--------------------------------------------------- trc file: "dev_icmbnd", trc level: 1, release: "720" --------------------------------------------------- [Thr 01] Thu Sep 26 13:32:38 2019 [Thr 01] systemid: 324 (IBM RS/6000 with AIX) [Thr 01] version: 7200 [Thr 01] patchlevel: 0 (server: 0) [Thr 01] patchno: 421 (server: 421) [Thr 01] intno 20020600 (server: 20020600) [Thr 01] make: multithreaded, ASCII, 64 BIT [Thr 01] pid: 22282296 [Thr 01] [Thr 01] icmbnd: RAW handle for "epprda:80" (on all adapters) successfully bound [Thr 01] IcmBndSendHdl: try to send handle [Thr 01] icmbnd: handle for "epprda:80" (on all adapters) successfully sent to server [Thr 01] icmbnd: exit process with rc=0 [Thr 01]