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The ioctl SIOCGNETOPT system call failed. The ioctl SIOCSNETOPT system call failed. interface %s hasn't the good type (%d/%x)? The ioctl SIOCSIFADDRFLAG6 system call failed. Usage: autoconf6 [-aAis6MORcv] [-m main_if] [interface ...] %1$s: 0960-540 Operation is not permitted in a workload partition. autoconf6: %s physical link is still not ready. Waiting up to 1 min for the right link status. @(#)16 src/bos/usr/sbin/autoconf6/autoconf6.c, cmdnet, bos72F, f2017_22A7 5/30/17 14:29:47::%slo0NONENOMAC%02x:default%s.%06d: renew=%u token=%s prefix=%s address=%s expired=%d with mask=%s timeout=%lx timeout=%lx lifetime=%u prefix list: router list: refcount=%d prefix (%lx): interface=%s router (%lx): interface=%s function=%lx argument=%lx if address=%s timeout (%lx): socket (ROUTE) deprecation=%u name=%s(if#%d) %s: errno is %d %s: errno is %d invalidation=%u interface (%lx): best address=%s MTU=%lu flags=%x RTM_GET errno %d /dev/ndpd_host_mib/dev/ndpd_host_mib expire=%+ld.%06lu flags=%x (next=%x) flags=%x (next=%x) deprecation=infinity invalidation=infinity ethernet=(link#%d) %s link-local address=%s with len=%d and mask=%s Not a valid IPv6 address %s lgtoken %d lgmac %d adphy %s No data received on snmp socket Routing message length mismatch %d Wrong type of snmp request received state=%x stateful=%x RtSol to send=%d Not possible to send information to snmp Not possible to send information to snmp Not possible to send information to snmp Routing message version not understood %d write to route socket failed with errno %d reachable time=%u.%03d retrans timers=%u.%03d Impossible to create socket to communicate with snmp Impossible to create socket to communicate with snmp Impossible to listen on socket to communicate with snmp read from route socket failed with errno %d or rcvbuf %d @(#)52 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/ndpd-host/util.c, sysxinet_ipv6, tcpip720 5/21/13 08:22:42 dest=%s dad socket multi_homed gateway=%s unusable IFP netopt socket socket (ROUTE) no valid route socket (ROUTE) dad sendto NDsol bad route message add route flags=%x prefix len=%d bits get route failed (%s) write (route message) dad recvmsg interrupt read (get route message) dad ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR6) write (get route message) dad setsockopt(IP_HDRINCL) Duplicate address detected dad setsockopt(IPV6_RECVPKTINFO) dad setsockopt(IPV6_AIXRAWSOCKET) dad NDsol: wrote %d chars, ret=%d dad setsockopt (IPV6_MULTICAST_IF) dad setsockopt(IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP) dad ioctl (SIOCAIFADDR6 - validate) dad setsockopt (IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS) The ioctl SIOCGNETOPT system call failed. SIOCDIFADDR6 error in removing ::0 address CLiC_pkCLiC_sha%s: rc %d CLiC_shaInitCLiC_contextCLiC_disposeCLiC_pk_signcga_param_newcga_param_newcga_param_newCLiC_pk_verifymodifier_add_onelibclic.a(shr.o)%s malloc failed %s malloc failed %s malloc failed %s malloc failed %s malloc failed %s malloc failed %s: hash2 failed. %s: hash1 failed. %s: malloc failed send_icmp6_sec_getsend_icmp6_sec_getsend_icmp6_sec_getsend_icmp6_sec_getsend_icmp6_sec_getsend_icmp6_sec_getsend_icmp6_sec_getCLiC_base64_decode%s: malloc failed. cga_param_generationcga_param_generationcga_param_generationcga_param_generationcga_param_generation%s: cga_param_len %p CLiC_context_objCountsend_icmp6_sec_set_del%s: Wrapping has occured: index %d %s: setsockopt (ICMP6_SEC_SEND_GET) dlclose failed /usr/lib/libclic.a %s %s: prefix %p, key %p, extf %p, cga_param %p dlopen failed /usr/lib/libclic.a %d : dlerror %s %s: cga_param %p, cga_param_len %d, IF address %p %s: setsockopt (ICMP6_SEC_SEND_SET_CGA_ADDR) rc:%d @(#)14 1.5 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/ndpd-host/send_proto_app.c, sysxinet_ipv6, tcpip720 11/3/08 22:15:47%d rc %d rc %d %d rc %d %d rc %d %d rc %d %d rc %d %d rc %d %d nonce %p  *H %d nonce %x %x %d timestamp %p %d ts option %x %x %d SHA failed, rc %Ld %d malloc failed:len %d %d truncated message %d %d failed keyObj, rc %Ld %d malloc failed: len %d %d malloc failed: len %d %d rc %d, message type %d%d invalid key length %d %d extlen %d > icmplen %d%d collision count %d > 2 %d malloc failed: len %d. %d rc %d, message type %d %d CLiC context failed %d %d CLiC shaInit failed %d %d invalid message type %d %d duplicate option type, %d%d rsa_sig %p, public_key %p %d rsa_sig %p, public_key %p %d send_option %p, update_nce %d %d hash_len %d larger then digest %d saved_nce len %d, rx_nce len %d %d ip %p, icmplen %d, send_option %p%d unknown extension option type, %d%d generate option behavior undefined %d%d send_validate invalid message type %d %d option %d, not allowed for msgtype %d %d validate option behavior undefined %d %d CGA validation failed, message type %d %d ip %p, send_option %p, update_record %d %d mismatch hash2 %Lx %Lx and mask2 %Lx %Lx %d missing required option %d for msgtype %d%d rc %d, update_record %d, message type %d %d cga_param %p, cga_param_len %d, ifaddr %p %d RS with unspecified address has CGA option %d ip %p, msg_len %d, rsa_sig %p public_key %p %d option %d, processing error for msgtype %d %d option requirement %d, ip %p, send_option %p %d signature len %d greater than buffer space %d %d validation failed for option %d for msgtype %d%d mismatch hash1 and IFID:hash1 %x %x, ifid %x %x %d ip %p, msg_len %d, max_sig_op_len %d, key_obj %p %d key hash gen failed: key %p, key_len %d, sig hash %p %d nonce saved %p, saved_len %d not equal rx %p, rx_len %d%d RSA signing fail: msg_local %p, msg_len %d sig %p, rc %x %d key hash validate failed: key %p, key_len %d, keyhash %p %d ts validation failed: TSnew %x RDnew %x TSlast %x RDlast %d hash1 failed: cga_param %p, cga_param_len %d, hash1 %x %x %d prefix does not match, CGA prefix %x %x ifaddr prefix %x %x %d create CliC key Obj failed: public key %p, key len %d, rc %Ld %d sig validate failed: msg_local %p, msg_len %d ,sig %p, sig_len %d%d hash2 failed: cga_param_local %p, cga_param_len %d, hash2 %Ld %Ld @(#)01 src/bos/kernext/inet/send_proto_common.c, sysxinet_ipv6, bos720 3/31/13 14:11:45 Q Q, Q8 QD QP Q\ Qh Qto^ɜd'|rroffPublicPublicPrivatePrivateparse_keyparse_keycompatibleparse_send_mode%s: CGA file %s parse_anchor_fileparse_config_fileparse_config_fileparse_armored_keyparse_armored_keyparse_armored_key%s: Anchor file %s /etc/ndpd/ndpdh.cnf%s: malloc failed %s parse_cga_params_fileparse_cga_params_fileparse_cga_params_file%s: malloc failed %s /etc/ndpd/sendh_anchor%s: cannot open file %s%s: cannot open file %s/etc/ndpd/cgaparams.sec/etc/ndpd/tempaddr.conf%s: Interface %s redefined parse_set_working_interfaceparse_set_working_interfaceparse_set_working_interface%s: %s key reading error %s %s: Unallocated, interface %s %s: Interface cannot be found. %s unable to allocate %d bytes for hexkey %s: %s key already set for interface %s %s: configuration fileparsing failed: %s %s configuration file parsing failed: %s %s armored key decode failed, key %s rc %l %s armored key decode length failed, key %s rc %l @(#)10 1.4 src/tcpip/usr/sbin/ndpd-host/ndpdh_parse.c, sysxinet_ipv6, tcpip720 7/21/09 04:36:01 gigigigigigigisyntax erroryacc stack overflowSEND Grammer error line %d SEND configuration error on line %d  - /f /d - /h 0d /t 0l /Z 0x /P 0 /j 0 /j 0 /h - 0 /h - /h 0 /h - /h 0 /n /t /j /l /j /j /j /z /n /l /r /~ /p /j /t /l / /p /h 0 / / / / /h 0          ! !""##$$% 0\  "bad switch ndpdhlook %dUnterminated character stringInvalid keyword configuration file: line %d LEX Error: input string too long to fit in yywtext[]. Increase the array size by defining YYLMAX to be a higher value  H RSAPUBLICPUBLICPUBLICPRIVATEsyntax erroryacc stack overflow-----END %s KEY----- -----BEGIN %s KEY----- -----END %s %s KEY----- -----BEGIN %s %s KEY----- CGA Keyword error: line %d CGA Keyword error: line %d CGA Grammer error line %d: %s ""#`#$$$$&'P'\'h't'  !%(  )$  " #'& gigigigigigigigigigigigi gigigigigigigi gigi            !*#)("'&$  G _ ^ G ] ]\ G \ \ G _ 64 _ 6< _ H 6H [ 6P _ 6X a` 6` `X 6l _ 6x _ 6 _ 6 ` 6 _ 6 _ 6 _ 6 _ 6 _ 6 `d 6 _ 6 _ 6 d 6 e H 6 a H 6 _ H 7 _ H 7 _ H 7 `t H 7 _ H 7 `8 H 7( ` H 70 ` H 78 _ H 7@ ` H 7H _ 7P `( _ 7X ` _ H8 _ 7` _ _ H\ 7h e ` _ ` ` a aH a ` ` c ` ` a f fT J 7p h J a J a J a| J a J a J b J a J a J a J h` J a J a J a J bd bl _ _ I 7x b\ _ 7 _ 7 b, b` _ 7 b b, a _ Jl 7 b4 _ 7 a h h L( 7 j L( 7 b L( _ L( 7 _ L( 7 b L( b L( _ L( 7 b L( b L( bX L( j| L( 7 b L( _ L( 7 bH L( b b _ c cP c4 _ 7 b b b _ 7 k< j Ml 7 lh Ml 7 c8 Ml ct Ml cX Ml _ Ml 8 c( Ml j Ml 8 c Ml _ Ml 8 cl cp _ 8 c@ 8 cp c 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