s) from %sautomount: loadmap suceeded (%s,%s)automount: master_map %s not found @(#)30 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_generic.c, autofs, onc720, 1504A_720 1/13/15 16:18:32 (    , \ h t  H   ,,/-HOST-nullOSRELretry=OSNAMEOSVERSt%u %sauto_subr.cauto_subr.cprev != NULL*last != NULLstr_opt: bad option fielddir %s must start with '/'auto_rddir_malloc interrupted auto_rddir_strdup interrupted dirinit: memory allocation failedhierarchical mountpoint: %s and %sgetword: input word size %d must be > 0getword: maximum word length (%d) exceededgetword: map %s: line too long (max %d chars)@(#)13 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/auto_subr.c, autofs, onc720, 1504A_720 1/13/15 16:10:40** %s: %s%s: %s%s: %s%s: %s%s: %snis map %s: read OK.nis map %s: read OK.can't read nis map %s: %s - retryingcan't read nis map %s: %s - retryinggetmapent_nis: memory alloc failed: %mloadmaster_yp: memory alloc failed: %mloadmaster_yp: memory alloc failed: %mgetmapkeys_nis: memory alloc failed: %m%s in NIS map %s: entry too long (max %d chars)%s in NIS map %s: entry too long (max %d chars)Warning: invalid entry for %s in NIS map %s ignored. @(#)31 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_nis.c, autofs, onc720, 1504A_720 1/13/15 16:18:48*.... %skeykeyorg_dir[%s=%s],%snis_list failedgetmapkeys_nisplus called nisplus_match: malloc failed nisplus_match: nis_list OK nisplus can't list map, %s: %s nisplus_match: nis_list FAILED nisplus_match: Requesting list for %s nisplus can't list map, %s: nis_list failednisplus can't list map, %s: nis_list failednisplus can't list map, %s: nis_list failed%s in nisplus master map: entry too long (max %d chars)%s in nisplus master map: entry too long (max %d chars)Warning: invalid entry for %s in nisplus map %s ignored. nisplus map %s, entry for %s is too long %d chars (max %d)@(#)68 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_nisplus.c, autofs, onc720, 1504A_720 1/13/15 16:19:08%2X%.*s{DES}{DESv2}{DESv2}a&Pr+3Y!a&Pr+3Y!/dev/urandom1475A21832515D461475A21832515D46name=sys0 AND attribute=id_to_partition@(#)22 1.5 src/bos/usr/sbin/secldapadmin/daemon/ldapd_passwd.c, cmdsadm, bos720 7/24/08 04:11:31        80( 91)! :2*" ;3+#>6.&=5-% <4,$  @(#)10 1.6 src/des/libdes/des_soft.c, libdes, des720 9/15/09 12:58:41'/7?&.6>%- 5=$, 4<#+ 3;"* 2:!) 19 (0891)! ;3+# =5-% ?7/'80( :2*" <4,$ >6.&@ @ @ @   ##%%&&))**,,//1122447788;;==>>@@CCEEFFIIJJLLOOQQRRTTWWXX[[]]^^aabbddgghhkkmmnnppssuuvvyyzz||@p@ 0``PP0p@ @` pP0p0P`              p`00@`P Pp@ `@`0p@ 0PP p             @ p@p`PP00`@ pp `P`0@P0                  @ p@00PpP ```@0@ppP`P 0             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ldapportwildcardwildcardldap_initldap_initkrbcmddirgetmapentgetmapentgetmapentgetmapentgetmapentgetmapentgetmapentkrbkeypathloadmasterloadmasterloadmasterloadmasterloaddirectloaddirectloaddirectloaddirectgetmapkeysgetmapkeysgetmapkeysgetmapkeysldap_unbindldap_unbindldapserversldapsslportldapsslkeyfldapsslnamenisMapEntrynisMapName=nisMapEntrynisMapName=nisMapEntrynisMapName=nisMapName=nisMapEntrynisMapName=ldap_memfreeldap_memfreeldap_msgfreeldap_msgfreekrbprincipalconnect_ldapautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyautomountKeyldap_ssl_initldap_ssl_initldap_search_sldap_search_sldap_ber_freeldap_ber_freeldapsslkeypwdldapsslcipherldap is loaded ldap_set_optionldap_set_optionldap_next_entryldap_next_entryldap_get_valuesldap_get_valuesldap_value_freeldap_value_freeldap_err2stringldap_err2stringautomountbasednldap_port = %d ldap_sasl_bind_sldap_sasl_bind_sldap_first_entryldap_first_entry%skinit -t %s %sautomountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=automountMapName=ldap_simple_bind_sldap_simple_bind_sEND read_ldap_cfg %s: Out of memory %s: Out of memory %s: Out of memory %s: Out of memory ldap is configured ldap_next_attributeldap_next_attributeldap_admin_dn = %s ldap_admin_pw = %s ldap_ssl_keyf = %s ldap_ssl_port = %d ldap_ssl_client_initldap_ssl_client_initldap_first_attributeldap_first_attributeBEGIN read_ldap_cfg ldap_ssl_keypw = %s automountInformationautomountInformationautomountInformationautomountInformation/usr/lib/libibmldap.a/usr/lib/libibmldap.adlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s dlsym(%s) failed: %s ldap_ssl_cipher = %s ldap_krb_cmddir = %s ldap_init(%s) failed objectClass=automountobjectClass=automountobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=automountobjectClass=automountobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=automountobjectClass=automountobjectClass=automountobjectClass=automountobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=automountobjectClass=automountobjectClass=nisObjectobjectClass=nisObjectdlopen(%s) failed: %s Can not open file: %s ldap_server_list = %s ldap_ssl_timeout = %d ldap_krb_keypath = %s ldap_krb_principal = %s END loadmaster_ldap(%s) END getmapkeys_ldap(%s) ldap_ssl_init(%s) failed /usr/ldap/lib/libibmldap.aBEGIN loadmaster_ldap(%s) BEGIN getmapkeys_ldap(%s) /usr/ldap/lib/libibmldapn.a/etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg/etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfgEND getmapent_ldap(%s, %s) WARNING: ldap is not loaded END loaddirect_ldap(%s, %s) searchbase: %s%s,%s too long searchbase: %s%s,%s too long BEGIN getmapent_ldap(%s, %s) searchbase: %s%s,%s too long ldap_simple_bind_s(%s) failed ldap_simple_bind_s(%s) failed Kerberos is not yet supported BEGIN loaddirect_ldap(%s, %s) ldap_automountbase_dn[%d] = %s WARNING: ldap is not configured WARNING: ldap is not configured /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/lib/libibmldap.a/opt/IBM/ldap/V6.1/lib/libibmldap.a%s: searching for %s in nisObjects %s: searching for %s in nisObjects searchbase: %s=%s,%s%s,%s too long %s: searching for %s in nisObjects %s: searching for %s in nisObjects %s: searching for %s in nisObjects %s: searching for %s in nisObjects /opt/IBM/ldap/V6.0/lib/libibmldapn.a/opt/IBM/ldap/V6.1/lib/libibmldapn.a%s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s %s: ldap_search_s on %s %s failed: %s ldap_ssl_client_init() failed, reason = %d Warning: invalid entry for %s in %s ignored. Warning: invalid entry for %s in %s ignored. @(#)06 src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_ldap.c, autofs, onc72Q, q2019_21A3 5/9/19 15:08:18`'\#!?*()[]^/{}$read_execout: Cannot forkAttempt to pop empty stack read_execout: forking ..... bad key "%s" in direct map %s Executable map: map=%s key=%s bad key "%s" in indirect map %s read_execout: Cannot create pipestack_op: Memory alloc failed : %mread_execout: dup of stdout failedmap %s: line too long (max %d chars)leading space in map entry "%s" in %sleading space in map entry "%s" in %s read_execout: map=%s key=%s line=%s read_execout: Memory allocation failedthe map file %s is an executable map!!! Warning: invalid entry for %s in %s ignored. Warning: invalid entry for %s in %s ignored. Warning: Bad executable map or key "%s %s", ignored. 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12:30:21 2022 .get_next_ns.IPRA.$gethostkeys.loaddirect_map.loadmaster_map.loadsearch_info.getmapkeys.getmapent.ns_setup../../../../../../src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_nis.c.readdir_callback.replace_undscr_by_dot.configured_nis.getmapkeys_nis.loaddirect_nis.loadmaster_nis.getmapent_nis.init_nis../../../../../../src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_nisplus.c.IPRA.$nisplus_match.directmap_callback.mastermap_callback.configured_nisplus.getmapkeys_nisplus.loaddirect_nisplus.loadmaster_nisplus.getmapent_nisplus.init_nisplus.nis_freeresult../../../../../../src/bos/usr/sbin/secldapadmin/daemon/ldapd_passwd.cWed Jun 23 18:59:25 2021 .pwd_des_decrypt.pwd_des_encrypt.byteswap.IPRA.$_generate_salt._get_uname../../../../../../src/oncplus/usr/sbin/autofs/ns_ldap.cTue Jan 4 12:30:22 2022 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.common_crypt.ecb_crypt.cbc_crypt.common_crypt@AF5_1../../../../../../../src/des/libdes/des_soft.c.IPRA.$des_encrypt._des_crypt.des_setparitystrncat.sstrncpy.s.liveupdate_operations.mutex_unlock.mutex_lock.__assert.cond_broadcast.cond_wait.thr_self.vfprintf.strtok_r.sethostent.gethostent.endhostent.__irs_getconfig.strcasecmp.__nsw_freeconfig.gethostname.getrpcport.yp_first.yperr_string.yp_match.getdomainname.nis_list.__nis_list_localcb.strncasecmp.odm_initialize.odm_get_first.odm_terminate.setlocale.load_onc.aufs_cntl.checkauths.closelog.src_err_msg.snprintf.getprocs.__pth_init