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use iteration IBM%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBMprotocol family not supportedIBprotocol level or option not supportedIunexpected value retured from system call, which cause invalid internal statusI%s: poll looped %d times, caused by EAGAIN (limit=%d) I%s: SiPoll failed for sock %d (%d-%s) I%s: SiPoll timed out for sock %d (%dms) IBM%s: SiGetSockOpt failed for sock %d(%d-%s) %s: connection of sock %d broken (%d-%s) IB%s: connection of sock %d established I%s: hang up occurred in sock %d IBM%s: an error occurred in sock %d IB%s: %d<>%d ~ B:QnٺzfpH=c)\ ěS XXXXXXXXSI_OKSI_EINVALSI_EINVAL_SOCKSI_EINVAL_FAMISI_EINVAL_OPTSI_EINTRSI_ESYSCALLSI_EADDR_NAVAILSI_EPORT_INUSESI_ECONN_REFUSESI_ECONN_INPROGSI_ECONN_BROKENSI_ETIMEOUTSI_EINTERNSI_EMFILESI_ENOTIMPLSI_EMEMORYsuccessinvalid parameter passedinvalid socket descriptor, socket probably already closedprotocol family not supportedprotocol level or option not supportedcall was interrupted by a signalsocket function call failed, lastError value is set in SI_SOCK structureaddress not availableservive in useno one listening on the remote addressconnection is in progressconnection to partner brokenserver may be too busyunexpected (invalid) statusmaximum for file descriptors reachedplatform does not support a implementationunable to allocate sufficient memoryAF_UNIXAF_INETAF_INET6SOCK_STREAMSOCK_DGRAMSOCK_RAW(none)SiInitSiExitSiSocketSiSocketIPv4SiSocketIPv6SiSocketUDSSiCloseSiBindSiBind2SiListenSiAcceptSiAccept2SiConnectSiConnect2SiSendSiSendVSiSendToSiSendTo2SiSendMsgSiSendMsg2SiRecvSiRecvVSiRecvFromSiRecvFrom2SiRecvMsgSiRecvMsg2SiGetPendDataLenSiShutdownSiGetSockNameSiGetSockName2SiGetPeerNameSiGetPeerName2SiGetSockOptSiGetSockOpt2SiSetSockOptSiSetSockOpt2SiGetBlockModeSiSetBlockModeSiGetCloseExecSiSetCloseExecSiSelectSiPollSiPeekSiPeekPendConnSiSendSocketSiRecvSocketIBMsixx.cppIBMError: sock %d; error %d (%s) NiSelNewSet2NiSelDestroySetNiSelSetNiSelClearNiSelClearSetNiSelSelectNiSelNextNiSelIsMemberNiSelGetErrorNiSelDumpNiSelICreateSetNiSelIInitNiSelISetNiSelIClearNiSelIRemoveNiSelIRemoveAllNiSelISelectNiSelISelectIntNiSelINext2NiSelIGetModeNiSelIGetStatNiSelIGetDataNiSelISetDataNiSelIListInsert???selbufNiSelIListRemoveNiSelICreateMsgNiSelIAddMsgNiSelIMoveMsgNiSelIRemoveMsgNiSelIResetMsgI | handle prv nxt | tI | hdl %-3d %3d %3d |IB EI -I II LI RI WI CI DInixxsel.cpp%s: internal status error (%d;%d) I%s: remove hdl %d [%d] from %s-list (%d) of set%s I%s: internal status error (hdl %d;%d) I%s: added hdl %d to set%s I%s: new failed for %d*%d bytesI%s: new failed for %d*%d bytes %s: removeAll failed; internal errorIBM%s: removeAll failed; internal error IB%s: removeAll failed; unknown error %dI%s: removeAll failed; unknown error %d NISEL set %p (%s) Iselect list : %d (%d) ready list : %d (%d) next : %d (%c) set handle : %d (-1) sel handle : %d max entries : %d RI servers : %d IB%s: invalid hdl %dI%s: invalid hdl %d %s: setData failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set%s: setData failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set IBM%s: setData failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d%s: setData failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d IBM%s: getData failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set%s: getData failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set IBM%s: getData failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d%s: getData failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d IBM%s: getStat failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set%s: getStat failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set IBM%s: getStat failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d%s: getStat failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d IBM%s: getMode failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set%s: getMode failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set IBM%s: getMode failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d%s: getMode failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d IBM%s: next failed; internal error%s: getStatEx failed (sirc=%d) for pos=%d; hdl %d; sock %d %s: next failed; unknown error %dIB%s: next failed; unknown error %d I%s: not interested in event on hdl %d I%s: add hdl %d [%d] to %s-list (%d) of set%s IB%s: internal status error (%d) %s: handles ready; reset timeout IBpassed over poll/select timeout (%ds>=%dms+%ds) IBM%s: select failed; internal errorIB%s: select failed; internal error I%s: select failed; unknown error %d%s: select failed; unknown error %d IBMhdl %d/sock %dIsock %d%s: remove closed %s IB%s: error detected on %s IB%s: internal status error (hdl %d/sock %d !e [sock %d, sock %d]) IB%s: internal status error (hdl %d/sock %d !e [sock %d]) IBM%s: %d handles selected (%d buffered) I%s: select recall after %d tries IB%s: remove failed for hdl %d; unknown error %dI%s: remove failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d %s: remove failed for hdl %d; handle not member of setI%s: remove failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set %s: remove failed for hdl %d; internal errorIBM%s: remove failed for hdl %d; internal error IB%s: removed hdl %d %s: clear failed for hdl %d; unknown error %dIB%s: clear failed for hdl %d; unknown error %d I%s: clear failed for hdl %d; handle not member of setIB%s: clear failed for hdl %d; handle not member of set I%s: clear failed for hdl %d; internal error%s: clear failed for hdl %d; internal error IBM%s: invalid flags for listen hdl %d%s: invalid flags for listen hdl %d IBM%s: invalid flags for none listen hdl %dIBM%s: invalid flags for none listen hdl %d IB%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; unknown error %dIB%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; unknown error %d I%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; maxSockets reached (%d)IBM%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; maxSockets reached (%d) IB%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; internal error%s: set failed for hdl %d set%s; internal error IBM%s: unknown error %dIBM%s: unknown error %d IB%s: param maxSockets invalid (%d)IB%s: param maxSockets invalid (%d) I%s: memory allocation failedIBM%s: memory allocation failed IB%s: internal errorI%s: internal error %s: size of set%s is %d IBM%s: parameter invalid (pSet == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pSet == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (pFile == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pFile == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pSelSet == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pSelSet == NULL) IBM%s: new failed for %d bytes%s: new failed for %d bytes IBM%s: addSpecImpl failed (sirc=%d)IBM%s: addSpecImpl failed (sirc=%d) IB%XI%s: new set%s I%s: parameter invalid (pNewSelSet == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pNewSelSet == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (maxSockets < 0)I%s: parameter invalid (maxSockets < 0) %s: parameter invalid (pImpl != NULL && *pImpl != SISEL_IMPL::POLL && *pImpl != SISEL_IMPL::SELECT && *pImpl != SISEL_IMPL::F_CONN)%s: parameter invalid (pImpl != NULL && *pImpl != SISEL_IMPL::POLL && *pImpl != SISEL_IMPL::SELECT && *pImpl != SISEL_IMPL::F_CONN)   MESG_IORAW_IOROUT_IO*** ERROR ***localhostNI (network interface) errorhostname '%s' unknownservice '%s' unknownservice '%s' in usetimeout occuredconnection to partner '%s' brokeninternal error (this retcode should be handled by caller of NI-layer)partner '%s' not reachedtimeout while pending for route completioninvalid client versionno free connect port found within rangeverify own hostname '%s' failedNiICreateHandleNiICloseHandleNiIInitSocketUDI4I6??STDGnew NiIErrorText%s: route permission denied (%s to %s, %s)talkmode Native2 not allowedconnection to %s, %s brokenroute canceled by administatorrouter shutdowninfo access denied (%s to %s, %s)maximum number of clients reachedinvalid client requestedSNC processing failed: %sOpcode receivedQueue overflowNetwork packet too bigAccepted handle pendingHandle passed to other processUnexpected function callNiIErrorNameSAP_O_KNIEINTERNNIEHOST_UNKNOWNNIESERV_UNKNOWNNIESERV_USEDNIETIMEOUTNIECONN_BROKENNIETOO_SMALLNIEINVALNIECONN_REFUSEDNIEPINGNIECONN_PENDINGNIEVERSIONNIENOFREEPORTNIEMYHOST_VERIFYNIESNC_FAILURENIEOPCODENIEQUE_FULLNIETOO_BIGNIEACCEPTNIEPASSEDNIENO_ANSWERNIECALLNIEROUT_HOST_UNKNOWNNIEROUT_SERV_UNKNOWNNIEROUT_CONN_REFUSEDNIEROUT_INTERNNIEROUT_PERM_DENIEDNIEROUT_CONN_BROKENNIEROUT_VERSIONNIEROUT_CANCELEDNIEROUT_SHUTDOWNNIEROUT_INFO_DENIEDNIEROUT_OVERFLOWNIEROUT_MODE_DENIEDNIEROUT_NOCLIENTNIEROUT_EXTERNNIEROUT_SNC_FAILURE???connectNiPConnect2NiPConnect; NiIMakeSockAddrIPv4/IPv6IPv4NiISolveSockAddrNiITraceSockAddrNiITracePeerAddrNI_FREENI_INITIAL_LISNI_INITIAL_RILNI_INITIAL_CONNI_LISTENNI_RI_LISTENNI_CONN_WAITNI_CONNECTEDNI_ACCEPTEDNI_DG_CONNECTEDNI_DG_UNCONNECTEDNiIListenNiIConnectSocketNiIConnectNiICheckPendConnectionNiICheckPeerAddrNiIAcceptNiIBind (IP only) (inc. UDS)NiIWriteNiIReadNiIGetSockNameNiIGetPeerNameNiISelectNiIPollNiIPeekNiIPeekListenNiIShutdownHandleNiIBlockModeTRUEFALSENiICheckNI_PINGNI_PONGNiICheck2NiICheck2CancelNiIHdlGetStatusNiSetTraceForPeerNiClearTraceForPeerNiGetTraceForPeerListNiAlInitNiAlReleaseNiAlChangeTypeNiAlGetListNiIWalkNitab-BUFFERED TRACE SNCNiAddrToStrStaticNiIInitNiIExitNiIThrInitNiISetIPProtoUsageNiISetConnectAclNiGetParamExNiSetParamExonoffincdec (not supported by platform)NiEnableTraceNiDisableTraceNiEnableSiTraceNiDisableSiTraceNiSetSiTraceNiIGetSockOptNiISetSockOpt?NiLocalChecknot NiIMyAddrVerifyNiHSBufInitNiAddrToHostNiIDgHdlGroupAdmjoinleaveNiWakeupOpenNiWakeupCloseNiWakeupGetNiHdlNiWakeupGetCntNoNiWakeupCollectNiWakeupCollect2NiWakeupAttachNiWakeupDetachNiWakeupExecNiWakeupExec2NiITcAddHdlupdateaddNiITcDelHdlNiITcCheckNiIGetThrGlobINVALIDNiITraceByteOrderNiIBindSocketNiIAlFindEntryNiIAlCheckAcceptSTREAMDATAGRAMIPv6LOCALSOL_SOCKETIPPROTO_IPIPPROTO_IPV6SI_IPPROTO_TCPSO_SNDBUFSO_RCVBUFSO_ERRORSO_REUSEADDRSO_REUSEPORTSO_KEEPALIVESO_LINGERIP_MULTICAST_IFIP_MULTICAST_TTLIP_MULTICAST_LOOPIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIPIP_DROP_MEMBERSHIPIPV6_MULTICAST_IFIPV6_MULTICAST_HOPSIPV6_MULTICAST_LOOPIPV6_JOIN_GROUPIPV6_LEAVE_GROUPTCP_NODELAYNiIWakeupBindNiIWakeupConnectNiIWakeupSendNiIWakeupReceiveNiITcCheckParam%s: unknown error %d IBnixxi.cppIB%s: NiInit failed (rc=%d) I%s: *ppHdl should be NULL I%s: nitab_free_hdl=NULL; niIsInitialized=%d IBM%s: no more free handles (%d)IB%s: no more free handles (%d) I%s: invalid type (%d)IB%s: invalid type (%d) I%s: hdl %d state %s IBM%s: hdl %d removed from traffic control list IB%s: invalid traffic control status of hdl %d remove handle from list IB%s: calling traffic control callback for hdl %d IBM%s: hdl %d must be removed from application remove handle form list IBM%s: invalid TC callback for hdl %d remove handle form list %s: invalid status of hdl %d - remove handle with NiTcDelHdl() %s: parameter invalid (pParam == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pParam == NULL) %s: invalid TC checktime '%d' I%s: invalid TC thresholds inOctets = '%lu', outOctets = '%lu' inMsgs = '%lu', outMsgs = '%lu' I%s: invalid TC callback IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_ACCEPTED)I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_ACCEPTED) %s: %s hdl %d in traffic control list I%s: invalid family %dIB%s: invalid family %d for hdl %d/sock %d IB%dI; %dIBM%s: %sI0IB; %sIBM%s: %s failed for hdl %d/sock %d (%s/%d; %s; %s%s%s%s)I%s: %s failed for hdl %d / sock %d - sock %d (%s/%d; %s; %s%s%s%s)I%s: %s failed (%s/%d%s%s%s); L=IBM; own high %d; max hds %dIB%s: no datagram sock %d (fam=%d; type=%d); hdl %d (state=0x%x) %s: invalid length (%d<>%d)%s: invalid length (%d<>%d) for hdl %d %s: parameter invalid (pClient == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pClient == NULL) IBM%s: wakeup server %d already closed IBM%s: send wakeup signal to %d->%d (len=%d; sock %d) %s: send wakeup signal to %d->%d (sock %d) %s: removed hdl %d from traffic control list IB%s: return used friendly slot %d IB%s: last free accept list entry in use (%d) IBM%s: no free slot found (max=%d) IBM%s: called for hdl %d while waiting for connection %s: closing initial hdl %d %s: shutdown and close hdl %d/sock %d - sock %d IBM%s: shutdown and close pseudo listen hdl %d/sock %d IBM%s: shutdown and close hdl %d/sock %d I%s: remove '%s' failed for hdl %d II$I$I%%s: hdl %d closed in the meantime; race? (old rc=%d) IB%s: parameter invalid (ppClient == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (ppClient == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppClient == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppClient == NULL) I%s: last wakeup client detached from %d IBM%s: wakeup client detached from %d (%d) IBM%s: state of hdl %d %s %s: NiISolveSockAddr failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: CPU byte order: little endian, reverse network, low val .. high val IBM%s: CPU byte order: big endian, network, high val..low val %s: CPU byte order: ???? (%d) I%s: socket does not support IPv6IBM%s: IPv6 address '%s' not supported by hdl %d with AF_INET sock %d (probably IPv6 not enabled (%s)) IBM%s: probably requested address can't be assign to IPv6 socket (hdl %d/sock %d; NI_USE_IP_PROTO=%s) passed over poll/select timeout (%ds>=%dms+%ds) IBM%s: connection of hdl %d to %%s established IBM%s: connection of hdl %d to %%s still in progress (%d) %s: invalid state of hdl %d (%d) IB%s: hdl %d is connecting to %%s (timeout=%d) IB%s: connection of hdl %d to %%s in progress (timeout=0) IBM%s: port still in use after %d tries IB%s: error %s after %d SI_EPORT_INUSE IB%s: connection of hdl %d established to %%s IBMUDS addr (%d)IB%s: SiSocket failed (sirc=%d; %s; %s; errno=%d: %s) IBM%s: socket number too high (%d)%s: socket number too high (%d>%d;%d;%d) IB*** WARNING => %s: connection from %%s has been already shut down (hdl %d) %s: set default settings for %shdl %d/sock %d (%s; %s) %s: invalid socket type (%d)IBM%s: invalid socket type for %shdl %d/sock %d (%d) I%s: NiIInitSocket failed (rc=%d) IB%s: NiIConnectSocket failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: NiIGetSockName failed (rc=%d) I%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes %s: NiIWakeupConnect failed (%d) IB%s: new wakeup client attached to %d->%d (%d) I%s: peek for hdl %d timed out (%c; %dms) IB%s: peek for hdl %d failed (%c; rc=%d) %c; %dI%s: peek successful for hdl %d (%c) IBM%s: hdl %d received %u bytes from %%s I%s: parameter invalid (pServer == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pServer == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (ppServer == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (ppServer == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppServer == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppServer == NULL) I%s: delete wakup server %d %s: close wakup server %d I%s: could not delete file '%s' for hdl %dIBunlinkI%s: could not delete file '%s' (hdl %d; errno=%d) I%s: not supported for RI hdl %d%s: not supported for RI hdl %d IBM%s-%sIB%s: set option %s-%s of hdl %d to %s IB%s: port %u already used (errno=%d) ... IBM%s: no free port for hdl %d within min %d max %dIBM%s: no more free ports (hdl %d; [%d,%d]; last port: %d; %d: %s) IBM%s: Could not bind local domain socket, only listening on internet socket I%s: invalid type (%d) of hdl %d%s: invalid type (%d) of hdl %d IBM%s: hdl %d bound to %%s%s I%s: NiIBind failed (rc=%d) %s: parameter invalid (*ppServer != NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppServer != NULL) I%s: NiIWakeupBind failed (rc=%d) IBwakeup server %dIBM%s: new datagram wakeup server %d I%s: NiIMakeSockAddr failed (rc=%d) %s: failed to %s %s on interface %s IBM%s: %s %s on interface %s I%s: NiThrInit failed (rc=%d) IB%s: NiIGetThrGlob failed IB%s: HS Buffer init failed (rc=%d) I%s: set blockmode for hdl %d %s IBM%s: leave blockmode for hdl %d %s I%s: invalid protocol %d (%d/%d)%s: invalid protocol %d (%d/%d) IBM%s: failed to bind UDS (rc=%d;loops=%d) IBM%s: NiIBlockMode failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: peer of hdl %d matches trace mask %s IB%s: unknown type of slot %d (type=%d) I%s: connection rejected (unknown peer %s; max=%d) I%s: connection rejected (friendly peer %s; max=%d) %s: connection rejected (suspicious peer %s; max=%d) IB%s: connection rejected (invader peer %s) I%s: poll looped %d times, caused by EAGAIN (limit=%d) I%s: poll(%p,%d,%d) caused EFAULT IB%s: invalid status (%d-%d-%d-%d) IB%s: invalid status (%d) IBM%s: peek for hdl %d timed out (%dms) IB%s: peek successful for hdl %d %s: invalid type %d%s: invalid type %d for hdl %d %s: hdl %d %s got EAGAIN after select socket successfully; call operating system-supplier I%s: NiIPeekListen failed (rc=%d) IB%s: hdl %d accepted already closed connection I%s: hdl %d accepted connection %s: ACL permission denied for %s (rc=%d) IB%s: hdl %d accepted hdl %d from %%s IBM%s: hdl %d took local address %%s I%s: SiGetSockName failed (sirc=%d) %s: initialization of specialized type failed (rc=%d) I%s: blocked connection to %s (SAP_CONNECT_RESTRICTION) %s%c%dI%s: UDS connect onlyIBM%s: force UDS connect to '%s' failed (%d; %d) I%s: hdl %d tries to connect to '%s' over interface '%s' IBM%s: getHostName failed (rc=%d) --- verify own hostname '%s' --> IB%s: getNodeAddr failed ('%s'; rc=%d) IB%s: NiIListen failed ('%s'; %s; rc=%d) <-- verify own hostname o.k. --- IB%s: NiIConnect failed ('%s'; %s%c%d; %dms; rc=%d) I%s: NiIAccept failed ('%s'; %s%c%d; %dms; rc=%d) IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL) I%s: address %s is %slocal I%s: new mask %016lx IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_BOOL)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_BOOL) %s: switch NIP_PORTRANGE %s IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_USHORT)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_USHORT) IB%s: set NIP_MAXPORT %d %s: set NIP_MINPORT %d %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW)IB%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW) I%s: opcode %d unknownIB%s: opcode %d unknown I %s IBM%s: dump failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UINT)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UINT) %s: param %dIBM%s: switch NIP_FRAGTEST off IBM%s: switch NIP_FRAGTEST to %d I%s: switch NIP_CONNLOCAL %s%s I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UCPTR)%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UCPTR) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.ucptr_val == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.ucptr_val == NULL) IBM%s: path too long for param NIP_UDS_PATH (%d>=%d)IB%s: path too long for param NIP_UDS_PATH (%d>=%d) '%s' %s: Set UDS path to %s %s: set NIP_QUEUE_LEN to %d IBM%s: switch NIP_QTEST off IB%s: illegal value (%d, %d) ~ %d for NIP_QTEST I%s: set NIP_QTEST to (%d, %d) ~ %d %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_NODEADDR)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_NODEADDR) %s: Set NIP_LOCAL_ADDR to %s IB%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_VOIDPTR)IB%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_VOIDPTR) I%s: switch NIP_TRACE_ALL %s IBM%s: switch NIP_INC_SERV_NO to %s IB%s: switch NIP_CONT_IN_RANDE %s IBM%s: switch poll/select trace off IB%s: switch poll/select trace to %d %s: set NI hostbuffer timeout %d IB%s: set NI hostbuffer timeout for invalid entries %d IB%s: param %d unknownIBM%s: param %d unknown IB%s: calloc failed for %d bytesI%s: calloc failed for %d bytes %s: free nitab %p ISAP_IPv6_ACTIVE%s: invalid value '%s' for SAP_IPv6_ACTIVE [0,1] IBNI_USEIPv6I%s: NI-chain destroyed %s: NI already initialized (%p) IBMNI hdl sectionINI param sectionIBMNI wakeup mutexNI trc-peer mutexIBNI accept-list mutexIBMNI traffic control mutexIBM%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBM%s: allocated nitab (%d at %p) NITAB_FREEI%s: FtInit failed (rc=%d)IB%s: FtInit failed (rc=%d) ISAP_CONNECT_RESTRICTION%s: restrict connect to local addresses IBM%s: invalid value '%s' for SAP_CONNECT_RESTRICTION %s: failed to read local adresses (rc=%d) I%s: found more than %d (%d) local address I%s: no IPv6 address configured, IPv6 will not be initialized IB%s: no IPv6 localhost address '::1' configured, IPv6 will not be initialized IB%s: host/serv bufs already initialized %s: failed to create host/serv bufs (rc=%d) IBM%s: NiLHInit failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: localhost structures already initialized IB%s: FD_SETSIZE (%d) < NI_FD_SETSIZE (%d) IB/tmp/.sapstream%dIB%d, %dI%s %s %sIBM%s %sIB HANDLE = %-5d TIME = %sSOCKET = %s STAT = %s TYPE = %s OUT = %lu messages %lu bytes IN = %lu messages %lu bytes LOCAL = %s %s REMOTE = %s OPTIONS = %s%s%s IBhdl %d: %s NiITstWalkI%s: parameter invalid (ppPeerAddrList == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (ppPeerAddrList == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (ppEntryTypeList == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (ppEntryTypeList == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pListSize == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pListSize == NULL) I%s: accept list not initialized%s: accept list not initialized IBM%s: parameter invalid (pPeerAddr == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pPeerAddr == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (NiILocalCheck(pPeerAddr, FALSE, FALSE, &tf) == TRUE)%s: parameter invalid (NiILocalCheck(pPeerAddr, FALSE, FALSE, &tf) == TRUE) IBM%s: parameter invalid (newEntryType != NI_AL_TYPE_FRIENDLY && newEntryType != NI_AL_TYPE_SUSPICIOUS && newEntryType != NI_AL_TYPE_INVADER)I%s: parameter invalid (newEntryType != NI_AL_TYPE_FRIENDLY && newEntryType != NI_AL_TYPE_SUSPICIOUS && newEntryType != NI_AL_TYPE_INVADER) %s: invalid hdl %dI%s: invalid hdl %d %s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_LISTEN)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_LISTEN) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_RI_LISTEN)%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_RI_LISTEN) IBM%s: accept list already initialized%s: accept list already initialized IBM%s: parameter invalid (addrListSize < 10)IB%s: parameter invalid (addrListSize < 10) I%s: parameter invalid (maxUnknownConns < 1)%s: parameter invalid (maxUnknownConns < 1) IBM%s: parameter invalid (maxFriendlyConns < 1)IBM%s: parameter invalid (maxFriendlyConns < 1) IB%s: parameter invalid (maxSuspiciousConns < 1)I%s: parameter invalid (maxSuspiciousConns < 1) %s: parameter invalid (maxSuspiciousConns > maxUnknownConns)IBM%s: parameter invalid (maxSuspiciousConns > maxUnknownConns) IB%s: parameter invalid (maxUnknownConns > maxFriendlyConns)I%s: parameter invalid (maxUnknownConns > maxFriendlyConns) %s: accept list initialized (size=%d; max conns: %d/%d/%d) %s: parameter invalid (pPeerAddrList == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pPeerAddrList == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pPeerAddrMaskList == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pPeerAddrMaskList == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pFound == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pFound == NULL) %s removed %s: no occupied slotsIB%s: no occupied slots I%s: remove address(es) %s I%s: no more free slots (%d)%s: no more free slots (%d) IBM%s: new address %s %s: hdl %d/sock %d connection has been closed by remote peer %%s IB%s: hdl %d/sock %d ok, data pending (len=%d) IB%s: hdl %d/sock %d connection %%s has pending error (%d: %s) IB%s: hdl %d/sock %d connection %%s has been closed (%d: %s) %s: hdl %d/sock %d ok, no data pending %s: MSG_PEEK not supported. Can't get socket status IBM%s: hdl %d in illegal status %d%s: hdl %d in illegal status %d IBM%s: mixed usage of hdl %d with NiCheck()IBM%s: mixed usage of hdl %d with NiCheck() IB%s: reset hdl %d from status NI_CHECKINT IB%s: invalid mode %d for hdl %dI%s: invalid mode %d for hdl %d %s: data not equal with pending data length (%d<>%d)IBM%s: dataLen <> mPendDataLenToWrite (hdl %d;%d<>%d;%d) I%s: fragmentation %d-%d -> %d-%d (%d) I%s: qtest_count = %d, qtest_prop = %d, blocked_count = %d IBF%s: hdl %d sent incomplete hdr (wrt=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) I%s: hdl %d sent incomplete data (wrt=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) %s: more data written as passed (hdl %d)IBM%s: more data written as passed (%d>%d;hdl %d) A DzF@GP%s: hdl %d %s got EAGAIN after select socket successfully; call operating system-supplier (count=%u) IB%s: hdl %d %s would block (errno=EAGAIN) IB%s: hdl %d %s failed (errno=%d; hdlLen=%d; dataLen=%d; %s; %s; %s%c%d) %s: reduce data length (hdlLen=%d; dataLen=%d) %s: hdl %d sent data (wrt=%d,pac=%d,%s) IBM%s: MTU size reached (%d+%d<=%d;hdl %d)%s: MTU size reached (%d+%d<=%d) for hdl %d; flag connection as broken %s: hdl %d %s WSASend / WSAGetLastError = 0 (count=%u) %s: return NIETIMEOUT due to NIP_QTEST %s: return NIETIMEOUT due to fragmentation test IBM%s: hdl %d sent incomplete hdr (wrt=%d,pnd=%d) %s: hdl %d sent incomplete data (wrt=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d,%s,%dms) %s: NiBufIWriteUserMsg failed (rc=%d) I%s: send incomplete (%d) IB%s: NiIWrite failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: hdl %d sent %s to partner I%s: hdl %d sent NI_PING to partner %s: no answer since last NiCheck2 call %s: number of pending messages: %d %s: called while waiting for connection for hdl %d %s: invalid howTo %dIBM%s: invalid howTo %d for hdl %d IBM%s: hdl %d not connected anymore (socket %d; howTo=%d; sirc=%d; errno=%d) I%s: shutdown %c%c of hdl %d IBMpfd at %p: index %d: sock %d, events = %d revents = %d (IBPOLLIN POLLOUT IBMPOLLHUP IBMPOLLERR IBM... IB%s: timeout NI_BLOCK IB%s: timeout %dms IB%s: TIMEOUT occured (%d ms) IBM%s: maximum fd=%d I%s: fds in read-mask: I%d IB%s: read-mask is NULL I%s: fds in write-mask: %s: write-mask is NULL %s: TIMEOUT occured (%dms) %s: buffer length 0%s: RAW_MODE read with buffer length 0 (hdl %d) IBM%s: hdl %d received fragmented hdr (rcd=%d,pac=%d,len=%d) I%s: invalid data (0x%x); probably RAW_IOIBM%s: invalid data (0x%x;mode=%d;hdl %d;peer=%s;local=%d) IBM%s: hdl %d received incomplete data (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) %s: hdl %d receive reached bufferLen (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) IBM%s: hdl %d buffer too small (%d<%d)%s: hdl %d received incomplete hdr (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d) I%s: more data received as buffer length (%d>%d+%d)I%s: more data received as buffer length (%d>%d+%d;hdl %d) I%s: hdl %d received data (rcd=%d,pac=%d,%s) IBM%s: recv(%d,%p,%d,0) caused EFAULT %s: hdl %d received incomplete hdr (rcd=%d,pnd=%d) %s: read for hdl %d timed out (%dms) IB%s: hdl %d received incomplete data (rcd=%d,pnd=%d,pac=%d,%s,%dms) %s: raw read for hdl %d timed out (%dms) NiInit2NiInit3NiThrInitNiExitNiServerHandleNiBufServerHandleNiServerHandleForPortNiBufServerHandleForPortNiServerHandleForAddrNiBufServerHandleForAddrNiServerHandleExNiHandleNiRawHandleNiBufHandleNiBufRawHandleNiHandleForAddrNiRawHandleForAddrNiBufHandleForAddrNiBufRawHandleForAddrNiHandleForProtoNiRawHandleForProtoNiBufHandleForProtoNiBufRawHandleForProtoNiHandleExNiHandleForAddrExNiGetHdlProtounspec.UDSIPv4UDS,IPv4IPv6UDS,IPv6IPv4,IPv6UDS,IPv4,IPv6unknownNiAcceptEx2NiWriteNiRawWriteNiReadNiRawReadNiPeekExNiCheckExNiCheck2NiCheck2CancelNiHdlToSockNiGetSiSocketNiSockToHdlNiCloseHandleNiCloseHandleKPNiShutdownHandleNiRouteToTableNiModifyRouteNiMyHostNameNiGetOwnFQDNNiGetNodeAddrListNiGetMacAddrListNiHostToAddrNiHostToAddr2NiHostToAddr3NiGetLoopbackAddrNiAddrToHost2NiAddrToHostCanon2NiServToNoNiNoToServ2NiMyAddrVerifyNiMyAddrCheckNiGetParamNiSetParamNiReadPendingNiWritePendingNiErrSetNiWaitNiHdlGetPeerNiHdlGetSavedPeerNiHdlGetNameNiHdlSetBlockmodeNiHdlGetBlockmodeNiHdlGetStatusNiHdlSetTraceNiHdlGetTraceNiHdlDumpNiHdlDump2NiGetHdlParamNiGetHdlParamExNiSetHdlParamNiSecStr2***NiAddrToStrNiAddrToStr2NiAddrMaskToStrNiStrToAddrNiStrToAddrMaskNiStrToAddrAndPortNiAddrMatchNiAddrStrMatchNiServToStrNiServToStr2NiGuessDistanceNiSetSingleReadonoffNiGetSingleReadNiGetMaxSocketsNiHdlGetConStatNiHdlGetOutOctetsNiHdlGetInOctetsNiHdlGetOutMsgsNiHdlGetInMsgsNiHdlGetStartTimeNiDgHdlCreateNiDgHdlBind3NiDgHdlBindNameNiDgHdlConnectNiDgHdlSendNiDgHdlSendToNiDgHdlRecvFromNiDgHdlCloseNiDgHdlJoinGroupNiDgHdlLeaveGroupNiGetSO_ReuseAddrNiGetSO_KeepAliveNiGetSO_LingerNiGetSO_SndBufNiGetSO_RcvBufNiGetIP_MulticastIFNiGetIP_MulticastTTLNiGetTCP_NoDelayNiSetSO_ReuseAddrTRUEFALSENiSetSO_KeepAliveNiSetSO_LingerONOFFNiSetSO_SndBufNiSetSO_RcvBufNiSetIP_MulticastIFNiSetIP_MulticastTTLNiSetTCP_NoDelayNiGetPeerVersionNiGetHdlTblIdxNiConvSiAddrUDI4I6??STDGNiTestPfParamNiSetPfParamNiTcInitParamNiTcAddHdlNiTcDelHdlInixx.cI%s: invalid hdl %dI%s: invalid hdl %d %s: parameter invalid (pParam == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pParam == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (name == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (name == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (value == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (value == NULL) I%s: bad value (length %d >= 256)IBM%s : %s=%s is/hostbuffer_timeout_valid_entryIBPRF %s value: %s is out of range:[%d, %d] is/hostbuffer_timeout_invalid_entryis/socket_buffer_sizeIB%s : unknown parameter %s I%s: parameter invalid (pSocket == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pSocket == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pSockAddr == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pSockAddr == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pUDSPath != NULL && udsPathLen < NI_UDS_PATH_LEN)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pUDSPath != NULL && udsPathLen < NI_UDS_PATH_LEN) IB%s: SiConvSockAddr failedIB%s: SiConvSockAddr failed (sirc=%d; %s; %s; errno=%d: %s) I%s: parameter invalid (pAddr == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pAddr == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (addrLen < SI_INADDR_LEN)%s: parameter invalid (addrLen < SI_INADDR_LEN) IBM%s: parameter invalid (addrLen < SI_IN6ADDR_LEN)IBM%s: parameter invalid (addrLen < SI_IN6ADDR_LEN) IB%s: parameter invalid (addrLen < SI_UDS_PATH_LEN)IB%s: parameter invalid (addrLen < SI_UDS_PATH_LEN) I%s: invalid family %dIBI$I$I%%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL && bufferLen != 0)IB%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL && bufferLen != 0) I%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < 0)IB%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < 0) I%s: parameter invalid (pRead == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pRead == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_LISTEN)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_LISTEN) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_RI_LISTEN)%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_RI_LISTEN) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pPeerVersion == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pPeerVersion == NULL) IB%s: NiBufISendMsg failed for hdl %d (rc=%d; %d) IBM%s: send timed out for hdl %d (%dms)IBM%s: hdl %d read timed out (%dms) IB%s: NiRead failed for hdl %d (rc=%d) IB%s: wrong data length received (%d; hdl %d)%s: wrong data length received (%d; hdl %d) IBM%s: hdl %d peer version %d %s: parameter invalid (pValue == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pValue == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pHops == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pHops == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pOnOff == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pOnOff == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pTimeout == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pTimeout == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->con.mSocket.family != SI_AF_INET_X)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->con.mSocket.family != SI_AF_INET_X) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->con.mSocket.type != SI_SOCK_DGRAM)%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->con.mSocket.type != SI_SOCK_DGRAM) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pMcNodeAddr == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pMcNodeAddr == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (NI_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST( *pMcNodeAddr ) == FALSE)IB%s: parameter invalid (NI_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST( *pMcNodeAddr ) == FALSE) I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_DG_UNCONNECTED && pHdl->mType != NI_DG_CONNECTED)I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_DG_UNCONNECTED && pHdl->mType != NI_DG_CONNECTED) %s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL) IBM%s: receive for hdl %d timed out IB%s: hdl %d received %d bytes from %%s I%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL) I%s: NiIMakeSockAddr failed (rc=%d) %s: hdl %d sent %d of %d bytes to %%s I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_DG_CONNECTED)I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_DG_CONNECTED) %s: parameter invalid (pServName == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pServName == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pServName) >= NI_MAX_SERVNAME_LEN)IB%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pServName) >= NI_MAX_SERVNAME_LEN) I%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN)IB%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN) I%s: invalid hostname '%s' (rc=%d;hdl %d) IB%s: invalid service '%s' (rc=%d;hdl %d) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pServNo == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pServNo == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHandle == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pHandle == NULL) IBM%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHostName != NULL && strlenU(pHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN)I%s: parameter invalid (pHostName != NULL && strlenU(pHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN) /H/%s: hostname '%s' unknown %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStr == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStr == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_IPv4ADDR_STR_LEN)%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_IPv4ADDR_STR_LEN) IBM%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_NODEADDR_STR_LEN)%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_NODEADDR_STR_LEN) IBM%d.%d.%d.%d%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x%s: NiHostToAddr failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: distance of %s and %s is %d IBM%s: parameter invalid (pServNoStr == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pServNoStr == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_SERVNO_STR_LEN)IB%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_SERVNO_STR_LEN) I%dI%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrMask == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrMask == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_ADDRMASK_STR_LEN)%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < NI_ADDRMASK_STR_LEN) I/%s: invalid string length of '%s' (%d)I%s: invalid string length of '%s' (%d) %s: invalid prefix in '%s'I%s: invalid prefix in '%s' %s: invalid prefix in '%s' (%d)%s: invalid prefix in '%s' (%d) IBM%s: invalid length of '%s' (%d)%s: invalid character in '%s' (%d)I%s: invalid value in '%s' (%d;%d)IB%s: invalid wildcards in '%s'IB%s: invalid wildcards in '%s' I%s: invalid value in '%s' (%d;%d) I%s: invalid character in '%s' (%d) %s: invalid character in '%s' (%d;%d)IB%s: invalid character in '%s' (%d;%d) I%s: invalid length of '%s' (%d) IBM%s: invalid multiple group in '%s'I%s: invalid multiple group in '%s' %s: '%s' -> %s (%d/%d) %s: address '%s' with subnet prefix%s: address '%s' with subnet prefix IBM%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStrA == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStrA == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStrB == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrStrB == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrA == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrA == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrB == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrB == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pStr == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pStr == NULL) IB%s: invalid square brackets in '%s'%s: invalid square brackets in '%s' IBM%s: invalid service in '%s'%s: invalid service in '%s' IBM%s: '%s' -> host='%s'; serv='%s' IB%s: service invalid or unknown '%s' (%s; rc=%d) IBM%s: '%s' -> host='%s'; serv=NULL IB%s: wildcard host '%s'I%s: wildcard host '%s' (%p) IBM%s: host invalid or unknown '%s' (%s; rc=%d; %p) IB%s: parameter invalid (rc != SAP_O_K)IB%s: parameter invalid (rc != SAP_O_K) I%s: switch %s SINGLE READ MODE for hdl %d/sock %d I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData == NULL) %s: invalid param %d for hdl %d%s: invalid param %d for hdl %d IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_BOOL)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_BOOL) %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW)IB%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW) I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_BUFSTAT_ON)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_BUFSTAT_ON) %s: call may cause problems with select sets (hdl %d) I%s: hdl %d, bufstat %d %s: parameter invalid (milliSec < 0)IBM%s: parameter invalid (milliSec < 0) IB%s: sleep (%dms) ... IB%s: NiISelect failed (rc=%d;to=%dms)I?%s: param %d unknownIBM%s: NiGetParamEx failed (rc=%d;param=%d) IB%s: param %d unknown IB%s: parameter invalid (pMyHostName != NULL && strlenU(pMyHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN)I%s: parameter invalid (pMyHostName != NULL && strlenU(pMyHostName) >= NI_MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN) %s: parameter invalid (pHostName == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pHostName == NULL) I%s: NiIGetNodeAddr failed (rc=%d) I%s: return %%s %s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0)IBM%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0) IB%s: parameter invalid (ppNodeAddrList == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (ppNodeAddrList == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (*ppNodeAddrList != NULL)%s: parameter invalid (*ppNodeAddrList != NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pListSize == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pListSize == NULL) I%s: list for '%s' incomplete (%d<%d) IB%s: no IPv4 address availableIB%s: parameter invalid (pMacAddrList == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pMacAddrList == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (pFound == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pFound == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrList == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddrList == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (maxHandles > NI_MAX_HDLS)IBM%s: parameter invalid (maxHandles > NI_MAX_HDLS) IB%s: NI already initialized; param 'maxHandles' ignored (init=%d;par=%d;cur=%d) %s: NI already initializes (init=%d;cur=%d) IBM%s: NI initialization negative (%d) IBM%s: NiPGetHostByName returned 0 IBM%s: %d<=%dI%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d) I%s: own FQDN = '%s' IBM%s: own FQDN = '%s'; domain = '%s' %s: own FQDN = '%s'; domain part missing IB%s: hostname = '%s' IBM%s: parameter invalid (pRouteString == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pRouteString == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < 32)I%s: parameter invalid (bufferLen < 32) IBM/S/%s: buffer length %d too small for route IB/P/%s: parameter invalid (pInStr == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pInStr == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pSecStr == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pSecStr == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pInStr) >= bufferLen)IBM%s: parameter invalid (strlenU(pInStr) >= bufferLen) IB/W/%s: parameter invalid (pCount == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pCount == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pRouteTable == NULL && tableSize != 0)IB%s: parameter invalid (pRouteTable == NULL && tableSize != 0) I%s: parameter invalid (tableSize < 0)IB%s: parameter invalid (tableSize < 0) I%s: malloc failed for %d bytes %s: got '%s' IB%s: parameter invalid (howto != NI_SHUT_RD && howto != NI_SHUT_WR && howto != NI_SHUT_RDWR)%s: parameter invalid (howto != NI_SHUT_RD && howto != NI_SHUT_WR && howto != NI_SHUT_RDWR) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_UNCONNECTED)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_UNCONNECTED) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_CONNECTED)I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_DG_CONNECTED) %s: parameter invalid (socketNo < 0)IBM%s: parameter invalid (socketNo < 0) IB$I$I$%s: sock %d not foundIB%s: sock %d not found I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_CONN_WAIT)%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType == NI_CONN_WAIT) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->con.mSocket.socketNo == NI_INVALID_SOCK)IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->con.mSocket.socketNo == NI_INVALID_SOCK) I%s: parameter invalid (pSocketNo == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pSocketNo == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->lis.mIPSocket.socketNo == NI_INVALID_SOCK && pHdl->lis.mUDSocket.socketNo == NI_INVALID_SOCK)I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->lis.mIPSocket.socketNo == NI_INVALID_SOCK && pHdl->lis.mUDSocket.socketNo == NI_INVALID_SOCK) %s: parameter invalid (pFailCount == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pFailCount == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (mode != NI_READ && mode != NI_WRITE)%s: parameter invalid (mode != NI_READ && mode != NI_WRITE) IBM%s: invalid call for listen hdl %d %s: invalid call for pseudo listen hdl %d I%s: parameter invalid (dataLen < 0)%s: parameter invalid (dataLen < 0) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pWritten == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pWritten == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL && dataLen != 0)IB%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL && dataLen != 0) I%s: parameter invalid (pOutHandle == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pOutHandle == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pListenHdl->mType != NI_LISTEN && pListenHdl->mType != NI_RI_LISTEN)%s: parameter invalid (pListenHdl->mType != NI_LISTEN && pListenHdl->mType != NI_RI_LISTEN) IBM%s: NiIRiCliAccept failed (rc=%d) I%s: NiIGetSockName for hdl %d failed (rc=%d) IB%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0)IB%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0) I%s: parameter invalid (protocol == NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL)I%s: parameter invalid (protocol == NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL) %s: parameter invalid ((protocol & NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL) != 0 && *pServNo == NI_FINDSERV_OS)I%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL) != 0 && *pServNo == NI_FINDSERV_OS) %s: NI library still in use (%d) IB%s: NI library already released (%d) IB%s: NI library not initialized (%d)%s: NI library not initialized (%d) IBM%s: parameter invalid (maxHandles <= 0)%s: parameter invalid (maxHandles <= 0) NiBufAlloc2NiBufFreeNiBufFree2NiBufWrapNiBufUnWrapNiBufGetPtrNiBufDupNiBufISetExtFuncNiBufISetExtFunc2NiBufIHdlInitNiBufICloseNiBufISendErrNiBufISendMsgNiBufIProcMsgNiBufISetParamNiBufIWriteUserMsgNiBufSendNiBufReceiveNiBufISetHSNiBufIConnectNiBufCheckPendingConnSNCNiBufISelUpdateNiBufISelSetNiBufISelClearNiBufISelRemoveNiBufISelGetModeNiBufISelGetStatNiBufISelProcessNiBufSendHandleUDI4I6??STDGNiBufGetSentHdlNiBufIHostToRouteNI_ROUTE3299NiBufIRouteToTableNiBufIRouteGetNextNiBufIAlloc(unspecified)NiBufIGetBufHdlNiBufISetStatusNiBufISetErrorNiBufICheckErrorNiBufIAddToUserQueueNiBufISendMsg2NI_RTERRNiBufISendSocketNiBufISetHdlParam (saved)NiBufIInNiBufIPrivWriteNiBufIFinishHandshakeNiBufIEmptyOutQueueNiBufIWriteNiBufITryToReadNiBufIReadNiBufIAddRouteEntryNiBufICallAllocNiBufICopyToNiBufIStatusTextOFFOKCONN_WAITERRACCEPTINGSENDING???NiBufIDumpOutQueueNiBufIRemoveFromUserQueueNiBufIAcceptSentHdl (inc. UDS)nibuf.cppIB%s: parameter invalid (ppBuffer == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (ppBuffer == NULL) IB%s: ref %d for buf %p I%s: clear extension for hdl %d %s: called while buffer filled %c%c IBM%s: mUserQueueLen=%d after freeing queue IB%s: freed out-queue (hdl %d, heap %u) Ivvvvvvvv%s: invalid route receivedI%s: invalid route received (%d;%d) %s: invalid route received (%d;%d;%d) I%s: invalid route received (%d;%d;%d;%d) IB%s: invalid route received (%d;%d;%d;%d;%d) IBM IBM---%s result from total %d entries: IB%-20s/%-*s hostnameIBMservice%-20s/%-*sI< next IB%s: NiBufIRouteGetNext failed (rc=%d) I%s: parameter invalid (*ppBufHdl == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppBufHdl == NULL) I%s: new MODE %c%c (%c%c) for hdl %d in set%s IB%s: new STAT %c%c%c (%c%c%c) for hdl %d in set%s IB%s: getSocketPos failed for hdl %d (rc=%d)I%s: getSocketPos failed (sirc=%d;hdl %d) IB%s: init for hdl %d IBM%s: called with filled extensionIBM%s: called with filled extension (%p;%p) IB%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (hdl %d %s: unknown status %d I%s: hdl %d changed from %s to %s IB %s: mpOutQueue for hdl %d , prev %p, break loop I%c%p (%d)IB>%p (%d) IBmpNextUser %p: prev %p, next %p IBMmUserQueueLen %d<>%d IB%s: retured buffer too small (%d<%d)IBM%s: allocfunc returned small buffer (%d<%d;hdl %d;peer=%s;local=%d) IBM%s: Adjusting data in NIBUF len=%d NIBUFIB%s: save data in NIBUF len=%d I%s: put buffer %p in ready-queue for hdl %d IBM%s: NiBufISelUpdate failed (rc=%d) %s: free user-queue (hdl %d, heap now %d) I%s: internal status error I%s: reduced user-queue (hdl %d, %d packets, heap now %d) IB%s: no more packets in user- or ready-queue? IB%s: ready-queue could not be freed (hdl %d) IBM%s: hdl %d in fragment read IBM%s: invalid status for hdl %dIBhandshake for hdl %d = %d I%s: ErrGetAttr failed (rc=%d)IB%s: ErrGetAttr failed (rc=%d) for hdl %d IB%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (hdl %d) IBM%s: invalid talkmode of hdl %dI%s: invalid talkmode of hdl %d %s: send for hdl %d failed (rc=%d) %s: local hdl %dIBM%s: send opCode %d to hdl %d (dataLen=%d) I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW)IB%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_RAW) I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_MESG_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_ROUT_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_RAW_IO)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_MESG_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_ROUT_IO && pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_RAW_IO) IB%s: set talkmode of hdl %d to %s%s %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_BUFSTAT_OFF)%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->value.raw_val != NI_BUFSTAT_OFF) IBM%s: hdl %d, bufstat %d %s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_ALLOCFUNC)%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_ALLOCFUNC) IBM%s: set alloc function for hdl %d to %p IBM%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UINT)I%s: parameter invalid (pParamData->datatype != NI_DT_UINT) %s: set max queue for hdl %d to %d %s: set warn queue for hdl %d to %d IBM%s: set max message length for hdl %d to %d IBM%s: mpAcceptedHdl != NULL for hdl %dIBM%s: mpAcceptedHdl != NULL for hdl %d IB%s: mpPassHdlData = NULL for hdl %d%s: mpPassHdlData = NULL for hdl %d IBM%s: NiICreateHandle failed (rc=%d) %s: noOfSockets = %d for hdl %d%s: noOfSockets = %d for hdl %d IBM%s: NiIBlockMode failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: hdl %d accepted hdl %d bound to %%s%s I%s: SiGetSockName failed (sirc=%d) %s: NiBufIHdlInit failed (rc=%d) IB%s: NiBufISetParam failed (rc=%d) I%s: NiIGetPeerName failed (rc=%d) I%s: hdl %d accepted hdl %d from %%s IBM%s: hdl %d took local address %%s I%s: NiIPeek failed (rc=%d) %s: error in hdl %d%s: no errInfo set for hdl %d I%s: send ni-error rc %d to hdl %d I%s: discarding error %d due to older error %s: save rc %d in buffer (hdl %d) I%s: no error information foundI%s: SiSendSocket failed (sirc=%d) for sock %d over hdl %dIB%s: SiSendSocket failed (sirc=%d) for sock %d over hdl %d INI_PING%s: hdl %d received NI_PING, reply NI_PONG %s: NiICheck failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: hdl %d mPendDataLenToWrite > 0 (%d), do not send PONG INI_PONG%s: hdl %d received NI_PONG, check o.k. IBM%s: hdl %d received NI_PONG: wait_count: %d IBM%s: hdl %d received NI_PONG IBM%s: message detected IB%s: invalid error-msg received (%d>%d) %s: hdl %d received rc=%d (%s) from peer ?%s: hdl %d processing opcode %d (len=%d; vers=%d) I%s: NiBufISendMsg failed (rc=%d) IB%s: hdl %d mPendDataLenToWrite > 0 (%d), do not send VERSION IB%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%p;%d)%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%p;%d) IBM%s: NiBufISendMsg fauled (rc=%d) IB%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (hdl %d)%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%d<%d)%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p;%d<%d) IBM%s: sending hdl %d over hdl %d to pid %d IB%s: invalid type of hdl %dI%s: invalid type of hdl %d %s: sent hdl %d successfully IB%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p)IB%s: invalid internal state (hdl %d;%d;%p) I%s: passed by hdl %dIB%s: NiBufISetError failed (rc=%d) I%s: unknown opcode %d receivedI%s: unknown opcode %d received (hdl %d) IBM%s: NiBufISendErr failed (rc=%d) IB%s: hdl %d mPendDataLenToWrite > 0 (%d), do not send ERROR-INFO IBMNIBUF-INIBM%s: NIBUF len=%d IB%s: NI_PING detected on hdl %d %s: error message detected on hdl %d IB%s: packet complete for hdl %d %s: invalid data receivedIB%s: invalid data received (hdl %d;len=%d;msg=%d) IB%s: NiBufIProcMsg failed (rc=%d) IB%dI%s: message length %d exceeds max (%d)I%s: invalid data (len=%d;0x%x;max=%d;hdl %d;peer=%s;local=%d) I%s: NIETOO_SMALL with allocated bufferI%s: NIETOO_SMALL with allocated buffer (hdl %d) IBM%s: PONG received during handshake %s: NiBufIEmptyOutQueue failed (rc=%d) %s: buffer of hdl %d in stat err without errinfoIBM%s: setting errInfo for hdl %d (rc=%d) %s: invalid hdl %dI%s: invalid hdl %d %s: parameter invalid (pOutHandle == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pOutHandle == NULL) %s: got nonlocal hdl %d (%s; %s)IBM%s: got nonlocal hdl %d (%s; %s) IB%s: NiBufISendReadyQueue failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: pending data in out-queue I%s: pending data in in-queue IB%s: starting transfer of hdl %d over hdl %d IBM bufIBM%s: hdl %d process %c%c IBM%s: hdl %d connection still in progress after write event I%s: invalid set (%p<>%p)IB%s: invalid set (%p<>%p) for hdl %d IBM%s: remove hdl %d from set%s IB%s: add hdl %d to set%s IBM%s: connect failed for hdl %d (rc=%d) #1 IB%s: connect failed for hdl %d (rc=%d) #2 IB%s: connection established for hdl %d I%s: not enough space (%d>%d-%d)%s: not enough space (%d>%d-%d) IBM/H/%s: malloc failed for %d bytes RouteString <%s> IB/S//P//W/%s: NiBufIAddRouteEntry failed (rc=%d) service in route <%s> != servname param <%s> IB%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0)IB%s: parameter invalid ((protocol & ~(NI_PROTO_FAM_UNSPEC | NI_PROTO_FAM_LOCAL | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv4 | NI_PROTO_FAM_IPv6)) != 0) I%s: NiBufIHostToRoute failed (rc=%d) IB%s: connect to route: I <%s> I %s IBM%s: connection pending after %dmsIBconnect%s: non-buffered connect pending after %dms (hdl %d;%s) IBM%s: forward route to SAProuter %s: route could not be sent in %dms%s: non-buffered hdl %d could not be sent in %dms (%s) %s: route connect of non-buffered hdl %d to '%s' timeout IB%s: route connect '%s' timeoutI%s: route connect for non-buffered hdl %d failed (rc=%d;%s); pong not received %s: route connect for buffered hdl %d failed (rc=%d;%s); pong not received %s starting IB%s: queue for hdl %d full (%d packets) %s: added buffer %p to out-queue (hdl %d, %d packets, heap %d) %s: out-queue for hdl %d down to %d packets IBM%s: heap-space exhausted (%d > limit %d) IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppBuffer == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (*ppBuffer == NULL) I%s: set max heap to %d %s: external functions already setI%s: external functions already set (%p;%p) NI ref sectionINI heap section%s: required size too big (%d>%d)IB%s: called with len %d > NIBUF_MAXALLOC (%d) IB%s: Heap-space %u exhausted by %u bytes IBM%s: malloc %s, to %d bytes %s: parameter invalid (ppBufferTo == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (ppBufferTo == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pBufferFrom == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pBufferFrom == NULL) IBMNiBufadmIBM%s: invalid type %d%s: invalid type %d IBM%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pData == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (pFreeFunc == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pFreeFunc == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (length < 0)I%s: parameter invalid (length < 0) %s: parameter invalid (spaceLen < 0)IBM%s: parameter invalid (spaceLen < 0) IB%s: parameter invalid (length > spaceLen)IB%s: parameter invalid (length > spaceLen) I%s: buffer too small (%d<%d)NiPGetNodeAddrList UP DOWNNiPGetMacAddrListNiPMyHostNameNiPGetHostByNameNiPGetHostByAddrNiPGetServByNameNiPGetServByPortIBMniuxi.c%s: SiSocketIPv4 failed (sirc=%d)IB%s: SiSocketIPv4 failed (sirc=%d;%d-%s) IBM%s: ioctl failed (%d)IB%s: ioctl failed IB%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes %s: ioctl failed for '%s' (%d: %s) %s: got %d interface(s) from operating system Ireturning only the first %d IBM [%2d-%-8s] IPv%c-Address: %s%s IB%s: '%s' not foundI%dIgetnameinfoNiPGetServByPort: name '%s' too long (%d>=%d) I%s: servname of %s is '%s' addrinfo of '%s': I%d: %s%c%d '%s' IB IBDGRAM ISTREAM RAW IBM(%d-%d-%d-%d-%d) IBgetaddrinfo%s: result for '%s' is NULL%s: result for '%s' is NULL IBM%s: invalid family %dIB%s: invalid family %d INiPGetHostByAddr: name '%s' too long (%d>=%d) I%s: addrname of %s is '%s' gethostname%s: gethostnameU failed IBM%s: getkerninfo failed (%d)%s: getkerninfo failed (%d) IBM%s: malloc failed for %d bytes IBM%s: getkerninfo failedI%s: getkerninfo failed IBM {a%s: '%s'/'%s': len=%d; type=%d %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x  @NiHsetHostBufTimeoutNiHgetHostBufTimeout(null)NiIHSBufInitIPv6IPv4NiIHSBufInit2NiIGetNodeAddrNiIGetHostName (fq)NiIGetServNoNiIGetServNameNiISetHSBufIndexSizeNiIGetHSBufIndexSizeNiISetHBufTimeoutNiIGetHBufTimeoutNiISetHBufEntryNiISetHostInvalidNiISetHSBufTraceLimitNiIGetHSBufTraceLimitNiISetHSBufTimeFuncNiIGetHSBufTimeFuncNiIHSBufFlushNiHBufPrintBuf --------------------------------------- # status port service --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- # status t address IPv4 hostname --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- # status t address IPv4/IPv6 hostname --------------------------------------------------------------------- NiHSBufGetAll-~STAT_SLOT_FREESTAT_UNKNOWN_ADDRSTAT_UNKNOWN_NAMESTAT_VALID_ADDRSTAT_VALID_NAMEnixxhs.cppI%s: parameter invalid (ppData == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (ppData == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (*ppData != NULL)%s: parameter invalid (*ppData != NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pDataLen == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pDataLen == NULL) IB%s: not initialized%s: not initialized IBM%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBM* I%s: buffer too smallIBM%s: sprintf failed (%d;%d) %s: NiPGetPid failed (rc=%d) IB* %d IB* %sIBM%s: dumpServLine failed (rc=%d; %d) IBM%s: dumpHostLine failed (rc=%d; %d) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL)%s: parameter invalid (pBuffer == NULL) IBM%s: parameter invalid (pBufferLen == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pBufferLen == NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pDone == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pDone == NULL) I%s: parameter invalid (*pBufferLen < 0)%s: parameter invalid (*pBufferLen < 0) IBM%s: get timeout (%s) = '%d' IBMvalid entryunknown nameIBMunknown address%s: set timeout (%s) = '%d' (prev = '%d') I%s: already initialized%s: initialize hostname buffer (IPv4/IPv6) %s: initialize hostname buffer (IPv4) I%s: malloc failed for %s buffer implementationI%s: malloc failed for %s buffer implementation %s: malloc failed for service buffer implementation%s: malloc failed for service buffer implementation IBMSAP_NI_CACHE_DISABLEDIB%s: SAP_NI_CACHE_DISABLED=1 IBM%s: NiIHSBufInit failed (rc=%d) IBM%dI%s: port %s = servicename '%s' %s: servicename '%s' = port %s %s: buffer too small (%d<%d)IBM%s: buffer too small for '%s' (%d<%d) I%s: addr NULL = hostname '%s'%s IBM%s: addr %s = hostname '%s'%s I%s: default loopback address is IPv6 (%s) I%s: default loopback address is IPv4 (%s) I%s: hostname 'NULL' = addr %s I%s: invalid IPv4 address passed (%s)IBM%s: invalid IPv4 address passed (%s) IB%s: invalid IPv6 address passed (%s)IBM%s: invalid IPv6 address passed (%s) IB%s: invalid address passed (%s) IPv6 not active%s: invalid address passed (%s) IPv6 not active IBM%s: only IPv4 addresses availableIB%s: only IPv6 addresses availableIB%s: hostname '%s' = addr %s IBMSN='%s'; Ali[%u]='%s'I; Ali=(null)IBM; Port=%sIB; PC=%s NiSrvLInitNiSrvLGetServNosucceededfailedNiSrvLGetServNameNiSrvLSetIndexSizeNiSrvLFlushNiSrvLDumpBufLineVALIDUNKNOWNNI serv section%dI%-4d%-7s %-11s %s%cnixxsl.cppI%s: buffer too smallIBM%s: buffer too small (%d<%d;%d) IBM%d%c%s%c%s%c%s%cIBM%s: service cache flushed I%s: deallocate failed (rc=%d) I%s: init failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: to get %s %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) ; MTIB%s: got port %s from operating system I%s: port %s not found by operating system I%s: service name too long for buffer (%d>=%d) I%s: servbuf overflow IB%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d)IB%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d) I%s: found port number %s in cache I%s: retrying to get service name for '%s' I%s: service name '%s' too long for buffer (%d>=%d) %s: service name too long for bufferIBM%s: service name not cached%s: to get '%s' %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) IB%s: got service name '%s' from operating system IBM%s: service name '%s' not found by operating system IBM%s: found service name '%s' in cache IB%s: retrying to get port number for '%s' IB%s: service name cached as unknownI%s: already initialized%s: already initialized) IB%s: disable serv bufs I%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBM%s: alloc serv bufs (%d entries) NiHL6InitNiHL6GetNodeAddrIPv4IPv6NiHL6OSLookupNameToAddrsucceededfailedNiHL6GetHostNameNiHL6CacheLookupAddrToNameNiHL6CacheLookupNameToAddrvalid-namevalid-addressunknown-nameunknown-address-NiHL6AddAddressNiHL6CacheAddNameNiHL6SetIndexSizeNiHL6SetHostEntryNiHL6SetHostInvalidNiHL6FlushNiHL6DumpBufLineVALIDUNKNOWNNiHL6addPolicyRuleNiHL6InitPolicyNI host section I6Inixxhl6.cpp%s: policy rule '%s' too long for buffer (%d>%d) ,/IB%d%c%s%c%c%c%s%c%s%c%s%cIBM%-4d%-7.7s %c %-39.39s %s%c%s: buffer too smallIBM%s: buffer too small (%d<%d;%d) IBM%s: cache flushed I%s: hostname '%s' too long for buffer (%d>=%d) %s: remove hostname '%s' (index=%d) from cache %s: hostname not cached%s: address invalid '%s' IB%s: Entrytype invalid '%d' %s: updating address '%s' in cache %s: updating hostname '%s' in cache IBM%s: set timestamp to '%d' (time=%d) IBM%s: set address to '%s' IBM%s: set hostname to '%s' IB%s: set EntryType to '%d = %s' %s: deallocate failed (rc=%d) I%s: init failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: invalid type(%d) IB%s: found address %s in cache I%s: address %s not found in cache I%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d)IB%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d) I%s: address cached as unknownIB%s: to get %s %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) ; MTIB%s: address '%s' resolved to hostname '%s' from operating system IB%s: NiPGetHostByAddr failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: address %s not found by operating system IB%s: invalid type(%s, %d) IB%s: to get '%s' %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) IB%s: more than %d addresses found (%d) I%s: applying 'preference policy' IB%s: 'policy table' does not match I%s: hostname '%s' (for protocol '%s') not found by operating system IBM%s: hostname '%s' not found by operating system IBM%s: found hostname '%s' in cache (%s, %s) I%s: hostname '%s' not found in cache IBhostname emptyI%s: hostname too long for bufferIBM%s: protocol %s selected, setting lookup mode to NOBUF %s: hostname '%s' resolved to address '%s' from operating system IBNI_ADDR_POLICYI%s: NI_ADDR_POLICY '%s' to large (%d>=%d) I;IB%s: NI_ADDR_POLICY table overflow (%d>=%d) %s: already initialized%s: already initialized) IB%s: disable host buf IB%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBM%s: alloc host buf (%d entries) NiHLInitNiHLGetNodeAddrsucceededfailedNiHLGetHostNameNiHLSetIndexSizeNiHLsetHostEntryNiHLsetHostInvalidNiHLFlushNiHLDumpBufLineVALIDUNKNOWNNI host section%-4d%-7.7s %c %-15.15s %s%cnixxhl.cppI%s: buffer too smallIBM%s: buffer too small (%d<%d;%d) IBM%d%c%s%c%c%c%s%c%s%c%s%cIBM%s: cache flushed I%s: hostname '%s' too long for buffer (%d>=%d) %s: hostname not cached%s: found (resetting) hostname '%s' in cache IB%s: address invalid '%s' IB%s: Entrytype invalid '%d' %s: implementation doesn't support IPv6 IBM%s: found (replacing) address '%s' in cache IBM%s: found (replacing) hostname '%s' in cache IB%s: set timestamp to '%d' (time=%d) IBM%s: set address to '%s' IBM%s: set hostname to '%s' IB%s: set EntryType to '%d = %s' %s: deallocate failed (rc=%d) I%s: init failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: to get %s %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) ; MTIB%s: got address %s from operating system IB%s: NiPGetHostByAddr failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: address %s not found by operating system IB%s: hostbuf overflow IB%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d)IB%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d) I%s: found address %s in cache I%s: retrying to get hostname for '%s' Ihostname emptyI%s: hostname too long for bufferIBM%s: to get '%s' %s in %dms (tl=%dms%s%s) IB%s: more than %d interfaces found (%d) %s: got hostname '%s' from operating system IBM%s: NiPGetHostByName failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: hostname '%s' not found by operating system IBM%s: found hostname '%s' in cache IB%s: retrying to get address for '%s' IB%s: hostname cached as unknownI%s: already initialized%s: already initialized) IB%s: disable host buf IB%s: malloc failed for %d bytesI%s: malloc failed for %d bytes (%d) IBM%s: alloc host buf (%d entries) denypermitNiAcl::appendRuleNiAcl::dump< truncated > NiAcl::checkAddressno rule matchedempty ACLNiIAclAppendRuleNiIAclParseStringNiIAclReadFileNiIAclCreateNiIAclDeleteNiIAclDumpNiIAclFlushNiIAclCheckAddrNiIAclGetStatusNiAclCreateNiAclDeleteNiAclDumpNiAclFlushNiAclCheckAddrNiAclGetStatusInixxacl.cpp%s: parameter invalid (pHdl == NULL)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl == NULL) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_LISTEN)IBM%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->mType != NI_LISTEN) IB%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->lis.mAcl == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pHdl->lis.mAcl == NULL) %s: invalid hdl %dI%s: invalid hdl %d %s: %s -> %s (%s, count=%d) IBM%s: %s -> %s %s (count=%d,rule=%d,line=%d) %s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pNodeAddr == NULL) I%s %d: %s %s (count=%d,line %d) IB%s: dump to buffer truncated at line %d IBM%s: parameter invalid ((*ppTF == NULL && (pBuffer == NULL || len == 0)))IBM%s: parameter invalid ((*ppTF == NULL && (pBuffer == NULL || len == 0))) IB%s: ACL overflow, rule = %d, max size = %d %s: parameter invalid (pLine == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pLine == NULL) I%s: parse ACL line '%s' IBM%s: skip comment line '%s' %s: remove comment '%s' IBM%s: skip empty line '%s' IB I%s: missing token '%s|%s' in '%s' line %d. %s: missing token 'addr/mask' in '%s' line %d. %s: invalid address/mask '%s' in line %d. %s: read permission '%s', address '%s' %dI%s: invald tracelevel '%s' (min=1, max=3) in '%s' line %d. %s: unexpected permission '%s' in line %d. %s: read tracelevel '%d' IB%s: empty ACL applied to hdl %d IBM%s: incomplete ACL (rules=%d) applied to hdl %d IBM%s: parameter invalid (pFileName == NULL)IB%s: parameter invalid (pFileName == NULL) IrbI%s: could not open ACL file '%s'. I%s: out of memory, malloc(%ld) failed I%s: error reading file '%s' errno=%d (%ld %ld) %s: found active ACL IB%s: status=ok -> keep active ACL for fallback I%s: status!=ok -> we do not have a 'last known good' IB%s: out of memory: malloc(%ld) failed I%s: can not load new ACL, keeping 'last known good' IBM%s: parameter invalid (pAclString != NULL && pAclFile != NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pAclString != NULL && pAclFile != NULL) %s: parameter invalid (pAclString == NULL && pAclFile == NULL)I%s: parameter invalid (pAclString == NULL && pAclFile == NULL) NI ACL sectionNiIRiCliGetHdlNiIRiCliAcceptNiIRiCliConnectNiIRiSrvPeekNiIRiSrvAcceptNiIRiSrvCloseHandleNiIRiSrvProcEventIBnixxri.cppI%s: reverse invoke (RI) inactive IB%s: reverse invoke (RI) inactive NiILHInitNiIGetLocalNameNiILocalCheckupdownIBMnixxlh.cppI%s: already initialized%s: already initialized IBM%s: NiPMyHostName failed (rc=%d) IB%s: malloc failed for %d/%d bytesIB%s: malloc failed for %d/%d bytes (%p;%p) I%s: NiPGetNodeAddrList failed (rc=%d) I%s: NiILHInit failed (rc=%d) IB%s: local loopback address: %s %s: matched local address: %s (%s) %s: %s not found in local address list %s: local address list not initialized %s: NiInit failed (rc=%d) I%s: SiSocket failed (sirc=%d) I%s: NiIMakeSockAddr failed (rc=%d) %s: %d<=%dI%s: buffer too small (%d<=%d)  ?333333 ) SiSelCreateSetSiSelAddSpecImplSiSelPInitSiSelPSetSiSelPClearSiSelPClearSetSiSelPRemoveSiSelPRemoveAllSiSelPSelectSiSelPStartLoopSiSelPNextSiSelPGetModeSiSelPGetStatSiSelPGetStatExSiSelPGetDataSiSelPGetSocketPosSiSelP~SiSelPAddSiSelPOptimizeSetSiSelSInitSiSelSSetSiSelSClearSiSelSClearSetSiSelSRemoveSiSelSRemoveAllSiSelSSelectSiSelSStartLoopSiSelSNext csSiSelSGetModeSiSelSGetStatSiSelSGetStatExSiSelSGetDataSiSelSSetDataTRUEfalseSiSelSGetSocketPosSiSelNInitSiSelNSetSiSelNClearSiSelNClearSetSiSelNRemoveSiSelNRemoveAllSiSelNSelectSiSelNStartLoopSiSelNNextSiSelNGetModeSiSelNGetStatSiSelNGetStatExSiSelNGetDataSiSelNGetSocketPosSiSelN~SiSelNAddIBsixxsel.cpp%s: FiCloseIndex failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: sock %d not member of set IBM IfffffffgSISELNT set %p sockets in set: %d highest pos +1: %d highest fd +1: %d max entries : %d event pos : %d socket list : %d free list : %d invalid socket: %s IBMsocket list : IBM pos pSocket pData prv nxt FI | socket ev rev %5d: %08x %08x %3d %3d %3d | sock %-5d %c%c%c %c%c%cIBM%s: sock %d selected (revt=%c%c%c%s) IB%s: sock %d already closed %s: no more selected sockets IB%s: iterator reseted IB%s: start select (timeout=%d) I%s: few sockets already closed %s: set selFDs to 1 (no timeout) IB%s: SiSelect returned SI_EINVAL; sleep for %d ms IB%s: SiSelect failed (%d-%s) IBM%s: of %u sockets %u selected I%s: FiOpenIndex failed (rc=%d) %s: removed all sockets IBM%s: FiRemove failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: removed sock %d (pos=%u) IB%s: removed sock %d IBM%s: cleared set IBM%s: set events of sock %d to: %c%c%c IB%s: sock %d negative IB%s: maximum of sockets reached (%u) IBM%s: internal status error (%u<>%u) %s: FiInsert failed (rc=%d) IBM%s: sock %d added to set pos %u IBM%s: parameter too big (%u>%u) I%s: failed to allocate FD_EL[%u] IB%s: allocate %u bytes for FI (%u) I%s: failed to allocate SAP_RAW[%u] SISELIB%s: FiInit failed (rc=%d) I%s: sock %d out of range (0<=x<%u) SISELECT set %p IBMsockets in set: %d highest pos +1: %d max entries : %d event pos : %d socket list : %d invalid socket: %s I pos pSocket pData prv nxt | socket ev rev%5d: %08x %08x %3d %3d | sock %-3d %c%c%c %c%c%cIBM%s: sock %d added to set IBSIPOLL set %p Isockets in set: %d highest pos +1: %d max entries : %d event pos : %d IBM pos pSocket pData nxt FI | socket events revents IBM IBM*%5d: %08x %08x %3d %3d | sock %-3d %2d (%c%c%c) %2d (%c%c%c%c%c%c)Ifree list : IBMempty I>%d%s: sock %d selected (pos=%u; revt=%c%c%c) %s: an error occurred in sock %d IB%s: a hang up occurred in sock %d I%s: no more selected sockets (pos=%u) I%s: poll looped %d times, caused by EAGAIN (limit=%d) I%s: SiPoll failed (%d-%s) I%s: optimizing select set (%u<<%u) %s: moving entry %u to %u I%s: internal status error (%u-%u-%u) IB%s: removed last sock %d (pos=%u) I%s: failed to allocate SI_POLL_FD[%u] I%s: invalid implementation type %d %s: failed to create specialized class %s: failed to create select class C0A 00000000 00000000#[%]SAPrbIFileVersion: IBProductVersion: IBMPlatform: ISpecialBuild: ޭ(@       @(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/si/siux.cpp#5 $ SAP\0\8\0\@\@\@\@\H\P\P\X\`\`\h\h\p\x\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\]\]8PXPPPPPP`PPhpPpPPPP`PPxPp@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_mem.c#4 $ SAPwawa * * , , , ON, , , %s%s %s%s %s%s%s AllAllAllallAllallallAllallallAllAll%s %s OFF720720???%c %c %c %c %c %c ASCIIASCII%.24s dptraceh<, 64 bit, 64 bitoptimizedGLOBAL=ON (%d: %s) (%d: %s)%-12.12s%d%-12.12s%d[Thr %02s] *** ERROR => multithreadedmultithreadedillegal errnodptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.cdptrace_r_mt.c*** WARNING => ***LOG %3.3s=> ***LOG %3.3s=> %ssysno %s %ssysno %s %ssid %s %ssid %s %srelno %d %srelno %d %spatchlevel %d %spatchlevel %d %spatchno %d %spatchno %d %sintno %d %sintno %d %sprofile %s %sprofile %s %spid %d %spid %d @(#) non-Unicodeillegal parameter%a %b %e %H:%M:%S [%-12.12s %.5s] [%-12.12s %.5s] [%-12.12s %.5s] %.24s:%03ld %4.4d error text too longIBM RS/6000 with AIXIBM RS/6000 with AIXERROR IN THRASCTIME %ssystemid %d (%s) %ssystemid %d (%s) (%d) - illegal errno (%d) - illegal errno %sdata was truncated %sdata was truncated %sdata was truncated %sdata was truncated %sdata was truncated %sdata was truncated * SWITCH TRC-LEVEL to %d (%d: %s) [%-12.12s %.5s] CTrcThrClose: wrong handle CTrcThrClose: wrong handle CTrcThrClose: wrong handle CTrcSetParam: Wrong handle (%d) - error text too long (%d) - error text too long%smake %s, %s%s, %s%s %smake %s, %s%s, %s%s CTrcThrClose: illegal handle CTrcThrClose: illegal handle CTrcThrClose: illegal handle *** ERROR => CTrcOpen: fopen %s ***LOG %3.3s=> %s [%-12.12s %.5s] ***LOG %3.3s=> %s [%-12.12s %.5s] %s contextinfo_hook_func failed %d %s contextinfo_hook_func failed %d CTrcIGetThrAdm: ThrKeyVarGet failed CTrcIGetThrAdm: ThrKeyVarGet failed CTrcNewComp called after CTrcLastComp* * ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL %d * * ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL %d * ACTIVE TRACE COMPONENTS %s * * ACTIVE TRACE COMPONENTS %s * DpTrc: maximum file size reached: %d DpTrc: maximum file size reached: %d *** ERROR => Dptrc fmt string truncated *** ERROR => Dptrc fmt string truncated *** ERROR => Dptrc fmt string truncated *** ERROR => Dptrc fmt string truncated *** ERROR => CTrcNewComp: too many comps *** ERROR => CTrcNewComp: too many comps Calling hook function for component '%c' *** ERROR => CTrcNewComp: not initialized CTrcSetParam: cannot set the filepointer. ***LOG %3.3s=> %s, %s (%s) [%-12.12s %.5s] ***LOG %3.3s=> %s, %s (%s) [%-12.12s %.5s] CTrcGetParam: Wrong handle for CTP_HOOKFUNC trc file: "%s", trc level: %d, release: "%s" trc file: "%s", trc level: %d, release: "%s" *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintf err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] *** ERROR => vsnprintfU err, errno=%d [%s %d] DpTrc: found match for pattern >%s< in output DpTrc: found match for pattern >%s< in output DpTrc: found match for pattern >%s< in output DpTrc: found match for pattern >%s< in output CTrcSetInfoOutputFunc: option %d not supported. CTrcSetInfoOutputFunc: option %d not supported. --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] *** ERROR => Illegal encoding(%d) for Trace [%s %d] --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/dptrc/dptrace.c#5 $ SAP thread-safeERROR => CTRC_IS_HANDLE2 != CTRC_IS_HANDLE hdl =%p ctrcadm =%p next_free_comp =%d ctrcadm + next_free_comp =%p ERROR => CTRC_IS_HANDLE2 != CTRC_IS_HANDLE hdl =%p ctrcadm =%p next_free_comp =%d ctrcadm + next_free_comp =%p @(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_str.c#3 $ SAP @(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_put.c#3 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutStr.c#4 $ SAP(nil)vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16vvfprintfU16(null)u16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.cu16_OutCS_mt.c@(#) non-UnicodeBuffer overflow (floating point output)@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCS.c#3 $ SAP?@@@@@@@@@`@@A@`@`@`@A@@@@AAB @@B@C@@C0low...nonehigh %02x %04xmediumu16_aux_mt.cCmdline : %s (but where?)Internal errorNLSUI_FILE_TRACE@(#) non-UnicodeAll bytes to processAll bytes to processU16 trace level set to %.10s "%s%s" (fileno 0x%x) encountered invalid UTF-8 : malloc : Out of memory.Characters previously read:Error in format string at or near 'Y': --- Unicode interface ------ End of message ------ --- Unicode interface ------ End of message ------Function %.64s : Array %.32s length %.32s is too small.--- Unicode interface [%.60s line %d] pid = %d time = %ld:@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_aux.c#6 $ SAPdbgAlignCheckStringU16(): ERROR: The following string is unaligned: @@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_LenMod.c#2 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutPrc.c#3 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FldWd.c#2 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutFlg.c#2 $ SAP00u16_OutCon_mt.c@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCon.c#3 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FrmOut.c#5 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_prnt.c#3 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/flat/nlsui5.c#2 $ SAP#@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpsca7.c#1 $ SAP@(#) non-UnicodeThread still alive.Operation timed out.Thread ID is invalid.Invalid parameter passed.Thread library internal error.Operating system error occurred.Operation completed successfully.Thread library not yet initialized.Thread specific data key is invalid.Threads not supported on this platform.Operation failed due to lack of resources.Error code not defined by the thread library.Error occurred while attempting to allocate memory.@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/thr/thrxx.c#3 $ SAPOperation would cause the calling thread to deadlock.Attempt was made to initialize an item which already exists.Attempt was made to unlock a critical section owned by another thread.Attempt was made to unlock a critical section which is not currently locked. $0<HT`lxnot setnot set@(#) non-UnicodeThrCSUnlock: PANIC: #unlock > #lock, tag: "%s" ThrRecMtxUnlock: PANIC: #unlock > #lock, tag: "%s" @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/thr/thrcsuxi.c#3 $ SAP%lu@(#) non-Unicode(%d) - illegal errno(%d) - error text too long@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/thr/thruxi.c#3 $ SAPonoffoff@(#) non-Unicodezdate/DSTswitch_contloctimemktime_cont: got NULL from localtime(&t) 0ctolencptrfileCcpathcnamecpathcpathcmodecfromcpathcnamecpathcpathcpathcpathopenU16openU16cstringcformatdlsymU16err_msgUfopenU16fopenU16fopenU16wteststrchdirU16chmodU16mkdirU16dlopenU16renameU16renameU16removeU16getenvU16getenvU16getenvU16getenvU16getenvU16putenvU16putenvU16putenvU16putenvU16systemU16accessU16getcwdU16getcwdU16getcwdU16MAX_SYM_LNdlerrorU16MAX_ENV_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cMAX_MODE_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cstrftimeU16strftimeU16nlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cMAX_PATH_LNnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cnlsui1_mt.cstrfctimeU16MAX_COMMAND_LNMAX_TIMESTR_LNMAX_FILENAME_LNMAX_DB_ERROR_LNSAPCASTRAW2UCCHKSAPCASTRAW2UCCHKMAX_FORMATSTR_LN@(#) non-Unicodenlsui_cast_raw2ucEnlarging table to %i Environment ConversionCommand Line ConversionEntries after shrinking: %i Entries after shrinking: %i @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/flat/nlsui1.c#11 $ SAPEntering cleanup_putenv_table(). Allocated table lines = %i Entering cleanup_putenv_table(). Allocated table lines = %i ERROR: Casting an odd adress to SAP_UTF16* in file %s, line %d @(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_cty.c#2 $ SAPUUUUUUUUUT+UUUJUUUUUUUUT@TUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU??>'8 =P?D0???????9m^9;9=ÿ=`=@`==/_%;3?_?======???????G?~???]?_0 UUԪN$1)Q-*UR@) ?/*ꪪ???@ ?@@??/`?#m^##=@/ % 0_??======?????_>/P`>`w???_?v,?@@??/`?#m^##=@/ % 3_??======?????_>/P>`w<???_?           !! !!!$!,!4!<!D!L!T!\!d!l!t!|!!!!!!!!!!!"" 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%s (%d %s) ErrIGet: no text found (msg %s lang %c) ErrIGet: no text found (msg %s lang %c) ErrCpTo: error info too large (%d bytes)ErrCpTo: bad err info (eyecatcher destroyed)ErrIGet: error info incomplete (%d fields only)ErrCpFrom: user error area too small (%d bytes)ErrCpNetToInt2: internal area too small (%d<%d)ErrCpNetToInt2: internal area too small (%d<%d)ErrCpNetToInt: bad err info (eyecatcher destroyed)@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/dptrc/err.c#2 $ SAP thread-safe***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** * 4t|4\d< (0L0hhhhhLphxhhh@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpsc5.c#2 $ SAP@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpsc2.c#2 $ SAP 7-./  % <=2&?'@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpsc6.c#1 $ SAP, FAST7-./% 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non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/ni/niuxi.c#5 $ SAP  0  4 8     ( 8 H d t         0 D X h <@(#) non-UnicodeޭPޭPޭh  0 < ` t ʈ ʔ@(#) non-Unicodeޭޭ (@Xp L 8  D  h 0 ϔ Ϩ  D X l Ѐ Ќ а@(#) non-Unicodeޭޭ P \ ؀ ؐ ؤ ظ  @(#) non-Unicodeޭޭ 0H`x T d x `  ` ` `  P  8Ph  ` X h | ߘ       , 8 H X d p |  @(#) non-Unicodeޭp8 @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/ni/nixxacl.cpp#3 $ SAP thread-safe       4@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/ni/nixxri.cpp#2 $ SAP   @(#) non-Unicode  L ` p    $ @ h #@(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/rscp/rscpscb7.c#1 $ SAP %c%c %c> [%d] #%3d PT : %d keys PTL: %d keys. @(#) non-Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/fi/fixx.c#2 $ SAP             0 < L \ l l |          , @ P ` p            ( 4 D T d d t @(#) non-UnicodeޭpޭXޭXޭpޭpޭp@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/si/sixxsel.cpp#1 $ SAPޭXXx`0pX0H`x 8Ph(@Xp0H`x 8Ph(@Xp0H`x 8Ph(@Xp0xH`xP @(#)23 1.4 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libpthreads/init.c, libpth, bos520 8/19/99 12:20:14@(#)61 1.14 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libc/__threads_init.c, libcthrd, bos520 7/11/00 12:04:14 -V%d720%s BufBufBufBufRAWsleep %s icmbndapptrcVersionversionUNKNOWN]xlocalhostlocalhostdev_icmbndBuffered NI (%3d) %s icxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cicxxbnd_mt.cnibufferedhdlIcmBndConnectIcmBndSendHdlSAPSYSTEMNAMEArgument line: on all adapterson all adapterson all adaptersversion: %d make: %s pid: %s @(#) non-Unicode/tmp/.sapstream%s%s: NiInit failed only on this adapteronly on this adapteronly on this adaptersystemid: %d (%s) IBM RS/6000 with AIX%s: Illegal option %s %s: Illegal option %s %s: Illegal option %s %s: Illegal option %s %s: Illegal option %s %s: Illegal option %s %s: IcmRecMsg (rc=%d) %s: try to send handle %s: IcmBndConnect (rc=%d) %s: IcmBndConnect (rc=%d) Could not bind service %s:%sCould not bind service %s:%s%s: Icmlogin failed (rc=%d) multithreaded, ASCII, 64 BITchown(%s, %d, %d) failed: %d%s: Illegal value for -t: %s %s: Illegal value for -s: %s %s: Illegal value for -T: %s %s: Illegal value for -S: %s %s: Illegal value for -i: %s %s: Illegal value for -k: %s %s: Illegal value for -K: %s %s: Illegal value for -c: %s %s: Illegal value for -c: %d %s: IcmGetReleaseInfo failed %s: Illegal value for -q: %s %s: NiServToNo failed for %s %s: exit process with rc=%d %s: NiHostToAddr failed for %s patchlevel: %d (server: %d) patchno: %d (server: %d) intno %d (server: %d) sleep_after_startup set to %d secs%s: Ni%s3Listen failed(rc=%d): %s %s: IcmExecuteOp failed (rc = %d) %s: IcmExecuteOp failed (rc = %d) patch comments -------------- %s: missing argument for option -f %s: missing argument for option -s %s: IcmBndSendHdl failed (rc = %d) %s: IcmBndSendHdl failed (rc = %d) %s: received from server (%d): %s Could not convert service to int: %sIcmDropPrivileges failed (errno: %d)SAP release: %s SAP release no: %d main: missing argument for option -t main: missing argument for option -T main: missing argument for option -H main: missing argument for option -S main: missing argument for option -l main: missing argument for option -p main: missing argument for option -i main: missing argument for option -k main: missing argument for option -K main: missing argument for option -c main: missing argument for option -q %s: NiBufSendHandle failed (rc = %d) %s: NiBufSendHandle failed (rc = %d) Could not convert hostname to addr: %s%s: Ni%sListen failed for %s (rc=%d): %s %s: Ni%sListen failed for %s (rc=%d): %s %s: IcmConnect to port %d failed (rc=%d) %s: IcmExecuteRecvHandle failed (rc = %d) %s: IcmExecuteRecvHandle failed (rc = %d) %s: %s handle for "%s:%s" (%s) successfully bound @(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/krn/ic/icxxbnd.c#3 $ SAP%s: Ni%s3Listen failed for host %s(%s):%s (rc=%d): %s SAP External Bind 7.20.1, multithreaded, ASCII, 64 BIT%s: Missing values for Service, listen port or protocol %s: handle for "%s:%s" (%s) successfully sent to server %s: handle for "%s:%s" (%s) successfully sent to server %s: You might not have the permissions to bind the service: %s %s: You might not have the permissions to bind the service: %s %s kernel information ------------------ system name = %s kernel release = %s database library = %s compiled on = %s compile time = %s update level = %d patch number = %d source id = %d.%03d supported environment --------------------- operating system Usage: icmbnd with the following options: -v[ersion] display version info and exit -S listen port of the controlling program (eg. icman) -H hostname to bind port to (default: all names) -l servicename or portnumber -p protocol to use (HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP) -i index of the virtual host(default: -1) -k keep alive timeout for this port -K Processing timeout for this port -c verify_client SSL client verification option (0,1,2) -t tracelevel (default:1) -f ] name of the tracefile (default: dev_icmbnd) -apptrc append to existing tracefile  ֬                    L   D             p     ֬ d   l     H     D 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LALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2DB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2DB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLDB6DB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBHDBALLALLALLHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2DB6ALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6HDBDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBHDBALLHDBALLDB2DB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6HDBALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLDB2DB6HDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2HDBHDBALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLDB2HDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2DB2HDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLORAALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6DB6DB2DB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2DB6ALLDB2DB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2DB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2HDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLHDBHDBHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6HDBHDBHDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2ALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB6HDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLDB2HDBALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLALLA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-vdb2jcllibSAPSLDREGsapkprotpdisp+worksaprouterSAProuterPATCHHISTTIMESTAMPSAP_IKVERSR3trans -Vsaplicensejlaunch -vR3ldctl -VR3szchk -Vsapinst -vdb2radm -vR3check -VexecutableLess tracesMemory leakOBN supportSQL Error 0enserver -Vjcontrol -vldap_rfc -vrsecssfx -vsapacosprepsapacosprepsaprel_mt.c"TIMESTAMP"saprel_mt.csaprel_mt.cC14N ProbelmHide toolbarCore in gwrddisp+work -Vdisp+work -Vvscan_rfc -Vsapkprotp -VPatch 06/2009Default focusSAFT PortugalGui e2e traceGui e2e traceSignal 11 AIX DBMS server msg_server -VAdapt VMC makeSystem log GJ0System log GJ0Invalid LUW-IdNew Simba fileEmpty sy-pfkeyLDAP ConnectorDSPSAPVERS ILEsapcpe versionlgtst -VersionLDAP ConnectorGui data > 30KBGui data > 30KBGui data > 30KBGui data > 30KBGui data > 30KBACI correctionsGui data > 30KBBad dispatchingCore in gatewayTrivial joblogsTrace imc errorPXA: Improve GC%s information SAPCAR -versionsldreg -versionsapftp -VERSIONsapxpg -VERSIONsapevt -VERSIONshowipc versionsybctrl versionmdxsvr -versionGateway shutdownGateway shutdownHTTP login failsDB2 z/OS: DB2 10Login quiet modesaphttp -VERSIONsapstart versioncleanipc versionsappfpar version@(#) non-UnicodeSAPCAR: option -hCheck screen loadDB2-z/OS: DB2 V10Bad HTTP responseDB2 z/OS: DB2 V10Enqueue Bug FixesEnqueue bug fixesIASPIFSCRT bugfixCore in msgserverEnqueue bug fixesDATASET: rc addedSAPLOGON LanguageGuard Pages in EGCore in cuafctextCreate .info fileCore in HasVKey()saplikey -versionsapccmsr -VERSIONlibinfo ALL libinfo ALL rslgcoll -VERSIONrslgsend -VERSIONsapiconv -VERSIONGUI status versionRefresh inside ITSEmpty menu entriesEmpty menu optionsSapstartsrv: CrashSapstartsrv: CrashEmpty menu optionsIMPORT CREATE DATACore in cua_gtab()Core in cua_gtab()Ccq issue resolvedCore in dynppai0()FAE with equi-joinES_SPIN_LOCK_ERRORSXML virus scannerGW: Core in R3DEALDECFLOAT: 0**0 = 1Check webgui inputSAPMC Enhancements operating system saprouter -VERSIONSAPCPE: CorrectionsCore Dump in sapevt720 ACI CorrectionsRTTI and namespacesWrong root of UUIDsSE51 screen testingUnknown primary keyDBLOG_GET_DIRECTORYDB4: HA healthcheckExtension Type 'CS'Support for AIX 7.1Gui toolbar missingUnique subpool nameACF with XSRF TokenITSmobile: XSRF fixVMC: recover VMCADMUse SDB_CLIENT_INFOALV Gridview: linksSYB: R3load optionsFocus on popup lostCore in ab_resize()saplicense -versionCheck gui input dataGUI input data > 30kGW: avoid syslog Q0RNo searchhelp on AIXEmpty tabstrip pagesGui standard toolbarGUI standard toolbarCheck gui input dataLangdeletions = autoLangdeletions = autoSystem will not bootCheck screen contentVMC: invalid sessionABAP code generationSHO: weak referencesGUI standard toolbarCorrect /N! handlingCorrect /N! handlingMEMORY_PGFREE_FAILEDNew DbSlPing for HDBMEMORY_PGFREE_FAILEDCheck gui input dataCheck gui input dataHDB license handlingDP: WP_CA Block LeakForce committed readHardware key on z/OSUse HANA SDK rev. 36Use HANA SDK rev. 36Message server crashMessage server crashRTM: fix memory leakCheck gui input dataAIX 2 5 00092901D600Mar 23 2013 01:45:11libinfo sapacosprep -VERSIONMultithreaded SAPHTTPAAB/RTM : ATC loggingMaximum string lengthNiIWrite error on AIXMaximum string lengthMaximum string lengthMaximum string lengthSearch help is hiddenError during CCT callMaximum string lengthNew Texts in sappfparCheck journalsettingsENQU: mutexes in ENSAResizing closes popupMtxLock rrol deadlockNew Texts in sappfparJSON Support (Kernel)JSON Support (Kernel)Missing TRMSG entriesMissing message 00264Missing message 00264Gui status generationKernel test functionsGui-status generationKernel test functionsgui-status generationGW: Core in GwDelConn-------------------- %s patch information %s patch information trapsend_cfg -versionBuffer synchronizationBuffer synchronizationVMC Status informationVMC Status informationInvalid GUI input dataVMC Status informationVMC Status informationITS: relative MIME URLAsserts in ST compilerToo many fixed columnsICM timeout statisticsICM timeout statisticsICM timeout statisticsCore in DiagiSetFocus1SHO: small correctionsNo UPSERT on WBCROSSGTCheck gui connect dataUPSERT retry correctedCore in DiagIsSameId()P4 keepalive mechanismP4 keepalive mechanismCore in cua_dbobject()NewDB: Porting ChangesITS: file upload issueSE30: New trace eventsGW: too many NI_PING'sGW: too many NI_PING'sCore in CuaVkey4Menu() -------------------- supported environment --------------------- SAPCAR: signed archivesSNC enabling for sapxpgSAPMC Patch 06/2009 - 2Core dump in dbacockpitRTTI and namenspaces IISFW: Wrong Switch StateMemory Inspector updateSCOV: API not availableService-Request supportVMC: PRIV-Flag handlingTrace for ALV grid viewNew screen load versionNew screen load versionMemory Inspector updateWARN Shm 48 in Pool 40SUBMIT and long stringsVMC: error in ES2 layerForging SSO Tickets (2)Unwanted Oracle tracingPopups can not be movedCore-Dump at DREF->COMPAvoid compiler warningsContainer resize issuesDBSL hint dbsl_add_stmtFocus not set correctlyConnect to a HDB schemaPopup calendar is emptyDELETE DATASET: tracingGateway: Core in R3DEALLong data objects namesOS data missing in RZ20Splitterzellen zu grossVMC: Loop in dispatcherCore in DiagErrorSetI()SYB: SQL error SQL30062DB6: Optimizer ProfilesSETSYNCMARK performance---------------------- NewDB: R3szchk for NewDBEnhancements for SAP GUIEnhancements for SAP GUIJNI API for SAP_CMCANCELEnhancements for SAP GUIEnhancements for SAP GUIEnhancements for SAP GUIEnhancements for SAP GUIError in spooljob statusEnhancements for SAP GUIEnhancements for SAP GUISPA/GPA memory destroyedMicrosoft security patchEnhancements for SAP GUIA program will not startEscape check for OpenSQLMSSQL: avoid sql error 0System cannot be startedSupport for release 7.31Support for release 7.31Added kernelname/releaseSecurity Policy bugfixesIBM i: fixes chmod errorTablecontrol not visibleDeletion of enhancementsDeadlock D345T and D342LPage authorization checkR3load: Coredump in dbslRemove compiler warningsTablecontrol: text wrapsGW: core in GwRqDpSendToGOS_CONTAINER is missingSHO: problems with locksENQU: enqueue log: resetENQU: enqueue log: resetSharing of Text-ElementsEnable loading animationPerformance improvementsPerformance improvementsRemove Compiler WarningsEXTRACTS: CNT() handlingDBSL: Wrong statement IDNew supportbit MAX_WSIZEDP: duration of requestsMissing TRMSG entries(3)DB2 z/OS: switch off MRITH: hash symbols in SM66IBM i: redeliver localesFixed iASP namecheck bugIBM i: Slow Array INSERTAdditional trace for RMGSybase IQ: enable CESU-8Sybase IQ: enable CESU-8 --------------------- ---------------------- %04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dMemory leak in XML readerMemory Inspector update XAvoid ABAP stack overflowC-call dy_get_modal_levelVMC: jco metadata storageInheriting of CONSTRUCTORInterface for focus frameDEV_TP_XXXX files in /tmpFunction keys do not workMissing statistic recordsNew version of AS4FIXFILEABAP Mixed-Case FunctionsVMC Caching: API extendedCompiler options for HPUXDialogbox on wrong screenTable control not visibleEnhancement for wide listSecurity concept on IBM iEscaping cookie values IINew traces in dev_rd fileSybase ASE: DB Error 7136Missing statistic recordsABAPList labels with iconUse list lines not activeMissing TRMSG entries (2)NewDB R3lldctrl core dumpLack of one-minute valuesTrace of GUI status loadsSapstartsrv: CSRF defenseTrace flags are not resetCore in DiagiFocusFrame()Support hotkeys on popupsInvalid foreign key checkInvalid foreign key checkBulk insert with lob dataR3ta: arithmetic overflowDBSL: new tracing optionsVMC: timezone update 2009gCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginFix wrong size of tablsizeCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginFX: check prefix collisionCorrections for ITS-PluginMemory Inspector update XXCorrections for ITS-PluginSapstartsrv: Syslog updateCheck NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICSCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginDbm commands support addedCorrections for ITS-PluginCoredump after webgui callCorrections for ITS-PluginABAP: error in && operatorVMC: timezone update 2010bCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginConnection table correctedCorrections for ITS-PluginCorrections for ITS-PluginXSRF Implementation Part IPartitioning update tablesGW: connections not closedCorrections for ITS-PluginSORT (AIX): disclaim addedVMC: timezone update 2011bCorrections for ITS-PluginVMC: timezone update 2011dDefault of gw/so_keepaliveUnexpected display of iconVMC: timezone update 2011gRemove Sent URL ... dialogITS: empty toolbar buttonsPopups are placed centeredITS: restored AJAX-abilityVMC: timezone update 2011iTransport for EnhancementsBgRFC enqueue locks remainVMC: timezone update 2011nProtocol external commandsADS jobs cannot be deletedMemory corruption in spoolVMC: timezone update 2012bSapstartsrv: Syslog updateDB4/XDN: Token File PrefixAllow arbitrary time zonesHandle HDB warnings on DDLDBSL: ROLL_IN_ERROR (dump)VMC: timezone update 2012dCoredump in scSetContextDoDB2 z/OS: sql error -89993VMC: timezone update 2012jR3ldctl: fix option '-c L'Delete ADS files in kernelDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl EVALUNC(%2d.%03d) %-.*s (note %d)Change Cleanup / Exit orderBetter Performence on MaxDBSHO: improve error handlingVMC: Additional Trace FlagsMemory Inspector update XVIThread dump ends up in coreThread dump ends up in coreCST Patchcollection 39 2009CST Patchcollection 39 2009CST Patchcollection 39 2009CST Patchcollection 39 2009SUBMIT and string parameterAPI for BIDI support in OTFGW: Hanging JCo connectionsGW: Hanging JCo connectionsGW: Hanging JCo connectionsDB6: patch collection 10/09Fixed ##pragma/dot handlingSending big dynpros via RFCSending big dynpros via RFCSending big dynpros via RFCMissing server informationsTable control configurationDB6: patch collection 03/10ICM Patch Collection (7.20)ICM Patch Collection (7.20)ICM Patch Collection (7.20)GUI focus after dialog stepGUI focus after dialog stepPerformance with huge CLOBsDB6: patch collection 05/10DB6: patch collection 05/10Enhancements for SAP GUI 11MSSQL: database fingerprintGUI focus after dialog stepGui status: separator linesDB2 z/OS: DB2 10 V9: contabVMC: Cloning a cache regionCore in dyAbapGetBsdupValueTablecontrol: default focusTablecontrol: default focusEnhancements for SAP GUI 12New feature batch streamingTrace output in UpdateEntryDB6: patch collection 03/11Deadlock on D342L and D345TDeadlock on D342L and D345TVMC: improve mutex recoveryDeadlock on D342L and D345TLabel overlapps entry fieldDeadlock on D342L and D345TUrgui: calendar date formatDeadlock on D342L and D345TABAP kernel synchronisationSE30: Missing trace recordsSHO: Dataelement dependencyDeadlock on D342L and D345TDeadlock on D342L and D345TNewDB R3load better supportNewDB R3load better supportDeadlock on D342L and D345TSaplicense -pinstall optionHandle Leak in Work ProcessSupport for ~noheaderokcodeMissing authorization checkAvoid deadlocks on REPOLOADTH: crash in ThIsAsyncInputError messages are too longTH: Core in dbsl_exec_fetchR3ta crashes if trace is onRequirements for fastloaderLost list lines in acc modeEnter-Event for RadiobuttonITS Up/Down: own applet pseITS Up/Down: own applet pseVMC: improve trace messagesITS Up/Down: own applet pseWorkprocesses in status runDB6: patch collection 11/12Unnecessary write to stderrDB6: patch collection 12/12Sapcpe failed to copy filesVMC: improve trace messagesCore in dyAbapGetSMessage()SHO: improve analysing toolsABAP compiler error messagesVMC: enable forced VMC resetCST Patch Collection 20 2009CST Patch Collection 20 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009CST Patch Collection 18 2009RC 84 during deployment stepCCMS Patch Collection 2009/3CCMS Patch Collection 2009/4CCMS Patch Collection 2010/1CCMS Patch Collection 2010/2SAPHTTP breaks HTTP ProtocolCST Patch Collection 42 2009CST Patch Collection 47 2009CST Patch Collection 42 2009CST Patch Collection 24 2009CST Patch Collection 24 2009CST Patch Collection 29 2009CST Patch Collection 29 2009CST Patch Collection 29 2009CST Patch Collection 29 2009Allow blanks in TIME columnsVMC: 'G' values in VMMonitorSUBMIT and xstring parameterCCMS Patch Collection 2009/3CST Patch Collection 42 2009CST Patch Collection 42 2009CST Patch Collection 42 2009CCMS Patch Collection 2009/4ITS: includetabstrip() fixedCST Patch Collection 47 2009CST Patch Collection 47 2009CST Patch Collection 47 2009CST Patch Collection 47 2009CST Patch Collection 47 2009PXA: fix reload of typeloadsXSLT: format-number accuracyCST Patch Collection 52 2009CST Patch Collection 52 2009CST Patch Collection 52 2009CST Patch Collection 52 2009DB6: client affinity supportMemory leak in dbmssslib.dllDocker width in dialog boxesVMC: data source for opensqlAvoid abortion with signal 6LDAP segmentation fault RC=6IMC: no message dispatchingVMC: Avoiding X_VMC_CMS_LOCKBad order of initializationsCCMS Patch Collection 2010/1Gw/reg_no_conn_info settingsDB2 z/OS: export shared libsGenerating sec_info reg_infoCCMS Patch Collection 2010/2Send wp type to the databaseSaplikey in sap installationABAP-COCO Patch Collection 3EXPORT: source code positionCore in dyRcUiReceiveRequestScreen output area too smallSQL error -1 with severity 0Enable compressed OOPS on HPMessage server not reachableGUI-status generation tracesSTAT: GetActRec and CPU timeSecondary connection to HANAR3load: Wrong default InstNoUPSERT without a primary keyInternal error in listparserSYSTEM_NO_ROLL in listparserSupport of MaxDB 7.8 and 7.9Hardware ID in Amazon CloudsHardware ID in Amazon CloudsHardware ID in Amazon CloudsPermissions for RFC CallbackHardware ID in Amazon CloudsHardware ID in Amazon CloudsHardware ID in Amazon CloudsHardware ID in Amazon CloudsSYB: failing ddl statemtentsError in Connection HandlingTH: remove compiler warningsDB6: DBSL trace enhancementsNative SQL: Minor correctionSTAT: wrong transaction nameReactivation of SNMP in CCMSInstallation of SAPACEXT.SARREGEX: use REGEX_TOO_COMPLEXSTAT: max_files less than 12Missing downtime informationMissing downtime information--------------------------- JCO VMC connection attributesCCMS agent and kernel patchesSAPHTTP fails in SSL scenarioEnhance MC with DB Start/StopTrace output of memory blocksTrace output of memory blocksTrace output of memory blocksTrace output of memory blocksOpenSQL: Syntax warning levelVMC: Download of JARM resultsWhere-Use-List for SUBMIT (F)Context menu: missing entriesPool estimation is not activeItab Patch Collection 2010-01Diag: correct trace componentMemory Inspector update (AIX)Core dumps, LOBPREFETCH failsFixed missing CP '*.**' matchDB2-z/OS: DB2 V10 cli timeoutMemory Inspector update (TRC)DB4: XDN Virtual Host SupportSQL Server version 11 supportALV Gridview: cell text colorWrong width of AgiTableColumnCore in DiagoTabFocusColumn()New feature ignore duplicatesERROR => DpWpCTrc: invalid wpCheck screen load: field exitITS: fixed ~template handlingLgIGetAppSrv: no server foundLgIGetAppSrv: no server foundSE30: Avoid negative runtimesSHO: user for automatic buildUrgui: fixed non-unicode caseGET_SINGLE_REFS: To many hitsGW: core in GwHdlPendingWriteCCMS agent and kernel patchesWork Processes in status HOLDSignal 7 in TrReadRecFromAbapValue help button not visibleWorkprocess exit in DSQL/ADBCITS: fixed template recyclingDB6: Galileo patch collectionGW: Konsitent use of COMM_ADMGW: Konsitent use of COMM_ADMGW: Konsitent use of COMM_ADMSupport contextmenu on popupsSupport contextmenu on popupsDBIF_REPO_PART_ALREADY_EXISTSCall TH callback after cancelMove ILE cluster apis to paseST: Wrong rudi solidificationALV Gridview: hyperlinks wrapRace condition in soft cancelWorkforce performance builderSYB: performance enhancementsSHO: user after detach commitWorkforce performance builderSYB: performance enhancementsSYB: performance enhancementsMissing entries in access logCore in DiagSearchContainer()SYB: performance enhancementsSignal 11 after out of memorySignal 11 after out of memoryImprovement in import historyIBM i: Client Copy PerformaceGW: Core in DpCreateCommEntryGW: Core in DpCreateCommEntryXML reader: Epilogue handlingScreen generation: loop areasNew unified rendering version --------------------------- cat ./servicehttp/sapmc.mfRFC connections are not closedDB6: cobra enhancements part 2XACT_ABORT OFF on DbSl-connectAvoid DBIF_REPO_PART_NOT_FOUNDWhere-Use-List for DBTAB~FIELDDeletion of obsolete OTR textsWrong table name in ST05 traceWhere-Use-List for DBTAB~FIELDVMC: error in ThVmcCheckVmPoolRFC Communication is very slowChecking input data of SAP GUIShifted search result in listsConnect with special xuser keyMake FQHN for MS-Host possiblePrevent negative spool numbersImprove internal message checkSupport for subsequent releaseSupport for subsequent releaseSetuser replaced by EXECUTE ASPXA: optimizing swap behaviourSupport of SMDA as system typeCore in DiagSetIMCProperties()RFC connections are not closedShared Objects: STRING_BAD_REFRow counter limit set to 65535AIX: Memory leak with SHM_SEGSBetter handling of DSQL limitsICM could hang after high loadVMC: signal 11 in RFC callbackAIX: error in ESSHM managementError when deleting large keysShared Objects: STRING_BAD_REFWork process running endlesslyInstalling the SAP CTS plug-inIBM i: support SAPJVM4 in 7.02GW: potential core fix in gwrdShort dump ROLLBACK_IN_POSTINGDisconnectonclose AJAX requestIgnore '102 Processing' headerDoubleclick on textfield fixedEnqueues remain after shutdownSE30: Core dump in find_recordWdispmon/icmmon does not startSingle session gui connectionsGET_DIRECTORY: raise exceptionInstalling the SAP CTS plug-inSTAT: memory overflow (STATAB)GW: Consistent use of COMM_ADMSTAT: memory overflow (STATAB)Illegal reference to test codeProtocol external commands (2)DB6: Global Compression OptionChecking input data of SAP GUICheckbox selection in ABAPlistSTAT: memory overflow (STATAB)Saplicense crash in IPv6 setupChecking input data of SAP GUIChecking input data of SAP GUIGW: problems with gw/prxy_infoTablecontrol cell context menuChecking input data of SAP GUIDump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDR3load/MaxDB: Export BW TablesChecking input data of SAP GUIR3load/MaxDB: Export BW TablesPXA: Memory protection for AIXALV Gridview: dump with 0 rowsMAI Alerts format in SNMP TrapGW: reg_keepalive doesn't workSQL stmt length check disabledITS: fixed table row selectionITS: fixed table row selectionAvoid core in abDeactivateTpdaPXA: endless loop in lru chainDB4: SQL Cancel causes SQL0502%-*.*s%-*.*s%-*.*s%-*.*s%-*.*sR/3SAProuter version number updateDB6: Numeric value out of rangeUse subdirectories for ADS jobsPatchlevel not visible in tracePrinting of Arabic-Indic digitsRabax CONVERSION_NOT_ONE_TO_ONEABAP-PH: Wrong Type AssociationVMC: critical low shared memoryGui status: empty dynamic textsSupport of SBA2 for large listsAvoid deadlock on table REPOSRCLarge bitmap data in OTF driverImproved error handling in xRFCIllegal characters for fastpathIntensify-display for listboxesResize issue in PBAG generationOverflow of communication tableOverflow of communication tableOverflow of communication tableJs-error on popups with dockersSAProuter version number updateDialogbox: horizontal scrollbarENQU: format of the enqueue logENQU: format of the enqueue logEscaping corrupts absolute URLsEscaping corrupts absolute URLsEscaping corrupts absolute URLsDB6: REORG table causes SQL0108AIX: Apparent memory leak in EMERROR: Premature EOS in requestERROR: Premature EOS in requestDB6: ASYNC option for data loadENQU: Signal 11 in pending listPushbutton without functioncodeDuplicate short cuts in menubarAIX: Apparent memory leak in EMSecure connect via secure storeIssues when resizing containersCore dump for Text Edit ControlGui status : trace load contentENQU: creation of enqueue tableENQU: creation of enqueue tableAPG: avoid GEN_INCLUDE_NOT_EXECIssues when resizing containersDispatcher crash with signal 11Client specfic FDT notificationCore dump for Text Edit ControlWrong dynamically created typesSupport DECFLOAT for native SQLSetup base address for SHM_SEGSUrgui: radio button enter eventHanging RFC/JCo/NCo connectionsCIM/CCQ: correction of warningsEnable empty strings on dynprosIBM i: Improvements for UpgradeDP: WP's blocked on Semaphore 5GW: extra call to gw/proxy_infoSAP HA Script Connector LibraryOverwritten memory in SQL TraceABAP: Core in scEnhancementFindFix flag enablePPCSigtrapChecksFunction keys are not displayedIllegal characters for fastpathSYSLOG: initialization completeCrossdomain.xml security updateSybase IQ: force committed read database (SAP, table SVERS) Presentation buffer improvementsCorrect touchload in movenametabTp file deployment does not workNew RFC load balancing procedureCorrect touchload in movenametabDbsl procedure to get datasourceXBNF: Revert database table roleStrange values in table TSPJSTATITS Textedit: selection problemsCore while trace level increasedTPDA: debugger window not closedTabstrip scrolling does not workVMC: cleanup unused slots in EM2Cross reference patch collectionCross reference patch collectionCross reference patch collectionCross reference patch collectionDB2-z/OS: Fix of DSSIZE handlingShared object: CLAD reallocationImproved overflow error handlingMemory Inspector update (AIX) IISoft shutdown hangs after logoutFix page counter for empty pagesError trace: invalid EventId ...DB2-z/OS: DB2 V10 shadow upgradeDB2 z/OS: DB2 10 nuc build errorMissing robustness in AGI parserDB2-z/OS: db2radm set singletaskEnterprise Search Kernel ModulesDB6: revalidation of view failedR3trans Patch collection 10/2010Default cursor and table controlBcd_atobcd: check operand lengthError: implicit langdeletions=noHanging RFC connections with SNCWorkprocess stucks in state holdSyntax error caused by SQL hintsSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMWork process no longer rolled inWork process no longer rolled inImproved version of iASP toolsetSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMWork process in state 'hold SNC'DB2-z/OS: Fix of DSSIZE handlingAvoid OBJECTS_GLCLASS_NO_LOAD_OKSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMBad handling of ill-formed UTF-8Long strings truncated by SELECTFixed safari useragent detectionJ2EE crash in IcmAdm.getInstanceACCESS Option in File gw/reginfoXSLT: Variables in rule patternsR3ta: new split method for MSSQLSTAT: warnings when dbconrec = 1/O missing transaction parameterAvoid NONE entries in popup menuInconsistencies in OS monitoringIBM i: option -nojournal ignoredFTAB: fix missing initializationIBM i: avoid core in sapstartsrvIBM i: avoid core in sapstartsrvIBM i: avoid core in sapstartsrvIBM i: avoid core in sapstartsrvList focus jumps while scrollingProtection of license key memorySapstartsrv: RestartInstance fixHTML Tidy: fix for infinite loopDispatcher schedules not runningInitial delivery of SAPACEXT.SARCore in DiagRcUiGetSystemError()Implement COUNT_BIG for rowcountImplement COUNT_BIG for rowcountImplement COUNT_BIG for rowcountError handlung for FIELD-SYMBOLSCore after calling SSF functionsError trace : invalid event dataDP: CPU Spikes and rdisp/noptimeGW: Minor corrections in gatewayDP: CPU Spikes and rdisp/noptimeDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl set EVALUNC NError in DBSL trace (level >= 2)Native ODBC driver version checkIntermittent connection failuresVMC: Configuring memory isolationVMC: Trace Lock Information (CVM)SAPCAR terminates with read errorDB2-z/OS: Support for hybrid DbSlDB2-z/OS: Support for hybrid DbSlDB2-z/OS: R3ta partition splitterExplain external for MaxDB BridgeError if mpi/buffer_size <> 64 KBErrorhandling for 'data begin of'SSL Client Certificate forwardingSSL Client Certificate forwardingEnable rolling of debugger masterVMC: Replacing & in T100 messagesLong runtime for ASSERT statementOpenSQL: Syntax warning correctedDBSL accesses the master databaseSapstartsrv: New JAVA system typeCorrect transport of LIMU DOCU TTSecondary connection to Oracle DBHPL2 list driver: allow bold fontVMC: SYSSTP shared type pool lockMDM5.5 Support on ABAP Kernel 720Fixed source hash for test codingTransaction SE51: Testing screensALV grid view focus is always setSupport switch of system languageInvalid water mark -10 at level 1Mirrored icons in rtl environmentDB2-z/OS: Support for hybrid DbSlRm Shared Objects: STRING_BAD_REFInputfield misses searchhelp iconCorrect nametab buffer statisticsTables ########## in SM50 or SM66Support for Unicode NormalizationCorrupted PERM memory block fixedSM59: connection closed (no data)Short dump SYSTEM_POINTER_PENDINGSplitterarea is hidden in firefoxOpen SQL: Support for NewDB HintsListfocus disappears at scrollingRdisp/TRACE_RESOLUTION im GatewaySecurity options (XSS) for ESCAPESecurity options (XSS) for ESCAPEError message: ES_SPIN_LOCK_ERRORDBSL convertion: wrong error codeEXTRACT: output len of sum fieldsReturn spool ID for PDF converterMtxLock SLICBUF deadlock warningsPrepare usage of Linux 3.x kerneljs-error after logout from WebGUIAccessibility: input mask in ERFOvertaker transports and CTC=trueURGUI; no tooltips in SAPCALENDARSHO: memory leak in table sharingEnhancements for HANA system copyIBM: SQL-227 Error accessing NRIVMaxDB R3load dbms_check availableVMC: SM53 User-specific RFC TraceIBM i: Analysis of SQL-913 errorsOvertaker transports and CTC=trueSCAN WITH PRAGMAS COLON PositionRFC tracing can not be turned offEnable tt:call-method in pre-7.02Fix for basxml-RFC with XSD typesList output is cut off on displayTH: traces in soft cancel handlerShort Dump GEN_GLOBAL_CLASS_ERRORENQU: ENQUEUE with _WAIT (jitter)Work process can not be cancelledMenu entry keyboard shortcut textWork processes in the state 'run'Core in dyGetModuleNameByOffset()Old alerts are deleted from a MTESYSLOG GI0 and GI2 during startupALV Gridview: scrolling on demandNo first page action during printADS reprint from different clientITS Textedit: control keeps focusSaprouter connection gets droppedSaprouter connection gets droppedRETURNING to TABLES ... STRUCTUREEnhancement of Security Audit Log%s CCMS Agent Patch Collection 2009/2CCMS Agent Patch Collection 2009/2R3ta: No R3ta_hints.txt needed onHandling of MS-SQL Named InstancesSXML: xop reader hashed key accessXSLT: multiple keys with same nameInvalid destructor call after forkVMC: improved shared pool handlingSynchronize spool job reactivationUpdate statistics for MaxDB BridgeFixed assert in ACI node traversalFaster table buffer reorganizationDon't start transaction TPDA_STARTDon't start transaction TPDA_STARTUse MaxDB SDK (only AIX)VMC: cassifying of syslog messagesInvalid dialogbox dimension 0 rowsAvoid unnecessary connect attemptsHandling of unconfirmed transportsLong status STOP for batch processENQU: improvements of trace outputENQU: improvements of trace outputLAST_SHORTDUMP in post mortem TPDAR3load: MaxDB Correction core dumpImproved UUID generation on SUN-OSDefine your own command buffersizeAS Java 7.x direct node addressingDB2-z/OS: Support for NT fast loadDB2-z/OS: Support for NT fast loadGui status: modified dynamic textsKernel methods for file path checkSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED during roll outSapcpuinfo corrections for PowerVMITS/urgui: fixed NBSP in teaxtareaPreventing outgoing NI connectionsMaxDB R3load: Fastloader core dumpF4 help is covered by other popupsNew supportbit VARINFO_CONTAINER_1Unicode Printing Enhancement (UPE)A11y improvement: label for okcodeDB2 z/OS: DB2 10 Vx: stats; duprecUnicode Printing Enhancement (UPE)SESSION_ID parameter for ATRA_INITUnicode Printing Enhancement (UPE)Tp import: error 13 on MAIN IMPORTExtended RFC Authorization ConceptUrgui: LSX renderers for debuggingEXPORT: key length check correctedEXTRACT: unique temporary filenameSwitch E2E trace by system commandExtended RFC authorization conceptDBSL error in secondary connectionALV Gridview: hotspot doesn't workSTAT: too many open files stat.DATSAP-OSCMD-05: Os Command injectionModification handler does not workERROR: Unregister application infoSession token on disconnectoncloseEnqueue replication server crashesCross reference for ASSIGN dref->*VMC: change default of vmcj/enableTable control column not invisibleVMC JARM: Checking switch settingsUse filesystem counter for R3szchkNew search option for ENQUEUE_READNew search option for ENQUEUE_READReturn signal number in Trace FileSTAT: get last and act dia recordsNew supportbit ALLWAYS_SEND_CLIENTSupport for screen scrolling addedENQU: forgotten trace; memory leakResize the browser included PopUpsVirus scanner integration for SXMLABAP-COCO: Cyclic Use of TypepoolsGW: ERROR missing tp specificationCore in dyCheckContainerGeometry_1Virus scanner integration for SXMLMemory leak in various executablesWorkprocess crash during debuggingSCOV: avoid shared memory overflowR3ldctl crashes with the core dumpSyslog P0C and R02 (rollin failed)XSLT: Rendering of HTML attributesLost character in list change modeR3ta: MSSQL-split, rownumber check100-continue handling with AS Java100-continue handling with AS JavaTH: slow getpid() on AIX suspectedTracing of timesync with DB ServerAdjustment regarding syslog formatError in domain relaxing in portalError in domain relaxing in portalForce committed read, lock timeoutNavigation for instance componentsDB6: enhanced micro outage featureALV grid view: Scrolling on demandSync session breakpoints correctlyBus error when writing stack traceMissing authorization check in RFCGW: GwIPrxyCheck is nothing calledGW: GwIPrxyCheck is nothing calledDB2 z/OS: V9: usage of wrong SQLIDChanges in HardwareInfo generationChanges in HardwareInfo generation kernel release %s kernel make variant %s DBMS client library %s DBSL shared library version %s compile time %s update level %d patch number %d CCMS agent and kernel: patches 2010R3ta on MaxDB Correction core dumpsR3ta on MaxDB Correction core dumpsSwitch Buffer: Memory class changedR3load export aborts with signal 11DB6: unexpected token INLINE LENGTHFixed [:print:] for non-latin charsVMC: cleanup VM Container frameworkRuntime error VALUE_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDDynamic Assign and Boxed ComponentsDynamic offset in LOOP-WHERE-ClauseOpen SQL: SY-DBCNT handling refinedInitial dynamic texts in GUI statusOTF: allow OS/2 table ver.4 for TTFMS: fix loop counter for MS_NIPARAMCorrection upgrade phase INDQUE_CHKDeletions on DB2/6000 with sli=truePerformance of WAIT UNTIL statementGUI status : Changing dynamic textsSecurity-Downport (ACL) for gatewaySecurity-Downport (ACL) for gatewaySecurity-Downport (ACL) for gatewayOperation Mode Switch does not workImprovements to authorization traceGUI status : Changing dynamic textsITS: empty template is not an errorTechnical database PPMS informationOptimize deletion of ADS spool jobsNT: new start address for ES windowBgRFC Outbound-Destination gesperrtSuppress SU22 trace while debuggingICM HTTP modification handler fixesICM HTTP modification handler fixesEnable popups in accessibility modeABAP in Eclipse: ACI Kernel ChangesNo F4-value on dialog box with listABAP in Eclipse: ACI Kernel ChangesGW: allow work process to reconnectTrace level increases spontaneouslyABAP in Eclipse: ACI Kernel ChangesVMC: NullPointerException on zLinuxCCMS agent and kernel: patches 2010IXML: Attribute value normalizationMore information in trace of sapevtScratch area is too small, opcode 6No search help on some input fieldsIMPORT: WRONG_COMP_LENG and ACC PADCUABUFFER_READ and missing icon-idsMaxDB protocol filename for UPDSTATCONVERSION ERRORS: more informationVMC: Estimating shared closure sizeCorrection of webgui_simple_toolbarDouble free during HttpClearSessionIBM i: support for MAXDB Client 7.8Improvements to authorization traceTooltips on dynpro elements missingITS: updated XSS-escaping functionsIBM i: CRTR3SYS fails on index lockSelect error in dbsl adbc interfacePopups are displayed in wrong orderST: corrupted tags in RESULT STRINGLinux: force and improve UUID checkSyntax error at RISK LEVEL/DURATIONSTAT: DB connections not registeredNo update server for language foundIBM: SQL-502 during language importITS: context hash function improvedITS: context hash function improvedTable sharing: check for NULL valueDpmon creates shared memory pool 10Potential disclosure of informationError in setting vsi scan parameterGreen alerts after monitoring pauseGreen alerts after monitoring pauseSash does not navigate after movingCorrected size of 4 char-wide iconsITS: fixed SEGV caused by fielddumpSash does not navigate after movingImage not shown on selection screenDB6: patch for DB6_DBSL_CLP_COMMANDSYB: batch processing is turned offPoor performance of function moduleProblems with operation mode switchGW: No increase of cpic trace levelGW: No increase of cpic trace levelGW: No increase of cpic trace levelRfc with dialog: gui status refreshSORT AS TEXT: empty string handlingWebGUI: Portal stylesheet url wrongBuffer dynamic texts of system menuSQL error -3008 on table DDSTORAGE1GW: GwFiCreateConvId table overflowBuffer dynamic texts of system menuInclude menus: missing functionkeysDB2 z/OS: longer SAP rollback timesGot SAP_IKVERS=%d from environment XBNF: Adjusted some identifier rulesCentral note for WS Security on 7.20VMC: Improved session error handlingVMC: Trace Lock Information (kernel)CCMS agent and kernel patches 2011/3Wrong deletion date in spool requestMaxDB Correction owner -> schemanameR3ta: MaxDB invalid range conditionsVMC: improve trace for heap mismatchCentral note for WS Security on 7.20ST-Debugger missing loops in tt:loopCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Remove wrong error trace for TA SPADCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Dynamic LOOP WHERE illegal rudi typeDynamic LOOP WHERE illegal rudi typeWrong handling of deep syntax errorsDB6: timeout for CREATE/DROP TRIGGERST: Wrong pop state during exceptionCentral note for WS Security on 7.20VMC: signal 11 in CVMscpScanAllPeersCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Central note for WS Security on 7.20VMC: java.lang.Exception: No sessionGui status and initial dynamic textsCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Dialogboxes and docker control widthWrong deletion date in spool requestVMC: corrupt Java copy-only closuresCentral note for WS Security on 7.20VMC: corrupt Java copy-only closuresAvoid senseless connect attempts (2)Sapstartsrv: ReadLogFile correctionsCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Invalid dialog box height of 0 linesConnect and execute function in DBSLHorizontal screen resize of controlsCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Correction concerning R3trans exportCorrection concerning R3trans exportCorrection concerning R3trans exportVMC: java.lang.Exception: No sessionCentral note for WS Security on 7.20RUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at GET REFERENCEVMC: java.lang.Exception: No sessionVMC: java.lang.Exception: No sessionCentral note for WS Security on 7.20IMPORT: ignore irrelevant alignmentsNo system messages for RFC-GUI usersDB2-z/OS: db2jcllib core on file putContext menu deletes table selectionCentral note for WS Security on 7.20Switch handling for rbam_is_active()Fxreader: COREDUMP bei Trace AusgabeCentral note for WS Security on 7.20IBM i: Adjustment of DBSL statisticsTH: Send Commit Messages immediatelyI5/OS: Administration of IFS objectsShortdumps PKRT_INCONSISTENT_DEFENVSWebGUI Java applet security redesignError message ends with useless textAllow to run interactive shell lev2rDirectory traversal in ABAP LanguageWebGUI Java applet security redesignSession abort in CALL TRANSFORMATIONWrong owner in menu system -> statusITS: fixed possible stack corruptionHanging RFC connection with SNC (II)Batch Job has empty field REAXSERVERHexadecimal trace for all parametersHexadecimal trace for all parametersWork process in status 'On Hold SNC'Dropdown listbox entry sorting fixedDialogbox dimension and list displayIBM i: APYSIDKRN to correct profilesABAP-SYCH: Overflow of Expression IDSAP GUI for HTML: Tabstrip scrollingNew interface GetXMLPropertiesDynproSapstartsrv: search for sapuxuserchkDB2 z/OS: coninfo parsed incorrectlyDialogbox dimension and list displayTablecontrol: text wraps behind iconCCMS agent and kernel patches 2011/3TH: Status line text 'Update failed'Central note for WS Security on 7.20VMC: unforeseen work process restartContainer placed incorrectly in IACsWork processes waiting on table NRIVSTAT: stat records sorted by endtimeEXPORT/IMPORT and RTTC with IncludesInstance is blocked with semaphore 7ITSmobile: implemented Timer controlInstance is blocked with semaphore 7Central note for WS Security on 7.20Tablecontrol: missing control borderCCMS agent and kernel patches 2012/1CCMS agent and kernel patches 2012/1Protection of license key memory (2)Inactive toolbar entries are visibleDifferent issues with ABAP debuggingCRL parsing - Fix of reason code bugGW: Line end not recognized properlySYB: dynamic traces for odbc and tdsSapstartsrv: stabilitity enhancementHANA DBSL for Solaris and Linuxs390xCheck timestamp of D345T dummy entryFix REGEX_TOO_COMPLEX on HP platformRsecssfx: Fixes for the command lineJstart framework enablement for z/OSLdap_rfc cores due to race conditionInitial focus on ABAPlist with URGUISE30: empty or incomplete trace fileR3load/HANA: massimporter as defaultGeneration: structure initialisationXML Signature: Sign a signed elementGW: CPIC in Abap with Router StringsGW: CPIC in Abap with Router StringsRFC single step debugging 702 -> 700GW: CPIC in Abap with Router StringsJstart framework enablement for z/OSCCMS agent and kernel: patches 2011/1External command: Output is incorrectError during Redirection with SAPHTTPImprovements in rslgcoll and rslgsendImprovements in rslgcoll and rslgsendFix System Hard Shutdown / DB StartupVMC: check for read only Java objectsFixed anchor handling in find_next( )RFC: Conversions to UTF8 return errorSHO: displacement also for admin dataEXPORT TO DBUF (SAAB) and deep tablesEnable reference user in old debuggerCore in kernel function CuaSearchTextADBC queries returning XSTRING valuesAvoid core dump in external debuggingOTF TrueType font download bug for PSMax string length for screen elementsSignal 11 for HTTPS status code > 400RSTG chain defective, return code -03RSTG chain defective, return code -03ITSmobile: improved SearchHelp dialogITS: LS picture control set invisibleVMC SM53: Order of JARM sort criteriaFocus offset does not fit to codepageConversion to pregenerated UR-sourcesAutomatic deletion of trivial joblogsCross Site Request Forgery ProtectionCross Site Request Forgery ProtectionSuppress class base exceptions in 731RSTG chain defective, return code -03Sapstartsrv: Missing SOAP array crashProblems with HTTP multipart messagesProblems with HTTP multipart messagesVMC: Stackdump on VirtualMachineErrorSuppress class base exceptions in 731Local mime files for SAP GUI for HTMLGETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED during END-OF-PAGEParallel import on Windows with CTC=1Itab Unsharing Core During Btree CopyMissing scrollbar on main dynpro areaWeb Dispatcher crashes with core dumpCCMS agent and kernel: patches 2011/1Tablecontrol: icons are not displayedShortdump RAISE_EXCEPTION in SAPLOLEAAvoid help button on standard toolbarSQL error during TOUCH_REPORTS accessCONVERSION ERRORS: more information 2Shortdump CALL_FUNCTION_RECEIVE_ERRORContext menu selection without effectUse connect property VARCHARMODE=ABAP720 AKK regarding setting watchpointsDB6: collection of network statisticsIBM i: Support for SAPJVM4 under 7.02VMC: Revised Mutex statistics in SM52Set page title to current transactionRSTG chain defective, return code -03ALV Gridview: height calculaton wrongAvoid coherent switching of tabstripsCONVERT TIMESTAMP yields wrong resultALV Gridview: wrong backbground colorIBM i: check patch level in APYSIDKRNDB2-z/OS: sapclinst, fast load DB2 10SELECT-OPTIONS: Field already definedInit length of tablename for describeSybase ASE R3load fastload is failingFE print of PDFs with SAPGUI for HTMLFE print of PDFs with SAPGUI for HTMLFE print of PDFs with SAPGUI for HTMLABAPList checkbox is cut off in urguiIBM i: Table names with double quotesSAPHTTP.dll fails during the checkoutMissing parameters in syslog messagesGW: Initialization of GW Logging FilePerformance issue with web dispatcherPerformance issue with web dispatcherSapftp fails during the remote backupERROR => invalid eyecatcher 0 for mtxDBSL: wrong record statistics in STADALV Gridview: scrollposition resettedSaposcol fails to create MO 'General'Saposcol fails to create MO 'General'SupportPackage modifies TDDAT entriesR3ta: Split of physical ClustertablesSaposcol fails to create MO 'General'Saposcol fails to create MO 'General'GW: GwIPrxyCheck is nothing called IIDB2 z/OS: Accounting for Web ServicesNew external mode after RFC debuggingSAPFTP: MPUT with more than 2500 filesVMC: Automatic module integration asapPerformance improvements for ABAP MOVETime out when processing table controlSapgui scripting: check sapgui versionIntegrated ITS: wgateUrl(~secure="on")Wrong column postion in where-use-listBatch-Input: core in dybisetdefwsize()DB2-z/OS: db2jcllib print version infoArithmetic: IA64 and subnormal numbersST05: Truncate too long SQL statementsWrong Sort Order After INSERT LINES OFVMC: new address for jvm.dll on NTia64Invalid random license expiration dateGui-status: quickinfos starting with @Signal 11 occurs after EgAlloc() failsNo more pool 10 for Standalone EnqueueNo more pool 10 for Standalone EnqueueNo more pool 10 for Standalone EnqueueNo more pool 10 for Standalone EnqueueGw/acl_mode versus gw/reg_no_conn_infoNo more pool 10 for Standalone EnqueueNo more pool 10 for Standalone EnqueueR3trans import with parallel processesDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix DBTEST 13 and 14ITS: Status line is wrapped in FirefoxST: new options stripWS and preserveWSConversion exits with very long fieldsSTAT: Not all statistics records existUnexpected End of Itab LOOP ProcessingInvalid number of records after INSERTDB6: overflow in rowcount check part 2Core dump during dynamic type creationHTMLGUI: texts and translation processDATASET (NT): SET POSITION END OF FILEImprove transaction parameter handlingR3load: display process id in log fileICM crashes with closed P4 connectionsICM crashes with closed P4 connectionsAvoid crash in search help result listSapstartsrv: SYBASE database detectionMissing owner in menu system -> statusPXA: Additional diagnostic informationSystem core dump in trace_authcall_newActions on tree manipulate docker sizeIBM i: Startsap with *DB does not workMissing import steps in import historyR3load NewDB core dump by create tableAvoid scrollbars around tabstrip pagesVMC: Type check on CORBA serializationIBM i: Refine patch check in APYSIDKRNIBM i: Refine patch check in APYSIDKRNNewDB R3ldctl Correction dbdiff selectENQU: creation of enqueue table, nr 99ENQU: creation of enqueue table, nr 99Support for Ctrl+F4 to insert new rowsExtended tree hidden by elements belowImproved display of searchhelp resultsDP: avoid restart of existing instanceDelete of ADS job might last very longReject import of objects SFB1 and SFB2Empty label overlays image in ABAPListWorkprocess exit in a MODIFY statementSyslog Q0G for cancelled user sessionsSyslog Q0G for cancelled user sessionsCONVUSRCPT fails in RtvFirstLocInstCfgXSLT: Avoid illegal xmlns declarationsEnable instance attributes on a dynproREVERSE('abcd') returns 'ba', not 'dc'DB4: Old File Statistics Analysis DateHandle new return code INVALID_TRIGGEREnable long symbolnames in ST debuggerIBM i: refine patch check in APYSIDKRNNo field transport for inactive fieldsCore in dy_CxTabStripGetActiveButton()VMC: Revert of changed session-cleanupALV Gridview toolbar: javascript errorWebGUI: Improvements of the status barWebGUI: Improvements of the status barWebGUI: Improvements of the status barSYB: for all entries on remote systemsITS: mimeUrl() with unnamed parametersITS: mimeUrl() with unnamed parametersDB2 z/OS: Bind non-default collectionsDB2 z/OS: R3load fastload using fldlibNumber of processed MTEs is restrictedNumber of processed MTEs is restrictedNumber of processed MTEs is restrictedENQU: adjustments on memory managementSyslog Q0G request cannot be processedDB2 z/OS: fastload and dbs_db2_uss_dirNote NOT relevant for patch productionError in DBSL trace (level >= 2) (2nd) compiled for 64 BIT ABAP-SYCH: Missing LOD for friend classTimeout when executing external commandCode pages 1146 and 1155 in 'F5-memory'Function sequence error in SELECT $XSQLSapstartsrv: Unix exit handler deadlockVMC does not start on Windows platformsDB2-z/OS: planned failback doesn't workTPDA: send info if no session availableTPDA: send info if no session availableDB2-z/OS: planned failback doesn't workFX: binary XML performance optimizationPOSS inputstring bug with options 16-18Esmon terminates if option '-f' is usedNo tracing if softcancel during a traceCorrect handling of epp imported handleDB2 - z/OS: Accounting for Web ServicesCorrupt Package Check Environment LoadsCorrupt Package Check Environment LoadsBugfix: ST syntax check and ST debuggerICM: Increase maximum number of threadsDB2-z/OS: fast load with support for NTITS: fixed upload of a zero-length fileTransaction SM04: State has the value 4Transaction SM04: State has the value 4Transaction SM04: State has the value 4Access Control List und Traffic ControlITS: fixed upload of a zero-length fileDisable cache if content-length missingMax. framesize in dynpro is 255 columnsALV Gridview Control: transparent titleAccess Control List and Traffic ControlAccess Control List and Traffic ControlAccess Control List and Traffic ControlAccess Control List and Traffic ControlMissing interface for raw dynpro fieldsFixed null termination for CONVERT TEXTDB2-z/OS: ICNV: DROP TRIGGER is ignoredBad memory managment inside the gatewayITS: Error handling in SAP GUI for HTMLSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED with PfAReadAStatRecALV Gridview: columns rendered to broadDpSesGetSessionKey: session table emptyVMC Cache: empty keys no longer allowedEXTSRV does not work for HTTPS protocolFixed source hash for Coverage AnalyzerGraphics rendered with wrong resolutionATRA: Missing trace files for E2E traceDisplaying of IPC statistics is invalidHanging work processes with user SAPSYSITS: applet with relative codebase pathDB2 z/OS: error while applying 7.10 SP4R3trans crash in DIFFEXP*: sap_dext 400IBM i: support signature of ILE objectsTableControl: default Fokus and leftColEnable DB-failover for WPs in hold modeTrInit: invalid parameter value Parallel import - error in 'autorepeat'Sapstartsrv: Unix environment setup fixWork process are blocked by semaphore 7Calls to the Kaon Parser are terminatedPXA: remove unjustified warning messageENQU: busy loop when ERS gets suspendedMissing translation for Hebrew languageMoving of splitter sash hides cell areaIBM i: sapcontrol fails on StartServiceIBM i: Retrieve SAPCAR output correctlyAvoid loading Oracle functions on MaxDBScreen resizing not downward compatibelDBSL correction for Oracle type mappingCompile Error in Simple TransformationsTablecontrol: header icons not renderedInstalling/Updating SAP CTS Plug-In 2.0Installing/Updating SAP CTS Plug-In 2.0Jstart: fix issue of low XMS/XMX valuesIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNAgent stops reporting to CEN on timeoutInstalling/Updating SAP CTS Plug-In 2.0NewDB R3ldctl unsorted migration exportInstalling/Updating SAP CTS Plug-In 2.0TR: dump stack for last successful pushPassword history lookup too restrictiveCopy window in Smartforms does not workAvoid deadlock during dynpro generationKrnlreg: SAP JVM SLD registration fixesCorrected display of searchhelp toolbarImplicit Indexoperation on hashed tableSAP_CMTRACE close old and open new fileASSERT FIELDS: memory handling improvedSMTP: Error message after sending emailSMTP: Error message after sending emailAvoid unnecessary calls to semaphore 57Content of splitter cells missing in FFALV Gridview: text wraps behind an iconURGUI: datepicker weeks begin on SundayInstalling/Updating SAP CTS Plug-In 2.0IBM i: CONVUSRCPT new incremental modeCCMS: Mutual activity control of agentsCCMS: Mutual activity control of agentsMissing deletions after parallel importWrong processing of barcode type PDF417TH: recovery of orphaned tm_adm mutexesVMC: JARM disabled after VM was createdDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl EVALUNC Opensql HINTALV Gridview: doubleclick does not workDB2 z/OS: Fastload with distmon and DB2 source id %d.%03d T\dlFix dump in spool WP for access method ECorrections for the statement MOVE EXACTR3loadctl: page compression for SQL 2008Missing space in ddlora.tpl after negcprR3szchk on MaxDB: Correction Wrong SizesDBSL error in connection with DBACOCKPITWrong mapping of IP address to host namePossibility to disable UPSERT statementsDB6: revalidate views in status active=NMemory Inspector update (Dominator tree)Startup Framework patch collection PC-11Deleting DD objects in type T transportsDeleting DD objects in type T transportsVMC: move kerberos classes out of rt.jarContent Filter does not match on contentGarbage characters in syslog message ECFVMC: added sort criteria of JARM resultsEnhancement of Service Request InterfaceSE30/SAT: Measurement could not be endedCorrect statistic data of nametab bufferVisual width of pushbuttons noneffectiveUdpdate debugging with new ABAP debuggerAvoid duplicate key error on table DD43LDB4: Wrong library list in shadow systemASXML: extensibility for reference typesMemory Leak when writing Memory SnapshotToDo Priority for Warnings W094 and W095DB2 z/OS: Exploit CLI time out parameterDBSL handling of too many fetch requestsGW: Gateway terminates in live operationDB2-z/OS: DB2 V10 stoproc output paddingDB2 z/OS: return technical database nameAdd support for ~webgui_message_in_popupDB2 z/OS: DB2 10: wrong OID in V9 branchMaximum string length adaptations in agiF4 help is covered by other dialog boxes'DATA_REF->COMP in Syntax-Error-Message'DB2 z/OS: Hybride DbSl: client awarenessENQU: Incorrect data in enqueue requestsDB6: DROP INDEX on virtual table ignoredInterface for access to vkeys of toolbarUpdated WHERE clause grammar descriptionRemove default for DDLOG identity columnLOCL printing with access method G failsSapstartsrv: Incorrect profile parameterDB4: XDN 2-Tier Cancel without Spin-LockTableControl: default Fokus in dialogboxGui-title broken by multi-byte characterPXA: Avoid core dump due to protect callDB4: XDN: Start XDN on all Virtual HostsDB4: XDN: Start XDN on all Virtual HostsIBM i: update infoapar only when changedITS Up/Down: fix for new security appletBatch-Input: log with wrong screen indexDeletion of inactive enhancement objectsFIELDS_TO_STRING method removes '=' signUseragentversion for firefox not correctALV Gridview: wrong text in header cellsVMC: tracelevel 2 not reset after signalVMC error when accessing shared closuresWrong cursor position at warning messageConvert RAW input parameters to literalsITS Up/Down: fix for new security appletProblem with webgui - SAPITS_MENU_SYSTEMR3load/MSSQL: using hintfiles for exportSupport of saplogon language kernel partTesting program for HA systems inflictedWrong StatementID for EXEC SQL StatementITS Calendar: focus changed on selectionCode analysis findings in Secure StorageCode analysis findings in Secure Storageminimal supported HDB release is 1.00.17Correct failover of database connectionsWebgui: missing delimiters in date fieldDump in listparser at setSuccJumpIndicesProfile parameter sapgui/signature_colorProfile parameter sapgui/signature_colorITS: Missing icon symbol in tree controlCorrected display of webgui_icon_toolbarOTR customer texts deleted after upgradeMissing STAT_END for opcode STAT_CUALOADIBM i: Unknown Parameter as4/dbmon/<...>No deletion of ADS files during rollbackITS: URL truncated after 1024 charactersITS: ITS_ENDLESS_LOOP after 32767 cyclesITS: invalid charset during file uploadsSCAN OPTIONS INTO and chained statementsVMC error when accessing shared closuresSapstartsrv: J2EE 1.5 format logfile fixDynpgmsk: use full length of mask bufferNo searchhelp on fields with contextmenuIBM i: APYSIDKRN l- speed up patch checkSYB: ASE error 16817 on DBCON connectionALV Gridview: signal 8, division by zeroITS: Missing icon symbol in tree controlALV Gridview: signal 8, division by zeroITS: omiting default values in UR-outputDB2 z/OS vx: SQLBREAK leads to signal 11Reaction of ERR_TX_ROLLBACK_QUERY_CANCELR3ta MaxDB generates wrong Where Clauses+ signs are encoded as spaces in cookies+ signs are encoded as spaces in cookiesSuppressing input history for the SAP GUIIBM i: sapcpe claims: fixsapown not foundError for setsockopt on Windows Vista/2k8RSPO_CACHE_CONTROL sets SY-MSGNO to spaceReduce priority of secondary key messagesRemove assertions in jit compiler of VMC.Activation of enhancements during importEXPORT TO DBUF: realloc strategy improvedLine style DOUBLE for OTF printer driversAvoid unnecessary DB calls to table DDNTTABAP: STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in syntax-checkDuplicate entries in default context menuVMC: No handler found for remote functionDuplicate entries in default context menuDuplicate entries in default context menuDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix load and chain testDB6: CLI LOAD for tables with LOB columnsCorrection type check for internal tablesScreen generation: container layout checkAvoid system_core_dump in dyShowLastRabaxSecurity note: CANCEL registered programsITS UpDown: printing in frontend servicesDB2-z/OS: db2radm support for hybrid DbSlDB2 z/OS: wrong schema length (dbdddb2.c)Checkboxes cannot be accessed by keyboardIBM i: Fix JAVA_HOME for non Java systemsTable PAK_INTF does not exist in nametabNew call types for TREX statistic recordsDpRqNormalHandle: overwrite valid next_rqDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix BIND during UpgradeDev_disp: *ABAP Request queue reached 90%DB2-z/OS: db2radm mask passwd during BINDVMC: log messages during global evictionsAdding Enqueue-Lock in SNT-HMAC functionsParameter maxmarkercnt increased to 10000No embedding of True Type Fonts in SAPGOFUNPACK: floating point handling unchangedDB2 z/OS: SET CURRENT DEGREE = 'ANY' HintSapstartsrv: J2EEControlCluster extensionALV Gridview: Checkbox cannot be selectedDB2 z/OS: db2radm -m db2i fails on DB2 10List driver: Wrong font for PCL/POST/PRESResizing in portal framework disturbs ITSCore dump in AgiTableView::DiagITableHeadMissing state of local TabStrip scrollingError messages for missing table MLICHECKDP: work process stuck in state 'On Hold'Avoid decreasing controls after roundtripText wrap on dynpro textfields with iconsOptional activation of IcmAdm.getInstanceCertain screens are continually generatedPerformance Probleme im RFC Delta ManagerSystem popup while login causes core dumpAdditional printer languages for ADS jobsITS: improved context hash function fixedSelection of an entry in numeric comboboxCONNE_ILLEGAL_TRANSPORT_HEADER: more infoAvoid syslog R39 during db offline backupIBM i: Unknown parameters as4/dbmon/<...>IMPORT_OBJECT_DESTROYED consistency checkITS: implemented calendar spinner featureWebGUI: Wrong URL when called from portalFocus lost after second level search helpSave help okcode not longer in subscreensAvoid system standstill due to transportsDocker size changes due to browser resizeOne work process enters an unusable stateCatch classic exceptions in CBE frameworkSCAN: ignore string templates in DCK-modeHANA wrong template generation DDLHDB.TPLAutomatically disable reverse name lookupHANA wrong template generation DDLHDB.TPLIBM i: R3szchk crashes during export stepSE30: looping process blocks semaphore 51IBM i: avoid heap corruption in APYSIDKRNOk-code /NEX : don't show system messagesVMC: Error handling for (VM UUID is null)Likey adaptation for common library usage compiled on %s for %s Error 1006 when executing external commandMaxDB R3ta: wrong value in range conditionDB6: use COUNT_BIG to count number of rowsIncorrect Sash position in dynpro splitterTrace error message SetProperty 90 removedRuntime monitor check for int. table typesTable logging: Avoid duplicate log recordsPrinting ADS documents with SAPGOF printerWrite SAP TRACE for RFC call to SAPGUI tooAvoid error ' invalid interface parameter'Registered regex classes for Mem InspectorExternal explain returns more than one rowESC/Page and ESC/Page-Color support as PDLESC/Page and ESC/Page-Color support as PDLUpgrade problem in phase TP_ACTION_CP2STABCount of records for bulk insert optimizedPage limitation for printing does not workThai tone marks issue with Cascading FontsProblems opening .pdf files in Web browserSystem doesn't start:: invalid screen loadUnicode conversion of huge cluster recordsUnicode conversion of huge cluster recordsTablecontrol: button relates to wrong lineSeperate ClearControlFocus from ClearFocusTooltips for EA fields on selectionscreensRl3oad: MaxDB Correction Maxdb Error -7500Security-Downport (ACL) for message serverALV Gridview Control: colored input fieldsVMC: improved shared intern String lockingVMC: improved shared intern String lockingITS: fixed Content-Type parsing on FirefoxSFW: Missing invalidation of switch bufferVMC: improved shared intern String lockingMaxDB R3load: Negativ list for primary keyDB2 z/OS: Hybrid V9: remove SQLGetPositionStartup Framework patch for wily under AIXStartup Framework patch for wily under AIXP4 communication breaks when used with SSLP4 communication breaks when used with SSLDB2-z/OS: Fix wrong INLINE token in V9 DDLConfiguration changed for multiple systemsSapgui-shortcut and transaction parametersCorrections for Splitter / Docking ControlRFC failure during upgrade when using HMACSapstartsrv: synchronous service uninstallDB6: SQL0301N after LONG to LOB conversionIBM i: Logon to system fails after upgradeSAP-Shortcut: length of program parametersDB2 z/OS: hybrid DbSl: trace level 3; FP3aRSUSR003 supporting checks for user TMSADMSoftcancel during RFC with Frontend OutputAllow to free memory in case of short dumpVMC App Mgmt: Optimized repository refreshScreen compression not downward compatibelDB2 z/OS: hybrid V9: deadlock not detectedIBM i: APYSIKRN does not apply IGS packageScreen compression not downward-compatibleNTAB: Remove incompatible key length checkNTAB: Remove incompatible key length checkNTAB: Remove incompatible key length checkSCOV: avoid inconsistent statement resultsTp breaks when delivery after import failsRemote control for ui with cfw kernel partMandatory fields are prefilled with a starFailing controls with appserver on SolarisApplication info (DBSL Oracle), correctionRemote control for ui with cfw kernel partMaximum number of systems is limited to 30Maximum number of systems is limited to 30Maximum number of systems is limited to 30Maximum number of systems is limited to 30WP restart due to VMC JIT compiler problemRemote control for ui with cfw kernel partDESCRIBE with columnnames > 32 charactersCore dump in DlLoadLib2() loading the DBSLCore dump in DlLoadLib2() loading the DBSLALV Gridview: copying and duplicating rowsRemote control for ui with cfw kernel partRemote control for ui with cfw kernel partRemote control for ui with cfw kernel partHandle deprecated SQL problems as warningsALV Gridview: selection menu not displayedENQU: creation of enqueue table, nr 99 (2)ENQU: creation of enqueue table, nr 99 (2)NewDB R3load delete part of splitted tableDBCON-connect: Incorrect syntax near 'max'KAON Parser, terminations during rfcresizeDB6: reexecution of DELETE statement failsSTAT: incomplete stat data from ThWpDetailALV Gridview: js error on column selectionC_DD_READ_FIELD: unjustified return code 1CREATE OBJECT and non-public instantiationDB2 z/OS: DB2 10 SQLCancel on END_CHAININGSHO: ATTACH_FOR_UPDATE and memory shortageClass constructor with optional parametersReverse Invoke and SSL with Web DispatcherReverse Invoke and SSL with Web DispatcherUPD: inadmissible characters in update keyASSIGN COMPONENT: automatic range handlingDBSL: Corr. for extension of record numberIBM i: needed kernel patches for SUM 1 SP6IBM i: needed kernel patches for SUM 1 SP6R3ldctl segfault when tablename > 18 charsCode injection vulnerability in CCMS AgentGZIP: Handling of large data volumes (I=O)No field transport for inactive fields - 2DB4: Prefetch for SELECT - ENDSELECT LoopsJS error in IE as of version 9 and FirefoxError messages regarding %_EVENT_SCHEDULERWebGUI: removed css version mismatch popupDB2-z/OS: db2radm read password from stdinITS: fixed SEGV caused by missing languageSYB: startdb terminates with error code 13VMC: check shared GC number during cloningVMC: check shared GC number during cloningCore in SCAN ... WITH INCLUDE PROGRAM FROMCore possible, when stopping ABAP debuggerReverse Invoke and SSL with Web DispatcherSOAP Interface Returns Invalid Float ValueVMC: check shared GC number during cloningError messages from ThWpInfo or ThWpDetailENQU: adjustments on memory management (2)Is/instname_encoding disables logon groupsSybase ASE: special options for native SQLRFC/VMC: C/S-Status lost on WP change (IP)Krnlreg: SCS instance caption property fixSapstartsrv: extended HA interface supportDB4: Shadow XDN Jobs in QBATCH not QUSRWRKGW: Identical format for ACCESS and CANCELCurrency fields with manipulated input maskVMC: Windows Memory Management improvementsJ2EE failures in the vfprintf hook functionJ2EE failures in the vfprintf hook functionSapstartsrv: Incomplete environment on UnixDB4: LIB_DBSL independent from os4apilib.soMemory leak in Simple Transformation engineWrong enhancement category for 'type boxed'SCOV: Branch Coverage feature not availableSCOV: Branch Coverage feature not availableSyntax error at 'like STRUCT1-STRUCT2-COMP'Syntax Warnings for Keys of Internal TablesVMC: Calculation of gross time of long SATsCore dump in the function fill_agg_record()VMC: Replacing & in T100 messages revisitedEXPORT TO ITAB: avoid filling alignment gapIMPORT: avoid interpreting data as controlsRFC Data Trace for Large Conversion BuffersDB4: DBSL Direct Drive September 2009 PatchENQUE: Standalone enqueue server terminatesDB2-z/OS: Upgrade/EHPI phase CNV_LIST failsAvoid deadlock with failing GENERATE DYNPROEmpty transaction parameters for checkboxesTooltips missing on some searchhelp buttonsVMC: Error handling in region config updateALV Gridview Control: color in header cellsVMC: error during accessing shared closuresITS: Tree control displays too many columnsSM53: OpenSQL error when importing SAT dataMake and release information for MaxDB DBSLABAP-PH: GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE TypesContradicting status messages in the joblogVMC: preparation for updated C/C++ compilerDB2-z/OS: Upgrade/EHPI phase CNV_LIST failsTablecontrol: cell content is not displayedAvoid change of input field through F4 helpVMC: preparation for updated C/C++ compilerRFC improved error check in UUID conversionWork process blocked in state 'On Hold ADM'Avoid change of input field through F4 helpWork process hangs during RFC communicationSystem Core after Applying SAP Note 1433584Web Dispatcher crashes with signal 10 or 11DB4:XDN Start : Handle Invalid SAPLOCALHOSTChanging the default value of spool optionsSolved corrupted page caused by illegal IDsJobs terminate during message server outageWrong CJK font for 'Enclosed Alphanumerics'Hom./Het.System Copy SAP NW 7.0 incl. EHP 2Error Handling in Upgrade Phase PARCONF_UPGWeb Dispatcher crashes with signal 10 or 11Catch DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUND cpic-serverDB6: FOR ALL ENTRIES with SUBSTITUTE VALUESABAP compiler: slowed down by info messagesITS: F4 2ndLevel hitlist search not workingPXA: optimization of mutex timeout handlingTableControl: default Fokus and call dialogCore in DiagTcColGetColumnByBsdupColumnNr()Lost focus on input field with context menuExtend URL evaluation for appending a tokenALV Gridview: Text not displayed with iconsASXML: Support for 24:00:00 xsd:time valuesPXA: optimization of mutex timeout handlingIBM i: Fix SAPJVM default path in CONFIGJVMPerformance improvements for FIN DecouplingUrgui: sort event is sometime not availableR3load/MSSQL: throughput in import log fileTablecontrol: empty cells have nove bordersCore in DiagTcColGetColumnByBsdupColumnNr()IBM i: WP0 dies on IBM i application serverCorrection for STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in CDESKIBM i: Fix JAVA_HOME in ABAP only scenariosCore in DiagTcColGetColumnByBsdupColumnNr()ST02: wrong number of PXA directory entriesIBM i: CRTSAPUSR fails with SPCAUT overflowClassical debugger: toolbar buttons missingFunction parameter as target for strcpy_saUSupport for Gos-container with popup windowTextfield with oversized text not truncatedVMC: Debug Info for Data Exchange ContainerAbort when reading files from other systemsCore in ABAP SCAN ...WITH PRAGMA... commandEnable password RFC logon despite SNC usageDynamic LOOP WHERE parse error for literalsWrong calculation of relative splitter cellSYSLOG: output of 'Initialization complete'ITS UpDown: Text in dialogs not translated.DB4: DB Client Performace with Fast NetworkDB4: DB Client Performace with Fast NetworkDB4: DB Client Performace with Fast NetworkAvoid change of input field through F4 helpITS UpDown: open url in new security appletNumber range buffer entry strings too shortGW: Hanging process during fragmented writeReturn original SignerResultList rc to ABAPABAP-PH: Core dump in isFriendof evaluationTablecontrol: content disappears on alt keyDBSL: More than 4 billion records per tableSupport for environment variable SNC_LIB_64Support for environment variable SNC_LIB_64Support for environment variable SNC_LIB_64ITS: Missing elements in nested group boxesVMC: Wrong SGC status of cloned template VMR3load new tasks merge und unload for HANAR3load new tasks merge und unload for HANAITS: fixed backslash handling in Shift-JIS.SYB: user switch to start and stop databaseCore dump in LOOP AT after table is changedALV Gridview: subtotal rows can be expandedPassing string expression to a dynamic callALV Gridview: subtotal rows can be expandedITS HtmlViewer: SAPR3 Url's with query partAvoid crash with popups without button areaOK code field is not set during batch inputPotential disclosure of information to userVMC: loop in lock recocvery after signal 11Some kernel corrections in batch processingWork process exceeds heap quota after rabaxDisable NI cache for host and service namesOK code field is not set during batch inputDB2-z/OS: db2radm invalid rc when stp failsInternal TSKH-error in SM58/SMQ1/SMQ2 - LUW compilation mode Non-Unicode ACI qualify_tokens with list-tokenized inputThe RFC-libray uses the portlib UUIDs on AIXR3szchk on MaxDB: Unknown columnname 'OWNER'Sybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslSmall corrections in undelivered source codeSmall corrections in undelivered source codeSmall corrections in undelivered source codeSmall corrections in undelivered source codeSmall corrections in undelivered source codeSmall corrections in undelivered source codeSmall corrections in undelivered source codeRare cases of memory corruption in getcwdU16Secinfo: Fields USER and PWD are not checkedDB4: Longer SQL Statement Text with LiteralsVMC: metadata objects for many cache objectsDB6: login timeout for secondary connectionsCL_ACI_EVAL query cache roll area allocationCheck for external update statistics changedError in compilation of IF_RSR_MDX_STATEMENTPrinting ADS documents with Kyocera printersLOOP ... WHERE ... with unsuitable datatypesDB2-z/OS: db2radm fast load USS fifo cleanupDB2-z/OS: db2radm fast load USS fifo cleanupR3trans deletes too much Dynprotexts (D020T)Format string error message from snprintfU16Improved counter initialisation for RFC-GUIDSimple Transformations and Pseudo componentsPerformance during import of report variantsWeb Dispatcher: Fix handling of port changesMissing dependency by Simple TransformationsDB6: return original schema in shadow systemDB6: literals for decimal columns of value 0Runtime error LIST_ILLEGAL_PAGE at scrollingADBC metadata correction for datatype bigintXPath parameter binding / number() on hpia64MSSQL: Unicode literals and standalone toolsSAT: Corrections for runtime analysis (ABAP)Table PAK_INTF does not exist in nametab IISCOV: new functionality for Releae 7.03/7.31IBM i: improved error handling for CONFIGJVMCut print command with access method L and EDB2 z/OS: hybrid DbSl Vx: client build levelTablecontrol: button wider than column widthDisplay correct nametab buffer sizes in ST02Problem with invalid DBSL datatype 111 fixedError in Dynpro runtime: Module called twiceDB2-z/OS: db2radm sapclinst with hybrid DbSlCorrection of {711,720}_COR/src/i18n/sapdecfInitialization of CTU message tab at rolloutR3ldctl (MSS): compression for table / indexPfFileList: found too many file in directoryIBM i: check patch program for correct ownerIBM i: check patch program for correct ownerITS: applet control setOkCode method missingROUTER connections are forwarded to P4S portAllow sort in all search help result columnsForce version check for its mimes and kernelLong wait times when expanding nodes in treeALV Gridview: hotspot on icons does not workREJECT has no effect after logical conditionSlin: no crossref collection for test datidsITS: column tree columns divider not visibleServer crash on page with splitter of size 0IBM i: CONVUSRCPT supports new option *CHECKSM51, Display of maximum used WP/APPC blocksSM51, Display of maximum used WP/APPC blocksSM51, Display of maximum used WP/APPC blocksC_DD_READ_FIELD: Ignore duplicate key errorsAdvanced URL recognition for XSRF protectionDB6: combination of DEF_CRT and OPT_COMPRESSSaplikey: illegal format of the value stringFix bug in transport of views ( CDAT, VDAT )Use sys.table_columns instead of sys.columnsToggling radio buttons in nested group boxesWrong message from conversion check functionABAPList fields are not submitted to backendIcm/P4/ignore_duplicate_banner does not workIcm/P4/ignore_duplicate_banner does not workSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslSybase ASE performance enhancements lib_dbslCRTSAPUSR: implement default locale settingsIBM i: Support of a signature of ILE objectsSybase ASE performance enhancements lib_dbslIBM i: Support of a signature of ILE objectsSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslScrollbars around userarea sometimes missingTable logging: correct timestamp computationCompiler warning for illegal ABAP expressionSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslSAPFTP does not work during the Passive modeFix DEFAULT textelement in interface methodsEnhance saproot.sh to configure sapuxuserchkITS: fixed charset issue in non-Unicode caseHandle new return code INVALID_CALC_SCENARIOITS: Some list trees are not being displayedALV Gridview: unnecessary vertical scrollbarALV Gridview: wrong default background colorSybase ASE performance enhancements lib_dbslNewDB R3load support import splitting tablesDB6: advanced compression options for R3loadNewDB R3load support import splitting tablesABAP XSS escape functionality in Non-UnicodeSAPSMD2 HTTP log entries missing ']' bracketSAPSMD2 HTTP log entries missing ']' bracketGW: Addons during start of external programsSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslUnicode SAPHTTP during mass checkout crashesSybase ASE enablement for tools and lib_dbslALV Gridview: event 'modified' not processedSplitter resizing influences neightbor cellsWait situation when accessing the OTR bufferCore when accessing CL_ABAP_X509_CERTIFICATESupport of creation of RSA-PSEs with SHA-256Wrong horizontal table scrolling in RTL modeITS: fixed strsub() and strncpy() functions.Alert generated but no autoreaction executedMTE-specific settings disappear after rebootALV Gridview: hidden subtotal causes hangingIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops when '-' in host nameDB2 z/OS: Cli client based seamless failoverGW: minor corrections, no functional changes'Preparation for export' log not found by tpButtons on icons toolbar are wrongly orderedDB4: Fix CREATE VIEW Field List Parse ErrorsTH: no cleanup of heap after restart of a WPTolerate missing DDIC objects in dynpro loadPotential remote code execution in SAProuterRace condition in soft cancel or in time outDon't evaluate TWPSSO2ACL-SNUMBER any longer720 release of SAPKPROTP fails during export720 release of SAPKPROTP fails during exportPermission denied when renaming SAProuter logRFC Lib vulnerable to buffer-overflow attacksSAPKPROTP does not work properly with the sslStartup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-10Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-10Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-10Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-10DB6: substitution of aliases in optguidelinesLob Handle Structures with incorret alignmentIncorrect processing of required entry fieldsAccess violation in ReportDeadlock for UPSERTABAP: using built-in replace to set a C-FieldConnection from Client to VMC brokes suddenlyIncreasing handle consumption (multithreaded)DB6: create index with 9.7 and virtual tablesATRA: avoid unnecessary calls to semaphore 51ATRA: avoid unnecessary calls to semaphore 51DB2-z/OS: db2radm bind with jdbc temp licenseWrong Unicode characters in Binary XML writerWSSEC: Support SHA2-family for Message DigestError in Watchpoints Handling with 'Net TPDA'Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-12SCOV: remove coverage data export on shutdownDialog work process crashes for spool displayUnexpected truncation in atollU on Windows NTStartup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-13Ldap_rfc trace can contain plaintext passwordJobs remain active - Reason for wait RFC/ARFCABAP: STRING_BAD_REF in SCAN with enhancementICM, Web Disp: fix icm/security_log MAXSIZEKBImplicit transport of TVDIR and TVIMF entriesStartup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-14Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-14Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-14Startup Framework 7.20 patch collection PC-14Readonly dropdown can't be opened by keyboardMissing ABAP programs after 'inactive Import'Report synchronization during parallel importALV Gridview Control: dropdown fields missingLow performance esp. with long SQL statementsICM, Web Dispatcher: Avoid blocking SSL callsWily can't be loaded with SAP JVM 6 under AIXWily can't be loaded with SAP JVM 6 under AIXDefault-cursor handling includes tablecontrolDeleting ADS spool requests takes a long timeNo logoff-popup if sapgui starts in workplaceITS: F4 IAC resultlist shows only 100 entriesDB6: SQLE_CLIENT_INFO_USERID including quotesCross Site Request Forgery Protection for ITSLsgui: show title in the group, even if emptyCross Site Request Forgery Protection for ITSDB2 z/OS: heterogeneous secondary connectionsCross Site Request Forgery Protection for ITSCall SYSTEM with ping does not work from ABAPDB2-z/OS: UPG: Shadow tables special inliningSTAT: Incorrect value for COMMIT time in SM50Start of Unicode Programs can fail on WindowsEXPORT (>2GB): exception instead of shortdumpITS: ABAP program termination in ICF_DISPATCHAIX SAPJVM_4: JNI_CreateJavaVM from libjvm.soEnable SAP Memory parameter for string fieldsITS: new CSS escaping function xss_css_escapeIBM i: save program directory after APYSIDKRNPrevent overwriting of statics by ab_CDestr_*IBM i: save program directory after APYSIDKRNITS: Tree node content is not updated in SBWPMissing Information in Systemarea in DebuggerOpenSQL : Wrong shortdump at SELECT with LOBsPotential remote code execution in SAP kernelPotential remote code execution in SAP kernelPotential remote code execution in SAP kernelIBM i: don't set CURLIB on local ccms connectSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED to LOAD REPORT PART 'LREF'Tablecontrol: rows are erroneously selectableAvoid repeatedly opened external popup windowErrors when cancelling a stopped work processITS: picture control icon click event missingInstable fingerprint for structured constantsThEppGetRootContextIdAsXuuid failed with (98)POSTLANGUAGEIMPORT imports texts incompletelyIBM i: Wrong statement length causing SQL-113DP: disable reverse name lookup automaticallyPotential remote code execution in SAP kernelCopy Window doesn't work with ABAP PDL driverDB2 z/OS: vx error with secondary connectionsIBM i: SAPEVT command to find PASE executableGW: GwGetHdlInfo: invalid ni hdl -1 in dev_rdGW: GwGetHdlInfo: invalid ni hdl -1 in dev_rdGW: GwGetHdlInfo: invalid ni hdl -1 in dev_rdALV Gridview: append, insert, delete and copyAvoid loss of buffer synchronisation requestsTake care of warnings during database connectError if redirect from HTTP protocol to HTTPSIncorrect processing of required entry fieldsLOAD_TYPEPOOL_VERSION_MISMATCH after deletionPotential denial of service in DIAG ProcessorALV Gridview: client and serverside scrollingDB2 z/OS: R3load initializes floats at exportIBM i: LIBPATH environment variable gets lostIBM i: LIBPATH environment variable gets lostIBM i: LIBPATH environment variable gets lostIBM i: LIBPATH environment variable gets lostIBM i: LIBPATH environment variable gets lostIBM i: LIBPATH environment variable gets lostProfile parameter for SQLDBC connect propertyMessage server: crash during URL handler loadVMC: Update of external CFW libraries for JCoJob starts, although joblog cannot be createdLogon screen uses language given by sap logonTcode in audit log when starting new debuggerGW: Komma and Blanks in reg_info and sec_infoITS Up/down: errors and missing functionalityERS: replication status is missing in SAP MMCSearch help dialog fields with inactive styleLogon screen uses language given by sap logonR3load new tasks merge und unload for HANA 2R3load new tasks merge und unload for HANA 2Wrong log entry INFO SUPPORT iin default caseITS: missing XML escaping in ALV grid contentSCAN do not show enhancements of sub includesSplitter corrections in new rendering 10-2012ALV Gridview: errors with scrolling on demandMaxDB R3ta generates Where-Clauses with leaksDP: All workprocesses hanging on semaphore 42VMC: Working with large cache regions in SM53Krnlreg throws warning for dual stack systemsDB2-z/OS: Fix empty output when LIMIT reachedALV Gridview: changed value is not taken overVMC: Working with large cache regions in SM53ENQU: optimization of file op. on backup fileENQU: optimization of file op. on backup filePotential denial of service in message serverPotential denial of service in message serverPotential denial of service in message serverPotential denial of service in message serverERS: replication status is missing in SAP MMCERS: replication status is missing in SAP MMCSAPKPROTP does not work properly with the sslUser concept conversion using tool CONVUSRCPTNo transport of log docu with option onlydocuVMC: Checking for null in JARM data condensingChanged database times in the kernel statisticIBM i: SAPOSCOL and CCMS agents in dialog modeSapstartsrv: hang in environment setup on UnixChanged database times in the kernel statisticABAP Runtime Analysis: Shortdump during ExportSXML: dev-trace for codepage conversion errorsFix dump in WP when creating ADS spool requestITS: support of server header in HTTP responseCopy of generated BW objects within an upgradeTrueType Font does not print Cyrillic on PCL-5Unwanted SYSLOG entry when touching PXA objectICM: Improve Message Server failover detectionMS: don't expose informations for ext. clientsABAP-SYCH: Core dump when resolving TABLE_LINESapstartsrv: New generic logifle format parserVMC: SM53 CacheCleanupJob Config display fixedDynamic LOOP WHERE handling of quoted literalsWSSEC: Support SHA2-family for Digest and HMACAvoid error in function tp_search_buffer_entrySapstartsrv: New hostagent webmethods for SMDAITS: Certain items missing in the tree controlALV Gridview Control: cell contents cut by ...Sapstartsrv: New hostagent webmethods for SMDAAvoid error 'Input Buffer ... bytes too short'Access Control Listen und Traffic Control (II)SPO: core dump when device type does not existSupportbit VARINFO_CONTAINER and message 00118Deadlock or timeout when accessing table TBTCODB6: tolerate client deletes on virtual tablesOpenSQL : SELECT COUNT(*) and dynamic GROUP BYSupportbit VARINFO_CONTAINER and message 00118Correcting buffer overflow in ABAP system callProblem for SELECT with subqueries and JOIN(2)WARNING => PfICompleteRec: OS CPU-time problemPotential directory traversals in applicationsTable control: Cell contents are not displayedLocal scrollbar covers table control scrollbarITS: fixed boolean parameters in OMRT controlsAll work processes are used by the user SAPSYSDB2 z/OS: hybrid DbSl: INIT_STATS; CLI timeoutRUCRM701: Dump when initializing shared memoryEnable password SAPGUI logon despite SNC usageTemporary license overwrites permanent licenseKeyboard navigation in searchhelp not possibleALV Gridview: column too small for broad iconsWrong output of color background in Smart formFront-end printing: Short dump RAISE_EXCEPTIONITS: Changes to column widths in tree are lostTableControl: default Fokus only output fieldsIBM i: MCH3601 after calling command APYSIDKRNITS: Selection in tree control is not retainedITS: Selection in tree control is not retainedR3load import: Invalid field size for datatypeALV Gridview: double click on icon doesnt workTable Control: Default focus after call dialogITS: Selection in tree control is not retainedITS: Selection in tree control is not retainedOutput field with icon is displayed without itFix for unknown table __TABLE_SIZES_ (R3szchk)Rdisp/rollin_locking not dynamic in 710 to 720R3load fastload import hangs on index creationCoredump in the function ab_InitStackCounter()Searchhelp on searchhelp looses select optionsResizing of relative docker/splitter incorrect~webgui=0 starts ITS in unified rendering modeTraffic control timeout does not work properlyTraffic control timeout does not work properlyPXA: no memory protection as default for HP-UXDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl V9 cores in build_dbsl_stmtIBM i: APYSIDKRN did not update SAPJVM_VERSIONTp getdbobjsize returns size 0 for all objectsITS UpDown: moved applet into kernel for urguiR3ldctl: NewDB change trcdat-entry in truncateWrong Dropdown value in first tablecontrol rowURGUI: Error setting cursor position too earlyInterface for accessing sapgui/signature_colorSwitch E2E trace by system command kernel partITS: context hash function improved / revertedTree control: Node colorings are not displayedSapstartsrv: extended SAP HA library interfaceBatch-Input: keep log open while BDC data dumpIBM i: PrtMgrSetOption fails for access type CAvoid timout events caused by OTR buffer locksDB2-z/OS: db2radm tmplobtab fix and fld DB2 10SU53 not applicable for WebDynpro ApplicationsITS: picture control image click event missingJlaunch terminates with exitcode = -1073740791ICT: Incorrect encoding or decoding of cookiesIBM i: correct environment during installationIBM i: Apply a 721 kernel with a 720 APYSIDKRNITS: picture control image click event missingIXML mini parser: new DTD protection functionsIBM i: SAPINLPGM: correct environment at logonITS: fixed (backslash) handling in InputFieldsDB4: ASCII Fetches of SHORT STRING in EXEC SQLAvoid syslog R39 during db offline backup (II)Consistency check when adding an update serverDBSL: 2nd corr. for extension of record numberForce committed read, lock timeout, MSSDEADLCKFix for coredump in ST with iXML file istreamsIBM i: redeliver PASE locales (64-bit version)HP-UX platform library for SAP ACC and SAP LVMOpen SQL: correct evaluation of database hintsITS Up/Down: icm/HTTP/max_request_size_KB = -1ITS Up/Down: open a folder with execute methodSXML reader: Crash in out-of-memory situationsDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl Support for fastload DB2 10DB2 z/OS: R3ta partition splitting for clusterSAP HANA: Corrupt database after R3load importSAP HANA: Corrupt database after R3load importAdditional values for auth/rfc_authority_checkMS: Start-Stopp Output for instances in dev_msInconsistencies for IIFix issue with special XML characters in valuesError in SAPHTTP when setting up SSL connectionProblems with the writing of the central SyslogR3ta: MaxDB solaris bus error on cluster tablesMaxDB: R3ta: Correction SQL Err-5010 for splittAvoid access of view D010SINF in shadow upgradeABAP_ASSERT at WRITE AGI correct signature of method SetControlFocusAutoresize at first screen of new external modeSpecial describe handling on MaxDB systemtablesJCo cuts off last field of a structure or tableDbsl procedure to update datasource informationVMC: wrong lenth of abapVmStates during copyingSET CURSOR in LEFT SCROLL-BOUNDARY noneffectiveFRAC function for type P without decimal placesDynamic LOOP WHERE combination BETWEEN vs BOXEDVMC: Incomplete request gross times in SAT dataVMC: detected illegal field access per JNI callMissing GUI status MENUSYST leads to core dumpsLocks are retained due to network instabilitiesLocks are retained due to network instabilitiesProfile parameter for esid session displacementProfile parameter for esid session displacementPerformance improvement for stateless JCo callsCorrection concerning SBUF_RESET_BUFFERED_TABLEImproved algorithm for sap-contextid generationImproved algorithm for sap-contextid generationTree-based Contextmenu after popup is not shownCCMS agent cannot display the working directoryVMC VM contention on SYSSIT Shared Intern TablePerformance improvement for stateless JCo callsITSmobile: fixed ZEBRA flag for mobile ALV GRIDSapstartsrv: Hanging child processes on WindowsITS: Hidden nodes are displayed in tree controlFont API for Unicode Printing Enhancement (UPE)IBM i: Fix minor CONFIGJVM CMD interface issuesDB2-z/OS: SQL-Fehler -104: unexpected token '+'MOVE C to F: SPACE after trailing sign requiredRemove SNMP job status functionality for SAPWINRuntime error STRING_BAD_REF for shared objectsError receiving data when opening a new sessionZ-order perfromance assistent and abap debuggerIBM i: CONVUSRCPT ignores objects owned by QSYSVMC: external timer does not start on profilingVMC: shared closure operations on cache regionsSM13: Update test writes data onto the databaseATRA 7.03: Memory consumption is missing in SATSecure Storage ABAP Unit Test 7.20 AKK enablingVMC: shared closure operations on cache regionsDB2-z/OS: db2radm -m cmd: Invalid cursor stateAvoid runtime error SORT_AS_TEXT_DEST_TOO_SHORTContent type is set to text/plain for XSL filesDP: ERROR => DpRqIGetFromQ: SemRq(23,1) failed.TableControl: default Fokus bei suppress dialogCase insensitive s_dataset authorizations on NTRepair SECUDIR putenv during SSF initializationSTAT: reading stat data when compression is offDB2-z/OS: DEFINE NO for tablespaces and indexesIBM i: float modulus which should be null isn'tAvoid dump BCD_FIELD_OVERFLOW when calling ST02Parameter ACTIVE=0 not working for wdisp/serverParameter ACTIVE=0 not working for wdisp/serverUpdate sec. indices after DELETE WITH TABLE KEYCorrect check for overlapping fields on dynprosTransports between Basis Releases 7.0* and 7.1*ITS: fixed mimeUrl() unnamed parameter is ~nameIBM i: send correct message at end of APYSIDKRNTransports between Basis Releases 7.0* and 7.1*New correction for STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in CDESKFrequent workprocess dumps after kernel upgradeResizing of dynpro-based splitter does not workALV Gridview and Tablecontrol: f4 button hoversUnicode saphttp.exe crashes during the downloadIBM i: too frequent existence checks of localesProfile values ztta/dynpro_area, ztta/diag_areaDBTRAN error on DBCON connections to SQL ServerSAP GUI for HTML: Autocomplete for input fieldsSTAT: validation of stat records during roll inJavaScript (Linux): asin and acos result in NaNCONVERT TIMESTAMP does not disable tablesharingMVCO: fix AKK problems for joined fields > 64KBVMC Cache: new interface GlobalEvictionPolicyIFGraceful handling of message server unreachableJavaGui connection and storage free failed dumpGW: Corrections for trace output in CPIC TracesGW: Corrections for trace output in CPIC TracesGW: Corrections for trace output in CPIC TracesMultiple selection in search help is incompleteITS: ITS_UNDEFINED_NATIVE_FUNCTION d_makeButtonERROR: no IPv6 localhost address ::1 configuredERROR: no IPv6 localhost address ::1 configuredHTTP_GET_FILE_EX dumps during the mass checkoutENHOBJ correction for source code plug-in ENHOsCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesIBM i: APYSIDKRN does not copy policy.jar filesAIX: avoid unwanted setlocale on wlm_initializeAIX: Error in the segment management with ESSHMAvoid deadlocks during parallel import on MSSQLFill lang, user, client on connection attributesAn instance cannot write into the central syslogProblems with the writing of the central Syslog,Dev_evt now written in overwrite mode by defaultIndividual solution without a specific SAP Note.MSSQL: deliver dbmssslib_oledb with SAPEXEDB.SARVMC: New profile parameter vmcj/sgc_after_importVMC: send notification to all VMs of an instanceWorkprocess restart when using accessibility guiACI mse: [sub][rsyn] Should '+' at the end of idGenerated objects not package-checked as dynamicAvoid STACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE in case of CHECKIncomplete ABAP list when scrolling horizontallyInconsistent text splitting at broken multibytesSapcontrol throws error in function StartServiceDynamic LOOP WHERE: no cache use for RTTC typesNon-ASCII-7bit characters in distinguished namesSapstartsrv: J2EEControlCluster double stack bugIncorrect include dependencies for CREATE OBJECTAPI for BIDI support: correction for non-UnicodeSignal 11 for HTTPS generating status code > 400SE30: Record mismatch due to message within loopSapstartsrv: Support SAP JVM heap and stack dumpCase sensitive maintainance of sec- and reg_infoEnabling downport of Security Session ManagementABAP: Return technical database PPMS informationABAP: Return technical database PPMS informationABAP: Return technical database PPMS informationDB2-z/OS: DB2 V10 call_sub_function (stub -> v9)Unlocked screen during java applet confuses userHanging COMM_ADM entries with status 'Clear SNC'RUDI_INVALID during local var name determinationUnlocked screen during java applet confuses userDB6: overflow in rowcount check for large tablesMore robust security session inactivity watchdogAvoid core in zdate_info if timestamp is invalidDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationCore dump when printing very wide RTL ABAP listsENQU: Busy loop in ERS when polling is activatedService cannot be activated/deactivated in SMICMService cannot be activated/deactivated in SMICMCanceled download leads to canceled ABAP sessionITS: wrong ITS session properties check sequenceUrgui: fixed missing Menu and System button text~webgui_simple_toolbar with enhanced feature setABAP-SYCH: Core in type definition in interfacesITS: wrong ITS session properties check sequenceSearchhelp icon missing on readonly table fieldsTraditional Chinese collation in Unicode systemsDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationCorrections for List driver SWIN Cascading FontsCode Completion : INCLUDE TYPE for type aliasesClose all lob locators at end of the transactionABAPList fields are not submitted to backend (2)CALL TRANSACTION xxx USING: SY-SUBRC is always 0IMPORT CREATE DATA for tables w/ unstruct. linesclose all lob locators at end of the transactionIncorrect output at WRITE TO and conversion exitABAPList fields are not submitted to backend (3)ITS: Tree-Control shows tooltips even when emptySize is partly hidden after uncollapsing of nodeNew profile parameter sapgui/theme_1 kernel partSYB: Database connect information for Sybase ASESYB: Database connect information for Sybase ASECCMS Monitoring: DbReqTime is wrongly calculatedSupport for Microsoft ODBC Driver for Linux V1.0IBM i: SQL-913 when activating datastore objectsIBM i: PrtMgrSetOption fails for access method CCorrected processing of overflow area of toolbarLoad breakpoints in case of systemwide debuggingOpen dataset: enlarged length for filter commandDump CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND, although it existsNo ABAP remote generation when using SAP HANA DBIBM i: restore sapjvm directory to correct placeUnauthorized use of application functions in ICFCuaAbapGetLoadPart called with initial parameterBuffer synchronisation: avoid duplicate requestsITS: No Multi-Selection in tree control possibleINCLUDE TYPE of structures with Boxed ComponentsDP: rdisp/wp_auto_restart restarts all processesSE30: Avoid record mismatch for IMPORT DIRECTORYStandard program RSFTP007 gives issue in ECC 6.0Missing entries for SWPM 7.0x on mssversions.xmlST: fix for an unescaping error by using tt:copyENQU: Memory leak in ENSAwhen processing ADM rqsOpenSql: Coredump in FETCH CORRESPONDING FIELDSdisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationDP: rdisp/wp_auto_restart restarts all processesITS: chinese translation mistake found in systemGW: Core after WARNING => DpGetCommEntryByNumberGW: Core after WARNING => DpGetCommEntryByNumberOpenSql: Coredump in FETCH CORRESPONDING FIELDSUnauthorized use of application functions in ICFDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationGW: Hanging connections between J2EE and gatewayDB2 z/OS: R3ldctl cores in prepare database loadDB2 z/OS: Fastload dbs_db2_fld_thr not evaluatedIBM i: SAPEVT (*CMD) transfers EVTPARM in quotesVMC: Delete VMs after WP crash during softcancelNW-VSI 2.0: Error when loading external adaptersNW-VSI 2.0: Error when loading external adaptersSAPINLPGM: reflect parm dbms/type in environmentTp reducefile does not properly restart on errorGW: Hanging connections between J2EE and gatewayGW: Hanging connections between J2EE and gatewayCall touchload in movenametab step for transportsSolaris: wrong runpath causes executables to hangComputers with non-english characters in hostnameWidth of loop containers after field modificationNo RFC authorization for RPE_REQUEST [authraut.c]ODBC DBSL parameter connect_timeout has no effectImproper use of the thousands separator, DecfloatHash Tables with Data References in the Table KeyISeries: TCP/IP Interface Enumeration ImprovementIslamic and Farsi date format missing in DKK modeError trace: invalid roll count mode ... dymain.cSHO: transactional locks and memory leak in RABAXPrevent tp start via gateway for security reasonsDialog box dimension must not exceed display sizeSyslog message: 001 units locked by semaphore 009Sapstartsrv: ReadLogFile performance optimizationDB2-z/OS: Fast load: support for ROWFORMAT optionUser Switch and Authorisation for RFC DestinationPrinter Job Status via SNMP for Interactive FormsABAP Debugger: search in itabs with secondary keyFailure of a redirect from http to https protocolSapstartsrv: ReadLogFile Unix style text file fixInappropriate handling of a broken surrogate pairInappropriate handling of a broken surrogate pairGEN_ILLEGAL_SWITCH: DREF->BOX-COMP+OFFSET(LENGTH)Additional combobox value appears after selectionEstimated size of Shared Memory Pool 40 too smallEstimated size of Shared Memory Pool 40 too smallWindow size for new external session is incorrectABAP-COCO: Method chains with interface referenceIBM i: print error report at end of patch processTPDA shows wrong length for strings in structuresDialog box dimension must not exceed display sizeSyslog S19: Maximum number of systems reachedComputers with non-english characters in hostnameIBM i: Error when starting UASERVER when using J9IBM i: Error when starting UASERVER when using J9IBM i: Missing Index Data in Space: State on DiskUPDSTAT with SAPSYSTEMNAME longer as 3 charactersMemory leak in native layer of SAP Java ConnectorReference count of unshared shared objects tablesServer crash caused by splittercell with height 0Suppress empty column in search help result tableConnection test for SNC secured connections failsITS: internal server error 500 at ITS session endDestroyed ref. in case of INTERFACES DATA VALUESDB2 z/OS: wrong out of stored procedure argumentsAvoid STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in dyFreeTxParameters()Horizontal scrolling in ABAPList and Value submitDB2 z/OS: wrong out of stored procedure argumentsNew List driver attributes SWIN (Cascading Fonts)AKK: Webgui with new design in 700, 701, 710, 711ENQU: memory leak when requesting repl info (328)Improve qRFC debugging with classic ABAP debuggerSCOV: suppress updating COVREF during compilationGW: Gateway statistics wrong number of TCP errorsOutput of Lines and Boxes via printer driver SWINTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position resettedALV Gridview: range selection with last row failsIBM i: os4apilib.so now with pure ASCII interfaceSearch help with incorrect entries in result listALV Gridview: click on single overall total wrongIBM i: UC-programs are started from NUC-directoryIBM i: UC-programs are started from NUC-directoryABAP-SYCH: New prio of missing method in testcodeITS: Some tree columns are too wide (by factor 5)SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC duplicate TID solutionNewDB R3lldctrl correction write_hana_negdat_listDB/DDIC table /NEWDB/R3LOADRUNSTABLE inconsistentALV Gridview: subtotal rows not colored correctlyRemove S_DATASET authorization for ADS spool jobsVMC: Transport simplification for fixed resourcesALV Gridview: rows are delete which should not beRemove S_DATASET authorization for ADS spool jobsWebgui_simple_toolbar=1 does not show message barAvoid blinking screen due to several java appletsITS Up/Down: improvements for older java versionsABAP-SYCH: Coredump when evaluating private aliasABAPList checkbox change doesen't have any effectPotential errors revealed by static analyzer toolSimple Transformation: New option preserveCharRefIBM i: avoid breakdown of APYSIDKRN in igsexe.lstDB2-z/OS: db2radm ADMIN_COMMAND_DB2 parsed outputRdisp/max_wprun_time is not working in Dialog WPsBewegen eines Sashs in mehrdimensionalem SplitterContent of docker area has unnecessary scrollbarsWeb dispatcher sporadically freezes on connectionNegative values in performance MTE R3PagingSizeKBTH: Potential termination of running work processVMC: Automatic deletion of orphaned Java sessionsVMC: system hangs due to a loop in the dispatcherIBM i: check for invalid value of QIBM_PASE_CCSIDPotential remote code execution in Message ServerITS: fixed conversion of field value failed traceInvalid charset causes workprocess restart in ICFPotential remote code execution in Message ServerPotential remote code execution in Message ServerSupport LCHR to String conversion in table bufferSAP GUI for HTML: New splash screen for sap_corbuWebGUI: visualization of highlilghted inputfieldsNo recompiling of breakpoints during imode changeIBM i: SAPCPE does not set all file authorizationsUSRPWDHISTORY entry created with non-UTC timestampVMC: Autojava jobs lost after custom configurationDB4: DBSL Direct Drive for DB2 for IBM i (DB2/400)Startup Framework 7.20 supportability enhancementsStartup Framework 7.20 supportability enhancementsDB2-z/OS: PLAN_TABLE & DSN_STATEMNT_TABLE for v9.1DB6: optimized performance for R3load with DEF_CRTClass constructor at Create Object with parametersClass constructor at Create Object with parametersFixed Error RUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR on bgRFC executionMessage: invalid textpool timestamp for gui statusVMC: Tracking down CPT file write error during SATAutomatically deactivating the reverse name lookupABAP: Function with named param as meth-call paramICM 7.02 Double Stack: Fix HTTP 500 Internal ErrorWeb Dispatcher returns 404 Not Found for ITS pagesCALE: unjustified error FACTORY_CALENDAR_NOT_FOUNDTp terminates in function 'tp_search_buffer_entry'VMC: change path of memory mapped files on SolarisSecurity note: Bypassing sec_info without reg_infoITS: ~sources param is limited to 255 chars lengthVMC JARM: NullPointerException in ReadyRequestListDB2-z/OS: DB2 V10 SSID in connection table not setRemove 64G limit for exetended memory in map modelITS: automatically escape context fields in outputRFC improved error message when using VMC with RFCPXA: avoid short dump LOAD_UNKNOWN_SUBPOOL in RTTIDB2 z/OS: core dump after checking CLI client typeDB2 z/OS: DB2 10 connect.ini with logical hostnameLess trace data when opening a database connectionDB2 z/OS: Hybrid V10: SQL_ATTR_INTERLEAVED_PUTDATASapstartsrv: SLD registration fix for SCS instanceIBM i: SAPCPE does not set all file authorizationsST: Incorrect type check during dynamic invocationIMPORT w/ conversion: allow shorter C target fieldMaxDB R3load: missing default value on decfloat coContext menu request leads to an application errorSuppressing system log entries for plug-in timeoutIBM i: remove superfluous lines from APYSIDKRN logSTAT: accounting of DB operations with direct readABAP Debugger: Watch points on objects do not workADBC: enable long statements in method EXECUTE_DDLABAP: Session abort when compiling a deep constantSHO: Additional diagnostic info for mutex timeoutsWrong Itab Order after Block Insert with USING KEYDisturbed columns when printing doublewidth spacesDB2 z/OS: hybrid DbSl Vx: BLD LEVEL not recognizedExtended passport function for background programsTableControl: default Fokus and invalid SET CURSORTray selection of Sapscript form via Output DeviceF4 help button placed below input field in firefoxAvoid overtaker problems with CTC=true and umode 0DB2-z/OS: db2radm print correct patch level headerExtended passport function for background programsBatch-Input: not all SY-MSGV* variables are filledCC: fixed empty signature of reimplemented methods[DSECRG-00221] DoS of Server / SAP CCMS XML parserSyslog Q0I when operating system call writev failsDB6: refresh connection infos on seamless failoverIBM i: REmove Printer Output After Jobs Have EndedDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix version, no ftp on sapclinstSE30: Wrong gross time for aggregated measurementsALV Gridview: cell selection and focus on dropdownITS: textedit control click event do not set focusShared Objects: Method GET_INSTANCE_INFOS extendedVMC: Detail view of SCs in SM53 is loaded filteredVMC: timezone update 2011k including format switchSwitch of tabs with mandatory fields does not workR3szchk computes size 0 for all tables and indexesITS: Tree control exception in topnodekey handlingRSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1RSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1Solved performance issue with local tabstrip pagesALV Gridview: wrong aggregation of cell propertiesKorrigiertes Verhalten von webgui_simple_toolbar=8Runtime error RUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR in package checkVMC: Prevent double deletion of VMs in forced modeITS: Text item Icons in Tree control not displayedRSecSSFs: UTF8 conversion failed with returncode 1STOPSAP: WAIT(*NO) causes slow shutdown of server0Error when creating external number range intervalALV Gridview: single cell border cannot be ommitedErrorhandling in case of missing diag connect dataGW: no comm_adm entry found during aRFC processingTH: completion of stat records after a soft cancelSELECT with FOR ALL ENTRIES, SUBQUERY and ORDER BYAvoid memory leak when logging tables with stringsIBM i: CRTSAPUSR fails on usrprf with SPCAUT *NONECursoroverflow for SELECT SINGLE COUNT(*) GROUP BYSE30: avoid blocking processes due to semaphore 51VMC: Omit locating the User-Homedirectory on Win32DB6: suppress location for internal SQL statementsDB2-z/OS: db2radm better error output on sapclinstInvalidate superpackage clients during DEVC importInvalidate superpackage clients during DEVC importInvalidate superpackage clients during DEVC importSU53 not applicable for WebDynpro Applications (2)VMC: change path of memory mapped files on SolarisSOAP runtime returns error if request is encryptedASXML: allow negative zero in type P serializationTransactions SM50 and SM66 report only direct readITS service namespace starting with a slash in URLITS service namespace starting with a slash in URLDump ROLLBACK_IN_POSTING after message server downABAPList label with icon is displayed without iconDB4: Long SQL, Client Registers, Concurrent AccessDB4: Long SQL, Client Registers, Concurrent AccessDB4: Work-Process doesn't end : ENDJOBABN requiredDBSL: Procedure call via ADBC fails with ORA-06550VMC: Parameters for memory range checks during SGCVMC: Parameters for memory range checks during SGCIBM i: Installing sapcrypto library with SAProuterLOAD REPORT PART 'CONT' with wrong source positionDB2 z/OS: db2radm 721 and 738 print version stringRabax ASSERTION_FAILED with parallel post requestsDB2 z/OS: R3ta split tables exceeds 4 byte integer@(#) $Id: //bas/720_REL/src/flat/saprel.c#51 $ SAPDebugging VMC application, modifying String objectsOPEN_DATASET_NO_AUTHORITY in cl_abap_file_utilitiesIBM i: SAPCPE must access DIR_CT_RUN to load itselfIBM i: SAPCPE must access DIR_CT_RUN to load itselfIBM i: SAPCPE must access DIR_CT_RUN to load itselfSyslog message: Broken pipe in Module rslgsend(027)Tune PXA preload for installation/upgrade scenariosPotential memory leak in function rfctr_init_handleCreation of temporary license after hardware changeDebugging VMC application, modifying String objectsPreserve open cursors when switching DB connectionsIllegal objects in package check and where-use-listDynamic CREATE DATA with boxed component type namesDynamic CREATE DATA with boxed component type namesPrevent tp start via gateway (compatibility change)Error when adding hints to SELECT SINGLE FOR UPDATEITS: backslash escaping in SearchHelp (non-unicode)VMC: blank-padded string error during SAT DB importDbSlControl(DBSL_CMD_DBNAME_GET): RFC-'Fingerprint'WEB SAPConsole login to systems > 7.00 not possibleVMC: File rename error during DB import of SAT dataDpCreateCommEntry: FtInsert in developer tracefilesAS Java loses HTTP worker threads after failed restAS Java loses HTTP worker threads after failed restAS Java loses HTTP worker threads after failed restABAP Shared Objects: Optimize access to ModeLockRefAgg. functions in dyn. selectlist and FAE conditionABAP-SYCH: Core dump for VALUE of nested structuresSupport of a code page conversion from EUC to UTF-8ITS: fixed stale mutex locks in terminated sessionsITS: Click on tree control header remains unnoticedITS Calendar: dump in calendar popup F4 search helpABAP: DATA BEGIN OF COMMON PART in enhancement-implITS: fixed backslash escaping in Search Help dialogExploitable buffer overflow in SAP Kernel functionsDB2 z/OS: callback for DbSl to get ABAP caller infoDB2 z/OS: callback for DbSl to get ABAP caller infoABAP-PH: Wrong type alias after structure extensionIBM i: Set up correct JAVA environment after log onCorrect unsharing of int.tables with secondary keysRelease_ca_blk: I (5-34175) tried to rel a free blkCPIC programs < 21H cant connect to gateway >= 7.00DB4: Workprocess Hangs after Cancel on Slow SystemsRandom 3D borders around pictures of image controlsCorrection of SAP kernel make environment for LinuxABAP Debugger: short dump in Memory Object ExplorerNo currency keys for Decfloat types in Release 7.31Avoid negative numbers in buffered table statisticsMessage server: fixes for the rolling kernel switchMaxdb: Correction longer WHERE clause as 1024 byteRuntime error when using cl_abap_db_c_locator->findJava Runtime hangs when converting a certain numberSyslog message: Broken pipe in Module rslgsend(027)Correct DDLOG cleanup procedure for central systemsSystem log: -No Active Link Found in the Link TablePilot Sybase ASE corrections for tools and lib_dbslHMAC Enqueue-Lock adaption for mass-parallel accessMessage server: fixes for the rolling kernel switchDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl signal 6 in dbdd_dbtab_columns97Correct DDLOG cleanup procedure for central systemsSYSTEM_INVALID_PXAINDEX or ABAP_ASSERT in ab_popfstALV Gridview: readonly cells w/o text can be editedITS: fixed error caused by missing sap_secu.js fileJ2EE Server operational shows wrong status in SMICMJ2EE Server operational shows wrong status in SMICMJ2EE Server operational shows wrong status in SMICMJ2EE Server operational shows wrong status in SMICMWeb Dispatcher process generates very high CPU loadOutput field with icon should be displayed as labelResizing of window can cause loops or closed popupsDefault GUI-Focus : Check/Radio-Buttons not allowedDB4: DB Multiconnect - Prepared Statement Not FoundITS: no locks can be held when session is destroyedChecking and reconstructing systables by AS4FIXFILEIBM i: iletools supports now ILE.SAR and SAPEXE.SARPOSTING_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT dump in Perform on commitABAP sessions are displaced for applications in theHorizontal scroll bar and transfer of input in ABAPIBM i: iletools supports now ILE.SAR and SAPEXE.SARTheming in unified rendering based sap gui for htmlDB4: Resolve Kernel Library for Standalone ProgramsSapstartsrv: ParameterValue does not find parameterHTML Businees ASSERT function not working correctlyAdapt intervals in SNRO: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPRECIBM i: DATASET_SEEK_ERROR when accessing QNTC filesIBM i: open dataset in legacy mode for NFS and QNTCIBM i: Speed-up system start after applying a patchDefine a primary key on the temp tables for R3szchkIBM i: correction for error './fixsapown not found'Authorization check for debugging external programsIBM i: Incorrect output for PTF groups in PTF checkIBM i: Incorrect output for PTF groups in PTF checkIBM i: programs missing in prepared instance exedirCTC-SLDReg call fails with password starting with -ALV Gridview: error on deselection after select allSpacegif wird immer aus Standardverzeichnis gezogenACLFILE option not working for icm/server_port_ACLFILE option not working for icm/server_port_Unexpected workarea contents with LOOP .. INTO GW, DP: Extended Length of saprouter connect stringGW, DP: Extended Length of saprouter connect stringGW, DP: Extended Length of saprouter connect stringVMC: Deployment infrastructure for sticky resourcesAvoid core during program generation (pint realloc)ALV Gridview: work process dies when deleting a rowITS Up/down: ajax requests instead of java requestsNewDB R3szchk correction incorrect syntax near showRFC: COMMUNICATION_FAILURE with long options stringTp clearold extension for cts+ and tmp directoriesITSMobile, empty item selection in dropdown listboxSE30: Avoid core dump when tracing new user sessionRFC client communication supporting SNC without SSODetermining hardware ID in Amazon clouds - improvedDetermining hardware ID in Amazon clouds - improvedDetermining hardware ID in Amazon clouds - improvedDetermining hardware ID in Amazon clouds - improvedStrings: smaller increase in size for large strings.Net client looses connection to Application ServerRFC client communication supporting SNC without SSOStrings: smaller increase in size for large stringsALV Gridview: row selection throws javascript errorNONUNICODE: URL escape with special characters failPXA: reset fragment after failing consistency checkSYB: migration to sybase using unsorted unload/loadSYB: migration to sybase using unsorted unload/loadSYB: migration to sybase using unsorted unload/loadSYB: migration to sybase using unsorted unload/loadIBM i: APYSIDKRN lists too many patches with *FULLYDB4: Java instance doesn't start after note 1749817Avoid upgrade problem: no access of table tpaloghdrVMC: Confine SGC-Pointers to the Shared Pool-MemoryVMC: Confine SGC-Pointers to the Shared Pool-MemoryVMC: Update of external CFW libraries for JCo Q4/12SYB: migration to sybase using unsorted unload/loadSYB: migration to sybase using unsorted unload/load'Import all' with umode 1 lead to overtaker problemIBM i: open dataset in legacy mode for NFS and QNTCNew Debugger does not stop in RFC Callback ScenarioLG(Logon Group) timeout parameter : rfc/lgp_timeoutNo focus on control at the first call of the screenITS Up/Down: properties of other controls not savedDBSL: Proc. call via ADBC fails with ORA-06550, (3)Activating the menu option Help -> Learning ContentSupport for SAP releases 703 and 730 with 720 kernelSupport for SAP releases 703 and 730 with 720 kernelSupport for SAP releases 703 and 730 with 720 kernelVMC: NullPointerException during SAT data collectionDo not raise exceptions CX_XSDANY_* in 7.10 and 7.11Patch collection for ABAP code generation KW 18/2009Internal Error with Function module FTP_SERVER_TO_R3400 Bad Request Error with latest version of SAPHTTP400 Bad Request Error with latest version of SAPHTTPDB2-z/OS: R3ta support MINVALUE, support hybrid DbSlPerformance Improvements [itabs, component handling]Downport of Code Completion Performance ImprovementsABAP Types N, D and T in the COMPUTE EXACT statementSemaphore 51 in SM50 caused by ABAP runtime analysisABAP debugger: fix for displaying invalid referencesST: Comparision with INT1/INT2 and integer constantsAtra: Initialization of Extended Passport componentsCTU: no default size at end of BDC-data with NOBIENDMultiple GUI login possible in case of license popupSSL Server Endpoint Identification by SubjectAltNameDBSL (MSS): Maximum buffer size for array operationsTable logging: Omit trace entry on string truncationPackage-check system settings inconsistently appliedDB6: CLI TraceRefreshInterval during parallel importUnset value of breaks CCMS in Java ASPassword logon via RFC not possible despite SNCSYACLITS: drag and drop not working on big-endian systemsCore dump on detach_commit of shared internal tablesField RFCIPADDR returned by RFC_SYSTEM_INFO is emptySapstartsrv: Enhanced security configuration optionsDB6: FOR ALL ENTRIES: rsdb/max_union_blocking_factorITS: Content-Type is always application/octet-streamVMC SM53: Cache regions sorted in cache status listsSaplikey parameters and output adapted to saplicenseITS: Accessibility improvements for the tree controlIBM i: cannot restore correctly jvm kernel directoryCopy function non-UC SAPOSCOL to UC kernel last charALV Gridview Control: radiobuttons aligned erroneousIBM i: Determining the patch level of an ILE programNo PKRT_OBJECT_IDS entries for dynamic XSLT programsURGUI: calendar control month selection colour issueDB2-z/OS: Exploitation of DB2 cli network statisticsDB2-z/OS: Exploitation of DB2 cli network statisticsENQU: reading the enqueue table (high values of pck)Tp: TRUNCATE TABLE reports ERROR 64: no record foundICM in client role returns HTPIO_PLG_CANCELLED errorWrong addressing information for references to boxesMessage server: client patch level might be requiredDB2-z/OS: Exploitation of DB2 cli network statisticsALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: column resize erroneousALV Gridview: rowcount erroneous after dynpro resizeContent Scan returns HTTP 400 on large POST requestsAvoid unnecessary accesses to table defintion bufferEXPECT_RABAX Potential memory overwrite in abrabax.cKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesCustom control with several entries is not displayedKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesEnablement of ABAP Secure Store for Database ConnectSapstartsrv: Windows service dependency and recoveryNewDB: Inconsitenz databype LCHR between DDIC and R3Default GUI-Focus : table control fixed column cellsIBM i: paseinlpgm could not determine kernel libraryDB2-z/OS: Exploitation of DB2 cli network statisticsSupport of RFC 2397 in CL_HTTP_UTILITY->IS_VALID_URLAbap/heap_area_total wrongly calculated when using %ALV Gridview: cell styles bold, italic and underlineENQU: memory leak when requesting repl info (328, 2)Possible remote execution of code in Startup ServiceSAP GUI for HTML: Splitter cell resized to 0px fixedAn instance cannot write into the central syslog (2)CPIC: client with wrong appc header version rejectedKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesIBM i: stopping instance on OS/400 using SAPSTARTSRVKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesIBM i: Considering private segments in show/cleanipcIBM i: Considering private segments in show/cleanipcALV Gridview: checkbox displayed in (sub-) total rowIBM i: SM69 supports OS CMD with embedded DBCS charsDB2 z/OS: Support for CLI 9.7FP5 special build 28872DB4: Fix single_execution_threshold / Handle SQL7023Secondary DB connections: Avoid buffer invalidationsKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesWebGUI: no stylesheet loaded when called from portalMemory usage in sitspmon reflects max_eg_mem_percentKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesNo syslog with catched messages in update processingKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesWebGUI: css version mismatch when called from portalDB2-z/OS: Exploitation of DB2 cli network statisticsAvoid error message 'DpDeleteSchedule: bad index -1'GW: start of external programs with rsh on windows 8Kernel patches for code pages, languages and localesKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesDB2 z/OS: suppress syslog messages with sqlcode -636ITS: # symbols in response while working with webguiPotential remote termination of ICM / Web DispatcherRFC conversion errors from Unicode to Unicode systemTermination of ABAP debuggee, when using watchpointsDB2 z/OS: R3ta partition splitting, / in column nameICM chunked encoding error with size larger than MPIUpdate table statistics in case of MODIFY operationsKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesVMC: Locking of parallel init of JARM-Shared ClosureUsing SAP Web Dispatcher with encoded instance namesADBC: Avoid invalid strings after garbage collectionVMC: Integer type mismatch in base and custom configEnhanced error handling during file system deploymentSAProuter: NiBufIClose: called while buffer filled -wSAProuter dev_rout spammed with error and log entriesMemeory usage of an RFC connection increases steadilyUpload from clipboard into ALV grid causes short dumpLIBRFC32.dll failed to get some environment variablesR3zchk: Correction: ERROR: database ada not supportedR3ta: MaxDB Correction core dump part in on partitionMaxDB R3ta: Correction error for table with / in nameSAP Spool: direct access of fields of DB table TSP03AStored procedure delivers no rows in EXEC SQL or ADBCDB6: configurable cc_release attribute for UR cursorsFix memory corruption caused by convertNengo2GregDateRFC inprocess communication: free RFC connection dataDB4: Parallel / Online ALTER TABLE - Support SQL LOCKUsage environment invalidated during LIMU ADIR importUsage environment invalidated during LIMU ADIR importUsage environment invalidated during LIMU ADIR importUsage environment invalidated during LIMU ADIR importUnaligned list columns containing symbol sym-ellipsisError handling for external update statistics changedI8HPLJ4: Hebrew TrueType-Font problem on old LaserJetSyntax check: add scComponentEval for itab key accessReduced contention for AS Java request load balancingObjectServices: SYSTEM-CALL PRIVATE ATTRIBUTES and GCAvoid truncation of Japanese and Chinese report textsR3trans aborts with: Input Buffer ... bytes too shortDBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR during package compilation on DB6Improved trace outputs regarding time inconsistenciesITS: Selection of tree node or item is not maintainedException text of class based exceptions is corruptedITS: Some items in tree control are cloned by mistakeDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix db2i with secondary connectionsTBX: limit maximum table buffer displacement durationSynchronization after importing deletions of includesTBX: limit maximum table buffer displacement durationTablecontrol configuration: message 00 124 as warningCore dump due to overwritten memory during generationDB2-z/OS: R3load export: Do not set DBINTERNAL on V10Runtime error DDIC_TYPELENG_INCONSISTENT with APPENDsITS: RFC table processing is improved for offset gapsDB2 z/OS: hybrid DbSl Vx: piecewise fetch + row countESCAPE_JAVASCRIPT switches ( and ) in %2028 and %2029IMPORT: ALIGNMENT_MISMATCH instead of WRONG_COMP_LENGEnabling XSRF protection feature for SAP GUI for HTMLHTTP port for dual-stack system points to J2EE engineHTTP port for dual-stack system points to J2EE engineModification rules are truncated after 256 charactersRFC: work process dumps while parsing xmlrfc requestsMissing source code for subroutine pool in short dumpSecondary connections to Oracle database (correction)Hanging Workprocess after Cancel in SNC ConfigurationCore while Generating Programs with Nested DDIC ItabsDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix version msg, sapclinst > 10 tsoR3trans crash in 'db_repo' with reference to 'SYMTAB'ALV Gridview: Scrolling processed on wrong control(s)Extended passport function for background programs IIITS: Wrong tree header icon appears after tree expandMissing authorization check in TH_CREATE_FOREIGN_MODEError when reading long fields in DSQL without is_lobWrite log records in case of ACCEPTING DUPLICATE KEYSITS: resync response when stepcounter is out of orderHTTP log file download not work in WDP/ICM web adm UINo authorization trace when session breakpoint activeDB2 z/OS: tp cored; tp finished with return code: 219ITS: No effect when clicking on Icons in tree controlDB6: correction for R3load PL 91 on HP-UX and SOLARISMissing warning messages and design issues in firefoxICM, WDP: ExecWaitForProcess failed (rc=-14) on HP-UXPause security session cleanup during offline backupsCorrection SAP-DDIC inconsistency /MAXDB/DUMMYTABUpgrade: SQL Error during read of report source tableITS: Some tree items are replaced by other tree itemsSapstartsrv: Bootstrap does not cleanup shared memoryABAP-PH: Core dump when referring to deferred classesDump CALL_TRANSACTION_USING_NESTED after kernel patchPotential remote code execution in SAP Message ServerPrinter error with monospaced TTF fonts and PCL printVMC: Set default state of Supportlet Container to offCrash in search help with results that show icon onlyPotential remote code execution in SAP Message ServerOpenSQL : SELECT INTO CORRESPONDING and LCHR und LRAWITS_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND short dumps after importing SPGW: Signal 11 in Gateway beim eingeschalteten LoggingGW: Signal 11 in Gateway beim eingeschalteten LoggingGW: Connection Broken between Workprocess and GatewayITS: Don not put GOS on non-SAP GUI for HTML servicesSAPITS_MENU and SAPITS_MENU_SYSTEM are not translatedWrong CRC returncode of SsfVerifyEx and SsfDevelopeExIBM i: Programs in UC system start from NUC directoryError in CL_HTTP_UTILITY->IS_VALID_URL with NON-ASCIIITS Up/Down: custom path for SSF API external libraryLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH in ab_WrittenContainerOpenSCOV: Missing highlighting when using ABAP in EclipseStored procedure delivers no rows in EXEC SQL or ADBCABAP_ASSERT collecting Coverage for enhanced programsCCMSPING: Available Logon Groups reported unavailableBTC: jobs stay instatust ready (rsts/enqueue/enabled)ITS: Background color of tree items doesn't fill cellITS: adjust width of vertical dropdown toolbar buttonIBM i: Authentication fails using service/admin_usersITS Up/Down: firefox in urgui with ajax communicationSSO profile parameters and BI DELTA queues corruptionavoid display of controls of inactive tabstrip panelsDB2 z/OS: Secondary connects with special CLI versionSYB: changing passwords containing special charactersRe-enable classic debugger for http request debuggingSAPCAR can not append a file to an archive bigger 4GBInhalt des Docker zeigt nicht notwendige ScrollbalkenIBM i: APYSIDKRN cannot set library timestamp in timeLocal connection to a named instance does not use LPCAvoid complete type load invalidation after transportRolling Kernel Switch: endless loop in message serverABAP-COCO: Pattern for function modules in namespacesIBM i: set correct rights to temporary /instance/exe_R3load/HANA SAPVIEW.cmd Error: object not in STR-FileRolling Kernel Switch: endless loop in message serverRolling Kernel Switch: endless loop in message serverAvoid garbled characters when transporting time valueWeb dispatcher ping health check not working properlyWrong length in delta handler for itab secondary keysSapstartsrv: Extend Windows self registration timeoutRe-enter PAI in case of warning and new value via POVVMC: Tracing of foreign session removals (Switchable)ENQU: crash in listener thread during traffic controlVMC: No more negative millis for cache eviction periodIBM i: check whether a child process has already endedIBM i: Automatic consistency check of MDM installationError analysis during system registration using sldregError analysis during system registration using sldregSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_R3_TO_SERVERRFC Lib: error RFCIO_ERROR_NOMEM caused by memory leakRFC: signal 11 while processing class-based exceptionsSeparate program and broken Asian multi-byte characterSapiconv - a tool for converting the encoding of filesSapiconv - a tool for converting the encoding of filesR3ta MaxDB: Error tablename longer with 10 sig R3load(Re)Store connection info required for getAttributes()Improvemnts to PXA preload for Installations & UpgradeImprovemnts to PXA preload for Installations & UpgradeABAP Debugger: search in internal tables does not workTPDA: ignore break-point statement in batch processingNO-DISPLAY: avoid SLIN messages for extendable structs$DBCC() displays binary data as hex. string without 0xVMC: Patches for zero administration memory managementSecurity note: Bypassing security in reginfo & secinfoICM: Avoid many epp trace entries at ICM trace level 1Code page converter using wrong substitution characterR3load: Correction Invalid indicator value for DECIMALDB4: XDN Keep Alive / DBSL da_cache_size = 100 for XDNDB2 z/OS: call sequence, client check, SQLGetPositionWHTTP URL rewriting does not work with qsreplace optionStartup Framework 7.20 - patches and patch collectionsStartup Framework 7.20 - patches and patch collectionsAvoid core dump when changing parameter values in RZ11R3load: MaxDB error: lock collision for splitting tablTable-Control: side effects of default cursor handlingITS: Error when clicking on some cells of tree controlTable control: Side effects of default cursor handlingTable control: Side effects of default cursor handlingDB2-z/OS: db2radm fix fail on CONNECT issues for GrantIBM i: CRTSAPVIEW results in SQL-104 on special tablesIBM i: avoid conversion error when reading spool filesDELETE generically typed standard table WITH TABLE KEYDynamically changed profile parameters are ineffectiveNo memory for processing HTTP, HTTPS, or SMTP queries.AIX/IBM i: Startup framework can use wrong jvm libraryAIX/IBM i: Startup framework can use wrong jvm libraryIncorrect reference info on LOOP stack after unsharingEvent SAP_SYSTEM_START_VMC when starting/resetting VMCMaxDB: R3load core dump export option -read_committedST: Missing table registration for template parametersDB2 z/OS: R3load does not recognize dbs_db2_sap_stosidNo effect of deletion of an enhancement implementationEnable creation of assertion tickets w/o logon ticketsSapstarsrv: Fix AS Java MSSQL named instance detectionITS: Scroll position in tree control is not maintainedSuppress error messages on non existent table MLICHECKVMC: Fix SM53 with reverse references/load performanceDB4: Correct Array Fetches of SHORT STRING in EXEC SQLArchive not extracted due to incorrect timestamp checkArchive not extracted due to incorrect timestamp checkSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_R3_TO_SERVERReduced complexity of HTML groupbox/subscreen/steploopDB4: Correct Array Fetches of SHORT STRING in EXEC SQLUser actions fail when HTMLviewer control is displayedVMC: Startup of VMC fails with unitialized Win32-usersProgress Bar indicator during Mass Checkout in SAPHTTPSLIN: ASSERTION FAILED in code with static ENH-SECTIONITS: Wrong alignment of monospaced items in list treesNewDB R3load Correction CREATE VIEW wrong empty stringDB2 z/OS: DB2 10: wp type change and SUBSTITUTE VALUESITS: Tree node selection status not detected correctly.Net client cannot communicate with Application Server.Net client cannot communicate with Application ServerSapiconv - a tool for converting the encoding of filesITS: Context menu reliability in tree control improvedITS: F4 resultlist iframe in SRM do not close properlyIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeOpenSQL : Joins over tables with strings of equal nameIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeIBM i: accept a second central instance during upgradeIBM i: SLD shows *LOCAL for all registered SAP systemsFurther runtime improvement when KAON parser is calledFragmented IIOP header causes protocol error with JavaFragmented IIOP header causes protocol error with JavaSplittercells with height 0px compromised by new MS IECorrect handling of initial dates in Islamic calendarsR3load: sap_atomic_defaultbind for SQL 2012 and higherPotential remote termination of running work processesSE30: Fix problem when starting trace in parallel modeIXML: protection for DTD attack with external entitiesENQU: operations with lock table are incomplete in ERSNo ~disconnectonclose with AKK 7.20 and old Basis 7.0xAvoid failover of DB-connections if open cursors existITS: fixed Field not found issue, searchhelp in tablesNew connect method via SSFS, extension for the upgradeNew connect method via SSFS, extension for the upgradeNew connect method via SSFS, extension for the upgradeNew connect method via SSFS, extension for the upgradeDouble slash in URL triggers cross-site scripting protSE30: Problems with starting and stopping measurementsDBSL: Commit wrongly frees memory of other connectionsABAP debugger: fix problems after deleting breakpointsSporadic SQL error SELECT ... ORDER BY and dyn. fieldsR3ta: declustering support for HANA Migration on MaxDBGW: CPIC trace levels not increased in the J2EE engineITS: Function ensure visble is ignored in tree controlITS: Preparations for column selection in tree controlImprove remote debugging with network enabled debuggerITS Up/Down: Improved error messages now with fulltextR3ldctl duplicate index if TADIR definition is missingR3ta: incorrect split ranges to tables with RAW fieldsSE30: Check for trace request in case of ITS and rollinSE30: Check for trace request in case of ITS and rollinSAProuter crashes with segmentation fault and core dumpRfcLastErrorEx doesn't return detailed error infomationVMC: improve handling of allocation of interned stringsError in kernel-function: db_rbam_tobj_off [authraut.c]Vocabulary for Unicode conversion: faster hash functionDB4: Longer SQL Statement Text with Literals - sans DDLRuntime errors BOXED_BAD_REF and/or SYSTEM_RUDI_INVALIDVMC: do not enable JIT during shared garbage collectionGetenvU can cause crashes in multithreaded applicationsGetenvU can cause crashes in multithreaded applicationsGetenvU can cause crashes in multithreaded applicationsEmpty SY-ZONLO value with active HTTP Security SessionsITS Up/Down: method GET_SCREENSHOT of frontend servicesImprovements to ABAP Program Buffer & Coverage AnalyzerPXA: avoid multiple PXA_DESTROYED for a single incidentHTTP chunked requests failed with ICM and WebdispatcherITSmobile: CustomProperty on dynpro exported to contextCorrect handling of start transaction in connect stringGC does not know faked stack entry for XSLT method callInterface for setting a focus frame - ClearFocusFrame()Incorrect window size after exiting an internal sessionWarning for unsuitable data types in LOOP ... WHERE ...DB4: Multiconnect from AIX Application Servers to IBM iSecure sourcing of user and client in bgRFC user switchStrange characters in hitlist after search in ABAP listITS: sapxjutil string length is limited to 4096 symbolsBetter compression of dynpro sources in Unicode systemsBetter compression of dynpro sources in Unicode systemsFixed error when using inprocess RFCs from ABAP to JAVADB2 z/OS: Hybrid V10: memory leak; memory+prepare statsTablecontrol scrollbar hidden by local sapgui scrollbarNiHsLGetNodeAddr: to get '' failed in ms (tl=5000ms)DB6: FOR ALL ENTRIES statement with SUBSTITUTE LITERALSProblems starting web applications via HTML GUI controlSecondary connections to Oracle, corr. of connect errorALV Gridview: background-color of editable fields wrongIBM i: Short dump DYNPRO_FIELD_CONVERSION in DB4CockpitProblems with R3TASKS Menue 'Work with SAP System Jobs'TPDA: Core in non-excl debuggee when changing variablesITS: new functions to get/set RFC context fields/valuesSupport for ITS service namespace starting with a slashSupport for ITS service namespace starting with a slashSupport for ITS service namespace starting with a slashChange default for rdisp/check_master_slave_active to 2Workprocess in state 'running' without user and programSecure Storage Migration for SAP-internal Inst. NumbersITS: Scroll position in tree when accessing transactionICM: Normalize multiple slashes in HTTP Rewrite HandlerICM: Normalize multiple slashes in HTTP Rewrite HandlerUnjustified runtime error DYN_WHERE_PARSE_ERROR in LOOPBatch-Input: COMMIT WORK inside of variant transactionsMake second label in