<%! /* decls */ %> <% string appl, browser, what, tracefile, lastControlID; string action_no, p1, systemID; boolean error; string token; string msg_confirm; appl = __icm_get_system_property ("app_name"); browser = __icm_get_browser_type(); what = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("what")); lastControlID = __icm_get_form_field ("lastControlID"); systemID = __icm_get_form_field ("systemID"); %> Confirm operation
<% if (what == "reset_trace_file") { action_no = "./show_trace.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(2); tracefile = __icm_get_param ("icm/trace_file"); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reset the trace file (Previous content will be saved in " + tracefile + ".old)?"; } else if (what == "set_trace_level") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("trc_level")); action_no = "./show_trace.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(1); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to set the trace level to " + htmlenc(p1) + "?"; } else if (what == "restart_icm") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(3); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to restart " + appl + "?"; } else if (what == "shutdown_icm") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(3); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to shutdown " + appl + "?"; } else if (what == "reinit_icm") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(18); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reinitialize " + appl + "?"; } else if (what == "shutdown_wd") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(15); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to shutdown SAP Web Dispatcher Watchdog (including child processes)?"; } else if (what == "change_maint") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("p1")); if (p1 == "1") { token = __icm_get_token(20); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to enter the maintenance mode?"; } else { token = __icm_get_token(21); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to leave the maintenance mode?"; } } else if (what == "reset_hbuf") { action_no = "./show_htab.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(10); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reset the hostname buffer?"; } else if (what == "reset_peaks") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(16); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reset the peak values?"; } else if (what == "reset_tot") { action_no = "./monitor.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(17); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reset the total values?"; } else if (what == "inval_cache") { action_no = "./show_cache.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(104); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to invalidate all cache entries?"; } else if (what == "wdisp_purge") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("timeout")); action_no = "./wdisp_ssl.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(503); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to purge outdated SSL entries (timeout= " + p1 + ")?"; } else if (what == "wdisp_session_purge") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("timeout")); action_no = "./wdisp_session.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(603); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to purge outdated session entries (timeout= " + p1 + ")?"; } else if (what == "icm_filter") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("p1")); action_no = "./show_auth.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(24); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to perform the filter change?"; } else if (what == "activate_auth") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_auth.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(407); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to activate the Access Handler?"; } else if (what == "deactivate_auth") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_auth.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(408); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to deactivate the Access Handler?"; } else if (what == "reload_perm") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_auth.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(403); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reload the permission file?"; } else if (what == "reload_filt") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_auth.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(403); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reload the filter rules?"; } else if (what == "activate_cache") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_cache.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(105); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to activate the Cache Handler?"; } else if (what == "deactivate_cache") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_cache.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(106); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to deactivate the Cache Handler?"; } else if (what == "activate_log") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_log.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(205); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to activate the Logging Handler?"; } else if (what == "deactivate_log") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_log.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(206); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to deactivate the Logging Handler?"; } else if (what == "activate_mod") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_mod.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(302); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to activate the Modification Handler?"; } else if (what == "deactivate_mod") { p1 = htmlenc(__icm_get_form_field ("hdlsel")); action_no = "./show_mod.icp?hdlsel=" + p1 + "&lastControlID=" + lastControlID; token = __icm_get_token(303); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to deactivate the Modification Handler?"; } else if (what == "reload_wdisp_conf") { action_no = "./wdisp_host.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID + "&systemID=" + systemID; token = __icm_get_token(9); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reload Web Dispatcher configuration?"; } else if (what == "reload_wdisp_group_conf") { action_no = "./wdisp_group.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID + "&systemID=" + systemID; token = __icm_get_token(9); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reload Web Dispatcher configuration?"; } else if (what == "NodeDeactivate") { p1 = nodeenc(__icm_get_form_field ("p1")); action_no = "./wdisp_host.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID + "&systemID=" + systemID; token = __icm_get_token(505); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to deactivate server " + strtok(p1, ":") + "?"; } else if (what == "NodeActivate") { p1 = nodeenc(__icm_get_form_field ("p1")); action_no = "./wdisp_host.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID + "&systemID=" + systemID; token = __icm_get_token(504); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to activate server " + strtok(p1, ":") + "?"; } else if (what == "PoolReset") { action_no = "./wdisp_host.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID + "&systemID=" + systemID; token = __icm_get_token(507); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reset the peak values?"; } else if (what == "ResetReqCount") { action_no = "./wdisp_host.icp?lastControlID=" + lastControlID + "&systemID=" + systemID; token = __icm_get_token(508); msg_confirm = "Do you really want to reset the request counter?"; } else error = TRUE; if (!error) { %>
Confirm operation
  Yes No  

<% } else { %> A runtime error occured     Illegal or empty operation: <%= htmlenc(what) %>    

Back to monitor page
<% } %>