ISO8859-1.$ , F R _ k v 8 80!#XEp/  Pp]'$&+B3n/6+ &5!)\"%#,$%%3&5 3'< i(& )3 *2 +2 4,' g-, ., arp.ib: Cannot open %s. arp.ib: The line %s is not correct. arp.ib: Permission is denied. arp.ib: host name %s NOT FOUND arp.ib: %s: address misformed arp.ib: %s: unknown host %s (%s) at (incomplete) permanent published trailersarp.ib: Entry %s (%s) was not found in local arp table. arp.ib: Entry %s (%s) was not found in local arp table. Entry %s (%s) was deleted from local arp table. arp.ib: arp dump entry not found arp.ib: incomplete dump of the arp table, number dumped = %d number in the table = %d TrueFalse [IB]Usage: arp -t ib hostname arp -t ib -a[n ] arp -t ib -d hostname arp -t ib -i arp -t ib -c arp -t ib -s ib dlid <16 bits DLID> dqp <16 bit dqp> ipaddr [dgid <16 bytes DGID>] Example: arp -t ib -s ib0 dlid 0x1E dqp 0x12 ipaddr Device unit %d exceeds the maximum unit number %s (%s) set Usage: arp -t ib hostname arp -t ib -a[n ] arp -t ib -d hostname arp -t ib -i arp -t ib -c arp -t ib -s ib dlid <16 bits DLID> dqp <16 bit dqp> ipaddr [dgid <16 bytes DGID>] Example: arp -t ib -s ib0 dlid 0x1E dqp 0x12 ipaddr arp.ib: too many arguments supplied. arp.ib: incorrect interface number arp.ib: interface number out of range arp.ib: incorrect interface type specified arp.ib: incorrect number of ARP entries requested arp.ib: incorrect number of minutes specified arp.ib: dlid parameter can not be set more than once. arp.ib: incorrect dlid value supplied: %s arp.ib: dlid value 0 is not allowed. arp.ib: incorrect dqp value supplied: %s arp.ib: dqp value 0 is not allowed. arp.ib: DGID %s has invalid characters: %s arp.ib: ipaddr can be set only once. arp.ib: invalid or missing argument specified: %s ERROR ioctl for ARP_COMPLETE errno: 0x%lx rc = 0x%lx ERROR ioctl for ARP_INCOMPLETE_TIME errno: 0x%lx rc = 0x%lx ib_timer : ERROR, wrong command: %lx arp.ib: invalid or missing argument specified: %s arp.ib: incorrect number of ARP entries supplied. arp.ib: can not display more than %d ARP entires. arp.ib: error: argument out of range. arp.ib: value %s has invalid characters: %s SIOCIF_IB_DUMP_ARP: error allocating space.