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Transaction sampling: %d%% /etc/ewlm/trc/config_schema.xsdCannot form fullpath name of %s Cannot form fullpath name of %s Cannot form fullpath name of %s Failed to turn on memory trace. Trace file max size: %lld bytes Failed to turn on memory trace. Failed to allocate schema context ctctrl -c arm memtracebufsize=%lldFailed to set memory buffer size. Failed to turn off memory trace. App Name: %s Associated PID: %lld Time of Day Start: None Specified Failed to set configuration options. List of ARM Registered Applications: armsrv: command requires a parameter. Traced Application filtering options: armsrv: not a recognized parameter: %s Failed to generate trace capture file. Failed to generate trace capture file. armsrv: -activate: config file required. Warning! ARM Trace may not be activated. XML Config File: %s is an empty document .Could not obtain config file fullpath name. Warning: Failed to unregister ARM component. List of ARM Registered Applications: none. Failed to retrieve ARM Registered Applications. XML Config File: %s was not parsed successfully. Could not set trace options. Not enough memory. armsrv: -activate: not a recognized parameter: %s armsrv: -activate: additional parameters required. The trace log file was established/re-opened at %s EWLM armsrv -flush processing completed successfully. Error opening the trace capture file. Activation failed. Warning: Failed to turn off system trace for ARM component. Warning: Failed to set memory trace level for ARM component. armsrv processing failed. Could not retrieve ARM trace status. armsrv processing failed. Could not retrieve ARM trace status. armsrv processing failed. Could not retrieve arm trace status. armsrv processing failed. Could not retrieve ARM trace status. armsrv processing failed. Internal error processing the option. armsrv: failed to register ARM component with trace infrastructure. The input trace configuration document contains errors. Activation failed. Supplied XML config file does not exists or can not be opened for reading. @(#)47 1.7 src/bos/usr/sbin/armsrv/armsrv.c, cmdewlm, bos720 7/23/07 14:39:06Usage: armsrv {-activate -f config_file | -query | -flush | -deactivate | -h } armsrv -activate: Permission denied. Root authority required to activate ARM Trace. Warning: Some records may have been lost due to write failures to the capture file. EWLM armsrv -activate command processing failed because ARM processing is disabled. armsrv -activate processing failed. Could not write trace record containing trace level. EWLM armsrv -activate command processing failed because an ARM trace is already active. Deactivate warning: Some records may have been lost due to write failures to the capture file. armsrv -activate: TODstart: trace start time precedes trace activation time. Activation failed. EWLM armsrv -flush command processing failed. See the armtrace.log file for failure information. EWLM armsrv -activate command processing failed. See the armtrace.log file for failure information. EWLM armsrv -activate command processing failed. See the armtrace.log.temp file for failure information. armsrv -deactivate failed to write trace instance record. See the armtrace.log file for failue information. armsrv -deactivate failed to write trace instance record. See the armtrace.log file for failue information. element: activationOptions attribute: applReg and attribute: TODstart are mutually exclusive. Activation failed. EWLM armsrv -activate command processing failed because the armtrace.log file could not be created or opened for use. element: activationOptions attribute: applReg and element: tracedApplication are mutually inclusive. Activation failed. Warning: could not open or create logfile. Logfile information may not be available. armsrv processing will continue. Warning: could not open or create logfile. Logfile information may not be available. armsrv processing will continue. EWLM armsrv -deactivate processing completed successfully. The ARM trace activation occurrence has been deactivated. EWLM armsrv -activate command processing failed because the armtrace.log.temp file could not be created or opened for use. The input trace configuration document contains errors in element: activationOptions attribute name: TODstart. Activate failed. The input trace configuration document is not a valid EWLM ARM serviceability trace configuration document. Activation failed. EWLM armsrv -deactivate command processing failed. See the armtrace.log file for failure information. The ARM trace remains active. EWLM armsrv -deactivate command processing failed. See the armtrace.log file for failure information. The ARM trace remains active. EWLM armsrv -deactivate command processing failed. See the armtrace.log file for failure information. The ARM trace remains active. Failed to rename armtrace.log.temp to armtrace.log. Some armtrace log information may have been lost. Re-establishing armtrace.log file. EWLM armsrv -query processing completed successfully. EWLM ARM serviceability trace is currently active. Trace occurrence information follows. EWLM armsrv -flush command processing completed, but with unusual conditions. See the armtrace.log file for information about the conditions. EWLM armsrv -flush processing completed, but EWLM ARM serviceability trace is not currently active, and therefore no meaningful processing occurred. The input trace configuration document has errors in element: activationOptions attribute name: TODstart. TODstart must be 14 characters. Activation failed. EWLM armsrv -deactivate processing completed, but EWLM ARM serviceability trace was not currently active, and therefore no meaningful processing occurred. EWLM armsrv -query processing completed, but EWLM ARM serviceability trace is not currently active so there is no trace occurrence information to display. EWLM armsrv -activate processing completed successlly. use the armsrv -query command to display information about this occurance of EWLM ARM serviceability tracing. Warning: Failed to write trace instance record to the trace capture file. armsrvconv processing may experience failures or output XML file may not conform to output schema. Warning: Failed to write trace instance record to the trace capture file. armsrvconv processing may experience failures or output XML file may not conform to output schema. EWLM armsrv -deactivate command processing completed, but with unusual conditions. See the armtrace.log file for information about the conditions. The ARM trace activation occurrence has been deactivated. The captured trace may or may not be usable.  4(F . . .* .*` . .  0 + + +I . . -0;V}  -@___bzero@)@6@errno@uname@ _iob@malloc@ free@ exit@ strlen@ fopen@ fprintf@ fclose@ catopen@ catgets@ atoi@ stat@ sprintf@ time@ atol@ B@ asctime@ mktime@ tzset@ system@ N@ getcwd@ difftime@ Z@ __crt0v@timezone@g@@ @xmlFree@@ @ @ @ @ @ @  @ @ ,@ 9@ R@ b@ {@ @ @ @ @ @ @ iconv@ @ __start .!   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