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of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510CSdbError9CSdbErrorCSdbDBClient12CSdbDBClientCSdbProfile11CSdbProfileCSdbAllocator13CSdbAllocatorCSdbEnvironment15CSdbEnvironmentCSdbDBStat10CSdbDBStatCSdbSibuBuffer14CSdbSibuBuffer12PACKETDEBUGSQLDBC ABS( ? )IBInternal SQLDBC errorInvalid SQLDBC objectRow not foundInvalid SQLDBC returncodesdb_free(p=%p, size=%ld (%ld bytes allocated))IBdbsdbutl.cppIBsdb_free: failed to free memory at %p (magic=%d,size=%ld)release memory of the SIBU buffersIBbasic_stringIBM -> %s(con_hdl=%d)IBfreeConnectionIBrelease memory of the STATEMENT CACHEIBM * -> %s(errcode=%d)IBSetSdbDbslCAIB -> %s(con_hdl=%d,cb=%p)IBcancelStatementCBF %p registered for CANCELIBUser requested cancel of current SQL statement on connection %dCANCEL rejected, because there is no SQL statement activeSQL statement cancelled with CBF %pSQL statement cancelled without CBF ,IBProfile parameter SWITCH %s=%sIBdbs/hdb/sqldbc_traceIBdbs/hdb/quiesce_check_enableIBdbs/hdb/quiesce_sleeptimedbs/hdb/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookIBfailed to allocate %d bytes of memorydbsdbutl.hIB۬c۬dd--- process HALT on DEBUG ---sdb_malloc(size=%ld) : %p (%ld bytes allocated)sdb_malloc: failed to alloc %ld bytes -> %s()IBloadClientRuntimeLoading SQLDBC client runtime ...Loading Client runtime failed (%s)IBSQLDBC Runtime : %sSQLDBC trace options = %s-XIBset TRACE option %sSQLSQL1IBPACKETIDEBUGIB-SIBFILESIZEIBMSQLDBC client runtime is %sinitIBSAPSYSTEMNAMErsdb/dbhostrsdb/dbidSAPLOCALHOSTIBdbs/hdb/dbhostIBlocalhostdbs/hdb/dbnameIBdbs/hdb/portIB7878IBdbs/hdb/userIBsystemIBdbs/hdb/passwdIBmanagerdbs/hdb/schemaIBdbs/hdb/use_schemaIBdbs/hdb/stmt_cache_sizedbs/hdb/debugdbs/hdb/sqloptIBdbs/hdb/connect_delaydbs/hdb/userkeyDEFAULTdbs/hdb/tenant_awareIBdbs/hdb/input_parametersIBdbs/hdb/disable_upsertIBdbs/hdb/disable_optimize_commitdbs/hdb/cmd_buffersizeIBdbs/hdb/call_abap_ondbchangeIBdbs/hdb/stmtlngdbs/hdb/max_arraydbs/hdb/varcharmodedbs/hdb/upsert_where_clausedbs/hdb/connect_propertyIBrsdb/prefer_join_with_fdadbs/hdb/deferred_lob_writingIBADA_DEBUGcheckEnvironmentIBauth/shadow_upgradeUPGSHDKEYParameter BufferIBUSED : id=%d, data=%p, size=%ldFREE : id=%d, data=%p, size=%ldIndicator BufferIBData BufferLob BufferIBINSERTIBUPDATEIBDELETEIBSELECTIBUPSERTIBREPLACECALLIBCREATEIBDROPIBALTERRENAMEIBSETGRANTSQLDBC trace is ONIBswitch SQLDBC TRACE ONIBswitch SQLDBC TRACE OFF0IBUUUUUUUVDumping statement ...%5d | TEXT | %5d | %.*sIB | | | %.*sIB%5d | IDENTIFIER | %5d | %.*sIB%5d | MARKER | |...............................................%5d | FAE_REF_CNT | %5d |%5d | FAE_ROW_CNT | %5d |token_cnt=%d, marker_cnt=%d, stmt_length=%d%+.*E%dIBliteral value not substituted for DBSL data type: %dIB%ldEXPAND ( ? , %d)IBGREATEST (EXPAND (LPAD(CHR(0), %d, x'00'), %d), ? )FAEJoinValue : invalid DBSL data type: %dSUBSTR ( HEXTORAW(x'00') || EXPAND( ? , %d), 2, %d)%Y%m%d%H%M%SIB%02d: @XML, since=%s, ABAP= %s (%d)%02d: @VORA, since=%s, ABAP= %s (%d)IB%02d: %s-%s, since=%s, ABAP= %s (%d)IB%02d: DBM %s-%s, since=%s, ABAP= %s (%d)IBgetNewConnectionIB<unknown> <- %s(con_hdl=%d)IBCouldn't connect with '%s/<pwd>@%s'Max. number of open SAP DB connections (%d) exceededIBThe following sessions are already connected :ALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgrade@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_str.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_str.c#1 $ SAPIBM IB~@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_put.c#2 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_put.c#2 $ SAPIB @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutStr.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutStr.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FldWd.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_FldWd.c#1 $ SAPIB@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCS.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCS.c#1 $ SAP(null)(nil)vvfprintfU16IBMu16_OutCS.cB:QnٺzfpH=c)\Buffer overflow (floating point output)@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_aux.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_aux.c#1 $ SAPnonelowmediumhighIBM --- Unicode interface ------ End of message --------- Unicode interface [%.60s line %d] pid = %d time = %ld:ICmdline : %s IBM IB --- Unicode interface ------ End of message ---dbgAlignCheckStringU16(): ERROR: The following string is unaligned: IBMIBM IBError in format string at or near 'Y': Error in format string at or near 'Y': Function %.64s : Array %.32s length %.32s is too small. : malloc : Out of memory.I--- Unicode interface ------ End of message ------I %02xIB %04xIBCharacters previously read: encountered invalid UTF-8I (but where?)IBAll bytes to processIBMNLSUI_FILE_TRACEI0%.10s "%s%s" (fileno 0x%x)IInternal errorIU16 trace level set to u16_aux.cIBM IBU16 trace level set to @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCon.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_OutCon.c#1 $ SAPIB0u16_OutCon.c4.0.1libicuuc40.alibicudata40.alibicui18n40.aIBNLSUI_INIT_TRACE_LEVELInoneIBMlowmediumIhighIBMNLSUI_INIT_TRACE_LEVEL set to 'high'IBM [%s %d] pid = %d Inlsui0_s.cIEnvironment variable reset: %sstrcat error: Source array %s has length %u. After concatenation ... IB... it would exceed the destination array %s (length %u). It will be truncated.Unnecessary call of nlsui_setPath(), LIBPATH will not be changed.IBLIBPATHCould not allocate space for %u bytesIBLIBPATH=I:Environment variable set: %sIBCould not open %s shared library %sError message: "%s"Library handle for %s: %pIBSearching for libicui18n in environment path LIBPATHIBMLIBPATH is set to %s IBICULoaded ICU i18n lib: %s from environment pathIBSearching for libicui18n in additional path %sILoaded ICU I18n lib: %sCould not open the ICU i18n librarydlsym %s failed with error: %sIFunction pointer for %s: %pucal_getAvailable_4_0IBsymbol load "%s" failedError Message: %sIBucal_countAvailable_4_0ucal_open_4_0IBucal_close_4_0Iucal_set_4_0IBMucal_setDate_4_0IBMucal_get_4_0IBMucal_getMillis_4_0Iucal_setMillis_4_0Iutrans_openU_4_0IBMutrans_openInverse_4_0Iutrans_close_4_0IBMutrans_getUnicodeID_4_0utrans_setFilter_4_0IBMutrans_countAvailableIDs_4_0IBMutrans_openIDs_4_0Iutrans_transUChars_4_0Iucol_open_4_0IBucol_strcoll_4_0IBMucol_close_4_0Iucol_setStrength_4_0IBMucol_getSortKey_4_0ucol_getLocaleByType_4_0IBMu_versionToString_4_0IBu_errorName_4_0u_getVersion_4_0IBMu_getUnicodeVersion_4_0u_charType_4_0Iu_getIntPropertyValue_4_0IBu_charDirection_4_0u_getPropertyEnum_4_0IBu_getPropertyValueName_4_0Iu_setMemoryFunctions_4_0IBMu_init_4_0Iu_cleanup_4_0IBuenum_unext_4_0uenum_count_4_0u_strToUpper_4_0IBMCould not close shared library handle %pIBMError message: %sIBlibicui18n40.a is closed againIProgram is compiled with ICU version %sRequired ICU library files: %s %s %sIBMSearching for libicuuc in environment path LIBPATHILoaded ICU common lib: %sIBSearching for libicuuc in additional path %sIBMCould not open the ICU common library. The following files must be in the path described by the environment variable "LIBPATH": %s, %s, %sLIBPATH is currently set to %s Set the environment variable NLSUI_INIT_TRACE_LEVEL to 'high' to see more details.ICheck also SAP note 519753.Compiled with ICU version %sIBMRunning with ICU version %sICU uses Unicode version %suidna_toASCII_4_0IBuidna_toUnicode_4_0uidna_IDNToASCII_4_0IBMuidna_IDNToUnicode_4_0Iuidna_compare_4_0IBubrk_open_4_0IBubrk_openRules_4_0Iubrk_safeClone_4_0Iubrk_close_4_0Iubrk_setText_4_0IBMubrk_current_4_0IBMubrk_next_4_0IBubrk_previous_4_0IBubrk_first_4_0Iubrk_last_4_0IBubrk_preceding_4_0Iubrk_following_4_0Iubrk_getAvailable_4_0IBubrk_countAvailable_4_0ubrk_isBoundary_4_0ubrk_getRuleStatus_4_0Iubrk_getLocaleByType_4_0IBMuloc_getDefault_4_0unorm_normalize_4_0unorm_quickCheck_4_0IBMunorm_quickCheckWithOptions_4_0unorm_isNormalized_4_0Iunorm_isNormalizedWithOptions_4_0IBunorm_next_4_0Iunorm_previous_4_0Iunorm_concatenate_4_0IBunorm_compare_4_0IBu_shapeArabic_4_0IBubidi_open_4_0Iubidi_close_4_0ubidi_setInverse_4_0IBMubidi_setPara_4_0IBubidi_writeReordered_4_0IBMubidi_getLogicalMap_4_0ubidi_getVisualMap_4_0Iubidi_getLevelAt_4_0IBMu_charMirror_4_0IBMICU data shared lib does not behave correctly.Iu_isalnum_4_0IBu_isalpha_4_0IBu_iscntrl_4_0IBu_islower_4_0IBu_isprint_4_0IBu_isspace_4_0IBu_isupper_4_0IBu_toupper_4_0IBu_tolower_4_0IBUnicode ctype functions are replaced with 7bit fallback functionsIBNLSUI_7BIT_FALLBACKTerminating. You may set the environment variable NLSUI_7BIT_FALLBACK to run the program without the ICU libraries in an emergency mode.IEnvironment variable NLSUI_7BIT_FALLBACK is set.IBMNLSUI_TRACE_LEVELIBloadIcuDo() is calledIBICU shared libraries are not loadednlsui_set7bitUnicode() is calledIBMIBM ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function toupperU This is not supported in 7-bit mode. IBERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function tolowerU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isupperU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isspaceU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isprintU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function islowerU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function iscntrlU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isalphaU ERROR: Non 7-bit character U+%04X encountered in function isalnumU ConvertSCCSID_w failedCommand Line ConversionEnvironment ConversionIBMnlsui1_s.cIfdopenU16IBcmodeIBMAX_MODE_LNMAX_NDIGITSexcvtU16IBMwstringmkdirU16IBMcpathIBMAX_PATH_LNchmodU16IBMgetcwdU16IBchdirU16IBMaccessU16IBstrfctimeU16IBMcformatMAX_FORMATSTR_LNIBMstrftimeU16MAX_TIMESTR_LNIwteststrIBMsystemU16IBcstringMAX_COMMAND_LNIEntering cleanup_putenv_table(). Allocated table lines = %i IBEntries after shrinking: %i IBMEnlarging table to %i IputenvU16IBcptrIBMlengetenvU16IBcnameIBMAX_ENV_LNIremoveU16IBrenameU16IBcfromIBctofopenU16IBMopenU16dlerrorU16Ierr_msgUIBMMAX_DB_ERROR_LNdlsymU16IBMMAX_SYM_LNIdlopenU16IBSAPCASTRAW2UCCHKI0nlsui_cast_raw2ucIBfileCIBMAX_FILENAME_LNERROR: Casting an odd adress to SAP_UTF16* in file %s, line %d nlsui_alloc_mbsarIBConvertSCCSID_wwstrIBMinlenIBttynameU16IwttynameIBMmkstempU16IpatternCIBMpatternU16IsrcLenU16+1mktempU16IBtempnamU16IrcIcprefixMAX_PREFIX_LNIBcdirIBMsetlocaleU16IBMc_inlocMAX_LOCALE_LNIBw_outlocIBMstrerrorU16werrorIMAX_ERROR_LNIBMCould not convert error no. %d3 to UTF-16 charactersIBMctimeU16IBMubufferasctimeU16Ictime_rU16Iasctime_rU16IBMunlinkU16IBstatvfsU16IrmdirU16IBMpopenU16IBMccommandIBMctypeIB: IcreatU16IBMutimeU16IBMmkfifoU16IBchownU16IBMreadlinkU16wbufIBMwsizeIBsymlinkU16Icpath1Icpath2IlinkU16rexecU16IBMccmdIBMchostIBMAX_HOSTNAME_LNMAX_USER_NAME_LNIBMcpassIBMAX_PASSWD_LNIB*ahostIgethostnameU16IwnameIBlengthIfreopenU16Ifopen64U16 dcd @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbsql.cpp#5 $ SAPR/3@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbsql.cpp#5 $ SAPALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510CSdbLobLocator14CSdbLobLocatorCSdbDbslBind12CSdbDbslBindCSdbConnectInfo15CSdbConnectInfoCSdbDbslSQL11CSdbDbslSQLCSdbStaticCursor16CSdbStaticCursorCSdbError9CSdbErrorCSdbConnection14CSdbConnectionMaxDB AND = WHERE " = ?INSERT /* UPSERT */ INTO "" ( UPDATE /* UPSERT */ "" SET ) VALUES ( CALL IUUC_END_TRANSACTION(1)CALL IUUC_END_TRANSACTION(0)INOUTInternal error : invalid LOB locatorIBInternal error : no result setIBInternal error : SQLDBC_LOB::getLengthIBNumeric output parameter overflowVariable may be truncatedinternal critical error occurred -> force reconnect -> %s(con_hdl=%d)IBdisconnectIBdbsdbsql.cppIBDisconnecting from connection %d ...IBDISCONNECT FROM CONNECTION %dconnection %d is already down : rc=%dDISCONNECT from connection %d failed : rc=%dIBNow I'm disconnected from %sIB -> %s(stmt_p=%p,da_p=%pIBbuildUPSERTEmulationStmtItoo many input values (%d) - maximum is %dIBmore input values (%d) than placeholders (%d) in statementIBfailed to allocate %d bytes of memorydbsdbutl.hIBINSERTIB" ( <- %s(inslen=%ld,updlen=%ld,#marker=%d,#lob=%d,prefer_ins=%d)IBToo few input values (%d) for %d columnsIBM IBCANCEL rejected from db, because there is no SQL statement activeCANCEL of the current statement fails with rc=%d, err=%dIBCANCEL of the current statement was sent successfully close all opened locators of connection %dfffffffg%sIB WARNING: execute(), rc=%d, rcSQL=%d execute(), rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIBbasic_stringIBMIBM IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONIBIUUC_END_TRANSACTION on connection %d failed. rc=%dSQLERRTEXT : %scommitIBCOMMIT WORK ON CONNECTION %dIBCOMMIT on connection %d failed. rc=%drollbackIBROLLBACK WORK ON CONNECTION %dIBROLLBACK on connection %d failed. rc=%d get locator : %u (0x%08x), lob_p=%p (%s, col=%d, row=%d)IBinvalid locator %u (0x%08x), con_hdl=%d, wpID=%dIBinvalid LOB locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %dIB readLobSubString() of locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %d, offset=%lu, len=%luLOB_GET_SUBSTR (locator=0x%08x, col=%d, row=%d, offset=%lu, length=%lu) -> ?IB readLobSubString() of locator %u (0x%08x), indic=%ld, rcSQL=%dIBreadLobSubString() of locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %d failed. rc=%dIB readLobSubString(), length=%ldIBLOB_GET_LENGTH (locator=0x%08x, col=%d, row=%d) -> ?IBgetLobLengthLoc() of locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %d failed. rc=%d getLobLengthLoc(), length=%ldfindLobString() of locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %d, offset=%lu increases the length (%lu) of the lob findLobString() of locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %d, offset=%luLOB_FIND_STR (locator=0x%08x, col=%d, row=%d, offset=%lu) -> ?IB findLobString() of locator %u (0x%08x), position=%ld, rcSQL=%dIB findLobString(), offset=%ldIBM dd findLobString(), offset=%ld, rc=%dIBfindLobString() of locator %u (0x%08x) on connection %d failed. rc=%dclass CSdbStaticCursor is not created for prepared statements WARNING: prepare(), rc=%d, rcSQL=%d prepare(), rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIB -> %s(in_out=%d,col_cnt=%d)IBallocParameterIB ALLOC C_%04d PARAM (%s) : p=%p, l=%ld, req=%ldIB -> %s(in_out=%d,row_cnt=%d)IBallocIndicatorIB ALLOC C_%04d INDIC (%s) : p=%p, l=%ld, req=%ldIB -> %s(in_out=%d,size=%ld)IBallocData ALLOC C_%04d DATA (%s) : p=%p, l=%ld, req=%ldIB -> %s(buf_size=%ld)IBallocStreamData ALLOC C_%04d STREAM : p=%p, l=%ld, req=%ldIB CURSOR %s : abap = %s (%d)IB CURSOR %s PREPARE on connection %dIB WARNING: prepare() of %s, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d prepare() of %s, rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIB CURSOR %s Bind %3d : T=%s, V=%p, L=%d, rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIB CURSOR %s ReBindPar %3d : T=%s, L=%-5d, I=%p, V=%pIB CURSOR %s SET InputSize=%dIB CURSOR %s Reset Rowarry CURSOR %s RowOffset=%dIB CURSOR %s EXECUTE on connection %dIB execute() of %s, #rec=%d, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d execute() of %s, truncation error ignoredSQLDBC internal error: nextError() rc=%d, status of row %d/%d, status=%d, dberr=%dIBstatus of row %d/%d, status=%d, rc=%dSQLDBC internal error: errorcode is missing, status of row %d/%d, status=%d, rc=%dIB execute() of %s (UPSERT), #rec=%d, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d (%s) execute() of %s, internal error : no result set CURSOR %s FETCH (xcnt=%d) on connection %dIB next() of %s, rc=%d CURSOR %s RELATIVE, pos=%dIB relative(%d) of %s, rc=%d fetch() of %s, #rec=%d, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d CURSOR %s FETCH, xcnt=%dIB fetch() of %s, #rec=%d, rc=%d fetch() of %s, truncation error ignored FREE C_%04d STREAM : p=%p, l=%ld FREE C_%04d DATA (%s) : p=%p, l=%ldIB FREE C_%04d INDIC (%s) : p=%p, l=%ldIB FREE C_%04d PARAM (%s) : p=%p, l=%ld CURSOR %s GET NEXT RESULTSET on connection %dGET NEXT RESULTSET OF %sIB getNextResultSet() of %s, internal error : no result setIB getMoreResults() of %s, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d CURSOR %s CLOSE all resultsets on connection %d getLobLength() of %s, col=%d, row=%dIBgetLobLength() of %s (col=%d,row=%d) returns %d getLobLength() of %s, col=%d, row=%d, length=%ldIB readLob() of %s, internal error : no row setIB readLob() of %s, col=%d, row=%d, buflen=%dIB readLob() of %s, col=%d, row=%d, len=%d, rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIB writeLob() of %s, col=%d, row=%d, addr=%p,len=%dIB writeLob() of %s, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d closeLob() of %s, col=%d, row=%dIB closeLob() of %s, #rec=%d, rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIB closeLob() of %s, rc=%d, rcSQL=%d %3d : DBSL=%s, T=%s, L=%-5d, I=%p, V_APPL=%pIB ,IBcallIBM IB* getTableName() of %s, col_i=%d : rc=%d, rcSQL=%dIB getSchemaName() of %s, col_i=%d : rc=%d, rcSQL=%dparam_%dIB getColumnName() of %s, col_i=%d : rc=%d, rcSQL=%dLOB_LOCATOR_OPEN (col=%d, row=%d) -> 0x%08x locator created : %u (0x%08x), lob_p=%p (%s, col=%d, row=%d)IBcannot build unique locator ID, con_hdl=%d, wpID=%d, pos=%d locator closed : %u (0x%08x), lob_p=%pIBLOB_LOCATOR_CLOSE (0x%08x)IB1.00.17IBMC_%04d dcd @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbslsdb.cpp#8 $ SAPR/3@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbslsdb.cpp#8 $ SAPALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeONE_PIECEFIRST_PIECENEXT_PIECELAST_PIECEHDB 1.0SQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510CSdbError9CSdbErrorCSdbDbslLocator15CSdbDbslLocatorCSdbDbslMetaData16CSdbDbslMetaDataHDB_1.00.63.381310722.00MaxDBresult setparameterDBSLAPPLADDRIBillegal use of LONG datatypeIBSQL statement cancelledswitch DBSL TRACE LEVEL from %d to %ddbsdbutl.hIB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,ss_p=%p,dq_p=%p)stmt_prepareIBdbslsdb.cppPREPARE %s on connection %d, rc=%dIBDBSL will use UPDATE/INSERT emulation for that tableIB -> %s(con_hdl=%d,ss_p=%p,da_p=%pprepare_upsert_emulationIBstmt already preparedI{ %s(con_hdl=%d,ss_p=%p,op=%d,da_p=%p)IBDbSlHDBPrepareIBDBSL: con_hdl=%d is not connected} %s(rc=%d) STAT: (pre=%d,op=%d,fet=%d) rec=%d,bytes=%d, time(p=%d,op=%d,fe=%d)SQL statements are not allowed on connection %dbasic_stringIBM IBMONIB{ %s(con_hdl=%d,locator=%d)DbSlHDBLobFreeLoc{ %s(con_hdl=%d,locator=%d,offset=%lu)IBDbSlHDBLobFindIBDbSlHDBLobLengthLoc{ %s(con_hdl=%d,locator=%d,offset=%lu,len=%lu)IBDbSlHDBLobGetSubStringIB{ %s(con_hdl=%d,da_p=%p)IBDbSlHDBEndDescribeIB{ %s(con_hdl=%d,da_p=%p,col_i=%d)DbSlHDBExeDescribeIB switch tenant connection to %dIBIllegal operation sequence, stmt is not preparedIBcannot get the %s meta datainvalid column index %d, stmt has only %d columnsinvalid SQLDBC data type of column %d: %dcol %-3u: (DB=%-11.11s L=%-5u D=%-2u) -> (DBSL=%-11.11s L=%-5u D=%-2u) column="%s", tab="%s"IB{ %s(con_hdl=%d,ss_p=%p,da_p=%p)IBDbSlHDBBegDescribeIB <- %s(col_cnt=%d)IB{ %s(con_hdl=%d)IBDbSlHDBPingLOB_GET_LENGTH (col=%d, row=%u) -> ?IBLOB_GET_GENGTH %s on connection %d, rc=%d{ %s(con_hdl=%d,da_p=%p,lob_i=%d)DbSlHDBLobLengthIBIllegal operation sequence, stmt is not activeIBNo row fetched: cannot access LOB %dIBinvalid LOB index: %dLOB %d already processed completelyLOB %d has already been processed LOB length=%ldIBLOB_CLOSE (col=%d, row=%u)IBLOB_CLOSE %s on connection %d, rc=%d, recCnt=%dLOB_CLOSE %s on connection %d, rc=%dIB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,lob_i=%d,row_i=%d,val_p=%p,length=%ld,piece=%s)IBput_lob_dataIBLOB_WRITE (col=%d, row=%u, bufln=%d, piece=%s)IB LOB_WRITE : cursor=%d, lob=%d, row=%d, lng=%ld, sum=%ldLOB_WRITE %s on connection %d, rc=%dIB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,da_p=%p,rc=%d)deactivate_stmtDbSlHDBLobPutPieceIBDbSlLobPutPiece: invalid LOB index %d۬failed to allocate %d bytes of memoryDbSlLobPutPiece: LOB %d already processed completelyIBDbSlLobPutPiece: allocate memory (%d bytes) for LOB index %d failed val_p=%p, length=%luIB copy into LOB buffer(%d) : %lu bytes (filled %lu bytes) copy into LOB buffer(%d) : %lu bytesIBLOB_READ (col=%d, row=%u, bufln=%d, piece=%s) -> ?IBLOB_READ %s on connection %d, rc=%d LOB_READ : cursor=%d, lob=%d, row=%d, maxbuf=%ld, lng=%ld, sum=%ld, rc=%dDbSlHDBLobGetPieceIBDbSlLobGetPiece: invalid LOB index %dallocate memory (%d bytes) for LOB index %d failedIB data in LOB buffer(%d) : %ld bytesIB copy from LOB buffer(%d) : %lu bytesIBDbSlSdbErrMsg -> %s(sc_hdl=%p)bind_upsert_emulation %3d : T=%s, L=%-5d, I=%p, V_%s=%p -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,ss_p=%p,in_out=%d,da_p=%p)stmt_executeIB OPEN CURSOR %s on connection %d CALL PROCEDURE %s on connection %dIB EXECUTE CURSOR %s on connection %dIB CURSOR %s, rc=%d,#rec=%d,#dbcount=%dIBUPSERT: again preferred stmt: rc=%d, xcnt=%d, rows processed=%dUPSERT: Reexecution of preferred stmt failed: rc=%d, xcnt=%d, rows processed=%dUPSERT: alternate stmt: rc=%d, xcnt=%d, rows processed=%d -> reexecuting preferred stmt ...IBUPSERT: prefered stmt: rc=%d, xcnt=%d, rows processed=%dIB -> executing alternate stmt ...IBEXECUTE %s on connection %d, rc=%dIBUPSERT %s on connection %d, rc=%dUPSERT: rc=%d, xcnt=%d, rows processed=%d{ %s(con_hdl=%d,ss_p=%p,mod=%d,da_p=%p)DbSlHDBEndModifyIBNot all LOBs of the previous call of DbSlExeModify() have been processed completely: LOBs available = %d, LOBs not processed = %dstring CBF failed (rc=%d): VARCHAR[RAW] value of column %d in row %dIBinput length (%d) greater than bound variable (%ld) og column %dIBM IBlength value (%ld) greater than specified value (%ld) of coluum %dIBinput length (%d) greater than bound variable (%ld) of column %dIBstring CBF failed (rc=%d): LOB value of column %d in row %dlength value (%d) greater than LCHR column size (%ld) of column %dIBconversion from norm_decfloat to decfloatraw failed, col=%d, row=%d, l=%d, rc=%dIBconversion from decfloat to decfloatraw failed, col=%d, row=%d, l=%d, rc=%dno scale field successor for DECFLOAT_RAW_SCALE (column %d)conversion from decfloat(%d) to bcd(%d,%d) failed, col=%d, row=%d, rc=%dIBfailed to get LOB locator of column %d in row %d via locatorIBinvalid LOB locator %d (%p) of column %d in row %dIB %5d/%3d : V_APPL=%p, L=%dstring CBF failed (rc=%d): ABAP ITAB descrption of column %d in row %dIBDBSL data type %d of column %d : string_cbf missingDBSL data type %d of column %d : only allowed for database proceduresinvalid DBSL data type %d of column %dIBM IB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,ss_p=%p,bulk=%d,in_out=%d,da_p=%p)exec_modifyDbSlHDBExeModifyIBInvalid number of input values (%d) for cached statement (%d)Not all LOBs processed completely: LOBs available = %d, LOBs not processed = %d -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,in_out=%d,bulk=%d,arr_size=%d,types=%p,da_p=%p)IBbind_type_and_lengthIBdatatype DECFLOAT not supporteddatabase version does not support LOB locatorsIB %3d : DBSL=%s, T=%s, L=%d.%d, I=%p, V_%s=%p %3d : DBSL=%s, T=%s, L=%-5d, I=%p, V_%s=%pIBinvalid DBSL data type: %dIB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,in_out=%d,bulk=%d,types=%p,#col=%d,useBulkInsertWithLobs=%d)calculate_record_length #float=%d,#lob=%d,itab=%d,#short=%d,#int=%d,#llong=%d,#uc=%d,rec_lng=%d,db_lng=%d <- %s(row_size=%ld, lob_cnt=%d, lob_pw_cnt=%d, long_cnt=%d, ins_bulk_lob=%d, row_max=%d) -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,in_out=%d,bulk=%d,da_p=%p)bind_variablesIBno output variables givenno more memoryIB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,da_p=%p)activate_stmtDbSlHDBBegModifyIBDbSlHDBEndReadIBstmt_fetchIBFETCH %s on connection %d, rc=%dIB col=%d,currow=%d,to=%p,from=%p,indic=%d,T=%d,L=%d,flag=%dfetched number %d of column %d in row %d overflows INT1 range (0..%d)Truncation occured:column %d of row %d truncated from %d to %d bytes READ_LOB (%d) piecewisestring CBF failed (rc=%d) : LOB buffer for column %d in row %d, l=%ld READ_LOB (%d,%d) as ONE piecestring CBF failed (rc=%d): VARCHAR buffer for column %d in row %d, l=%ldIBstring CBF failed (rc=%d): VARRAW buffer for column %d in row %d, l=%ldconversion from decfloatraw to norm_decfloat failed: col=%d, row=%d, l=%d, rc=%dIBconversion from decfloatraw to decfloat failed: col=%d, row=%d, l=%d, rc=%dconversion from bcd(%d,%d) to decfloat(%d) failed, col=%d, row=%d, rc =%dfailed to copy LOB locator for column %d in row %d, rc=%dfailed to lock LOB locator for column %d in row %dIBno output buffer for column %d: l=%d, v=%pIB -> %s(sc_hdl=%p,bulk=%d,da_p=%p)exec_fetchIB xcnt=%lu,row_i=%lu,row_pcnt=%luDbSlHDBExeReadIBInvalid number of input/output values for cached statementIB -> %s(con_hdl=%d,C_%04d,da_p=%p)saveSQLStatementIB INTO IB?IBM DbSlHDBBegReadIBDbSlBegRead is not allowed, because DBSL_FLAG_MULTI was not setDBSL_FLAG_FORCE_OBJECT_CONSISTENCY is setDbSlHDBModifyDbSlHDBRead{ %s(con_hdl=%d,stmt_p=%p)IBDbSlHDBExecuteIBWARNING on connection %d, rc=%dEXECUTE on connection %d, rc=%dDbSlHDBTimeDbSlHDBDisconnect{ %s(con_hdl=%d,forced=%d)IBDbSlHDBRollback{ %s(con_hdl=%d,forced=%d,hold=%d)IBDbSlHDBCommit DBHDBSLIB : version %s, patch %d.%03d (Make PL %s.%s)IB01200IBHDB shared library (dbhdbslib) patchlevels (last %d)IB (%d.%03d) %s (note %u)IB DBHDBSLIB : version %s, patch 0 (Make PL %s.%s)IBHDB shared library (dbhdbslib)IB -> %s(con_hdl=%d)IBcheck_db_paramsINFO : DBSL buffer size = %ldIUUC EndTransaction Hook is activeIB{ %s(con_info_p=%p)DbSlHDBConnectIB--- delay connect for WP %d sleep %d secs ---Command info enabledIBNow I'm connected to %sservice connection not possible, because a default connection does not existIBbuild_fastload_stmt{ %s(con_hdl=%d,command=%d,arg_p=%p)IBDbSlHDBControl2IINFO : STMT SIZE = %dINFO : MARKER_CNT = %dIBDBSLHDB::CSdbHDBConnectionIINFO : dump statement cacheINFO : SAP RELEASE (DB) = %sIBINFO : reset statement cacheIBINFO : dump all used buffersIBINFO : SET NOLOG SESSIONIBdbs/hdb/*Error %d (dpxxprf.h) at registering dynamic profile callback functionsIBCallback functions for dynamic profile parameter registered dcd @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbitab.cpp#1 $ SAPR/3@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbitab.cpp#1 $ SAPALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510INOUTINOUT SET_ABAP_TABID_PTR : id=%d, ptr=0x%pdbsdbitab.cpp ITAB (0x%lx) : type=%s, rowSize=%d, colCount=%d, rowCount=%d ITAB col(%d) : %s len=%-5d dec=%d offset=%dIB %s = #cols=%d, bitListLen=%d, bits=[%s] %s = #cols=%d, bitListLen=0column maskcolumn defaultIBReadITabProc (0x%lx) : reset ITABRESET ABAP internal table (%d)IB -> %s(AbapHdl_p=%p,OutputStream=%p,MaxStreamLen=%d,NoOfRows=%d)IBReadITabProcIBGET_ABAP_TABID : invalid tabid=0x%pDBPROC continuing ... GET_ABAP_TABID_PTR : id=%d, ptr=0x%pIBpMaskFETCH from ABAP internal table (%d)ReadITabProc (0x%lx) : invalid OutputStream pointer ReadITabProc (0x%lx) : ABAP table is emptyIB ReadITabProc (0x%lx) : compression=%d, MaxRows=%d, OutputStream=0x%lx, MaxStreamLen=%dIB ITAB (row=%d, len=%d, abap_ptr=0x%lx) -> sapdb_ptr=0x%lx) ReadITabProc (0x%lx) : %d rows (%d bytes) copied -> rc=%d ReadITabProc (0x%lx) : buffer too small (row_size=%d, maxlen=%d)IBWriteITabProc (0x%lx) : %d rows deletedDELETE from ABAP internal table (%d)IB -> %s(AbapHdl_p=%p,InputStream=%p,NoOfRows=%d)WriteITabProcWriteITabProc : WRITE not allowed, ITAB is only defined as DS_INIBWriteITabProc : invalid tabptr=0x0IBINSERT into ABAP internal table (%d)IBWriteITabProc (0x%lx) : invalid InputStream pointer WriteITabProc (0x%lx) : compression=%d, InputStream=0x%lx, NoOfRows=%dIB sapdb_ptr=0x%lx -> ITAB (row=%d, len=%d, abap_ptr=0x%lx)IB WriteITabProc (0x%lx) : %d rows copied -> rc=%dWriteITabProc (0x%lx) : %d rows of %d copied -> rc=%d dcd @(#)INFO: SQLDBC runtime : @(#)INFO: make type : optu @(#)INFO: compiled for : 64 bit @(#)INFO: codepage : UNICODE @(#)INFO: ChangeList : 2137822 @(#)INFO: make user : sapsrc30 @(#)INFO: DBSL module : dbhdbslib.o @(#)INFO: SAP BASIS release : 722_EXT_REL (7220) @(#)INFO: sources from : /bas/722_EXT_REL/src @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbtrc.cpp#1 $ SAP@(#)INFO: make machine : AIX is0174 1 6 00F8B2C54C00 R/3@(#)INFO: make date : Fri Jun 3 16:19:10 METDST 2022 @(#)INFO: SQLDBC runtime : @(#)INFO: DBSL version : NewDB DBSL (722.00 patch level 1200) @(#)INFO: SQLDBC header : SQLDBC_C.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510 @(#)INFO: make type : optu @(#)INFO: compiled for : 64 bit @(#)INFO: codepage : UNICODE @(#)INFO: build dir : /sapmnt/is0174/a/722_EXT_REL/rs6000_64/genoptU @(#)INFO: ChangeList : 2137822 @(#)INFO: make user : sapsrc30 @(#)INFO: database dir : /sapmnt/depot/db/rs6000_64/HDB/HDB_1.00.63.381310 @(#)INFO: DBSL module : dbhdbslib.o @(#)INFO: SAP BASIS release : 722_EXT_REL (7220) @(#)INFO: sources from : /bas/722_EXT_REL/src @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbsdbtrc.cpp#1 $ SAP@(#)INFO: make machine : AIX is0174 1 6 00F8B2C54C00 @(#)INFO: make date : Fri Jun 3 16:19:10 METDST 2022 @(#)INFO: DBSL version : NewDB DBSL (722.00 patch level 1200) @(#)INFO: SQLDBC header : SQLDBC_C.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510 @(#)INFO: build dir : /sapmnt/is0174/a/722_EXT_REL/rs6000_64/genoptU @(#)INFO: database dir : /sapmnt/depot/db/rs6000_64/HDB/HDB_1.00.63.381310 ALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510DECIMAL FLOAT INTEGER_1 INTEGER_2 INTEGER_4 INTEGER_8 RAW NUMC CLOB BLOB VARCHAR SHORT_CHARLONG_CHAR VARRAW SHORT_RAW LONG_RAW DECFLT DECFLT_R DECFLT_RS DECFLT_D BLOB_LOC CLOB_LOC ITAB ? C DATE TIME 1 2 NUM P X FLOAT DECFLT8DECFLT16INT1 INT2 INT4 TABH CSTRINGXSTRING? CHAR NCHAR VARCHAR1 VARCHAR2 VARCHAR3 NVARCHAR NVARCHAR3 STRING NSTRING BINARY VARBINARY VARBINARY3BSTRING NCLOB NLOCATOR LOCATOR TINYINT SMALLINT INT BIGINT DOUBLE REAL DATE TIME TIMESTAMP BINARY ASCII UCS2 BLOB CLOB CLOB UCS2UINT1 INT1 UINT2 INT2 UINT4 INT4 UINT8 INT8 DOUBLE FLOAT DECFLOAT STREAM DECIMAL ? basic_stringIBMGzG%s%*.*s\IBdbsdbtrc.cppIB%s%s;stmtid = <%d/%*.*s/%ld/%*.*s>stmtid = NULL%s%dIB%s%sIB%05X |IB %02X | %s |%sQ2_4_STL11range_error:0,Q2_4_STL13runtime_error:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_4_STL12out_of_range:0,Q2_4_STL11logic_error:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_4_STL12length_error:0,Q2_4_STL11logic_error:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_4_STL16invalid_argument:0,Q2_4_STL11logic_error:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_4_STL14overflow_error:0,Q2_4_STL13runtime_error:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0 %s(%d): STL error: %s %s(%d): STL assertion failure : %s %s(%d): STL error : %s %s(%d): STL assertion failure: %s Invalid argument to operation (see operation documentation)Taking an iterator out of destroyed (or otherwise corrupted) containerTrying to extract an object out from empty containerPast-the-end iterator could not be erasedIndex out of boundsContainer doesn't own the iteratorUninitialized or invalidated (by mutating operation) iterator usedUninitialized or invalidated (by mutating operation) lefthand iterator in expressionUninitialized or invalidated (by mutating operation) righthand iterator in expressionIterators used in expression are from different ownersIterator could not be dereferenced (past-the-end ?)Range [first,last) is invalidIterator is not in range [first,last)Range [first,last) is not in range [start,finish)The advance would produce invalid iteratorIterator is singular (advanced beyond the bounds ?)Memory block deallocated twiceDeallocating a block that was never allocatedDeallocating a memory block allocated for another typeSize of block passed to deallocate() doesn't match block sizePointer underrun - safety margin at front of memory block overwrittenPointer overrrun - safety margin at back of memory block overwrittenUnknown problemunknown(__p == 0) == (__n == 0)IBM/sapmnt/depot/tools/src/OpenSource/STLport/4.5.0/stlport/stl/_alloc.hIBbasic_stringIBMvectorIbasic_string_rcIBM *0123456789Ibasic_stringIBM IBMQ2_3std8bad_cast:0,Q2_3std9exception:0Q2_4_STL13runtime_error:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0bad castIBMbasic_stringbad locale name: locale errorIBMbad locale name:locale e*IBM fffffffg??C*   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~wwbaabrrbr+r+bw+w+bbasic_stringIBM IBMQ3_4_STL8ios_base7failure:0,Q2_4_STL17__Named_exception:0,Q2_3std9exception:0IBbasic_stringIBMios failurebasic_stringIBMbasic_string_rc???SunMonTueWedThuFriSatSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberAMPM%H:%M:%S%m/%d/%y%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y%.2ld%ldbasic_stringIBM*%2ldIBM =p 0123456789abcdefx0123456789ABCDEFXfffffffgbasic_stringIBM?infInfnanNaN?ޭޭA!S   "%(,/269<@CFJMPTWZq+BF/u^G@P$ k(C@ԥ* _1ɿ. k:v@#xŬb&zx2nh? WYQa@oˏ' :KPf *,P(.QijPkux䲽4,8SdQc/_ψt}C5e}&񈙱?4 * shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510CSdbDbslMetaData16CSdbDbslMetaData"722.001200HDB_1.00.63.381310IB%s: invalid type of param %d (not TYPC or NOT OUT)IB"SAPDB_GET_DBSL_INFO"dbdssdb.cpp%s: invalid type of param 0 (not TYPC or NOT OUT)MAXDB_DBSL_GET_LAST_SQLSTMT%s: no output parameter availableMAXDB_DBSL_DATASOURCEHDB_DBSL_GET_DB_VERSIONMAXDB_DBSL_XASTARTIBMAXDB_DBSL_UPD_DATASOURCEMAXDB_DBSL_CLIENT_SEPARATEDMAXDB_DBSL_SAVE_NEXT_SQLSTMTIBDBSL pseudo proc '%s' not found -> %s(cu_id=%d)IBcursor_closeIBcursor_freeinvalid DBSL connection handle %d for connection %sunexpected return code %d from DBSL-call in line %d -> %s(param_cnt=%d)IBset_types* %-3u : inout=%d, abap_type=%d, length=%d, is_lob=%d)IBdbds: ABAP type %d is not alloweddbds: ABAP type %d cannot be use as INOUT parameter col %-3u: (DB=%-11.11s L=%-5u D=%-2u)IBunknown ABAP type: %d -> %s(proc_name=%s,#params=%d)build_proc_stmtfailed to allocate %d bytes of memory -> %s()IBcursor_newIBmore than %d native SQL cursors openedIB%02d : qstate=%d, hold=%d, prepped=%dIBM <- %s(cu_id=%d)IB -> %s(head_p=%p,proc_name=%s,param_p=%p,#param=%d)dsql_hdb_exec_procIBinvalid connection handle %d for connection %sIBHDB_DBSL_MAXDB_DBSL_cursor_opendsql_hdb_open_procIBbuild_dbsl_stmtinvalid offset %d for placeholder %dIB -> %s(head_p=%p,stmt_p=%p,input_p=%p,#input=%d)IBdsql_hdb_open -> %s(head_p=%p,cu_id=%d,input_p=%p,#input=%d)dsql_hdb_open_preppeddsql_sdb_open_prepped: Cursor %d invalid or not preparedIBinvalid number of input parameters %d - %d were preparedIB -> %s(head_p=%p,cu_id=%d,output_p=%p,#output=%d,#package=%d)dsql_hdb_fetchIBdsql_sdb_fetch: invalid cursor id %dIBdbdssdb: No output variables given!given number of OUT-variables (%d) differs from previous fetch (%d) -> %s(head_p=%p,cu_id=%d)IBdsql_hdb_closeIBdsql_sdb_close: invalid cursor id %dIB -> %s(head_p=%p,stmt_p=%p)dsql_hdb_prepareIBbasic_stringIBMbuild_ddl_stmt: invalid input type (%d) of param %d (only TYPC is supported)IBToo few input values (%d) -> %s(head_p=%p,cu_id=%d,input_p=%p,#input=%d,#array=%d)dsql_hdb_execdsql_sdb_exec: Cursor %d invalid or not preparedIBinvalid number of input parameters=%d, prepared=%dIBdsql_hdb_freedsql_sdb_free: Cursor %d invalid or not preparedIB -> %s(head_p=%p,sql_p=%p)IBdsql_hdb_exec_immediatedsql_hdb_syncdsql_hdb_beg_describedsql_sdb_beg_describe: invalid cursor id %ddsql_sdb_beg_describe: Cursor %d invalid or not preparedIBdsql_hdb_exe_describedsql_sdb_exe_describe: invalid cursor id %ddsql_hdb_end_describedsql_sdb_end_describe: invalid cursor id %d -> %s(con_hdl=%d,hold=%d)IBdsql_sapdb_freeSTRING callback failed with rc = %d set itab desc : col=%d, stream=%d, V=%pITAB callback failed with rc = %d set itab desc : col=%d, stream=%d, sz=%dR/3ALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeIBfailed to allocate %d bytes of memorydbdsfuns.cIBinvalid ABAP/4 type: %dSTRING callback failed with rc = %d@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/krn/rscp/rscpu86r.c#2 $ SAPIBdest buffer overflowIBHalf surrogate in middleIBHalf surrogate at endHalf low surrogate in middleIBcontrol codes not allowed hereIBillegal start byteIBsource exhausted within a charIBillegal follow-up byteIBoverlong UTF-8 sequenceUTF-8 bejond UTF-32source exhaustedIBcontrol code not allowed0     3 ALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeIBfailed to allocate %d bytes of memorydbsc.cIBה5 yC_(kCouldn't find active statement in the active listIBM GzG%*.*s\IB%s;sc_p=%p,no=%d,idc_p=%p,con=%d,act=%d,slen=%d,smax=%d,#vars=%d,stmt=%p,table=%*.*sDBSL: Statement-Id-Cache dump--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IBhkey|idc_p |sc_p |nxt_p |Statement identifierIBInvalid idc_p = %pIB%4d|%8p|%8p|%8p|<%2d,%*.*s,%11ld,%*.*s>DBSL: Statement-Cache dumpIBInvalid sc_p = %phkey=%dActive list is inconsistent: contains %d, expected %d, sc_p = %pIBLRU list is inconsistent: contains %d, expected %d, sc_p = %pEntries in Statement-Id-Cache : %5d (max. %5d)IBEntries in Statement-Cache : %5d (max. %5d, active %5d)IBMemory allocated for Stmt-Id-Cache: %8ldIB Statement-Cache : %8ldIB SQL Statements : %8ld (%ld used) Hash Vectors : %8ldIBmax. number of hash collisions in Statement-Id-Cache: %dIBmax. number of hash collisions in Statement-Cache : %dIBElements allocated for hash free list: %d (%d still free)No references to statement id cache foundAll hash free list chunks used - cannot extend free listIBAll cached statements are activeIBResetting statement cache ...Statement cache reset dcd @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbscsdb.cpp#1 $ SAPR/3@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbscsdb.cpp#1 $ SAPALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510IBM STATEMENT_CACHE_SIZE = %ddbscsdb.cppDbScCacheCreate of %d entries failed, rc=%d -> %s(DBSL:C_%04d)StmtCacheFreeStmtCacheClearIB@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_cty.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_cty.c#1 $ SAPv,?@@??/`?#m^##=@/ % 3_??======?????_>/P>`w<???_? ?@@??/`?#m^##=@/ % 0_??======?????_>/P`>`w???_? UUԪN$1)Q-*UR@) ?/*ꪪ???@?D0???????9m^9;9=ÿ=`=@`==/_%;3?_?======???????G?~???]?_0UUUUUUUUUT+UUUJUUUUUUUUT@TUUUUUUUUPUUUUUUUU?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU??>'8 =P@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_tol.c#1 $ SAP@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/i18n/sapu16/u16_tol.c#1 $ SAPIBIllegal base %d in strtolU16IBMu16_tol.hIB dcd @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbhdbsql.cpp#6 $ SAPR/3@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbhdbsql.cpp#6 $ SAPALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510DBSLHDB::CSdbHDBConnectionQ2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionDBSLHDB::CSdbHDBDbslStmtQ2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtusedNOT activeSERVICEHOST=DBNAME=SCHEMA=CON_PARAM=) IN ( UNION SELECT FROM DUMMY /*+ */ UPSERT " ( ) VALUES ( ) WHERE AND = ? ) WITH PRIMARY KEYSELECT TOP 1 D.VERSION, H.VALUE FROM M_DATABASE D LEFT OUTER JOIN SYS.M_HOST_INFORMATION H ON H.KEY = 'build_branch'SELECT KEY, VALUE FROM SYS.M_HOST_INFORMATION WHERE HOST = (SELECT TOP 1 HOST FROM M_DATABASE) AND KEY IN ('build_weekstone', 'build_time')'SELECT TOP 1 D.DATABASE_NAME || '/' || H.VALUE, L.HOST, CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_SCHEMA, CURRENT_CONNECTION FROM M_DATABASE D, SYS.M_HOST_INFORMATION H, SYS.M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION L WHERE H.KEY = 'sapsystem' AND L.INDEXSERVER_ACTUAL_ROLE = 'MASTER' SELECT TOP 1 D.DATABASE_NAME || '/' || H.VALUE, D.HOST, CURRENT_USER, CURRENT_SCHEMA, CURRENT_CONNECTION FROM M_DATABASE D, SYS.M_HOST_INFORMATION H WHERE H.KEY = 'sapsystem'SELECT 1 FROM SYS.M_FEATURES WHERE COMPONENT_NAME = 'PARTITIONING' AND FEATURE_NAME = 'RANGE_RESTRICTION'SELECT 1 FROM SYS.M_INIFILE_CONTENTS WHERE FILE_NAME = 'indexserver.ini' AND SECTION = 'sqlscript' AND KEY = 'enable_select_into_scalar_udf' AND VALUE = 'TRUE' ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'system') SET ('sqlscript', 'Enable_Select_Into_Scalar_UDF') = 'TRUE' WITH RECONFIGURESELECT RECORD_COUNT, TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0 FROM M_TABLES WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_TYPE IN ( 'ROW', 'EXTENDED' ) UNION ALL SELECT RECORD_COUNT, ESTIMATED_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_TOTAL, LAST_ESTIMATED_MEMORY_SIZE, PART_ID FROM M_CS_TABLES WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = ?SELECT RECORD_COUNT, TABLE_SIZE, 0, 0 FROM M_TABLES WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = ? AND TABLE_TYPE IN ( 'ROW', 'EXTENDED' ) UNION ALL SELECT RECORD_COUNT, ESTIMATED_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE_IN_TOTAL, 0, PART_ID FROM M_CS_TABLES WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = ?SELECT SUM(COLSIZE) AS ROWSIZE FROM ( SELECT TABLE_NAME, CASE DATA_TYPE_NAME WHEN 'CLOB' THEN 1024 WHEN 'NCLOB' THEN 1024 WHEN 'BLOB' THEN 1024 ELSE LENGTH END AS COLSIZE FROM TABLE_COLUMNS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_SCHEMA AND TABLE_NAME = ? ) GROUP BY TABLE_NAMESAPR3unknown DBDD object typeIBbasic_stringIBM -.0.00.0000.00IBconnect property [%s = %s]IBdbhdbsql.cppIBKEYSQLMODESAPR3IBTIMEOUT0IBUNICODE1IB%luPACKETSIZEICOMPLETEARRAYEXECUTIONICHOPBLANKSIVARCHARMODEABAPIBMCONNECTTIMEOUTI30000IBABAP:%sAPPLICATION%s PL %sIB7221200IBAPPLICATIONVERSIONIDECIMALPRECISIONASLENGTHIBMABAPVARCHARMODE -> %s(con_info_p=%p)connect Try to connect via secure store (%s) on connection %d ...IBCONNECT KEY %s on connection %dIBMno connection data found for key (%s) in HANA secure storeIBconnect via secure store, rc = %d (%s)IB%s:%s Try to connect via environment (%s:%s) on connection %d ...IBCONNECT %s:%s on connection %dIBWARNING: connect to database, rc=%d, rcSQL=%dfailed to allocate %d bytes of memorydbsdbutl.hIBConnect to database failed, rc=%d, rcSQL=%ddefault connection is not available to a service connectionTry to connect as %s/<pwd>@%s on connection %d ...IBCURRENTSCHEMAIB ,IBM IB*@VORAopen db connection to VORAIBconnect to %s/<pwd>@%s on connection %d ...CONNECT %s@%s on connection %dIB -> %s(stmt_p=%p,da_p=%pIBbuildUpsertStmttoo many input values (%d) - maximum is %dIBmore input values (%d) than placeholders (%d) in statementIB = ? <- %s(len=%ld,#marker=%d,#lob=%d)IBToo few input values (%d) for %d columnsI -> %s(stmt_p=%p,da_p=%p,for_explain=%d,lock=%d,op=%d)IBbuildSQLStmtIB #input=%d, #output=%d, xcnt=%dIBtoo many output values (%d) - maximum is %dunexpected occurence of LOB typeIBToo few input values (%d)dbsl_equi_joinIBdbsl_add_stmtSELECTIBTOP %d */ <- %s(len=%ld,op=%d,#marker=%d,#lob=%d)IB,(Wrong occurrence of token DBSL_FAE_ROW_CNT, len=%dIBWHEREAND=too many input host variables (%d) - maximum is %dIBInvalid DbSl token sequence after DBSL_FAE_REF_CNT.IBM  -> %s(con_hdl=%d)IBpingIBselect 'ping' from dummyIBPING on connection %d failed. rc=%dSQLERRTEXT : %sgetTimeSELECT TOP 1 TO_CHAR (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'), TO_CHAR (CURRENT_UTCTIMESTAMP, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') FROM DUMMYDUMMYGet time info failed : rc=%dIB -> %s(schemaname=%s)setDbSchemaSET SCHEMA IBM SET SCHEMA %s on connection %d failed. rc=%dIBSET SCHEMA %s -> %s(extCon_p=%p)useExtConnectionIBuse external HANA SQLDBC connection (%p)IBFDAENABLEDIABAPITABPARAMETERIBSELECT TOP 1 HOST, CURRENT_CONNECTION FROM SYS.M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION WHERE INDEXSERVER_ACTUAL_ROLE = 'MASTER' M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATIONIBGet server node failed on connection %d : rc=%dINFO : Database '%s' instance is moved from '%s' (connection_id=%lu) to '%s' (connection_id=%lu)IBSELECT HOST || ':' || SQL_PORT FROM M_TENANTS WHERE TENANT_NAME = 'M_TENANTStenant connection for tenant %s not found in M_TENANTS Get tenant connection of tenant %s failed : rc=%ddbs/hdb/data_agingIBM_FEATURESIBM_INIFILE_CONTENTSIBALTER CONFIGURATION 'Enable_Select_Into_Scalar_UDF' on connection %d failed. rc=%dIBTABLE_COLUMNS%s, rc=%d (%s)IB -> %s(tab_p=%s)IBgetDBTablesize_KB1.00IBM_TABLESIB TAB %s (part_id=%d) : reccnt=%ld, tabsize=%ld, tabsize_last=%ld TAB %s : rowsize=%d TAB %s, size= %d KB -> %s(tab_p=%s, ind_p=%s)IBgetDBIndexsize_KBSELECT INDEX_SIZE FROM SYS.M_RS_INDEXES WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_USER AND TABLE_NAME = ? AND INDEX_NAME = ?IBM_RS_INDEXESIB IND %s, size = %d KBIB -> %s(number_of_objects=%d)IBgetDBSizesIBDatabaseIB ABAP USER is not set ABAP USER=%s/%s/%s SET APPLICATIONUSER=(%s), CLIENT=(%s), LOCALE_SAP=(%s)SET CLIENT INFO ( APPLICATIONUSER="%s", CLIENT="%s", LOCALE_SAP="%s" )IBAPPLICATIONUSERCLIENTILOCALE_SAPI SET APPLICATIONUSER=(null), CLIENT=(null), LOCALE_SAP=(null)SET CLIENT INFO ( APPLICATIONUSER="", CLIENT="", LOCALE_SAP="" )IB%s.%s%sIB1.00.017IBM_DATABASEIBGet database version failed : rc=%dAttach to HDB : %s (%s)M_HOST_INFORMATIONIB%s : %s=%sIBAttach to HDB : %sIBGet database information failed on connection %d : rc=%dIBINFO : Database '%s' instance is running on '%s'IBINFO : Connect to DB as '%s', connection_id=%luDatabase release is HDB %sIBUsing non supported HANA version: %sIBMin. version for this release must be %sIB1.00.090IBDEFERRED_LOB_WRITINGIBMTRUEIBMINFO : DEFERRED LOB WRITING is activatedIBINFO : DEFERRED LOB WRITING is deactivated, because UPSERT is disabledIBthe connected dbname (%s) is not the right database nameIBapplication has to connect to dbs/hdb/dbname=%sSHDauth/shadow_upgradethe connected user (%s) does not work with the right user/schemaIBapplication has to work with schema %s (dbs/hdb/schema)the connected shadow upgrade user (%s) does not work with the right user/schemaDB max. input host variables : %dIBDB max. statement length : %dIBDB max. array size : %dIBUPSERT disableduse UPSERT with WHERE clauseIBuse decimal precision as lengthABAPVARCHARMODE ABAP is disabledIBABAPVARCHARMODE is %soptimize COMMIT disabledIBuse CALL_ABAP_ONDBCHANGEFR/3IB dcd @(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbddhdb.cpp#1 $ SAPR/3@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/dbs/hdb/dbddhdb.cpp#1 $ SAPALLCCMS: SAPHOSTAGENT does not send communication status to CENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (1) base functionalityEasier the usage of certificates with non-ASCII 7bit charsMODIFY SCREEN : check load idPDF converter: Mixed endians for listsProblems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patchRESTGUI: Drag and dropRESTGUI: Last character is truncated from session identifiRESTGUI: Slim State implementationST: forgotten tracesDB400DB4: Incomplete implementation for higher isolation levelIBM i: SQL0502 when using hint single_execution_reuseMSSQLNTSAP's Simple Database Monitor for Microsoft SQL ServerORACLEUndefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (2)Undefined values for NULL string (LOB), corr. (3)HDBDownport 7.4x featuresABAP password hash: supporting salt sizes up to 256 bitsABAP-SYCH: Local type in classpool erroneously not foundABAP-SYCH: Wrong evaluation of type compositionABAP-XREF: Wrongly created structure componentArray modifications and table buffer invalidationCPIC: remove forbidden system call popen in HANA environmeCore dump due to signal 11 at RFC layerCrash in logging handlerDB2DB2 z/OS: R3szchk, table size 0 in EXT filesDB2 z/OS: SWPM: SQLCODE -913: ALTER TABLE SVERS ADD PRIMDB2 z/OS: db2radm: Support for lowercase userids sapclinstDB6DB6: db6util -lock2key returns SQL0104DIAG GROUPBOX enhancementDP: SNC active and Syslog R11,R5A, R64DP: initial call to rdisp/early_snc_handshake doesnt workDetermine ADS file extension from TSP0BENQU: enqueue log 2.0, (3) remote nameEXPORT_BUFFER_NO_MEMORY: more infoGW: dynamic profile parameters and gwmonGW: gw/reg_no_conn_info, value 16 during dynamic changeITS Up/Down: js error, when webgui is called in portalITS: 722 WebGUI UpdateIncorrect Average RFC Interface Time in ST03N WJava services are not registered with Java message serverLogon screen and SAPLOGON language: SwitchableMODIFY SCREEN : Check current screenMissing authorization check in BC-VMCPerformance improvement for parallel buffer accessPotential remote termination of running processes in BC-CCPotential remote termination of running processes in [COMPProfile parameter rsts/enqueue/enabled is deletedQR Code: Last characters incorrectR3load improved tracing for SQL statement substitutionsRfcGetData ends up in segmentation faultSHO: free shortly before entering critical sectionSYBASESYB: Database Fault ManagementShortdump RPERF_ILLEGAL_LENG at server side of RFC callbacTH: deeper error handling in batch after ThRqOutCheckTH: sessions stay logged on (master/slave)Terminal leak after error in error handlingUI Masking for printing listsUPE: Bold output of CJK textsUPE: OS/2 table too large in embedded fontUnnecessary Trace Messages in Spool TraceWarning for READ TEXTPOOL INTO readonly-itabAgi personas groupbox, uniqueid, palex et alAvoid DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTION in RSTPDAMAINCore dump in dyResizeSplitter()SAP HA Script Connector LibrarySapcontrol: New timeout optionsSapstartsrv: ReadDeveloperTrace fixSapstartsrv: Reject Start request if already startedSapstartsrv: Used delayed Windows service startup typeSapxpg causes protection errorDB6: patch collection 03/2015Fix wrongly overwritten error message in RfcOpenExOS/400: ExecPWaitForProcess: ignore ECHILDSecurity Audit Log event for unencrypted GUI/RFC connectsMaxUsedLinsz of spool request too bigSapstartsrv: Enhance DIR_GLOBAL registrationSYB: Dump/signal 11 in sybctrl on HPABAP-PH: Fix wrong inheritance of CONSTRUCTORAn improved prefer_join method for FOR ALL ENTRIESCCMS: Monitoring pause or downtime cannot be set or unsetCCMS: Severe logging of NiPConnect errorsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.35Heap use after free in likey libsST: pftestAvoid erroneous trace entry in ThVBSParamEmmon crashesLocking changeover in ESENQU: minor correctionsEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handleError in DBACOCKPIT when statements contain comments withGW: Display of parameter max sleep in wrong formatHandle overflow of tabhStore CounterParallel R3Trans Fix for REPOSRC Loss (Hot News 2147596)Saprouter crashes with active SNC trace when the saprouterTable access to TFO11 and TFO12Wrong User-Generated Stack After a Tolerated Datatype MisaNo Font Embedding into Spool RequestGW: parameter values for name greater 16 chars dont workWrong expansion of generic LANG entries (e.g. LANG CLAS *)Improve debugging with watchpoints (TPDA)Saphttp should support filenames with leading spaceADABASADBC single record insert doesn't return duplicate keyENER: Assure sync is called even if time is fluctuatingError codes for SAP-MANIFEST signature checkGW: Core in cpic lib with SNC and distributed traceNetweaver for HANA and linuxppc64Performance optimization for non-canonical cluster tablesPossible loss of decimal accuracy extracting data on LinuxSORT: file deletionSQL error SQL code -1: Invalid Descriptor IndexSYB IQ: Performance enhancement for LOAD statementTH: init cpicrc in ThSapCMRCVCollect mode switched off (COVDATA access error)Head memory leak block-id CUA__Sy-subrc = 2 when calling AB_GET_CALLERABAP-PH: Fix CONSTRUCTOR creation for empty public sectionBypass of Filter in SAP Internet Communication ManagerChange/Activation/Deactivation of services doesn't work asCrash in NW RFC SDK if Application Server is stoppedDB2 z/OS: Update task stopped unexpectedlyDP: Masses of R47 with error 061 in syslogDisplay width of character U+2500HANA System crashes when running native virus scanITS: P3: setting PERSONAS3 editor formatting option ReadITS: P3:onAfterRefresh is not called on every roundtripNo scrollbar for steploop on popupPersonas: Turn off Control (amodal) based F4 helpRace condition when accessing compression handlesSAP GUI for HTML: Correction to behavior of switch for disSAP GUI for HTML: Expand and collapse OK Code fieldSAP PERSONAS kernel part backportSORT: avoid EXSORT_CLOSE_SORTFILE_REMOVEStore scroll position of dynproAgi contextmenu, focus handling et alCodepage used by taskhandler for error messagesWebgui: fixed Hotkey handling on popupsWebgui: fixed SEGV when dialog appears right after logonWebgui: fixed X.YE+Z notation for floating valuesWebgui: fixed dynamic menu on popupsSHO: avoid memory leak in string handlingDb_cluster_buffer_flush: always all cache items undecidedENQU: EnqConvSrvRespToUni = 128SCOV: avoid corruption of coverage resultsDB6: R3ta causes SQL0802 on very large tables if dbms_typeALV Gridview Control: current cell is not set returned froALV Gridview Control: processEventArgs() : Control with idALV Gridview: MODIFIED event not correctly processed; backALV Gridview: features for SAP Screen PersonasChanges for GOS Container button in the title bar are noDialogControl height is getting smaller after every open/cENQU: minor corrections (april 2015)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.36IBM i: Can't release transports via CTSITS HTML Viewer: error, if sapevents with form.submit areITS: Focussing on a disabled checkbox within a tree controITS: Wrong behaviour on tree controls with enabled multi sITS: textedit control readonly optimize trafficITS: textedit text selection adoption for new UR lightspeeITS: toolbar control right align toolbar buttons feature lMoved controls cannot be edited in PersonasMoved controls from hidden tabs crash browserNew unified rendering versionTablecontrol: ENTER key has no effectText in dialog box button is truncated/shorted with ellipsText in input field and texts on buttons are vertically miThe constant height for the status barTypeahead suggestions are not available.UPD: rdisp/vb_inline_wait_when_inactive new default FALSEWeb dispatcher or ICM crashes while running at trace levelError in umode 1 handling for import all and CTC=1ITS: improved Monitoring (RZ20) routinesSapgui profile parameterWebgui: fixed Backend error upon double-clicking SearchHelWebgui: fixed missing HTTP Header fields in ITS contextWebgui: revert of change described in Note 2157777Webgui: some fixes for SearchHelp controlWrong version information is displayed for ICM/WDPSQL Error Message Text for Remote ConectionsDB4: Support for Deflated Tables and Exclusive Lock AcquisSYB: ERROR SQL4096 not enough user connectionsABAP-PH: Fix missing inheritance of CONSTRUCTORABAP-SYCH: Fix missing type resolution for VALUECCMS: Sapstartsrv process hangs after stop actionCheck screen load : Field exitDP,GW: number of registered programs is 0Dropdownlist of combobox for proxies missingENQU: enqueue log 2.0Fullscreen SplitterContainer is not visibleIMPORT_CREATE_DATA: structureless string tablesITS HTML Viewer: error, when sapevents with form.submit arITS Up/Down: Correction is not relevant for patch productiITS: no search help criteria popup after pressing search hIllegal characters in RFC statisticMoved nested tabstripts are displayed twiceRTTI: syntax error exceptionSAP GUI for HTML-Javascript error Object doesnt support...Backend error blocks applicationNew supportbit NO_FOCUS_ON_LISTNo context menu after scrolling in tableScreen load : correct table workarea idWebgui: fixed SID of a Dialog control when Docking enabledWebgui: fixed popup handling in a second imodeENQU: performance, AIXR3load/MaxDB: DbSl Trace: no output buffer for columnDuplicate key on table E071CCCMS: Double entries for the same SID in csmconf fileDefend DOS attack on connection portError message: ThNiOpcodeAddrToName: NiStrToAddr failedFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.37Handling of HTTP pipeline requestsOptimize performance of function module DB_SETGETVMC: SM52 does not show line Memory AllocationMissing gui_fkeyt entriesDB2 z/OS: R3load core if dbs_db2_maxartition is setSYB: start and stop database in HADR environmentAvoid cursor overflow in function DB_SETGETDP: Deadlock in soft cancelKernel support for browser stickiness (SAP note 2038180)Potential loss of buffered data at SAProuter during networST: release sem 9Avoid core in dyGetNextBsdupByArea()Correct transaction statistics for MODIFY operationsDump in SYSLOG detail viewQR Code InitializationReceiving -Maformed saposcol response- error from SAPOscolIXML optimization of runtime behaviorIXML: Do NOT create an inst. upon rollout if none existsIXML: Fix maxExpansion computation.Entries of client dependent customizing tables are not impDB6: patch collection 06/2015SAPFTP segmentation fault on AIXERROR trace: HttpPlugInHandleNetData: server: premature EPotential information disclosure relating to ABAP DebuggerSORT: file deletion without TRCERRSupport of expires header for cache in web dispatcherUser concept conversion using the tool CONVUSRCPTSAP GUI for HTML: Process Batch Input correctionSAP GUI for HTML: Solving 'Invalid GUI input data'Popups in portal are not openedSuggestlist with columns and headerColumns of a dropdown listbox are not properly alignedTab merging is broken with mandatory fieldsDropdownlistbox on initial popup missingITS: toolbar button has wrong background colorRESTGUI: It is not possible to expand disabled nodeAdjustment of scaling factor for sap_corbu and sap_tradeshSteploop on popup not displayed correctlyMoving buttons from/to OMRT toolbar does not workSome icons are missing from TableTreeView controlITS: flavor change indication is not reset for URL start tP3: Entries filter changes are not applied for ComboControProperty's originalActivationId value is not a valid XMLToolbar button style sheet changes made with Theme EditorITS: prefilled native input fields return sometimes differImproved focus handlingLogoff in Portal locks browserDrag and Drop does not work correctly in CJ20NDummy icons are missing in tradeshow designPrefilled value is not applied GuiTextEdit controlError in debug output of a browserScriptnames in script editor missingTS: P3: PERSONAS editor Drop-down List bound onSelSAP GUI for HTML: Object doesn't support property or methodError after selection a flavor with hidden status bITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh scripts are not triggeredSetting a prefilled value on a readonly GuiComboBoxSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextITS: IDA_ALV grid input field find button without button iSize changes are not applied in runtime for GuiTextEdit coControls moved from GuiUserArea to custom group box are noNew way to apply style sheet changes to controls:beginningonActivated event triggerITS: Tree control meta data contains redundant dataPerformance improvement in the date conversion from GregorITS SearchHelp Control : Control still rendered on the sSet correct waitstate for IMCSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error '_rootwindow'Nested controls are not shownTablecontrol: focus not set on row and column selectionST: CPU time too highITS: P3: onBeforeRefresh triggerType EVENT_ENTER after ENTTablecontrol: Personas changes not correctly appliedALV Gridview Control: Gridview Proxy in Personas does't workALV Gridview: Personas changes not correctly applied and nALV Gridview: select/deselect all only applies to visible roTablecontrol: Select/Deselect all results in an backend erGW: gw/resolve_phys_addr not displayed in SMGWwebgui: fixed selection of custom ComboBoxeswebgui: fixed Not possible to restrict with search patternITS: fixed exception upon failed SearchHelp searchCST: sync high resolution timer (Windows)ITS: improved error description in RESTGUIDP: improve handling of message server sncnameDP, GW: no change of gw/timeout in work processesITS: fixed missing stateCore dump building SQL statementR3load conversions from Unicode to non-Unicode not recommeCore dump building SQL statement (2)Additional trace outputHANA & ABAP: New option to enable/disable FIPS 140-2ICM doesn't work when the first HTTP service has subparameITS Webgui Personas 3: Setting HasIcon property of toolbarITS Webgui: Loading animation still visible on start screeITS: Column resize within tree control doesn't workITS: Tree control item highlighting incorrect when multiplIncorrect backgrund color of ABAPList elementNot possible to hide toolbar buttons on popup windowsNotification about incorrect column reorder operation doesSetting of external theme breaks webgui screenSource code revisionStarting RFC servers takes too longWebGUI Dropdownlist control :Fix for custom dropdown listsCore dump in dyFocusCopy()Endless lock in ESITS: fixed julep/PpioRecoverLocksITS: fixed string escaping in JSON serializationLogin/password_change_for_SSO = 0 ignored with new kernelNo js error for input fields with help button on popupsOnActivated event triggerOra: add policy for oracle 12.1DB6: increase maximum number of external connections to 16Error in certificate parsing kernel methodPreparations Linux 4.x KernelAlthough NO-SCROLLING scrollbar is displayedSupport for SVG filesSYB: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISSMATCHFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.38Linux UUID check: Adaptions for SLES 12Wrong E071-LOCKFLAG update during parallel importSYB: describe for execution of proceduresAsynchronous re-dispatch of update requestsICM crashes when processing outgoing emailsROLL_IN_ERROR after softcancelSmart Linefeed for non-UTF8-filesWrong remote IP address is logged in ICM or web dispatcherDB6: Explain does not find matching optimizer profileCheck session information before each SQL callFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.39Invisible moved controlsNothing happens after click on status bar message in any cSAP GUI for HTML: failed to fire action on displaysizeImprove performance of onload/onafterrefreshMoved enjoy controls are still visible on original placeHistory entries not shown correctlyWebgui crash with empty dockerDB6: ignore warings during array MODIFYGateway crashes while tracing with higher trace levelITS: JULEP: F4 Search help result list shows blank lines oITS: SE80 double click text selection not possibleIts: fixed WP crash caused by Out of memory in big ALVGridWebgui: fixed ITS_SET_CONTEXT from a non-Unicode into UnicJVM crash by SIGSEGVPersonas: Toolbar SID fixed tbar -> shellDB6: SPLITTED LOAD and indexes are created via .SQL FilesHidden OMRT controls should not appear in the screen stateITS UpDown: showdocument with empty parameter keep_fileITS Webgui : F4 multiselect help : double click event doesLIST_PARSER_ILLEGAL_SWITCH after second %PRILoad of SSF default product SAPSECULIBNo busy indicator after entering data in input fieldTablecontrol: column width, resizing and PersonasWebGUI javascript error in IE8Window Image for Theming is not visible after it has beenITS HTML Viewer: documents with sapr3 url not shownITS UpDown: new popup when java does not run in browserWrong request transfer rate calculationA checkbox in ABAPList is partially hiddenCCMS: Extending length of CCMS alert text sent in SNMP traCode injection vulnerability in ABAPError message in the message serverGW: more Info in case of gw startup failureGateway error message from NiStrToAddrMaskUnauthorized modification of displayed content in messageUntyped global FIELD-SYMBOLS with CHANGING VALUESapstartsrv: missing text description for EME/EMF eventsDB2 z/OS: Error: SQLCODE = 0DB4: XDA Fix to 2126327 - SQL Error Message Text for RemoSAPHTTP - Incorrect Content-LenghtE2E trace level low : missing entries in GUI_E2E_TRACESBatch-Input: BDC_RUNNING Parameter BIEND (Kernel Part)RTTC: system areas addedSAPOscol WebService call SendRequest corrupts responseFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.40GW: parameter gw/resolve_phys_addr contains invalid default valueVMC: Improved performance of authorization checkDump DIAG_RFC_EXCEPTIONDB6: AFTER_LOAD property for secondary indexes ignored inR3load HANA: Correction Warning massloader dismatchR3load/HANA Correction SQL-Error 257Enabled AS4FIXFILE to change program objects, parameter nuIBM i: Handling of tool MGTIFSOWN improvedSAP Netweaver SAL incorrect logging of addressesAgisess: uninitialized pointer fieldDuplicate inboud e-mails after SAP Kernel updateDB6: Set CURRENT REFRESH AGE = 0 at connect timePrefer join method using a VALUES clause is not taking effUse connection variables instead of table M_CONNECTIONSError during export: invalid generic selectionDDLADA.TPL: Primary Key Template ADD AttributeSAPFTP unicode charcter conversion in FTP_COMMANDR3szchk stops processing attribute line 'att:'Deadlock in soft cancelNU: Add trace for number range object when mutex cannot beSAL incorrect value used for maximum size per dayImprove handling of invalid dialog step numbersFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.41A GuiLabel is indicated as GuiTextField in personas editorALV Gridview: calculation of height incorrect when a title iBackend Error Occurred - Failed to set value: readonly - aBackend error while tabmerging causes popupsBrowser Title not updated after Personas ChangesCST: minor corrections (september 2015)Changing Icons of ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons, settinDefine toolbar child controls as disabled from Home FacetDropdownlistbox on popup is missingENQU: checks for lock ownersHorizontal Alignment for Inputfields and Labels cannot beITS SearchHelp Control : Search Help result grid with pareITS: IDA ALV toolbar controls label is displayed in pixelITS: Right click on tree control discards multiple selecteITS: Right click on tree node doesn't always fire the correcITS: Scroll position within tree control is not maintainedInputfield in ABAPList does not limit input lengthMenu Entries cannot be enabled/disabled and no custom TextNew design for SAP GUI for HTML in SAP_BASIS 700/701No effect after making custom changes on GUI Actions andNo icon option does not work for GUI Actions and SettingsPersonas 3.0: Tooltip for StatusbarQR-Code bug: missing UTF-8 encodingRESTGUI: Action TotalClick fails on GridView Cell controlRESTGUI: MaxLength property is missing from GridView EditCRESTGUI: Not possible to change display size out of WEBGUIRESTGUI: Override rules are not applied to TabStrip SelectSAP GUI for HTML: no resize on ListsScrollbar when F4 button is displayedSearchhelp on custom inputfield does not openSetting custom Text for ALV Grid Control Toolbar Buttons hSupport for tabmerging on popupsTH: Minor memory leak in JNITablecontrol: columns are not displayed or work process maThe custom toolbar separator added by user is not shown iToolbar buttons do not work in IE8Toolbar buttons overlap if the width is not big enought toTooltip for OMRT (Enjoy) controls is not setTooltip for Titlebar is not setTooltip for multiline editfieldUsing vector grafics rendering SAP iconsVMC: References of cache objectsTypeahead does not work for fields in subscreensDB4: Unicode Literals in SQL Text not Converted CorrectlyMemory leak of DSQL cursorsITS: fixed viewing of Documents stored on Content serverPersonas: fixed onSelect on ComboBox controlsSuppress ICM trace about setting ABAP releaseR3szchk wrong size for table with fields larger 256 charsCentral CTS: Recommended transport tool versionsA popup makes the personas button disappearALV Gridview: readonly checkboxes can be changedError trace: cuaGetBuffer overflowPrint spool requests > 2GBTablecontrol: horizontal scroll position lost on dialog stTablecontrol: rows are not selected when selection is disaThe maximal character number for user created One-line andWidth changes on OK-code field are not appliedAgfrwork: unchecked return, agisess: uninitialized scalarGW: Minor corrections in gateway executableSapstartsrv: Fix soap_check_permission2 crash on UnixDB2 z/OS: Protect CLIGarbage characters at VARCR3trans may import wrong initial values to newly added fieldCCMS: Running TREX instance reported unavailable, CCMS MonIBM i: Kernel Patch for ILE signal HandlingIncorrect time zone information following change from MSDDB4: Workprocess do not end completelyR3load aborts importing table with large LOB objectsOnClick event is not processedABAP-GEN: Fix potentially unsecure kernel sources (1)ALV Gridview Control: current cell is not always marked asComplete scripting events firingDetect runtime objects with duplicate UUIDsEnjoy controls cannot be resizedITS Search Help Control : Search Help patterns beginning wITS UpDown: applet alternativITS: Double clicking tree item images on tree control leadMemory Inspector: perform. optimization for table linesMore Information on error EgAlloc failedStickyNote Size not correctly set in editor (in 2nd sessioTabmerge of enjoy controls leads to backend errorWebgui: fixed SIDs on AGI popups with personas controls~webgui_icon_toolbar shows Save iconSAP Screen Personas OnCellDoubleClick for ALV Gridview & TALV Gridview Control: Title wraps when text exceeds availaALV Gridview Control: first selected row should be scrolleALV Gridview: invalid input dataITS: Tooltips in header cells of tree controls are not disRestrictions to the maximal number of characters in Text FWindow background color is being applied to the scrollbarsGuistatus load validationALV Gridview: modified cell values appear in wrong columnALV Gridview: row-range selection not displayed when firstPotential false redirection of Web site content in InterneSapstartsrv: Fix ParameterValue function on OS390Invalid characters at end of character strings of type VARDB6: early close INSERT statement on duprecDescribe on a decimal datatype with a large scale valuePSE download on instance startup may not always workSap personas : diag tracesProfile parameter and hint for FOR ALL ENTRIES with VALUESBackground jobs terminate due to TemSe errorsENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queriesMissing reset of Control ID AliasENQU (ENSA): additional traces on shm attachR3ta produces .TPL.TPL entry in the generated command fileR3szchk -s DD -t mss -g mss hangsDIAG GROUPBOX : missing contextmenuDIAG GROUPBOX : missing inputJCo: Support of local DNS cache invalidationCorrections for the ABINDEX hintR3trans crashes with signal 11Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.43DB2 z/OS: Support for cascaded static accounting in batchAfter import method of preliminary import is not executedMemory leaksignal 11 during import of R3TR VDATR3ta: WHR-conditions contain non-masked quotesEXPORT/IMPORT: always close compression handle 2Last entry in the hostname/service buffer is overwritten bMultiple hints in one MSSQLNT clauseENQU (ENSA): wildcards in queries (2)Dipgntab - enable parallel processing of copy shadow nametSystem standstill: MtxLock EMADMDBSL: Tracing error with Core DumpABAP-PH: Add indirectly referenced types to D010TABCCMS: agents fail to display permitted file content, logicLocal user time during double hourSystemtime is UTCEnable leading blanks in sap shortcutsRSCLTK PERM block trailer defect at cluster table SELECTConversion from byte array to string with code page 6100 sSAL garbage character at the end of terminal IPSpooler: Increase barcode bitmap buffer size to 10 MBAblist5: uninitialized scalar variableDisplay correct filename when creating memory dump fileDB4: SQL0113 during DYNPLOAD ModificationASSIGN ... CASTING TYPE HANDLE and type gcR3load HANA: Create longchar flied as blob or nvarcharR3load HANA: Migration Targetdb HANA is data lost possibleMaxDB SWPM Installation, log full if table depoolingENQU (ENSA): reset enquelogAPYSIDKRN: Handle orphan dir. trees in customer backupsIBM i: Recognition of SAP HANA and MaxDB clientPotential denial of service in Message ServerTime measurement in taskhandlerBatch-Input Log: Write initiator when proc. in backgroundFix dump in SPAD printer definitionProblems with TA SHMM in embedded SAPGui in ADTRemove the limit on maximum segment size on AIXSource code revision dybisbic.c: Logical vs. bitwise op.Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.44DB2 z/OS: Key only MERGE with CLI 10.5FP4DB6: CLI overflow in DMO migration phaseDB4: Trace outputs with interchanged textsAPYSIDKRN: Handle filenames with spacesAPYSIDKRN: Don't append comma to created archiveNew Unified Rendering version.SAP GUI for HTML: ~ignore_okcodeSplitter shows wrong cells with width/height of zeroCursor position 0 not recognizedITS Search Help Control : Date type Selection Fields whenMandatory fields block tabmerge processingRESTGUI: Action 'push' does not work on Toolbar OutlookButRESTGUI: GridView is empty after click on total expanderRESTGUI: New operation POST /sapr3 for OCI catalog scenariSAP GUI for HTML: Permanent dialog area settings from URLSM04 displays HTTPS-sessions after logging them offVertical alignment of moved controls[Template for a SAP note that describes a fix that is shipLoop through onload script that changes transactionOnF4 scripts for simple textfield is not calledWebgui: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue while uploading a fileWebgui: fixed SIDs of dialog controls hosted on popupsWebgui: fixed itsp/LocalRepository feature on LinuxWebgui: restored ~RG_SCRIPTING context fieldITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog z-order problemButton moved to Toolbar from Tab Strip changes its locatioColor theme changes are not applied correctly to GUI actiITS: Easy Access Menu with large image cause core dumpNew SAP icon design for sap_bluecrystal theme is set to deNew version of SAP iconsRESTGUI: ModalWindow width and height are zero after setSiRESTGUI: TextEditor value is lost after back-end interactiRESTGUI: UserArea position and size should be adjusted wheSAP GUI for HTML (WebGUI) internal changeSAP GUI for HTML: XML interpretation of logoff pagesWrong Format for Date Picker Input FieldLocal events on proxies force backend errorOnClick script interferes with onload/onafterrefreshOnload script blocks url parameterWebgui: fixed SearchHelp selection options in julep caseWebgui: fixed dropdown menus on OMRT toolbar buttonsCrash with controls moved to collapsible areaEqual keys and values in dropdown listboxFocus not set correctly after open/close of popupIncrease of connectionsJS-error in tree and gridview after textedit manipulationRESTGUI: Segmentation fault when requesting state for ContRegression: Prefilled value is returned by control inspectSAP GUI for HTML: correct version differencesSAPSAP GUI for HTML: No complete processing of Batch InputITS: performance optimizationCCMS: Cannot maintain properties of MTEs from J2EE contextCustom buttons added to the toolbar overlap after font sizENQU: syslog in ERSITS SearchHelp : Enter event on search expression field peLSX download doesn't workProblem with ABAP debugger activation with terminal IDR3load export, NULL values in DecFloat columns cause AVALV Gridview Control: columns rendered too smallALV Gridview: text in cells with icons is not displayedApplying a Theme can result in a System Core Dump.Changes to Visibility and Tooltip of the StatusBar have noCustomStyles of some controls are applied to additional coF4 Help in Text Edit: Enable Search, but do not set TextJavaScript error with Gridview, Tree or Textedit on PopupLimitations to the Text Length of Multi-line Text Fields hMM memory leak block-id DIAGOCMultiple RadioButtons selectable if Group contains a read-No fixed columns in Gridview and Table via SAP Screen PersOnCellDoubleClick in Gridview and Tablecontrol must refresPersonas Scripting: Custom styles do not supersede those oPushing EnterButton in StandardToolbar does trigger incorrSetting a Password Field to Read Only does not have an effTablecontrol: Focus is not set on row selection in ChromeTablecontrol: focus on row selection with empty first cellUser inserted controls may cause performance issues.WebGUI: JavaScript error on DoubleClick in ALV Gridview anLoading animation is always displayedALV Grid Control Toolbar cannot be hiddenEnhanced error message when loading ICU shared librariesSwitching a Tabstrip displays empty panelSAP Node.js 0.12 Patch Collection 0ITS UpDown: ITS Filebrowser dialog terms translation[WebGUI is frozen on initial startSubscreens (GuiVContainer) do not support colors and backgDB6: dynamically enable/disable netstatis collectionMap SQL returncode -4023 to unknown objectAccessibility of Transaction Code Field: No Show/hide ButtBackend error after several scroll operationsGW: Improvement of trace informationHiding docker cell blanks screenHiding the ContextMenu has no effectITS UpDown: ITS Popups instead of window prompt boxesITS: ABAP documentation link do not openITS: PERSONAS 3.0: memory leak in tabstrip processing flavOnload scripts are not executed while script recordingPrerequisit correction for CERTRULE to support EMail logonProblems with timezone buffer for down-under time zonesProcess stops working on particular toolbar settings (ITS)RESTGUI: Size and position are not calculated correctly foSAP GUI for HTML dialog area on new DIAG implementationSAPup installation of first temp license sometimes failsST: DB connection name (default)Screen is not refreshed after OnSelect() event of ComboboxStyle sheet changes for Docking Container are not appliedTabchchange with popup can break tabmergeVisible hidden tab after popup on proxyDiag : CALL_FUNCTION_NO_GUI_BUFFERNew agi interface GetXmlBlobTablecontrol: missing column checkWebgui: fixed Week53 in calendar controlJava is not restarted after shutdown due to timeout of recFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.46R3ldctle fails with <tabname> is not a DB tableMissing leading zeros in NUMC-CHAR conversionIllegal character on non-unicode systemENQU: too short re-connect cyclesDB4: Package Dispersion with Namespace TablesABAP object access causes OBJMGR_INTERNAL_ERRORDP: Core in Taskhandler Service functionOpen SQL: correct subqueries with <>ANY operatorSAP JVM Crash in VSI create instanceIgnore hint files in R3taOra RAC: startdb/stopdb do not recognize RAC databaseNew feature in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.47Profile-based optimization on Oracle SolarisCentral CTS: Recommended versions of transport toolsEnabling field history for personas custom fields.Flavor is not applied to table with onload scriptKernel patches for code pages, languages and localesOut of memory fix for TemsePersonas Changes for Password FieldsRestricting the number of characters a user can enter intoSAP GUI for HTML Minor Dialogarea CorrectionsSAP Screen Personas Scripting: highlighting virtual controScreen size is not adjustedTemse writes too much trace infoUnauthorized modification of displayed content in WebGUIUnjustified MESSAGE GAF WarningValues lost for Read-only Input FieldsWebSocket: Tracing output for successful execution of codeWrong size calculation for custom themesIac: fixed text upload in IACsITS: fixed SEGV in CtxtSetValue(31 to 32) in non-Unicode cWebgui: fixed SEGV in ReportITSstatictics()ODBC driver restrictions for SQL Server 2016Workprocess exit during SLT replicationVSCAN_RFC: Antivirus not availableCCMS: Missing or not-updated MTE nodes in Java Startup FraMemory overwrite for dynamic parametersEfficient vardata handling in agiIXML: internal codepage changed to UnicodeImprove new ABAP DebuggerSaphttp tracing enhancementAPYSIDKRN: Improved check of archives for other DBMSNo break of tabmerge for normal messagesDB2 z/OS: db2radm add read zparm and additional grants for*** ERROR => agits.cpp 250Open SQL: correct subqueries with NOT IN operatorCCMS: SNMP utilities failing on WinNTPROGID Parameter is cut to 8 characters if copied from theDB4: make statement IDs uniqueSYB: Start database and stop database in an HADR environmeR3loadl and R3szchk: New Oracle feature for database ILM pABAP-PH: Fix Evaluation Order of Base Class[M]*PPC JAVA portal InaccessibleCorrect RFC parameter SNC_PARTNERNAME for two SNC_LIBs atLoss of icm/server_port_XX specific CIPHERS settings on SSPrincipal Propagation from Cloud Connector via RFC failsSCAN ABAP-SOURCE error for list-token with commentCrash in SsfSupGetCommonCryptoLibVersionStringIBM i: Enable OS Release IBM i 7.3vscan_rfc.exe randomly crashesDispatcher and ICM get blockedFix for HPPA compilerSapstartsrv: Missing CCMS agent shutdown on WindowsPotential denial of service in Enqueue ServerSAP GUI for HTML: issue on ~webgui_simple_toolbar=1SAP GUI for HTML: no system buttons/~webgui_simple_toolbarDB6: unexpected VBKEY value found in VBHDRCPIC: new function SAP_CMKEEPALIVE for JCoFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.48Fix DpContextIsActive in case of master-slave scenarioSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED at parameter->attrIBM i: Message Server and Dispatcher run priority too lowSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 100Wrong conversion of UTC timestamps with CONVERT TIME STAMPSCS processes crash because ERS system log NWA Heap Dump Analysis: Error while getting server nodesSAL audit log read returns one entry too lessDP: Logon lasts longPotential denial of service in jstartALV Gridview: Total lines not highlighted in dialog boxALV Gridview: undistinguishable background and selection cBackend error with nested proxiesCCMS fixes in kernel binaries: sapstartsrv, sapccm4x, sapcClass 4 driver printCollapsed Sticky Note hides ControlsError with moved fields from invisible subscreenError: unexpected return code 2 calling ins_ddlogFailed Trusted System logon reported as successful logonGW: Names of communication partners are cut offITS Search Help Control : implementation of processing horITS Search Help: Error with search option when there areITS Tree Control: Column Optimization for column tree contITS UpDown: dynamic menu and frontend servicesIn ALV GridView rows get always first visible position aftIntegrity check can be executed on open fileMissing PERSONAS error messages with onload scriptsReorganizing mimes for theme structureSAP GUI for HTML: ~nosplash as GET parameterSAP Screen Personas: Accessibility Texts for Logos in theSetting the maxLength for Password FieldsWebGUI cleanup: remove rowId parameter from GridViewCellIXML: dangling pointer in a cloned node to an documentITS: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgent (chrome)Sapstartsrv: Fix ReadLogFile endcookie responseSystem_core_dumped when scrolling in acc listWebgui: fixed enabled flag on Checkboxes and RadiobuttonsWebgui: no-history flag respected on AGI Text fieldsXtc: Allow (restricted) use of DTDs in XSLT sourcesDB6: Missing double qoutes in CREATE TABLE statementDB6: Support for tablespace poolsIBM i: Tool Support for Lock Queue and Deflated TablesENQU: minor corrections (january 2016)ENQU: minor corrections (january 2016, 2)Error handling in case of deadlock on table COVREFALV Gridview: Flavor changes not applied when control is rALV Gridview: cells with icons and text may cause a backenALV Gridview: leading spaces are always trimmedALVs containing dropdown list in the cell cause an error wAccessibility Tooltip for Toolbar Input FieldAdditional Texts for SAP GUI for HTMLAmodel F4 help don't display result grid forArbitrary Log File Injection for SAP GatewayCell double click in ALV does not work in SJOBREPOCode injection vulnerability in SAP Internet CommunicationContent Filter match traced wrong dataContent of fullscreen container hidden after browser resizCoredump in ab_regObjUnregister()Correct assignment of scripts to popupsCoverity Check FixDisabled input fields don't show correct colorsDocker cannot be resize after script manipulationEdit moved table in PERSONASGW: Illegal characters in GW Log FileHTTP responses with multi-parts are not parsed correctlyHidden docker hides userareaIMPORT_CREATE_DATA in UC for NUC dataITS Tree: horizontal scrollbar for single column-no headerITS UpDown: WebGUI File Browser menu entry missingITS UpDown: applet alternative for FF, IE, Safari and EdgeITS UpDown: applet certificate validity end date 01/11/201ITS: Item selection and activation in tree control is possImplementation of Sap Table Cell Mode Read-onlyImprove performance of tabmerged controlsImprove popup detection during tabmergeInconsistencies in Personas themesIncorrect expiry date from old licensesLogon not possible with invalid http requestMenu 'System' sometimes still visibleMinor corrections in the logon routineMoved table control cannot be changed anymoreNew Unified Rendering VersionNo backend error with preset values under initial popupNon-ABAP correction is not relevant for patch production.Obsolete state of gridview after tab mergePersonas 3 SAP Toolbar: Buttons are moved to overflow menuPersonas changes not applied for Toolbar Buttons of PopupPopups aren't created in heavy load situationsRectangles with background color for moved toolbar buttonsRemove unused border on popupsSAP GUI for HTML embedded in iframe (Apple Safari only)SAP Screen Personas: Wrong Application of Custom Styles toSAP Screen Personas: no call during system updateSelection of a contextmenu on AbapList returns a wrong lisSuggest response moves focus back to the inputfieldSupport custom template containerSupport transaction based switch of PERSONAS authorizationTable Control: Select Event not fired on select/deselect aTablecontrol: Applying Changes to the Tooltip of Header CeTablecontrol: Backend Error after Changing the Column WidtTheme name from URL is wrongly case sensitiveUser area background changes applied with space around[Onload events after script executionCore in cuaGetInfo()Gui-status: trace entry >invalid LF3 version<Htmlviewer controlled by script causes javascript errorIXML: access to an document that is removed from ABAP GCITS: DropMenu toolbar buttons to support action/3ITS: fixed SearchHelp in IAC modeITS: shellcont == shellcont[0] and vice versaLoop through onload scripts with failed tabmergeOnbeforerefresh event with last focused informationScreen events for popupsTrace entry: WARNING PfSetGuiTime: gui time < backend timeUnnecessary scrollbars due to dropdown listboxWebgui/personas: GuiGridView.selectedRowsAbsolute addedWebgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong UserAgentWebgui: fixed front-end service from OMRT popupsWebgui: fixed popup title overwrite over Screen PersonasWindow related execution of start scriptsFormatting error in FOR ALL ENTRIES statements in ST05AS4FIXFILE fails on libraries with 120,000+ objectsChange Journal receiver size option from *MAXOPT2 to *MAXOIBM i: Instance kernel library is empty after SAPCPEE runIBM i: Instance does not start; GetAuth(QSECOFR) Failed (-1DP: disp+work crashes with access violationCorrect table statistics in ST03NICMAN - Redirect page shows server informationLinux on public cloud VM: no SAP licenseMemory consumption in RABAXOpendir() error on WindowsPDF mergerST: componentName is wrong in statdumpSWINCF: Some Problems with List PrintingSystem internal logons are not properly logged in SALUUIDs on AIX are not RFC 4122 compliantAbap list uim for specific fieldsAgisess, agiatoms, agfrwork: uninit memberCleanup RFC layer on ond of transactionFx: empty attribute in basXML has wrong valueRe-enable debugger with async RFC logonSapstartsrv: Fix http logfiles supportScreen generation: memory usageText of checkbox/radiobutton cut offDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl, allow unload of CLI driver when not coAvoid spool-file generation in APYSIDKRN child jobsIBM i: Instance does not start once after applying a patchR3trans may run slow in parallel import situationsR3trans incorrect transport of TRDIRT entriesR3trans: Duplicate key error during the import of R3TRCDAT, R3TRVDATDB2 z/OS: R3load export, -904, 00C90089, EDM DBD SPACEDB6: Row-organized temporary tables for SPLITTED_LOADDB2 z/OS: Disable cfg file creation when connect.ini existR3ta: implementation of the check_utf8 option for MSSQLENQU: access violation in enqt when no enq srv is runningGEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for expression in complex hierarchyITS: fixed workprocess crash caused by URL-escaping a u (mLogging username of client certificate based authenticatioSapstartsrv: stack overflow vulnerabilityFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.4.49VMC: Settings in customer configurations not recognizedSaphttp and TCP bufferAvoid core when raising a JCB messageRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND cause of THEW_LIST_MASKINGR3ldctl crashes processing very large view definitionsUUIDs on AIX are not orderedICM crashes intermittentlyDB4: SAP Host Agent 721/722 Uses Advanced XDN ServerENQU: internal optimizationsCCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP fails because of quotes in alert teCCMS: MTE node OperatingSystem_Memory_Free has a wrong uCCMS: periodic RFC_EXCEPTION in agent's log file, fixed LoDunning activity run does not delete dunning linesDuplicate client host or IP entries for x-forwarded-for heCorrect forkey check for loop fieldsMissing interface for turn off AgiMenuItemReturn code UNKNOWN OBJECT also used for constraintsMemory allocation sequence for nondia work processesDB6: Not all rows loaded after load resetdictionaryonlyIBM i: Program does not start; error: tcsetattr: Invalid aA new way to apply style sheet changes for controlsALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged horizontallyALV Gridview Control: data not correctly trimmed from deltALV Gridview: styles and maxlen not taken over from deltaAccessibility: Status Bar MessagesAdditional texts for SAP GUI for HTMLBackgroudColor change is ignored for GuiMenuBar in runtimeDisabled Textfields don't show correct colorsError trace during applet startFixed control type for Checkbox and Radio toolbar buttonsGZIP: close stream also in case of exceptionGridview & Tablecontrol: invalid client data when controlGuiHtmlViewer does not handle URLs with SAPR3 prefix set bHTTP form fields cannot be readHTTP form fields cannot be read when using SEARCH_OPTION =Html Viewer: quick clicking results in backend errorITS: Error after choosing a tree context menu itemITS: textedit control get_/set_text_as_r3Table method damaMoved fields are not displayed with wrong inputNested controls of active tabpage missingOnload script execution after initial popupSAP GUI for HTML: sap-browserhistorySAP Screen Personas : resize diag output areaScrolling of moved gridviewTabmerge on local tabstrips confuse active pageToolbarbuttons can not be disabledUser panel width change affects the size of popup windowsWebgui File Browser: different symptomsCorrecting calculation of subscreens containing checkboxesITS: fixed ~templatename to lowercaseWebgui/personas: GuiUserArea type for fullscreen containerWebgui/personas: restored initial values set by PersonasWebgui: ALEWEB_GET_CONTEXT does not work for binary fieldsWebgui: added GuiGOSShell container for GOS buttonWebgui: fixed an error when a GOS container owns a toolbarWebgui: fixed static popup menus on OMRT toolbarsWebgui: no X button on popups which disallow cancellingWebgui: return error on a too long value in ComboControlTablecontrol: Horizontal Scrollbar Position slightly displDouble entries in Application ToolbarTp IMPORTPREVIEW does not finishIBM i: Additional Info at SQL0913Call of macro DBST_ENTER_EXEC_STATIC correctedBackground changes are not applied to the user area if theChanges of style sheet font properties for Group Box are nControls moved out of splitter are not visible in editorDrag and Drop between two ALV GridView controls inside traITS: fixed wrong index in ITS_IMPORT_CONTEXT result tableSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_simple_toolbar & 4 not HELP/LOGOSplitter content is emptyStyle sheet changes set to custom input fields via Theme ETypeahead results are not displayed after screen changeWebGUI File Browser: extensions (MIME types) supported forChange tab sequence doesn't workCustom combo boxes do not show empty record as standard coWebgui/personas: fixed SID of a desktop-bound dialog contaWebgui/personas: fixed control type for help windowsSAPCCMS web method GetAgentConfig protectedST: Refused length specification, template application dumNew option -notraceIBM i: Description of command APYSIDKRNSE30: record mismatch for system-exitSE30: trace record inconsistenciesLimit for Memory Inspector SnapshotsCCMS: Sapstartsrv hangs during initialization at instanceSHO: Free pending lockDB6: null termination of SPLITTED_LOAD tablespace nameENQU: enqt, print command lineICM of J2EE server crashes when illegal request is sent toDB6: SQL cache analysis does not show ABAP locationBuffer size for TCP communication sockets to improve transDIAG field namesDriver version check optionalRuntime error SYSTEM_RFC_TLSALLBUFFERSINUSEMissing quickinfo on abap listScreen load: trace outputTLS1.2 support for sldregALV GridView control does not automatically scroll to theALV Gridview: Personas flavor changes not taken over initiALV Gridview: text in cells with icons wrapsBackground color change is not applied to the toolbar sepaExotic language support in kernelFalse automatic dialog area setting on PERSONASFlavor name instead of Flavor Id in the popup menu of theGroup of virtual RadioButtons: Selection reverts to defaulITS Restgui: CUA Menubar and standard toolbar informatio nITS SH Control : Column Widths are not accurately renderedITS: all toolbar separators at end of toolbarImprove error message when SAP Screen Personas initializatMissing cross-reference for function-signatureMonospaced font is used to display dropdown listboxSAP GUI for HTML: No seperated system buttons on ~webgui_iSash not visible after browser resizeSearch focus in ABAP List report not setSize of userarea changes while popup is openTablecontrol: Consistent Behaviour of Select AllTablecontrol: workprocess drop on flavor changeTrusted System ACL check not working after note 2264239Unexpected vertical scroll bar on popups with IE11 and BelWebGUI File Browser: Applet free implementation of the froWrong icons on Session Timeout popup in Fiori lookZ3A Personas: ALV: changing column title does not change tFix regression onload script execution after initial popupSapstartsrv: Call sldreg with profile optionWebgui/personas: RasterLayout used for FullScreen containeWebgui: fixed Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGWebgui: fixed to accept the ? character in the SIDsWebgui: fixed weekdays in Calendar Control when a start ofLength error in remote connectionSaphttp and SSL - client ciphersuites configurationAdditional public key for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDENQU: wrong network format in query requestsPoor performance of Simple Transformations with many templWrong cache size is displayed for cache statistics in webIBM i: SUM fails in ABAP phase START_SHDI_FIRSTENQU: interne Optimierungen (lock, wakeup)CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES: MEM_GET_KEYS and MEM_DELETESWINCF: Some Problems with Arabic PrintingGet codepage for taskhandler messageGet field names for non-translation-relevant fieldsScreen generation: memory usage regressionDB4: INSERT with isolation level and concurrent accessDB4: Standalone SAP tools can't switch user using OLD userDisable UPSERTDB2 RADM -m AddAppServerToDB2dsdriverCfgFileDB2 z/OS: addclienttocfgfile multiprocessAPPEND .. SORTED BY does not add any rowsDBIF_RTAB_KEY_ALREADY_EXISTS on AIXSymmetric Encryption with Initialization Vector - KernelITS: fixed control not found error in Portal modeIBM i: Avoidance of errors for code page that cannot be unIBM i: Revision of bundle codingCCMS: Fixed downtime, Log Attribute MTEs, failure of CCMSSYB: sybctrl support of multibyte characters running isqlABAP Debugger: fix problem with interactive system areaCoredump during batch job start (wrong language)GW: wrong hostname in gateway log (field ACCESS)PERM/TASK memory : trace all corrupted blocksSHO: avoid rebuild of areas with restr. lifetime without rWebgui File Browser: improvement of document displaySYB: Implicit conversion from datatype 'TEXT' to 'VARCHAR'Summary size of partitioned segments too smallSIQ: Windows only: Incorrect path is set by dbsl when a muSYB: reconnect in DR or HA environmentABAP Call Monitor for STPIKernel functions to identify CJK languagesLength error in remote connection, 2nd corr.EXPORT/IMPORT USING: avoid exception breakoutDB2Radm not longer supported on OS390DIAG GROUPBOX : invisible framesDelayed print jobs do not print after connection problem tIncorrect Datamatrix BarcodeSYB: startdb/stopdb with hadr setupWebgui: fixed dynamic ContextMenu on ALV Grid Toolbar ButtIPv6 RFC connection using SNC returns empty listSAPINLPGM: Error in multithreaded jobDb metadata of a CALL statementALV Gridview Control: Backend Error in conjunction with aALV Gridview Control: cells are not merged correctlyALV Gridview Control: coloring of readonly cells is wrongALV Gridview Control: focus is not processed correctlyALV Gridview Control: workprocess drops on flavor changeALV Gridview: copy and paste from Excel or Notepad do notAdditional Languages for SAP GUI for HTML: Hindu and KazakAllow empty Host header even when icm/HTTP/allow_invalid_hFlavor changes behind popup missing.Flavor name or Flavor Id in the popup menu of the status bHTTP filter: Exception for individual ICF servicesITS Search Help Cotrol: The incorrect tab is displayed wheITS Webgui SH Control: The value for field Maximum No of HITS: IDA combobox control cause backend errorITS: Some controls may not receive focus events while theyITS: click on node of a SAP IGS (Internet Graphics ServiceITS:Checkbox labels in tree control not displayed monospacIncrease the size of shared memory pools from 32bits to 64Listbox in Tablecontrol: Parameter for displaying Keys areMove of docker sash maximizes dockerMoved toolbar button not visible on other tabMultiple input to moved fields from tab produces backend eNo flavor applied after system errorPicture control in disabled state does not skip onclick evREAD-ONLY Attribute sind als Felder auf einem Dynpro eingaRFC debugging: GUI is not availableSE30: Corrupt trace filesSE30: heavy use of semaphore 51 though no trace activeScrolling of ALV grid in fullscreen container clears pageVH: Parts of the docker are looking out by bringing two saWebGUI File Browser: deleting several files at onceWebGUI File Browser: memory usage: file blobs in listviewWebGUI File Browser: no error popup for privacy modeWebGUI File Browser: tracing improvedWebGUI File Browser: wrong close button behavior in popupsIXML: truncated characters leads to an infinite loopOnBeforeRefresh() event is not fired after clicking on cliWebgui: Fixed text in the Backend error popupWebgui: fixed backend error on F1 in SearchHelp result diaWebgui: fixed control not found error in when called fromWebgui: overlong values accepted in edit fields (and Combo~webgui_icon_toolbar shows no system icon buttonsDBSL: Core dump for tracing, corr. 2DIAG enhancement: batchinput stateFilesystem monitoring crashes on unicode systemsGW: Improve performance during acl file accessGW: small memory leak in gatewayMinimum hostname length on WindowsR3load: MaxDB: sql-error drop unknown dbobjectAPYSIDKRN: fixed errors in hint handlingDB6: inline length 8K for column DCONTENT in TST03DB_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL: Do not bypass table bufferDisplay width of some mathematical symbol charactersFailed SPNego logon causing core dumpMESSAGE text TYPE type: garbled text displayedFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.2CCMS: No data reported for QueueLength, ErrorsInWpENQ, ErrorFreqInWpENAdditional trace for PDF mergerITS: F4 button press in textedit control show no effectSAP WebGui does not work with IPv6SNC: Remote logon with destination <SID>@BACK@ not workAssembly export not working correctlyALV Gridview Control: doubleclick on a cell may cause a backend errorITS: Drop session on implicit port 443AS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disable Missing personas 1:1 alias mappingWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flagWebgui: fixed missing buttons on popupsWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialogFlavor switch after screen change is not appliedBackend error for toolbar event with proxies on pageWebGUI File Browser: incorrect filename/foldername in fileAPYSIDKRN may break with empty environment variablesDB4: reopen adjustable via profile parameterAS ABAP in client role encodes received cookie values with ict/disableWebGUI File Browser: directory not found in file open dialWebGUI File Browser: js error during file download with append flag.Webgui: fixed missing buttons on popups when separators arALV Gridview Control: Scrolling On Demand may not load additional rowsDynamic dynpro contextmenu isn't displayedFlavor changes are missing in native GUIsLogon rejection shortdumps in spite of rfc/signon_error_loOpenSQL: Subquery and dyn. Table in Mainquery fails gen.WebGUI File Browser: clipboard import error in firefoxZ3A Personas: onResizeEvent with returnWebgui: fixed GOS container menu with FrontEnd servicesALV GridView: wrong context menu when called on the column header besiCPIC: change of SAP_CMTRACE in cpic libDelete obsolete reference of unneeded iXML libraryEXPORT_TABLE_UPD_CONFLICT,DATASET_CANT_OPEN: improvementsParamters of RABAX in developer traceSPLIT: check overlap also by addition ...INTO TABLEAvoid memory overwrite with ABAP debugger watchpointsIts: fixed context field setting in a non-continuous modeAccess violation when reading NUMC fields in EXEC SQL or ADBCParallel import of a deletion transport failsPDF merger for AIXIXML: Return to UCS-2 encodingMissing Texts in Languages other than EnglishOptions for handling illegal characters in SXML writerWebGUI File Browser: filter selection in file dialogs raises js errorDiag enhancement: spool session activeDB2 z/OS: SIGSEGV in lib_dbsl with dbs_db2_autobindAPYSIDKRN: DSPSAPVERS ILE does not workFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.3Frontend Services: Java applet-free implementation is now default forWebGUI File Browser: change of some display textsAPYSIDKRN: QFileSvr.400: Creation of failsSldreg using new option pf=<profile> fails with HTTPSInvalid Parameter in TRMSG-MessageFocus information is lost after pressing button.ENQU: ENSA does not desuspend ERSDIAG trace: flagbit values > 255Do not add session tokens to URLs which don't trigger a requestMmxCheck for block size greater than 4Gb fails when mm_diagmode is seWebgui: fixed invalid 0xA0 character in TextEdit controlFix Memory Leak in Message ServerSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 200Transaction based PERSONAS activation doesn't workFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.4Disable input history for multiple line texteditOnBeforeRefresh/onEnter not executed on tableWebgui: fixed hanging GOS menu requestSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 Patch Level 201Remove double increment of length variableSAP GUI for HTML: Blank page on start of SAP GUI for HTMLIBM i: avoid having atfork handlers after a dlclose.Webgui: fixed SEGV caused by a wrong connect codepage for Vietnamese lFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.5ABAP CONVERT TIME STAMP..: bugfix for 1582 and 9999CONVERT fix Buf entry for start of non-dst in case '?'Regression: Control of type CUA_POPUP_MENU is missing from RESTGUI staScreen generation: memory usage regression 2SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 202ALV Gridview Control: listbox row selection doesn't work with keyboardALV Gridview: Backend Error with F-Key in conjunction with Modified-EvALV Gridview: dump when using and/or switching layouts in SAP Screen PALV Gridview: rendering error when cells are merged across fixed and nAdoption of New NengoAvoid dump ATRA_CANT_OPENBypass SAP_CMKEEPALIVE call for a lower remote GWCoredump in RFC delta managerDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: get cursorDIAG enhancement GROUPBOX : invalid GUI input dataDIAG trace: invalid first byteDynpro : amount reference fieldFix appending spool requests with POSS optionsFocus on popup missingFrontend Services: locking of frontend services correctedGETWA_NOTASSIGNED when calling ABAP Methods in STsGW: Several Fixes in SAP GatewayITS Restgui - Fixing the units of table treecolumn widthsITS: textedit control method set_selected_textstream end with RABAXIt is not possible to apply transparent color for toolbars with sap-thMissing printer initialization for ADS spool jobsOnSelect event script block double click on gridviewOnload after flavor switch not executed.SAP GUI for HTML: Annoying confirmation popup for TXSAP GUI for HTML: Solve CSRF issueSAP GUI for HTML: Titlebar too highSAP GUI for HTML: ~newwindowattributesSAP GUI for HTML: ~webgui_icon_toolbar 1 != 2SHO: Cleanup after ATTACH_MODE_DETACH_READERService name is missing in trace when it is not resolvable on WindowsSetting of user area top, width and height do not work using Control SSignal 11 while using Java_com_sap_vmc_sec_auth_JTSAuthority_checkPermSticky Note does not show a tooltip, when it is not set explicitStyle class psmbar is not attached to the menu barTabmerge with disabled tab pagesWebGUI File Browser: Chrome: calculation of free space of browser's fiWebGUI File Browser: HTML Local Storage disabledWebGUI File Browser: help text updated.WebGUI File Browser: locking of long running import taskFirst webgui dynpro response is without no-cacheOnload of popup after flavor change not firedPersonas: unable to focus into a table, dragged out of the tab strip pSapstartsrv: support service/admin_groups on WindowsWebgui/personas: fixed ID of custom Personas controlsWebgui: fixed "serialization failed" errorDB4: XDN Jobs remain in system after DB connection close (ILE).IBM i: Out of memory error in NWRFCSDKIBM i: V5R4, APYSIDKRN: Function error X'0306' in machine instruction.R3load bad export performance with many containersR3load/Hana: correction sql-error for fasloaderDB2 z/OS: enable transcational consistent replicationDB4: Reparse Warnings in Developer Trace for MULTI Action TriggorsDB6: RENAME INDEX on virtual tablesDBDS type mapping for SSTRING changedIUUC commit hookSupport storing ABAP client and user in database sessionDB2RADM creates 2 or more logfiles at onceAffinityfailbackinterval improvedMissing agi interface IsSAPBatchinputActiveSapcpe returns success when the file system is full in temcCTS: accumulation of u-modesAgi personas alias: missing special casesAutomatic cleanup of suspended transport requestscCTS: support for operation_mode=proposedDB2 z/OS: R3load use RSCAN hint for export splits by partAiE Debugger does not stop while many WPs in debug modeMemory overwrite for runtime error ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEYDisp+work on AIX with Profile Based OptimizationMore Oracle shadow processes than SAP work processesENQU: ensmon loops endlesslyBroken event handling in quirks modeSYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when parsing a certificateCCMS: Messages from SAP system log classified always with ERROR levelIncomplete Printing on PDF Device Types (mixed Endians)ABAP expression with EQUIV and off/len access yields wrong resultABAP list on popup does not display all dataALV Gridview Control: Changed data is not taken over after dialog stepALV Gridview Control: select/deselect all menu doesn't work with multiCST: validation of parameter names while changingENQU: re-opening of the enqueue logOpen SQL: Correct subqueries evaluating to falseWrong result for FIND/COUNT( REGEX )Soapclient signature removalMTE node 'OperatingSystem\Memory\Free Memory' displays incorrect unitInvalid QR Code in Kanji ModeALV Gridview & Tablecontrol: conditional formatting only when controlALV Gridview Control: key columns and total rows are sometimes not colDocker not visible on popupForm Print Options with Additional Print OptionsITS: Items in column tree control may become unreadable while positionMoved subscreens cannot be editedNew TID algorithm for transactional and queued RFCNew Unified Rendering versionScrolling in gridview in dialogboxSetting the read only property for the native Textedit control via PerStyle class psmenu is not attached to the menu bar itemTablecontrol: Backend error after changing the column orderWebGUI File Browser: file paths with language specific characters incoWebGUI File Browser: js error on double click in listview headerImproved FailbackShort dump in class constructor during object deserializationPDF merge for mapped device typesSAL | paged read does not work reliablyVMC: Wrong UC endianness in external RFC from NUC LE systemSUM Shadow Import: Correct handling of objects that are only partly stored in shadow tablesR3trans does not export all TADIR entries of the objects contained in a transport requestSAPINLPGM does not always evaluate of <sid>admDB2 z/OS: lib_dbsl chaining error on single modify stmtDB2 z/OS: CLI seamless failover not detectedCross-Site Scripting vulnerability in SAP GUI for HTMLDP, MS: improve access to MBUFFM NI_ADDR_TO_FQ_NAME doesn't always return FQDNFunction module TH_SERVER_LIST may return wrong IPv4 addresses for appITS Search Help: core dump due to incorrect trimming of a column in reNew default value rdisp/rollin_locking = 1SAP GUI for HTML: Start of BOR object with object key and object dataUPD: Authorizations and printing in updateDB6: database connection using SSL encryptionImprove sldreg tracingDB6: dev trace entries with SYSPROC.ADMIN_REVALIDATE_DB_OBJECTParameter maxincnt is obsoleteTracing of saphttp incomning HTTP dataITS Webgui Tree Control: Incorrect width rendered for optimized tree cJVM crashed -UXP(ouxp006a) App server restartedPersonas: Background image is applied to the window using control specPersonas: Existing title bar/status bar colors are not removed when crSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 201SCOV: fix branch coverage for CHECK SELECT-OPTIONS.SYSLOG Message AB1 not initialized correctlySYSTEM_CORE_DUMP when logging on with X.509 certificateSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in kernel function SetCgProgInfoSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED or misplaced diacritical marks when printing ArabicSash move of replaced splitter produces backend errorSome icons are not correct in SAP_CORBU themeToolbar- and contextmenu on popupWebgui: fixed dynpro context menu on popupsWebgui: fixed submenu handling in toolbar menusFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.6Screen load: check multiple releaseIBMi: Java-Upgrade fails when starting SCS instancesDB6: wrong VALUES CURRENT TIMESTAMP statement executedSaphttp does not fill status_codeMissing GUI status objects, string length errorALV Gridview: errorneous cell merging in first non-fixed columnGW: Minor memory Leak in GWITS: Tree control loses selection status when a popup window opens onSAP GUI for HTML: Javascript error in Internet Explorer on trim() methTREX process crashes in NiISystemErrorRe-enable Job debugging (note 573128, point 3)Webgui/personas: allow HTTP(S) URLs in OMRT Image controlsWebgui: Fixed "control not found" when closing a second dialog boxIASP toolseAvoid core in abTpdaSlave_setSignalAfterAsyncMessImprove access to debug info in EG memoryDB4: Correction for PARALLEL_DEGREE with numeric parameterRZ20: EG Memory not shown in MTE R3BasisSystem / MemoryManagementBinary Data in Datamatrix BarcodeCL_ABAP_AAB_UTILITIES=>IS_ACTIVE: wrong rc in batchDenial of service (DOS) in Dynpro EngineDo not show containers drawn previously on a different scrrenJS-Error with moved dropdown listboxJava Script Engine of ABAP server may become unavailablePrint of Symbol Font with UPERTTI: Describe on interface typeRZ10: import of profiles not possibleTablecontrol: Inconsistent focus handling when pressing ENTERWebGUI File Browser: sorting in file listviewCCMS: SNMP traps sent by auto-reaction method CCMS_OnAlert_SNMP_TRAP_CVSI - Truncation long MIME type listDB2 z/OS: support application compatibility DB2 12R3load cannot convert tables with fiels type VARC to Unicode in upgradCCMS: Cannot activate RFC server trace in sapccmsr, sapccm4x, ccmspingAS ABAP client doesn't encode special characters in formfield nameCorrect memory waste for page admin of internal tablesDIAG GROUPBOX enhancement: set cursorDP: change of db reconnect handling in taskhandlerDP: gw/timeout for monitoring connect to gatewayHTML Viewer: backend error control not foundInstance on AIX 7.2 can not be started by sapcontrol because getpeernaMemory Leak in ABAP Reference Handling with TYPE-POOLsSAP HA Script Connector Library: Interface extensionSE30: wrong calculation of net timeST: Unjustified syntax error for value map with P(0)Avoid core in dyBufferInternalLoopValuesClient proxy support for sldregExternal command breaks off with exception SYSTEM_FAILURESaphttp return compid with missing last characterDB2 z/OS: R3ta improved error handlingCorrection of the license check for Amazon Web Services ChinaFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.7Combobox: Empty Item missingDo not display Docking Containers on wrong ScreensGrid or tree looses focus after roundtripWebGUI File Browser: Safari version identificationWebgui: fixed backend error on too many popupsUser defined HTTP logging with TLS informationSapSSL update to facilitate TLSv1.2-only configurationsAvoid LOAD_NOT_FOUND_AFTER_GEN due to swappingInconsistent secondary table keys after MODIFYNew DIAG supportbitSapstartsrv: Fix crash during trace file truncationWebgui: calendar focus is lost after a backend roundtripWebgui: fixed to support Microsoft Edge browserR3load crashes processing TOC files with short select statementBlanks in fields of type TIMS or DATS are converted to 000000ENSA: additional traces (EncIDoParamReq)Sapnames loggingJaxWS introductionSybase ASE: Database Fault Management: new features and correctionsCorrection of OS version detection for Windows Server 2012R2 and higheSaphttp fails with open ... error: No such file or directoryR3load aborts during a Unicode conversionFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.8ITS Searchhelp: Default values in search help fields cannot be modifieCannot open popups with changed titleFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.10Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.9Error in HTTP_GET_FILES and HTTP_POST_FILESSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 300Focus lost with PERSONAS after action outside of controlMenuSelect on dialogshell not workingALV Gridview Control: buttons are erroneously displayed in sub-/totalALV Gridview: conditional formatting not applied after scrollingALV Gridview: modified event not triggered after insert, append, dupliDrag and Drop cannot be performed on tree control when node key contaiHorizontal aligned Splitter Controls are not rendered in IE11 with SAPLocal history access causes exceptions due to shortage of available spMake sure the size of a Dialog Box in SAP GUI for HTML does not exceedNew Unified Rendering version for SAP GUI for HTMLTablecontrol: SAP Screen Personas changes to the column width are notVarious fixes for Docking and Splitter-Controls in SAP GUI for HTMLSYB: Adaptation of error handling for MERGE statementsImproved R3ta performance, improve large partition numsImproved R3ta table split performanceImproved R3ta table split performance, large part numbersAGILIB : Gui VersionCCMS: Trace of events in Monitoring Segment with AlertLog, severe RFCCCMS: crash of agent for ViewDirList, transmission error in SM66, tracDIAG Browserversions stringDIAG: fastpath and wan gui connectionDP: Increase constant TH_DELAYED_MAX_ARGLEN for debugging purposesDebugger Patch CollectionDenial of service (DOS) in SAP Message ServerDisable syslog in SM21 for host/service lookupError getting the hardware key on Amazon AWS serverFull access to SAP MMC WEB-ServiceGW: don't stop when Hostname resolution failsGui-Status : own luw generation traceHTTPS traffic is not logged with ms/HTTP/logging_0 parameterHanging spool WPInformation Disclosure in SAP Message ServerList UI Masking: Masking on all PagesLocal IP interface is not identified as being local.Problems with sapstartsrv from Release 7.00 and 6.40 patch 169Runtime error LOAD_TRFO_PROGRAM_MISMATCHSHO Constructor Logon: RUNT_INTERNAL_ERRORVMC: Signal 11 during Mutex lock operationVMC: sporadic RFC_VMC_COMMUNICATION_ERRORWhite text not visible in printer language PCLAvoid LOAD_PROGRAM_LOST for modified programsSupport multiple includes in debuggerTrace PERM/TASK memory listFix default authenticator; Trusted-Library Attribute;Fix for system not shown when sapmc starts via browserENQU: no replication at keepalive problemsCDS objects are not needed for remote connectionsDB2 z/OS: Support of DB2 12DB2 z/OS: avoid dump when Bind and SAPGLOBALHOST is not setDB2 z/OS: map SAP_OSFA_NAME to CLI OSFA_NAMEDB4: Clearer Message Text for SQL0443 and SQL723 Trigger errorsDB4: INSERT triggers on tables with LOBs may cause loss of data.DB4: endless loop at prepareDB6: lock wait on cursor executed WITH RS clauseDB6: schema name in SYSTEM commentExtention of maximum row numberSIQ: Improve error handling if write of IQ load file fails.SYB: Client-side cursor in SAP BW contextTransaction log full in tempdb due to ACTIVE_TRANSACTIONDb4: use SYSRPYL for INQRYMSG in secondary connectionsHint SUBSTITUTE_LITERALS correctedNotice truncation on datatype SSTRINGUpgrade stops in phase TABIM_UPG due to strange SQL errorTransport of deletions: missing synchronisationavoid anonymization of TADIR.SRCSYTEMavoid duplicate key error due to toggled key fieldsSYB: ASE Error SQL17240 - password change on database failsSYB: Start database: dataserver process not foundSYB: start/stop database, improve error handling if environment checksOnActivate event not active while tab mergeUnneccessary scrollbars after userarea resizingABAP bit expression leads to illegal type or runtime errorDIAG trace without timestampsDP: timeout for frontend printingDetermine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Linux)Determine Hardware ID on Google Cloud Platform (Windows)Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.12M_LANDSCAPE_HOST_CONFIGURATION only on default connectionSQLDBC_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is always a warningDebug Authorities and auth/new_buffering = 4GW: SNCERR_INVALID_FRAMEDB2 z/OS: Check if IUUC hook is still used by DbSlDB6: Floating exception for tablespace with zero containersDB2 z/OS: possiblity to specify another pwd file locationDIAG: display/window dimension for rfc connect dataMMC start/stop also create filter in NWSAP Screen Personas: No call during an updateWrong Colors in Composite Spool RequestsCCMS: High frequency of requesting the samphore 38 in SM50CL_ABAP_EXPIMP_UTILITIES=>ITAB_CONVERT: uninit. var.DIAG: invisible pushbuttonsAvoid crash in ThrtDbgInitSystemWideDebugging()Enable users with space in their names for ext. debuggingDBSL Support for SQL Server 2017R3load/MaxDB -readcommited worksDump heap usage only if no more space availableICM crashes due to P4S connection interruptionsBackend error with moved control and actions on otherITS: Tree control scroll position wrong after searching for tree nodeMissing reason in SAL for failed transaction startSAP GUI for HTML turns unresponsive in language HE_ILSupport local scrolling of popupsWebGUI File Browser: CTRL-A, close button, messagebarFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.13AGILIB: Performance optimizationCCMS: AlMsUpload fails while uploading SYSLOG_MAPORA: Core dump for illegal defined secondary connectionUpdating SAP_R3_MIB.TXT for SNMP traps for OS Command Adapter at SAP FDB6: change connect user password on DB2 pureScale systemAssertion Tickets passed wrongly as LOGONTICKET to kernel routinesSHO: error handling if nested mode failsSubsequent error because of empty Connect Info in DBCOAPYSIDKRN misinterprets dw_gui patchFSM: Safari: export to filename "unknown"FSM: files not selectable in file open dialogFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.14SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 400IBM i: SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentIBM i: STARTSAP INSTHOST(*LOCAL) with virtual hosts doesn't start orIBM i:SAP System does not start in pure IPV6 environmentHandling of splitted tables by R3load for MaxDBDB4: enhanced data type support describing metadataInitialization of substitution flagRow count calculation changedSldreg - new profile parameter sldreg/secudir_unsetAGI: new method AgiObj::GetAssociatedObjectBatch-Input log: wrong type for message 00 381CPIC: determine network interface for outgoing connectionsCorrect initialization of USR01 fieldsDIAG: core in diagograph()DIAG: hide help/system menuDIAG: invisible pushbuttons - regressionDo not cache responses with an incorrect content-lengthError in MMX statisticError message MpiFreeBuff in dev_icmError message during tabmerge blocks applicationGW/CPIC: Set parameter SNC_LIB via environment variable is not supportICM handles HEAD response with "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" header incITS Search help: system dump when showing all search fields on the lasMPI buffer usage in FCA with inconsistenciesPotential error while scanning with virus scan adapterSAL | Filter selection by user group does not protocol unsuccessful loSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1708STPI Blacklist MonitorSpool trace errorVMC: Improved error handling resizing a SharedKeyHashSetWebgui: full-screen OMRT controls get the size of the popup windowSapstartsrv: buffer overrun in GetInstancePropertiesWebgui: fixed backend error in SearchHelp dialogWebgui: fixed dynamic drop down menu on toolbar buttonsWrong trace info for IUUC Commit hookUPE: Gaps after diacritical characters (Courier New)DIAG: context menu of column titleDIAG: resize ztta/diag_areaDYNP: frame resizeMessage server HTTP connection leakSAP GUI for HTML: English text shown in sap-language "bg"Webgui: workarounds for different browsers made possibleDTP batch job shows success when data load is interruptedSYB: SQL error 7725 Cursor was declared with a FOR UPDATE clause. ThisDB4: New DLTOLDPKGS for removing Zombie Single Execution PackagesFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.15ICM / Web Dispatcher log handler files with unexpected log timesSMANIFEST_VERIFY modules with default signature namesSmall Corrections to PDF MergerAvoid trunction on numeric datatypesCore in function systrao()Improved codepage check in DBSLCCMS: RFCOSLIB: Method CCMS_Fsys_Collect_creporting errors: can not fiImplementing an Independent ASP (IASP) SystemJob remains in status Ready and background WP cannot execute DB reconnectCore Dump at Easy Access in ABAP Shared ObjectsNo S_DATASET for COA filesSapstartsrv: register message server https port(s) in SLDCRTSAPDB does not work for user ASPsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.16DB4: enhanced data type support - part 2DB6: call out script to collect support data after SQL exceptionsDetermine HardwareID on OpenTelekom, Huawei, AlibabaIncorrect audit log entries for CALL TRANSACTION in backgroundNormalization for file namesPossible Heap CorruptionWindows on Alibaba Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseInternal / trusted system RFCs not failing despite locked/expired userJQuery updateRe-enable external debugging on current appserver onlyWebgui: provide $System.BrowserName and $System.BrowserVersionDB4: Describe upon a table with more than 16 columns, might result inSIQ: support for IQ odbc driver 16.1SYB: Database Fault Management - Heartbeat reconnect after network ouSYB: password change for ASE administrator syb<sapsid> fails on LinuxDIAG GROUPBOX : overlapping frames and step-loopsWork process crash during restartGW : *** ERROR => failed to open (Invalid argument)SE30: memory overwrite in jump bufferCCMS: Invalid value at MTE OperatingSystem\Filesystems\[fsys name]\Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.17SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 500DB500Fixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.18Fix docking control calculations in Personas 2.0Fix splitter control calculations in Personas 2.0Personas: Labels will not be set to disabled statusSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1711WebGUI File Browser: option in file save dialog to save to native fileMissing deactivation of SQL stmt, overflow stmt. cacheABAP compiler dumps for DDIC inconsistencyCL_ICU_TRANSFORMATION=>TRANSLITERATE returns additional charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Frames cut step loopsSE30: record mismatch for message inside conversion exitWrong Handling of Binary Spool RequestsWrong colors if spool request is partly printedScreen load: invalid load tracesIBM i: DLTSAPSPLF fails deleteing more than 10000 Spools.Syslog analysis: rslgview.exe and rslglscs.exe are not available for WAzure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse ConnectivityDB6: error handling on connection attempts without passwordMissing synchronization of calendar bufferAGI: Okcode missingCCMS: Accidentally lost MTE node settings, alerts and performance histCPIC: corrections and improvements in cpic libCore in AB_GET_CX_DATADIAG GROUPBOX : loop field inputDump LOAD_PROGRAM_NOT_FOUNDGW: too many TCP/IP connections openMetadata for profile parameter abap/path_normalizationPotential memory corruption on linux optUPrevent High Paging on Windows OS Using The DiscardVirtualMemory() FunSE30: long runtime for SUBMITSecure Storage in the File System: Error SSFS-1400 with text "... (errWrong Security Audit Log entry for failed Callback Whitelist Check forBasXML: unexpected EOF leads to workprocess restartCorrect handling of multiple included parts of an includeUnable to detect correct number of cluster nodesCPIC: accept remote trace level in cpic layerDP: Work process always restarts (II)Fix roll in errorImprove access to anchor arraysSE30: Switch on/off runtime measurement while debuggingDisable debug changes in mode Session_InspectionWrong compare of local host name and explicit host nameAccess violation during workprocess reconnectCollective note for password assignmentEm usage displayed in st02 is higher than actualAGI: Personas Alias HandlingCST: mini trace layer for request flowMMX: Improved double free identificationMinor errors fixedCALL TRANSACTION: ignoring missing authorizationAGI: window dimensionsLogon with valid assertion tickets can fail with RFC/DIAGPXA: introduce guard page to avoid memory overwriteSAPHTTP - extended HTTP body traceABAP kernel sync sporadic missingAdd GuiControlToolBar type to the controlType mappingCalculate sizes for children of a splitter control early in SAP GUI foNUM: number range buffer deactivationNot possible to change rdisp/os_heap_for_restartDB2 z/OS: no need to specify APPLCOMPAT for secondary connectionsDYNP: type ahead request and user mailClient certificate authentication support for SLDREGNo time zone information, switch to UTCNew sapgui profil parameterRestgui: Unsupported property [__added_by_personas_scripting__ : X] inWeb Dispatcher doesn't handle multiple cache-control response headersDB6: incorrect member number in network statisticsDIAG GROUPBOX: missing fieldsDownport Fast RFC SerializationDynp: max dialogbox dimensionRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is activeSCMON: performance optimizationsSuppress the output of payload in RFC_NO_AUTHORITYNew version of AS4FIXFILEFastload expert options on SQL Server omitted by R3loadAdditional normalization for file names in virus scanNUM: Improve kernel traces for number range bufferSAP GUI error with message "SID:frontend without SNC received SNC MessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1801SAP on AWS: Adaption of your SAP LicenseSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlock in Unix signal handler (nuc)Incorrect display of missing PTF Groups in CHKR3PTFFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.19BUS_ERROR in Fast Serialization Move ModeFast RFC Serialization Move To Different EndianessRFC - memory overwriteSFASTRFCMAINTENANCE is not workingSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1802SAP GUI for HTML: fix reading initial splitter column or row sizes wheCompatible mode for SLDREG after Note 2553966SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 600Dataloss using TRFC with mixed Unicode/None Unicode DestinationsT/Q RFC with JCo 2 fails with Invalid Protocol VersionABAP Message NavigationABAP-SYCH: Dumped TYPES table has dangling type idsAGI: max size of IO-bufferCCMS: False Alert on R3DeveloperTrace or R3SystemTrace MTECCMS: No method assignment is stored in the DB for Monitoring Object RCCMS: Update of SNMPLIBCCMS: host monitoring in cluster environmentCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING IICore dump when printing RTL documents with long lines (>256 charactersDIAG GROUPBOX: Missing fieldsEnable PSE creation with CCL algorithms | Kernel partExtracting exception attributes destroys memoryFast RFC Serialization odd NUMC fields from None UnicodeGW: increase default value of gw/monitor_timeoutImprove Debugging of SHM Area ConstructorMaximum file size (MAXSIZEKB) of parameter icm/security_log does not wNUM: Deactivation of the number range bufferRABAX TABLEVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX if RAL is active (2)SNMPLIB 5.7.1UI list masking does not work for local variables or field symbolsAvoid TABLVIEW_DUP_COLUMN_INDEX with UI-LoggingFxreader: insufficient Unicode supportHANA/MaxDB: Better log output for execute DDL-StatementsHANA: Check for Existing Row in DeltaDB2 z/OS: Ability to switch to another Linux schedulerDB6: OPTGUIDELINES may not be parsed correctlyDB6: hint FAE_JOIN_BLOCKING_WITH_DISTINCTDB6: statement string is blank or emptyDb4: ignore WAIT FOR OUTCOME with old db releasesSLG: Mapping between SAP Messages IDs and MS Windows Event IDsENQU: ERS looses conn to ENSA in state transferImport aborts due to memory shortage when import table entries with large stringsMessage class not visible after transport (missing T100A entry)Missing table entries in SEOCOMPO due to parallel importR3trans import with statistical informationALV Gridview: Delete Row only deletes visible rowsIncorrect canonicalization if payload contains content strings "&apos;SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1803Destination NONE is not regenerated in case UNICODE setting is wrongFixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.20No access to 'exttransdirpath' during exportDB6: row locks on column-organized tables cannot be translated to keySYB: Re-execute statement after sql error 107ABAP UNIT: Avoid incorrect coverageST: huge response times in ST03Fix size (calculations) of dialog boxes in SAP GUI for HTML if the metSAP start service on Unix platformsR3load error during load with Fastloader on MaxDBSAPHTTP and relative path for redirectionParameter rfc/selftrust is not workingFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.21Import breaks with sql error 'string data right truncation'Tp clearold does not delete subdirectoriesDP: ThReceive, ill msg_typeDYNP_GET_STATUS enhancementNUM: R0P syslog entrySimple Transformation exception CX_ST_MATCH_ELEMENTTrace for PERM/TASK memory areasSHO: SYSTEM_SHMCONSTR_LOGON_FAILED during auto buildSHO: Transactional locks and inserted sessionsIBM i: SAP Database Performance Collector Version 6.0CCMS: agent stops connecting CEN system for MSSQLSERVER_-1, extended tLOOP with dynamic WHERE condition returns wrong resultsetSapstartsrv: On Windows GetTraceFile webmethod can failCursor error and workprocess exit in DBSLInvalid length in LCHR fieldAS4FIXFILE fixed delete program objects bug, changed library lock handFast RFC Serialization - Date compression not usedScreen compression: invalid loop container heightGW: external cpic programs do not start any morePASEInlPgm-Profile or -Login should be useable non-interactiveSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1804DBSL: Corr. for ORA-12415 after RAC switchDB6: db6util -sold option to show application holding oldest transactiCALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1805SE30: record mismatch for W message (automation calls)DB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch Collection Q1 2017DB2Radm produces 2 log filesDeferred close not to delay DELETE operationError in spool monitoring correctedDB6: better handling of cancel requests during connect processingIBM i: Sapinst missing error propagation from kernelUPE with Postscript: Output of Wrong CharactersAvoid core in abDbgReadUserBps_delDuplicatesError: R3trans time runs backwardClear focus for custom controlsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1806PPMS technical database name is incorrect.Patch collections for ICU shared librariesIBM i:Externel UNIX Pgms are tried to start as ILE ones.UPE: Wrong Characters on Systems with Mixed EndiansNew diag supportbitESC has no effect on popupAGI: new tracesDIAG:don't send actionbar on dialogboxesDIAG: no actionbar data on dialogboxes - regressionDIAG: invisible window-stack entryUse SAPSYSTEMNAME as setInitialEnvironment Indicator.Comparison of data references in Shared ObjectsGui-Status: status SAPMSSYD 0020 missingIBM i:externel UNIX Programms tried to start as ILE onesTest : ABAP Kernel SyncAPYSIDKRN cannot install igshelperCustom controls on fullscreencontainer not visibleSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1807Webgui: fixed horizontal scrollbar in horizontal Calendar controlAPYSIDKRN SAVSAR runs foreverR3trans stops with sigal 11 during import of table content (e.g. R3TRBad performance during language import in systems with many clientsExplict PSE file for SLDREGSupport for Microsoft ODBC Drivers for SQL Server in SAP NetWeaverCERTRULE | collective note for rule based mapping #2Label is handled as Textfield in Personas flavor, monospaced font cannWebgui: fixed error caused by a wrong escaping of Shift-JIS response iMS: crash while starting the AS JAVADB6: no DB error message was returned on MODCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.7.3 and with iniParser 3.1Fixes and Features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.22SAP GUI for HTML: Tolerate other negative values than -1 as row heightLeft aligned checkboxes covering the textCPIC: correction to function SAP_CMMAXCONVSAP HA Script Connector Library Windows: Fix EnvironmentR3trans: GUI status load deletion missing during importSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 700DB2 z/OS: uninitialized ABAP raw fields (type x)DB6: Explain with invalid statement text may cause work process abortDbcon entry for SQL connection to VORAForce reconnect after sql error -10923ENQU: parameters validation in the enqueue libSAPHTTP uses only SAPSSLC.pse for HTTPSCCMS Syslog Monitor: Filters at MTE nodes of Message container are incCERTRULE | Redundant entry check sometimes incorrectDIAG GROUPBOX : Set CursorDP: add Trace to display message counterDP: rdisp/elem_per_queue configured too highDynpro: PropertybagEPP and update II (kernel fix)EPP in update taskFast RFC Serialization 16 byte packed values with all digits filled reFast RFC Serialization increase protocol version for connectorsFix crash if ccm perf data for last 15m or 1h do not exist.Gateway does not read during connection handshakeNT: Instance cannot be restarted after dispatcher diedNUM: Change return code in case of timeoutRFC Transfer of string with more than ?536870911? charactersRemove SNMPSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1808SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1809SHO: avoid mutex timeoutSYSTEM_NO_ROLL at SELECT ... FOR ALL ENTRIESCorrect audit log of transaction startMemoryblock DIAGAR corruptionDB2 z/OS: db2radm Patch CollectionSAP language delivery transport deletes customer OTR textError when the same ADBC statement produces two or more different rowsProfile parameter dbs/ora/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookLog full Oracle 18 server versionDetect HTTP requests from browserTabToElement is not appliedWebgui: fixed submitting data encoded in Shift-JIS containing 0x5C bytDB2 z/OS: Db2 network statistics don't show virtual hostsDB6: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicItab - NULL pointer access on modify basket updateNew profile parameters for transactional replicationChange responsibility of dev project "proj/sapha"Determine HardwareID on Huawei KVM CloudSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1810Make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicABAP Call Monitor: New Profile Parameter and ImprovementsRelease of temporary offset/length access of PXA stringsFixes in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.23DIAG: invisible column titelsRuntime Monitor error Can't write to RTMDATA occursTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CATCH BEFORE UNWINDVMC: Signal 11 during tracing of lock informationImprove initialization of an internal modeIntroducing HASYSINFExport of deletion transport ends with returncode 0006Audit log content missing after Unicode conversionSYB: stop database fails if SRS is installed and ssl enabledCL_ABAP_CONV_OUT_CE: initialize alignment gapsIntroduce a new ACL file entry "permit local" to allow connections froSYB: make dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hook dynamicHost information updated after a database failoverNegative smoothed and averaged values at performance MTE nodes in Rz20DIAG: missing toolbar entriesGW: GwIPrxyCheck: no matching entry foundGW: wrong lu name in slot 0 of logged on clients listSAP Screen Personas: shadow systemSELECTION-SCREEN INCLUDE SELECT-OPTION add. syntaxerrorTSV_ILLEGAL_REFERENCE after CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPEAvoid incorrect PXA pointersSYB: Database Fault Management: Floating IP will be attached with subnSYB: Database Fault Management: handle hanging network callsABAP syntax check: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED when function module signature uFast RFC Serialization None Unicode String to other typeIllegal Unicode characters are replaced with # when using fast RFC serMissing performance statistical records in CCMS Transaction-Specific DDB2 z/OS: dynamically switch on/off transactional replicatonDB6: Bad Isolation Level for IUD Statement with SubselectDeadlock in SoftcancelITS HTML Control: display of files with content type application/xmlRFC: CALL_FUNCTION_SNC_ERROR and dynamic destinationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1811Webgui: UR release version made known to ABAP applicationsR3ta must not use values clause on SQL Server 2005SRT: Error in WSRM Soap ApplicationUUID based on RFC4122 cannot be generatedSLDREG no longer supports fallback to SAPSSLS.pse if SAPSSLC.pse is miMissing function include after import with R3trans (parallel mode) onDb2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDB6: db6util uses MON_GET_UNIT_OF_WORK with 3 parametersSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1812Signal 11 in DispatcherICM error "no more free event-flags"Impersonate Session Security Context errorIBM i: DLTR3SYS now with option to keep the database libAPYSIDKRN Patch Index OverflowDIAG GROUPBOX: Fields below invisible frames are shiftedDynamic RFC Destination do not work with Trusted/TrustingNo further support for MDMP in RFCFSM: save to native file system for multipart downloadSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1813VMC: Hanging Compiler VMWrong service information is logged upon SSL handshake error for outgoENQU: Improvement of the ADM message processingProfile parameter dbs/mss/dbsl_iuuc_end_transaction_hookDB4: avoid duplicates of "WITH CS" in statement textIBM i: Profile parameter as4/dbmon/enableDB4: New profile parameter for transactional replicationImprove single transaction modeNUM: Client in statistical recordWrong length in shortdump APCRFC_MOVE_ERRORIssues with profile parameter change via icmon or wdispmonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.24Outgoing HTTP(S) connections via SAProuterABAP: core in scSetStatementFSM: excel files couldn't be opened with the WebGUI File BrowserFSM: unnecessary error popup when accessing native file pathMemory corruption in RFC causes TEXTENV_UNICODE_LANGU_INVALID dumpsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1901Windows on Huawei Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseDB4: Password Configuation Tool (setdb4pwd) accepts parameters as stanImprove Supportability of HTTP Security SessionsMemory leak in EGFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.25VMC: Signal 11 in dispatcherVMC: NullPointerException when connecting to ext. RFC server programSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 800Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.26ABAP-PH: Fix GEN_INTERNAL_ERROR for RANGE type checkCCMS agent implementing unit rescale for performance MTE nodes stops unexpectedlyCONCATENATE into String too much memory allocation for CCPIC: Network error not detected with CPIC_PING III, registered Servers and client combinedCPIC: workaround for Apple, when Host2Addr() fails for own hostnameEPP and update III (kernel fix)GW: Improve name resolution handlingGW: Improve name resolution handling IIGW: NiHLGetHostName implementation doesn't support IPv6GW: display of wrong IP address for remote gatewaysNiGetOwnFQDN returns truncated hostnamesThe adoption of the new Nengo "Reiwa" in SAP systemsAvoid loss of pending input with document viewerDB2 z/OS: memory leakDB6: Default isolation CS for inline compound SQL statementsDB6: Default isolation for directly executed statementsDB6: on PureScale TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUPSYB: Performance issues when cancelling fetch on an open result setError when executing tp command "extrdocu"Tp: parameter 'handling_of_inactive_transports = SKIP' does skip inactive entries in shadow bufferSapftp - relocation of tmpfile: /tmp/ftpUnchecked Pointer access in ReadEnvironmentFileSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1902SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1903AGI: F4 is not displayed at the right edge of a frameCustomer transports involved in an upgrade are not visible in the import historySemaphore 53 continuously locked due to memory overwriteIBM i:DLTR3SYS now supports option not to delete databaseNot closed database connection after using saplikey executable with ENCRYPT=TRUESCAN ABAP-SOURCE: No subrc for too long statementMissing trailing zeros for decfloatsSAP GUI for HTML: Adaption of session closing request to new browser demandsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1904Custom alert value for SNMP trap received by CCMS agentFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.27Improve Okcode handlingSWINCF: Wrong Size of Icons and SymbolsAvoid deadlocks on table REPOSRC during parallel importDb2-z/OS db2radm: db2radm.log and autobindDb2-z/OS db2radm: writing db2dsdriver.cfgRepetition after SQL error for LOBsITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own textWebgui: fixed workprocess crashGenerating of destinations with invalid namesRe-enable system commandsSapstartsrv crashes while reading data from saposcolFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.28FM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not perform correctly UTF-8 to UTF-16 conversion for ASCII modeSome network errors are not classified as restart errorsABAP Debugger: fix problems with restart featureICM/WDP crashes when a URL is redirected via redirect handler to a target URL containing a format string patternOverflow > 65535 Table Deltas RFC with fast serializationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1905SYB: Password changes with sybctrl and ASE user storeIBM i: QDFTJRN does not exist anymore with IBM i 7.4IBM i: Support of new OS Release IBM i 7.4List Masking SupportMI: Wrong destructor handlingSet connect property IFR_CONNECTPROPERTY_PREPROCESSPWDCoredumps during debugging of ABAP Simple TransformationsDeep Exporing/Importing/Changing Parameter with _ at the end is omitted during RFCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1906DB6: correlation name for table name in optimizer guideline not foundSet connect property PREPROCESSPWDAGI: Fields below the visible window are not accessibleWrong result for predfined function on INT1/INT2Webgui: removed BOM from webgui_min.jsGettimeofday() with high precisionLinux/LDAP: Use reentrant Shortcuts with case sensitve parameter valuesRetry after SQL error at OCILobGetLength2Blank screen in the background in WEB GUICCMS: parameter service/j2eethreadtasktime/red takes no effectFSM: virtual filesystem case sensitivDynp/diiag: correct call of au_rautxRdisp/core_file_size in kernel release 722Inconsistent state in ABAP Runtime when raising exceptionSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1907DP: Parameter rdisp/TRACE_PATTERN_[0,1,2] does not workSYB: FDCT transfer for nZDMRepetition after SQL error - ResetDBSL: ORA-01036: illegal variable name/numberBatch work process cannot reconnect to DBFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.29SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT) Patch Level 900Duplicate TIDs with new algorithmDB6: DBSQL_DBCNT_MISMATCH on table RIS_PROG_TADIRDb2-z/OS handling Db2 V12 reason code 00C90637IBM i: Handling of QAQQINI in dev trace (SM50)SAP DBSL connectivity to Microsoft "SQL" or "SQL Server" branded productsIBM i: Wrong output from PTF check for PTF groupsATRA: respect SQL prepare timeAdditional public keys for Amazon Web Service Hardware IDCOV: introducing TIDX in internal modeDynamic RFC Destination don't work with Trusted/TrustingIMPORT: improve RC handling in case of exceptionITS Translation: localization of SAP GUI for HTML own text stringsNo Workprocess Reconnect because of reconnect refusedRTM, endless loop in rtm_deallocate2SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1908SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1909ST: WP restart if long ddic names are usedUndesired automatic deletion of password when password is changed or assigned in SU01 / SU10 for a currently logged on userWebgui FSM: js error for paths starting with Z: or Z\ and not with Z:\Improve sync ABAP with kernelSapstartsrv: Avoid deadlocks in Unix signal handlerSapstartsrv: Fix crash in ListLogFilesDB6: replace deprecated SYSIBMADM.TBSP_UTILIZATION in db6utilERROR => CCMS: AlMsUpload ignoring too long lineRFC_SYSTEM_INFO: assure structure RFCSI filled correctlyCCQ fix SAPFTP 721RfcAccept is called too lateFile and directory names with a tilde character on Microsoft WindowsSPNego Authentication fails for one hour nearby a daylight switchRFC Fast Serialization Compatibility Mode Multiple Overlap ErrorSYB: no connect possible with 722 EX2 kernelDb2-z/OS db2radm: sapclinst fixPost Copy Automation: "Duplicate Key" Fehler beim ImportAvoid Core Dumps in Runtime MonitorGW: Kernel 72X, local Ip address not accepted as localGW: Unwanted prxy_info check in gatewayMany errors "NiIShutdownHandle: SiShutdown failed for hdl" in the trace file dev_icm or dev_webdispSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1910Webgui FSM: save to native file system option not checked by defaultDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by BACKUP on MPP databaseSAP HA Script Connector Library: Fix for WindowsDynamic destination doesn't work if CONVERSION_BYTES=initImprove start of variant transactionsRFC library doesn't send all requested tables parametersSPNego: missing reauthentication checkFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.30APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR after applying note 2837494VMC: VM does not contribute to a shared GError in R3trans export option LSM=ALLSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1911Core Dump for FIND IN TABLE with SUBMATCHESRe-enable shortcut parameters with SAP EasyAccessRetrieving a structure with > 1 fields into structure with 1 field result in a errorWrong ref count for string in itab with secondary keysRUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH at CREATE OBJECT ... PARAMETER-TABLEShortdump with RFC instead of SYSTEM_FAILURE/COMMUNICATION_FAILURETH, UP: unneeded trace from ThUserKeyForTid()IBM i: sapcpe Call for IGSHELPER needs a long timeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1912DB4: Support named parameters in SQL functionsCore instead of shortdump at RFC after note 2855732 is appliedCPIC: implement CPIC trace file limt for 72XInvalid PDF file during partial printing of ADS spoolPXA: mprotect fails with error 13Sapstartsrv logging improvementsGeneration of ABAP programs during transportsSYB: Status shows wrong database hostname after planned failoverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 1913Remove deactivation when loading BPs for ext. debuggingDb2-z/OS: signal 11 during instance startupCX_SY_NOT_IN_DYNPRO_ENVIRONMNT for CPIC serverSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2001FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 does not break lines correctlySE09: Successfully exported transports are displayed as 'export still running'AIX: Avoid core dump for syntax error during RTTI callGW: Unknown IP Adress is displayed in Gateway Monitor(SMGW)Get rid of jQueryITS: fixed content-disposition HTTP header handlingRemoval of incorrect error messages in the traceR3ta syntax error near '/'SYB: Database Fault Management: "sybdbfm status" returns "no fault manager found for current working directory"SYB: Database Fault Management: Access of the Secure Storage fails.SYB: Database Fault Management: Upload binaries for heartbeat also from LIBPATH.SIQ: load files cannot be deleted if write failsSYB: Work Process connect to database fails in HA modeDb2-z/OS db2radm: coredump with SLES 15Open SQL: Nametab fix binary search on NUCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2002ABAP Debugger Interface: symbol analysis with offset/lenFTP_SERVER_TO_R3 - possible infinite loop in sapftpABAP Debugger: Rare core during watchpoint creationGW, RFC: ABAP debugger suddently desappearsPerformance issue when receiving response data from the server via HTTPSR3load: Pool corruption during unicode conversionWrong Error message for RFC group logonSAPHTTP needs to be linked with the latest librfcUTF-16 Surrogate pairs are not correctly written to a UTF-8 fileFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.31ABAP Short Dump on Sorting ( icucoll )Data send with fast serialization to NetWeaverRFC Lib even when not requestedHardware key based on unique IDJSTART: fix core dumpProcess restart in ABAP Compiler (Function SetStamp())SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2003SYSTEM_TYPE_NOT_ELEMENTARY none unicode RFC using fast SerializationXSLT Debugger: Trace missing permissions for debugger operations only in case of violationAvoid core in dynpstpvCALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND error in RFC communication with GUIFix potential memory issuePop-up Dialog has overlapping elementsRFC error message garbled over different endianess serversDB4: Avoid RetrieveMessage for SQL0000Open SQL: COUNT(*) resturns always -1CPIC:Ping reply timeout cannot be set to 0 againDeadlock during GUI Status GenerationIssues with Java P4/IIOP maximum request sizeOpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2004BasXML: unexpected EOS / work process restartDelete rfc/ext_debuggingWebgui: fixed SearchHelp related issueIBM i: Fix the profiling regarding new o4fopenlibIBM i: enables UNICODE Filenames for IBM iPatch for ICU shared librariesSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1000SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1000Avoid dump in case of exception during IMPORTConversion failures in classic RFC serializationDP: Request (type XXXX) cannot be processedEPP Callcounter with ConnectorsGW: ***LOG S1G=> GwCheckStolenConvid, capture attackGW: addtional trace during registration of programsImprove Tracing of Certificate Revocation Check in SAP Software ValidationJSTART: Fix for orphaned web sessionsLong Runtime for IMPORT FROM DATA BUFFEROpen SQL: Wrong Xcross for SELECT * FROM <WA>Parsing error at processing instruction <?xml-stylesheet ...?>RFC Fast Ser. Compatibility Mode Char to structure failedSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CALL TRANSFORMATION with result JSONSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in class CL_HTMLTIDYWeb Dispatcher crashes in libcsaXSLT-Debugger: Runtime error RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCHIXML: Correction for Treatment of invalid charactersSapstartsrv: avoid zombie processesADT / AIE: objects are invisible after transportComposite SAP Note: Performance optimization during importIBM i:SAPMMC Logon with long username failsDB4: IUUC commit hookDBSL Support for SQL Server 2019Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.32Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.33DB6: db6util -lock2key may cause SQL0104NENQU: Improve connect behavior in ERS1Access invalid memory locationLinux on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2005SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2006SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2007Update lz4 tp 1.9.2Webgui FSM: incorrect encoding of results in non-unicode R/3Webgui FSM: upload of files in Chrome in incognito modeWebgui: wrong colors in GUI ResourcesRe-enable tx pars for /Nxxx within a tx started from SMENWebgui: fixed wrong popup orderWrong trace 'INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT'Db2-z/OS db2radm: schema for sap_util_seqExport of TEXT object fails with RC=0008Inconsistent transaction field in AU3/AU4 entries in the security audit logSAPKPROTP RFC failing After SNC enableCompression error while sending HTTP responseDescriptionCONVT_CODEPAGE dump after SEC XML API processingExport of docu object fails when name contains the character 'SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2008KRNLREG: missing EX2 suffix in SLD data for 7.22 kernelItab, secondary keys, access violation on write accessR3trans: introduce automatic memory limit for string cacheFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.34IS SUPPLIED not working with NWRFCSDK and JCoCore Dump in error handling during RFC signon with httpSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2009Enable SNC for the CPIC connection for debugger communic.Customer transports included in upgrade: returncode handlingAccelerated import on windows fails with error message 'can't close file'ABAP: String refcnt overflow at offset/length accessSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2010Sapstartsrv: trace the web method invocationsFM FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 inserts extra blank lineRFC Fast Ser. error with fixed sized char fields with > 16383 CharactersRFC Fast Serialization Error with identical values in packed column and includes in compatibility modeDB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be slow when temporary tablespaces are in useIncorrect DBSL patch level displayed in System-StatusFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.35APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR or core during data transfer of tables parameter data (fast serialization, new mode)Batch session logs discrepancyWebgui FSM: file display produces empty popup windowRFC changes in TABLES Parameters are transferred empty or incorrectly in case structures differ on client and server side with Fast Serialization in standard modeExtension of transport object R3TR WDYN by documenation objects with id WCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2011SXML Reader: Errors processing XOP/MTOM documentsScreen buffer: Hit ratio is greater than 100%Windows on IBM Cloud (IaaS): Adaption of your SAP LicenseSXML Reader: SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in XOP/MTOM pocessingAPCRFC_MOVE_ERROR Fast Serialization New Mode for values < 0.1Database connection to Microsoft SQL using secure storageSSL for DBM connectionEnable private clouds: Alibaba Apsara, AWS OutpostsFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.36IBM i: Error in hint list of APYSIDKRNIBM i:STOPSAP now supports SOFT Shutdown of an SAP-SystemSYB: Database Fault Management: unnecessary unplanned failover due to database server incorrectly reported downABAP Debugger native list preview: disable for BTC/HTTPPuffer synchronization: Optimized interfering callsSLDREG on Windows should not display passwordCore Dump for IMPORT DIRECTORYSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2012Webgui TextEdit: problems when characters % and & are used.Output of external command is corruptSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2013Webgui FSM: applet ws.jar blocked by java securityTH: WP crash while iterating over CPIC connectionsABAP Debugger: WP stops at wrong line, after BP was hitDatamatrix barcode: Invalid handling of UnderscoreRABAX at RFC Call instead if SYSTEM_FAILURERFC Dispenser / SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in CERTRULE when creating rule using a certificate with empty subject nameUndetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected line changesWebGUI ALV Gridview: focus can't be set programmatically by the applicationJPERFLIB: adaption to SLES15Logon with SNC credential from external RFC client works despite having SNCSYSACL entry configuredWebgui FSM: use of file path enclosed in quotation marks.DB6: TRUNCATE TABLE may be blocked by backup on index tablespaceRUNT_INTERNAL_ERROR at dynamic structure type creationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2101SAP GUI for HTML: Strange rendering issuesSapstartsrv with loaded SAP HA Script Connector Library exceeds OS Limit "Number of open Files"STORAGE_FREE_FAILED in Spool WorkprocessWrong pseudo-random numbers for the ABAP types decfloat16 and decfloat34Jstart: suppress redundant trace messageSYB: check HADR primarySYB: undetected deadlock during array insert accepting duplicate keysSYB: Password check for java stackDb2-z/OS: missing privilege for SAP_UTIL_SEQSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2102Blank screen after tabmerge actionWrong trace entry "INVALID SAPGUI CONNECT DATA: TOOLBAR_HEIGHT""Error in HTTP response: Invalid header field" caused by missing name of HTTP header fieldDUMP DSTEP_ILLEGAL_PROGRAM_STATE after warning message in PAIDB4: Support USE CURRENTLY COMMITTED clause on SQL statementsCorrect conversion of 'packed' fields during tranportNo enqueue server shutdown if IBM Z XCF not accessibleAPCRFC_INTERNAL_ERROR Transfer of asia chars from JCo or Unicode to Noneunicode to large string or char fieldEnable lowercase table names in control fileFast RFC Compatibility Mode - Use of includesRFC Fast Serialization empty NUMC columns performanceRFC Internal Logon Ticket - Increased Compatibility LevelDB6: transactional replication procedure missingSapstartsrv: fix memory leak in GetEnvironmentAsync RFC - No Error Message for not existing or not remote enabled functionMemory Leak in XPath ProcessorWebgui: fixed Context Menu on ABAP listR3trans memory leak during exportSLDREG should send port in the Host headerSAP trace: improvements in the error handlingENQU, ENSA: memory leak in the replication threadGateway diesPerformance-Assistant Pop-Up-Dialog opens in background with SAP GUISecundary Table Index not updated in method DESERIALIZE_HELPERIterated salted hash is empty after having assigned or changed a passwordR3trans import error: Input buffer ... bytes too short. Probably the data file was destroyed during file transfer!?DB4: CREATE / DROP Collection results in errors in Dev TraceSIQ: connection to IQ with IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09 ODBC driver failsCore dump in ab_BcdToCstring()Internal RFC fails due to time difference between database and application serverMessages of type 'W' are not handled correctlySAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2104SAP GUI for HTML: No F4 button or scrollbar counterStore NI handle of registered server programs in gatewayXML_FORMAT_ERROR during RFC communicationIUUC check existence of Oracle proc IUUC_END_TRANSACTIONRuntime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND due to a bug in the ABAP Kernel SynchronizationLOOP .. ASSIGNING, unexpected TABLE_LINE_NOT_EXISTINGPrinting with SNC enabled is not workingSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1100SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1100Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.39SYB: Fault Manager: enable Log File RotationDB6: CHECK_NETSTATS_CONFIG leaves uncommitted database transactionsDB6: WAIT FOR OUTCOME for MERGE stmts originating from ABAP MODIFYNo exception for decimal conversion errorsHuge dev_rfc trace files in Kernel work directoryNUM: dynamical creation of year dependent intervalsRFC Performance improvmentSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2105SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2106SMTP auth fails for AUTHUSERS not excl in upper caseWork processes are stuck in state 'Stopped SNC'Performanceregression of type T destinations with note 3007182 or 3026990ENQU: ENQUEUE_READ and empty resultsR3trans: inconsistent data copied during copytoshadow of tables with field types DecFloat16 and DecFloat34Enable search help shortcuts (hot keys) for right-justified input fieldsCore Dumps in ABAP Garbage Collector due to invalid referencesMemory read error in XRfc tracingMissing system log entry after fail of asynchronous function callSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2107Wrong tabchain using SAP GUI for JavaDB6: SELECT SINGLE statements may get invalid isolation levelRecompose previously decomposed trace stringsSPAM: missing buffer synchronization after 'downtime optimized import'SYB: Fault Manager: error: hostctrl release 7.22 unsupportedSYB: use current version of SAPJVM for connection test for Java stackZ/OS: Enqueue Replication into System z Coupling FacilityClient transport issues with table BSEGLz4 change methodR3trans: enable memory limit for string cache also for copy-to-shadowSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2108Invalid Memory Access during OTF OutputLOAD-OF-PROGRAM and DEFAULT values in RFC callsShared Objects: Freelist of VersInst-Table CheckDB6: db6util with option -lock2key may end with lock timeoutDP: TH Deadlock on Mutex in SNCSapstartsrv: Improve deregistration on Unix/LinuxIncorrect where-used list for SELECT * FROM <TABLES-WA>Information about list statements in short dump DYNPRO_SEND_IN_BACKGROUNDRFC Fast Ser. WAN mode results in APCRFC_INTERNAL_ERRORWork process crash instead of shortdump in case of memory shortageOpen SQL: bug fix type cast dbrspost errno (note 3090711)SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2109Fixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.40Allow ACL entries with trace level 0CL_FAST_SERIALIZATION recorded LE playback on BE system / Compression mode wrongFix calculation of a docking control extension when Personas 3 is usedMemory Leak in API CL_FAST_SERIALIZATIONSetting DIR_PROFILE parameter on an environment variableSimple Transformation with XOP source documents terminatesRABAX with RFC even in case exceptions are catchedRuntime error DATASET_CANT_OPEN occurs sporadically in class CL_IXMLMS: extend process header informationMisleading message in case of WebGUI in async RFC callsDB4: Reduced SQL package size by improved pruningPerformance regression in list statements caused by note 3089826Core Dump When Using XPath Evaluation with "Wrong" ExpressionsCCMS: Update of SNMPLIB with NET-SNMP 5.9ABAP-SYCH: Resolve EVENT of Event handler methodDP: Trace has too many warnings "ThSaveUserKey2: don't overwrite valid user"RFC Fast Ser. Comp Mode Alignment does not fit in next fieldSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2110RFC Statistic partly empty after SYSTEM_RESET_RFC_SERVERDP: System slowness and semaphore messages due to unreleased lock comm tableSLDREG does not send port in the Host header after applying note 3042242Checkbox is partly hidden after patch upgradeHandling of net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind=1 in network interface layerICM crashes due to duplicate P4S connectionsRFC Logical Destination to same system with user change and snc/r3int_rfc_secure = 1 not using SNCSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2111XML serialization of Dynpro properties returns incomplete XML treesRabax during sapgui logonDeletion of table entries with double asterisk in the selection keyXCF note pad description was too longA patch for SAPCARInternal RFC calls waiting longer than 5 minutes for a free workprocess failTH,GW. add timestamp in ACCEPT on server sidePatch texts to be displayed in reverse orderCore dump during dynpro generation or syntax checkExtension of password length'ERROR_CHECKING_IMPORTSTATE' during GETIMPORTSTATE due to wrong length of SAP_TPLOGPTR_LNDB6: cluster table read on AIXOpen SQL: Refactoring of cluster interface, checksSYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED instead of SYSTEM_FAILUREFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.41Work process trace files contain: WARNING => SncGetMyNameU and ThSncGetMyName failedDump MEM_ALLOC_FAILED missing / misleading informationICM and Web Dispatcher crash in function HttpPlugInHandleNetDataInsufficient information in trace errors for an unknown hostname or serviceLogical RFC Destination points to dest with SNC is not working after applying note 3102343Open SQL: BTACK_BLOCK_ILLEGAL_STATE: GROUP BY in subqueryRFC connection between Unicode and non-Unicode system fails using WebGUISAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2112SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2113SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function BxmlReader::destroyWork processes stuck in a stopped state and constantly restartingDo not ignore the return code in repstDeleteRecordAPCRFC_OVERLAY_ERROR with Structure containing Decfloat 34 Unicode to none Unicode transferCall from NetWeaver RFC Lib on EBCDIC with Fast Serialization to none Unicode system is not workingRFC Don't use offset mixed Unicode/none UnicodeSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2201SIQ: allow COMMITs to IQ within load streamingSYB: ASE configuration parameter check at connectR3trans: performance fix for tables with xstring fieldsTraces for rabax during sapgui logonFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.42Db2-z/OS: Modification of retry on duprec during upsertDb2-z/OS: error message after seamless failoverSYB: Fault Manager: VIPA is moved unnecessary during long running failoverMSS: DbSlRollback96 while DBIF already activeSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1101IBM i:Support for new OS release IBM i 7.5Writing client TCP ports in trace may slow startup of an ABAP system on Microsoft SQLIBM i:SAP System does not start if DLTSAPSPLF ends in errCore Dumps in iXML Parser when WP Trace is activeFix error handling in CALL FUNCTION .. PARAMETER-TABLEITAB - RUNT_ILLEGAL_SWITCH with statement ATIndeterministic behavior of CALL TRANSFORMATION calling XSLTModule ID filter missing for some level 2 trace callsSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202SAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2202.2SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in function FxHashTableDestroySYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED in methods of interface IF_SXML_NSURI_HELPERSupport Internal Installation NumbersTable Buffer: More Trace during displacement runXSLT Import PrecedenceMS: wrong client name is passed to ACL checkLonger passwords for SMTP authenticationSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2203R3trans core or crash in function db_basic_str_prepDump in client transport table BSEGICM/Web Dispatcher crash in IcmIsTrafficControlViolatedSapstartsrv: Linux systemd supportError 1406 reading V$PDBS in Oracle Multitenant DatabaseSaprouter rejects accepted client connectionsIBM i: APYSIDKRN stops due to false bundle messageFixes and features in CommonCryptoLib 8.5.44IBM i: AS400_API (APICODE 17) failed with SY-SUBRC = 6SYB: SE30 Error Record MismatchSAP GUI for HTML: Cumulative patch UnifiedRendering 2204Table buffer: additional diagnostics tracesWork process trace logs error in dyGetDefaultTooltip (Bsdup is NULL)Improved locking in ES layerMemory corruption when reading or writing to cluster tablesSecondary database connection fails to reopen after work process changeMtxILock errorIMPORT DIRECTORY: CONNE_IMPORT_ILL_OBJECT_TYPESapkprotp does not start on Sun SolarisSAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT,EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP Support Package Stack Kernel 7.22 (EXT, EX2) Patch Level 1200SAP GUI for HTML: Missing vertical scrollbar in tree control if content rows are exceeding visible rows by oneMS: client is not recognized by ACL functionality after kernel upgradeSQLDBC.H 1.00.63 Build 0381310-1510DBSLHDB::CSdbHDBSizesQ2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesSELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM ( SELECT COLUMN_NAME, POSITION FROM SYS.TABLE_COLUMNS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_USER AND TABLE_NAME = UNION SELECT COLUMN_NAME, POSITION FROM SYS.VIEW_COLUMNS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME = CURRENT_USER AND VIEW_NAME = ) ORDER BY POSITIONJun 3 202216:19:09IBDBSLHDB::CSdbHDBConnectionIdbddhdb.cpp5a 0`  0 `  0Y`*IBbasic_string*CIBbasic_stringIBMfffffffg?IBM ?*_STL::ctype *PQ2_4_STL5ctypeXTw_IBMbasic_stringIBM IBM??*C@(#) Unicode@(#) $Id: //bas/722_STACK/src/proj/sapversion/sapversion.c#1 $ SAP@!@(#) Unicode!,!<!!!!!!!L!\!p!|!!0123456789ABCDEFޭp>ޭp>ޭp>ޭp>ޭp>ޭ?ޭ?ޭ?(ޭ?ޭ?ޭ>p>ޭp?p>ޭ?@(@?Xޭ?p?ޭ??ޭ??ޭ@@ޭ@0@Hp>ޭ@`(0@xX@ޭ?@(>@?XABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=ޭ@`(0@xX@`@ޭ@@@AޭA A8APAhAAAAR oRR tASR oSpR mfSR kpT$R dTtRTR cEUR .:URUV bVV VV'WWt ,WWt ,WXL XTR mXR \XR gEYlR:>YR GZ,R RZR [ R [X[ [[ l[[ x\d\ C\R]4R /]hR ]R v'^,R tA^|R o^R _R f_hR_R `HRC`x R X`R aLR mfaR ]aR bD4R o7bR o7bR _c$R icR dR ndHR eKdR ,e /eteR7eR f<R fRgR FgXR `gR ~gR <h(R Nh|RhR mi4R iXL=iR djR djDR djR dj(R Pkh\ kR kR (lLR cRlR 3mR dmd/RvtmR cn Wt ?nhR gnR `oDR oR RoRpR p4R pR pRpR qV qhR ̔qRrDV rR rsR s|R usR t4R tR tR ϧtR +ul$R uv( v8R vRa2wR wtR wtXL ѡwR x V YxR y V "y4et yRzR wz<R zR zR c{4R %{ R %{R ]| R ]|R |[ }R]4R }XR }R g}R `HR ~\R (~R @RBR tR ?R ?R PR Rٿ0R =tR RٿR TR R ĩR xR @R <(R 8|R 8|R R 0R! 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Jun 3 13:21:00 2022 IBM XL C for AIX, Version$tpo4902001sapversion.cfdpr.GetSAPFileVersionFri Jun 3 16:18:30 2022 IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, Version$tpoa1de001dbslsdb.cpp.sdbSetDbSlTraceLevel.sdbProfileTest.sdbProfileSet.DbSlExpFuns.DbSlHDBControl__Fs12DBSL_CMDTYPEPv.DbSlHDBConnect__FP13DBSL_CON_INFOPs.DbSlHDBDisconnect__Fs.DbSlHDBCommit__FsUcT2.DbSlHDBRollback__Fsi.DbSlHDBTime__FsPUsT2.DbSlHDBExecute__FsP9DBSL_STMT.DbSlHDBPrepare__FsP7DBSL_SS18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBExplain__FsP7DBSL_SS18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBRead__FsP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBModify__FsP7DBSL_SS18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBBegRead__FsP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBExeRead__FsP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBEndRead__FsP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBBegModify__FsP7DBSL_SS18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBExeModify__FsP7DBSL_SS18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBEndModify__FsP7DBSL_SS18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBErrorMsg__FsP7DBSL_CA.DbSlHDBLobGetPiece__FsP7DBSL_DAUs.DbSlHDBLobPutPiece__FsP7DBSL_DAUs.DbSlHDBLobLength__FsP7DBSL_DAUs.DbSlHDBPing__FsPlP13DBSL_ERRCLASS.DbSlHDBBegDescribe__FsP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBExeDescribe__FsP7DBSL_DAUsP17DBSL_COLUMN_DESCR.DbSlHDBEndDescribe__FsP7DBSL_DA.DbSlHDBLobGetSubString__Fs13DBSL_DATATYPEUiUlT4PUcPUl.DbSlHDBLobLengthLoc__Fs13DBSL_DATATYPEUiPUl.DbSlHDBLobFind__Fs13DBSL_DATATYPEUiUlPCUcT4PUl.DbSlHDBLobFreeLoc__Fs13DBSL_DATATYPEUi.build_fastload_stmt__FsP16DBSL_STMT_STRUCT.register_appl__FPUs.print_patch_info__Fv.check_db_params__FP14CSdbConnection.prepare_upsert_emulation__FsP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.stmt_prepare__FPvP7DBSL_SSP7DBSL_DA.checkStmtHdl__FsPvP7DBSL_DA.activate_stmt__FPvP7DBSL_DA.bind_variables__FPv4IO_TUcP7DBSL_DA.deactivate_stmt__FPvP7DBSL_DA11DBSL_RETURN.exec_modify__FPvP7DBSL_SSUc4IO_TP7DBSL_DA.stmt_execute__FPvP7DBSL_SS4IO_TP7DBSL_DA.put_lob_data__FPvUsUiPUcUl.saveSQLStatement__FPvP7DBSL_DA.copy_output_values__FPv4IO_TP9DBSL_TYPEPPUcPs.exec_fetch__FPvUcP7DBSL_DA.get_lob_length__FPv4IO_TUsUiPUl.get_lob_data__FPv4IO_TUsUiPUcPUl.close_lob_data__FPv4IO_TUsUi.__dftdt__16CSdbStaticCursorFv.__dftdt__16CSdbDbslMetaDataFv.__dt__16CSdbDbslMetaDataFv.__dftdt__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__Fv.__dftdt__9CSdbErrorFv.__dftdt__15CSdbDbslLocatorFv.__dt__15CSdbDbslLocatorFv.__dt__9CSdbErrorFv.calculate_record_length__FPv4IO_TUcP9DBSL_TYPE.bind_type_and_length__FPv4IO_TUcUiP9DBSL_TYPEP7DBSL_DA.copy_initial_value__FP9DBSL_TYPEPUcPUi.stmt_fetch__FPv.copy_input_values__FPvP7DBSL_DAPPUcPs.useBulkLobBinding__FPv4IO_T.bind_upsert_emulation__FPv.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__FPCUsRCQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs_.__dftbdt__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTUsTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__Fv.check_copy_data__FPv4IO_TUcP9DBSL_TYPE._M_throw_length_error__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTUsTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__CFv._M_allocate_block__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTUsTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__FUl.__226.__225.__1331.__1330.__1334.__1333__vft16CSdbDbslMetaData_dc__vft15CSdbDbslLocator_dc__vft9CSdbError_dcFri Jun 3 16:18:44 2022 $tpo8f18001dbdssdb.cpp.dsql_db_init.dsql_hdb_exec_proc__FP9DS_HEADERPUsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.dsql_hdb_open_proc__FP9DS_HEADERPsPUsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.dsql_hdb_open__FP9DS_HEADERPsP12DS_STATEMENTP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.dsql_hdb_open_prepped__FP9DS_HEADERsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.dsql_hdb_fetch__FP9DS_HEADERsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUsT4.dsql_hdb_close__FP9DS_HEADERs.dsql_hdb_prepare__FP9DS_HEADERPsP12DS_STATEMENT.dsql_hdb_exec__FP9DS_HEADERsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUsT4.dsql_hdb_free__FP9DS_HEADERs.dsql_hdb_exec_immediate__FP9DS_HEADERP12DS_STATEMENT.dsql_hdb_sync__Fv.dsql_hdb_beg_describe__FP9DS_HEADERs.dsql_hdb_exe_describe__FP9DS_HEADERsP15DS_COLUMN_DESCR.dsql_hdb_end_describe__FP9DS_HEADERs.init_dsql__Fv.dsql_sapdb_free__FsUc.cursor_close__FP11CURSOR_INFO.dsql_sdb_pseudo_proc__FP9DS_HEADERPUsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.cursor_new__FP9DS_HEADERPP11CURSOR_INFO.build_proc_stmt__FPUsP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUsP11CURSOR_INFO.set_types__FPC14DS_INOUT_DESCRUsP11CURSOR_INFOP9DBSL_TYPE.set_input_values__FPC14DS_INOUT_DESCRUsT2PPUcPs.hdl_dbsl_err__FP9DS_HEADER11DBSL_RETURNP11CURSOR_INFOi.cursor_free__FP11CURSOR_INFO.cursor_open__FP11CURSOR_INFOP9DS_HEADERP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.build_dbsl_stmt__FPC12DS_STATEMENTP11CURSOR_INFO.set_output_values__FPC14DS_INOUT_DESCRUsT2PPUc.build_ddl_stmt__FP11CURSOR_INFOP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.dbsl_array_cb__FPPv.string_cbf__FUcPUcUsUiPUlPPUc.itab_cbf__FUcPUcUsUiPUlPPUc.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__Fv.get_dbsl_info__FP9DS_HEADERP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.get_dbsl_db_version__FP9DS_HEADERP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.start_xa_transaction__FP9DS_HEADERP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.get_dbsl_datasource__FP9DS_HEADERP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.update_dbsl_datasource__FP9DS_HEADER.get_dbsl_client_separated__FP9DS_HEADER.save_next_sql_stmt__FP9DS_HEADER.get_last_sql_stmt__FP9DS_HEADERP14DS_INOUT_DESCRUs.itab_cbf__FUcPUcUsUiPUlPPUc@AF52_37Fri Jun 3 16:18:48 2022 $tpoa49d001dbsdbutl.cpp.__sinit80000000_x_2fsapmnt_2fis0174_2fa_2f722_5fEXT_5fREL_2frs6000_5f64_2fgenoptU_2fdbs_2fhdb_2fdbsdbutl_2ecpp__Fv.__ct__15CSdbEnvironmentFv.__srterm__0__Fv.__dt__15CSdbEnvironmentFv.__sterm80000000_x_2fsapmnt_2fis0174_2fa_2f722_5fEXT_5fREL_2frs6000_5f64_2fgenoptU_2fdbs_2fhdb_2fdbsdbutl_2ecpp__Fv.SetDbslError.SetSdbDbslCA.SdbSetAllocFct.SdbSetFreeFct.SdbAllocMem.sdb_malloc__13CSdbAllocatorFUl.SdbFreeMem.sdb_free__13CSdbAllocatorFPv.SdbStrCmp.cancelStatement__10CSdbCancelFPFv_v.getConnection__12CSdbDBClientFs.callCB__10CSdbCancelFv.__ct__13CSdbAllocatorFv.init__13CSdbAllocatorFv.set__13CSdbAllocatorFv.readProfile__11CSdbProfileFv.buildStringList__11CSdbProfileFRQ2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____RCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__PCUs.setSQLDBCTraceOption__11CSdbProfileFPUs.setDynamicParameter__11CSdbProfileFPUsT1.__dftbdt__Q2_4_STL12_Vector_baseXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____Fv.__dftdt__Q2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____Fv.find_first_not_of__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__CFPCUsUlT2.find_first_of__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__CFPCUsUlT2._M_throw_out_of_range__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTUsTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__CFv.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__GPUs_PUsT1RCQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs_.isInList__11CSdbProfileFRQ2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____PCUsUl.addToList__11CSdbProfileFRQ2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____PCUsUl.setErr__9CSdbErrorF14SQLDBC_RetcodeRQ2_6SQLDBC16SQLDBC_ErrorHndl.traceSQLError__9CSdbErrorFPCUs.traceSQLError__9CSdbErrorFiPCUs.__dftdt__13CSdbAllocatorFv.__dftdt__10CSdbDBStatFv.__dftdt__11CSdbProfileFv.__ct__12CSdbDBClientFv.__dftdt__12CSdbDBClientFv.freeAllBuffers__15CSdbEnvironmentFv.__dt__12CSdbDBClientFv.__dt__11CSdbProfileFv.__dt__10CSdbDBStatFv.__dt__13CSdbAllocatorFv.init__15CSdbEnvironmentFUc.HaltOnDebug__15CSdbEnvironmentFv.createAllBuffers__15CSdbEnvironmentFv.init__12CSdbDBClientFP15CSdbEnvironment.checkEnvironment__15CSdbEnvironmentFs.dumpAllBuffers__15CSdbEnvironmentFv.getOperationType__15CSdbEnvironmentFPUs.__dftdt__Q2_12CSdbDBClient17SDB_DbSlClientLibFv.isConnected__12CSdbDBClientFs.freeConnection__12CSdbDBClientFs.getAllocator__12CSdbDBClientFv.loadClientRuntime__12CSdbDBClientFv.checkClientLib__12CSdbDBClientFv.setSQLTraceOptions__12CSdbDBClientFv.__dftdt__Q2_6SQLDBC24SQLDBC_ConnectPropertiesFv.getProfile__12CSdbDBClientFv.isSQLTraceOn__12CSdbDBClientFv.setSQLTraceON__12CSdbDBClientFv.setSQLTraceOFF__12CSdbDBClientFv.getNewConnection__12CSdbDBClientFP13DBSL_CON_INFOPs.traceConnections__12CSdbDBClientFv.__ct__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFP12CSdbDBClients.quiesceConnection__12CSdbDBClientFUc.encode__10CSdbBase64FPUcUiT2PUi.encbase64_length__10CSdbBase64FUiPUi.DumpTokenList__12CSdbStmtAreaFP9DBSL_STMTP9DBSL_TYPE.LiteralLength__12CSdbStmtAreaFP9DBSL_TYPEPUc.LiteralValue__12CSdbStmtAreaFP9DBSL_TYPEPUcPPUs.FAEJoinLength__12CSdbStmtAreaFP9DBSL_TYPEb.FAEJoinValue__12CSdbStmtAreaFP9DBSL_TYPEPPUsb.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__FRCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__._M_insert_overflow__Q2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____FPQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__RCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__RCQ2_4_STL12__false_typeUlb.__find_first_of__4_STLHPCUsPCUsQ2_4_STL10_Eq_traitsXTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs___PCUsN31Q2_4_STL10_Eq_traitsXTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs___PCUs.find_if__4_STLHPCUsQ2_4_STL18_Not_within_traitsXTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs___PCUsT1Q2_4_STL18_Not_within_traitsXTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs___PCUs.__dftbdt__14CSdbConnectionFv.__uninitialized_copy__4_STLHPQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__PQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs___PQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_tr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Jun 3 16:18:54 2022 $tpo8a2d001dbsdbsql.cpp.__ct__14CSdbConnectionFP12CSdbDBClientsQ2_14CSdbConnection17SDB_DATABASE_TYPE.__dftdt__15CSdbConnectInfoFv.__dftdt__Q2_14CSdbConnection17SDB_CONNECT_FLAGSFv.__ct__14CSdbLobLocatorFR13CSdbAllocatoris.__dt__14CSdbConnectionFv.__dt__15CSdbConnectInfoFv.disconnect__14CSdbConnectionFv.buildUPSERTEmulationStmt__14CSdbConnectionFP9DBSL_STMTP7DBSL_DAP13DBSL_SQL_STMTT3PUc.cancel__14CSdbConnectionFv.commit__14CSdbConnectionFUc.closeAllLobLocators__14CSdbLobLocatorFv.callIUUCEndTransaction__14CSdbConnectionFUc.rollback__14CSdbConnectionFUc.__ct__16CSdbStaticCursorFP14CSdbConnection.execute__16CSdbStaticCursorFPCUsT1.__dt__16CSdbStaticCursorFv.readLobSubString__15CSdbDbslLocatorF13DBSL_DATATYPEUiUlT3PUcPUl.getLobLocator__14CSdbLobLocatorFUi.findLobString__15CSdbDbslLocatorF13DBSL_DATATYPEUiPUlUlPUcT4.getLobLengthLoc__15CSdbDbslLocatorF13DBSL_DATATYPEUiPUl.__ct__16CSdbStaticCursorFP14CSdbConnectionb.prepare__16CSdbStaticCursorFPCUsT1.getErr__16CSdbStaticCursorFv.open__16CSdbStaticCursorFPCUsT1.fetch__16CSdbStaticCursorFPCUs.close__16CSdbStaticCursorFv.__ct__12CSdbDbslBindFs.allocParameter__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_TUs.freeParameter__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_T.freeBuffer__12CSdbDbslBindFP14CSdbSibuBufferP14DB_BUFFER_ITEM.allocIndicator__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_TUi.freeIndicator__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_T.allocData__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_TUl.freeData__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_T.allocStreamData__12CSdbDbslBindFUl.freeStreamData__12CSdbDbslBindFP14DB_BUFFER_ITEM.__ct__11CSdbDbslSQLFP14CSdbConnectionPvUc.prepare__11CSdbDbslSQLFPUs.execute__11CSdbDbslSQLFUiT1Uc.rebindAll__11CSdbDbslSQLFUi.fetch__11CSdbDbslSQLFUi.getNextResultSet__11CSdbDbslSQLFv.closeStatement__11CSdbDbslSQLFv.getLobLength__11CSdbDbslSQLF4IO_TUsUiPUl.readLob__11CSdbDbslSQLF4IO_TUsUiPUcUl.writeLob__11CSdbDbslSQLF4IO_TUsUiPUcUl.closeLob__11CSdbDbslSQLF4IO_TUsUiUc.bindParameter__11CSdbDbslSQLF4IO_TUsUi.bindSelectList__11CSdbDbslSQLFUsP9DBSL_TYPEPUc.useDeferredLobWriting__11CSdbDbslSQLFPv4IO_T.extractProcName__11CSdbDbslSQLFv.getTableName__16CSdbDbslMetaDataFUsPUsUi.getColumnName__16CSdbDbslMetaDataFUsPUsUi.addLobLocator__14CSdbLobLocatorFPvUsUi.closeLobLocator__14CSdbLobLocatorFUi.__dftdt__Q2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFOTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFO__Fv._M_insert_overflow__Q2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFOTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFO__FPQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFORCQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFORCQ2_4_STL12__false_typeUlb.__uninitialized_copy__4_STLHPQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFOPQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFO_PQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFON21RCQ2_4_STL12__false_type_PQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFO.__uninitialized_fill_n__4_STLHPQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFOUlQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFO_PQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFOUlRCQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFORCQ2_4_STL12__false_type_PQ2_14CSdbLobLocator10LOBLOCINFO.getIsoLevel__14CSdbConnectionCFv.setIsoLevel__14CSdbConnectionF13DBSL_LOCKTYPE.sendIsoLevel__14CSdbConnectionFv.isSetIsoLevel__14CSdbConnectionFPUs.updateHostInfomation__14CSdbConnectionFv.sendClientInfo__14CSdbConnectionFbT1.isValidClient__14CSdbConnectionFPCUs.__dt__14CSdbLobLocatorFv.__dt__12CSdbDbslBindFv.__dt__11CSdbDbslSQLFv.__dftdt__Q2_4_STL6vectorXTUiTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUi__Fv.__44.__43.__708.__707.__3159.__3158.freeStreamData__12CSdbDbslBindFP14DB_BUFFER_ITEM@AF124_49.freeData__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_T@AF125_47.freeIndicator__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_T@AF126_45.freeParameter__12CSdbDbslBindF4IO_T@AF127_41__vft14CSdbConnection_dc__vft15CSdbConnectInfo_dc__vft14CSdbLobLocator_dc__vft16CSdbStaticCursor_dc__vft12CSdbDbslBind_dc__vft11CSdbDbslSQL_dcFri Jun 3 16:19:00 2022 $tpo0afc001dbhdbsql.cpp.checkDBVersion__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.checkHDBVersion__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.checkHDBEnvironment__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.buildVersionStr__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFPCUsPUs.__dftdt__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.getKernelVersion__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.__dt__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.getDatabaseInfo__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.connect__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFP13DBSL_CON_INFO.setProperties__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFRQ2_6SQLDBC24SQLDBC_ConnectProperties.checkProperties__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.parseEnvString__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFPUsQ3_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnection13SDB_ENV_PARAM.setConnectProperties__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFRQ2_6SQLDBC24SQLDBC_ConnectPropertiesRQ2_4_STL6vectorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs____.setApplContext__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.find__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__CFUsUl.commit__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFUc.rollback__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFUc.disconnect__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.buildSQLStmt__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFP9DBSL_STMTP7DBSL_DAUc18DBSL_OPERATIONTYPEP13DBSL_SQL_STMT.buildUpsertStmt__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFP9DBSL_STMTP7DBSL_DAP13DBSL_SQL_STMT.isAlive__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.ping__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.getTime__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFPUsT1.getTime__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFPUsT1.setCurrentSchema__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFPCUs.setDbSchema__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFPCUs.useExtConnection__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFPQ2_6SQLDBC17SQLDBC_Connection.setUserContext__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.setEPPContext__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.isFastDataAccessEnabled__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.isFAEwithFDAEnabled__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.updateHostInfomation__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.getActualConnection__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.setKernel__15CSdbConnectInfoFPCUs.getTenantHost__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFPUsRA65_Us.checkDataAgingSupport__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.enableSelectInUDF__Q2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmtFv.getDBSizes__Q2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesFiP16DBDD_OBJECT_SIZE.getDBTablesize_KB__Q2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesFPUsPi.getDBIndexsize_KB__Q2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesFPUsT1Pi.getDBRowsize__Q2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesFPUsPi.find_if__4_STLHPCUsQ2_4_STL14_Eq_char_boundXTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs___PCUsT1Q2_4_STL14_Eq_char_boundXTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs___PCUs.__dt__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFv.sendClientInfo__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFbT1.__2793.__2792.__2921.__2920.__3023.__3022.find__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__CFUsUl@AF94_27.parseEnvString__Q2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnectionFPUsQ3_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnection13SDB_ENV_PARAM@AF95_22__vftQ2_7DBSLHDB15CSdbHDBDbslStmt_dc__7DBSLHDB__vftQ2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnection14CSdbConnection_dc__7DBSLHDB__vftQ2_7DBSLHDB17CSdbHDBConnection14CSdbConnection_comTab__7DBSLHDBFri Jun 3 16:19:06 2022 $tpo65a4001bsdbitab.cpp.InitITab__FP12DS_ADMIN_LIB.ResetITabBuffer__Fv.FillITabBuffer__FPvUsUiPUcP14DS_INOUT_DESCRPi.ReadITabProc__FP18_SQL_LC_StreamParmPviPiT4T2.WriteITabProc__FP18_SQL_LC_StreamParmPviT3T2.TraceBitList__FPCUsP12ITAB_COLLISTUs.resetOStream__FP9ABAP_INFO.getNextAbapRow__FP9ABAP_INFOi.copyOStreamData__FP11STREAM_INFOPUcP20OmsTypeABAPTabHandle.resetIStream__FP9ABAP_INFO.copyIStreamData__FP11STREAM_INFOPUcP20OmsTypeABAPTabHandle.copyIStreamData__FP11STREAM_INFOPUcP20OmsTypeABAPTabHandle@AF16_14Fri Jun 3 16:19:08 2022 $tpo61db001dbscsdb.cpp.StmtCacheCreate.StmtCacheClear.StmtCacheFree.StmtCacheDump.StmtCacheReset.StmtCacheClear@AF6_2Fri Jun 3 16:19:09 2022 $tpoe4ce001dbddhdb.cpp.dbdd_exp_funs.dbdd_dbtab_columns_hdb__FPUsP15DBDD_TABCOLUMNS.dbdd_get_size_hdb__FiP16DBDD_OBJECT_SIZEPPUs.set_stmtid__FP9DB_STMTIDPCUsUi.__dftdt__Q2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesFv.__dt__Q2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizesFv__vftQ2_7DBSLHDB12CSdbHDBSizes_dc__7DBSLHDBFri Jun 3 16:19:10 2022 $tpoda44001dbsdbtrc.cpp.getDBSLDataType__F13DBSL_DATATYPE._M_assign_dispatch__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__HPCUs_PCUsT1RCQ2_4_STL12__false_type_RQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTUsTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTUs_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTUs__.getDBDSDataType__FUc.getSQLDBCDataType__F14SQLDBC_SQLType.getSQLDBCHostType__F15SQLDBC_HostType.dumpSQLStmt__FPCUs.dumpSQLStmtId__FiPC11DBSL_STMTID.dumpSQLErrorText__FiPCUs.dumpHexBuffer__FiPCUcT1.dumpHexBuffer__FiPCUcT1@AF22_13Fri Jun 3 13:46:22 2022 $tpo9324001dbdsfuns.c.dbds_enter_exec_stmt.dbds_prepare_dbsl_da.dbds_input_to_dbsl_da.dbds_free_dbsl_da.dbds_enter_open_curs.string_cbf.dbds_input_to_dbsl_da@AF7_3Fri Jun 3 13:46:23 2022 $tpo81e9001dbsc.c.DbScCacheCreate.sc_init.DbScCacheRelease.DbScCacheDump.DbScStmtDump.DbScCacheReset.DbScStmtActivate.sc_lru_to_active.DbScStmtCache.sc_lookup.sc_hash_fun.hash_remove.idc_rem_refs.hash_insert.id_cmp.idc_cache_id.DbScStmtDeactivate.sc_active_to_lru.dump_stmt_str.DbScStmtSearch.idc_hash_fun.DbScSync.DbScCacheInvalidate.idc_lru_get.idc_init.hash_free.hash_new.DbScStmtDeactivate@AF28_17.hash_new@AF29_27.idc_rem_refs@AF30_13.DbScStmtActivate@AF31_7Fri Jun 3 13:46:25 2022 $tpo6452001dbsibu.c.db_sibu_create.db_sibu_get_new_buffer_id.db_sibu_free_buffer_id.db_sibu_free.db_sibu_init.db_sibu_reset.db_sibu_alloc.db_sibu_alloc2.db_sibu_first_used.db_sibu_first_free.db_sibu_free_buffer_id@AF11_3Fri Jun 3 13:46:26 2022 $tpod1bc001dbslfuns.c.df_trcchk.df_trace.df_dbsltrcparm.df_profile.df_clock.df_clock_diff.df_sql_trace_is_on.df_enter_exec_static.df_enter_prep_stmt.df_enter_desc_input.df_enter_desc_output.df_enter_decl_curs.df_enter_open_curs.df_enter_fetch_curs.df_enter_close_curs.df_enter_exec_stmt.df_enter_lob_stmt.df_enter_free_curs.df_enter_free_stmt.df_leave_sql_stmt.df_norm_decfloat16_to_decfloat16raw.df_decfloat16raw_to_norm_decfloat16.df_norm_decfloat34_to_decfloat34raw.df_decfloat34raw_to_norm_decfloat34.df_decfloat16_to_decfloat16raw.df_decfloat16raw_to_decfloat16.df_decfloat34_to_decfloat34raw.df_decfloat34raw_to_decfloat34.df_decfloat16_to_decfloat16bcd.df_decfloat16bcd_to_decfloat16.df_decfloat34_to_decfloat34bcd.df_decfloat34bcd_to_decfloat34.df_decfloat16_zero.df_decfloat34_zero.df_decfloat16_to_string.df_decfloat34_to_string.df_syslog.dbfuns_set_funs.dbfuns_get_funs.dt_do_trace.get_dbsl_patch_info.decfloat16_to_bcd.decfloat34_to_bcd.bcd_to_decfloat16.bcd_to_decfloat34Fri Jun 3 13:45:31 2022 $tpo9353001dbstr.c.db_string_to_pack.num2packed.db_int_to_string.db_pack_to_string.db_ID_to_moduleFri Jun 3 13:19:12 2022 $tpo3fc7001nlsui0_s.c.isalnumU_wrapper.isalphaU_wrapper.iscntrlU_wrapper.islowerU_wrapper.isprintU_wrapper.isspaceU_wrapper.isupperU_wrapper.tolowerU_wrapper.toupperU_wrapper.nlsui_dlopen.nlsui_dlclose.nlsui_dlsym.nlsui_safe_strcat.nlsui_setPath.nlsui_resetPath.nlsui_initLoadIcuTrace.nlsui_initUfuncTrace.nlsui_addIcuSearchPath.icu7bitFallbackOrExit.setCtype7bit.mapCtypeFunctions.useFallBackCtype.isalnumU_7bit.isalphaU_7bit.iscntrlU_7bit.islowerU_7bit.isprintU_7bit.isspaceU_7bit.isupperU_7bit.tolowerU_7bit.toupperU_7bit.useICUCtype.getIcuLibList.openLibIcuUc.mapIcuUtilFunctions.mapUbidiFunctions.mapUshapingFunctions.mapUnormFunctions.mapUbrkFunctions.mapUidnaFunctions.mapUcalFunctions.checkIcuData.nlsui_traceIcuVersion.initIcuUc.nlsui_cpy_cmdline_par.nlsui_store_cmdline.nlsui_initialize.loadIcuDo.nlsui_set7bitUnicode.unsetIcu.openLibIcuI18n.closeLibIcuI18n.mapUcolFunctions.mapUtransFunctions.initIcuI18n.loadIcu.isgraphU.ispunctU.isxdigitU.nlsui_safe_strcat@AF60_13Fri Jun 3 13:19:18 2022 $tpo5471001nlsui1_s.c.fdopenU.fdopenU16.nlsui_U2sToUtf8s_checked.fopen64U.fopen64U16.nlsui_traceFopen.freopenU.freopenU16.gethostnameU.gethostnameU16.nlsui_Utf8sToU2s_checked.rexecU.rexecU16.dirnameU.dirnameU16.basenameU.basenameU16.linkU.linkU16.symlinkU.symlinkU16.readlinkU.readlinkU16.nlsui_malloc_error.chownU.chownU16.mkfifoU.mkfifoU16.utimeU.utimeU16.creatU.creatU16.perrorU.perrorU16.strerrorU16.popenU.popenU16.rmdirU.rmdirU16.statvfsU16.unlinkU.unlinkU16.asctime_rU.asctime_rU16.ctime_rU.ctime_rU16.asctimeU.asctimeU16.ctimeU.ctimeU16.strerrorU.Utf8sToU2s.setlocaleU16.tmpnamU.tmpnamU16.tempnamU.tempnamU16.mktempU.mktempU16.mkstempU.mkstempU16.ttynameU.ttynameU16.ConvertSCCSID_w.nlsui_wcsar2mbsar.U2sToUtf8s.nlsui_alloc_mbsar.wcstowcs.UcnToFileLenR.Utf8snToU2n.U2nToUtf8.U2snToUtf8n.nlsui_set_trace.nlsui_set_trace_func.nlsui_internalErrorMsg.nlsui_array_short.nlsui_utf8conv_error.cast_raw2ucChkFailed.nlsui_cast_raw2uc.dlopenU.dlopenU16.dlsymU.dlsymU16.dlerrorU.dlerrorU16.vopenU16.openU.openU16.fopenU.fopenU16.renameU.renameU16.removeU.removeU16.cleanup_putenv_table.cleanup_getenv_table.getenvU.getenvU16.putenvU.putenvU16.systemU.systemU16.strcasecmpU.strcasecmpU16.strncasecmpU.strncasecmpU16.strftimeU.strftimeU16.accessU.accessU16.chdirU.chdirU16.getcwdU.getcwdU16.chmodU.chmodU16.mkdirU.mkdirU16.nlsui_alloc_wcsarBase.nlsui_alloc_wcsar.nlsui_alloc_env.nlsui_getenvironU.nlsui_freeenvironU.strtoupperU16.strntoupperU16.strcpytoupperU16.strtolowerU16.strntolowerU16.strcpytolowerU16.ecvtU.ecvtU16.strcasecmpR.strncasecmpR.strtoupperR.strntoupperR.strcpytoupperR.strtolowerR.strntolowerR.strcpytolowerR.strntolowerR@AF140_138.strtolowerR@AF141_137.strntoupperR@AF142_135.strtoupperR@AF143_134.strncasecmpR@AF144_133.strcasecmpR@AF145_132.strntolowerU16@AF146_128.strtolowerU16@AF147_127.strntoupperU16@AF148_125.strtoupperU16@AF149_124.nlsui_freeenvironU@AF150_123.nlsui_alloc_env@AF151_121.strncasecmpU16@AF152_106.strcasecmpU16@AF153_104.nlsui_cast_raw2uc@AF154_79.nlsui_wcsar2mbsar@AF155_65.mkstempU16@AF156_61.mktempU16@AF157_59Fri Jun 3 13:19:22 2022 $tpo59b0001nlsui5_s.c.vsprintfU.sprintfU.vsnprintfU.snprintfU.vfprintfU.vprintfU.printfU.fprintfU.sprintf_sU16.vsprintf_sU16.snprintf_sU16.vsnprintf_sU16.sprintf_sRFB.vsprintf_sRFB.snprintf_sRFB.vsnprintf_sRFB.vsnprintf_sRFB@AF17_16.vsprintf_sRFB@AF18_14.vsnprintf_sU16@AF19_12.vsprintf_sU16@AF20_10Fri Jun 3 13:18:37 2022 $tpo4df9001rscpsc2.c.rscpsc2_c__no_more_malloc__abort.rscpuc_next_buff.UcsToU2s.UcnToU2n.NeutralUcnToUcn.UcnToNeutralUcn.UcnToUcmbn.UcmbnToUcnFri Jun 3 13:18:38 2022 $tpo357f001rscpscal.c.A7sToUcsVola.A7nToUcnVola.UcsToA7sVola.UcnToA7nVolaFri Jun 3 13:18:42 2022 $tpodd8d001rscpu84r.cFri Jun 3 13:18:43 2022 $tpo35b6001rscpu86r.c.Utf16nToUtf8n.Utf16nToUtf8nNoCC.Utf16nToUtf8nGD.Utf16nToUtf8nSubst.Utf16nToUtf8nSubstAll.Utf8nToUtf16nGD.Utf8nToUtf16nSubst.Utf8nToUtf16nNoCCSubst.Utf8nToUtf16nSubstAllFri Jun 3 13:18:45 2022 $tpo2261001rscpuerr.c.rscph_rscpe__error.rscpSetHook_rscpe__errorFri Jun 3 13:01:06 2022 $tpoba04001u16_aux.c.ascii7bitToU16.u16_trace_to_stderr.u16_set_trace.u16_traceMsg.u16_endTraceMsg.u16_set_trace_func.u16_set_fgetcU_error_parameters.u16_set_cmdline.u16_internalErrorMsg.u16_traceFopen.u16_rawDump.u16_rawStrDump.u16_charDump.u16_rawAndCharDump.u16_rawFileDumpOpt.u16_utf8conv_error.u16_malloc_error.u16_array_short.u16_unknownFormatStr.dbgAlignCheckStringU16.dbgAlignCheckStringU16@AF21_20.u16_unknownFormatStr@AF22_19.u16_array_short@AF23_18.u16_utf8conv_error@AF24_16.u16_internalErrorMsg@AF25_9Fri Jun 3 13:01:07 2022 $tpo704d001u16_str.c.strlenU.strlenU16.strnlenU16.strnlenRFB.strcatU.strcatU16.strcat_sU16.strcat_sRFB.strchrU.strchrU16.strcmpU.strcmpU16.strcpyU.strcpyU16.strcpy_sU16.strcpy_sRFB.strcspnU.strcspnU16.strdupU.strdupU16.strncatU.strncatU16.strncat_sU16.strncat_sRFB.strncmpU.strncmpU16.strncpyU.strncpyU16.strncpy_sU16.strncpy_sRFB.strpbrkU.strpbrkU16.strrchrU.strrchrU16.strspnU.strspnU16.strstrU.strstrU16.strtokU.strtokU16.strtok_rU.strtok_rU16.strtok_rRFBFri Jun 3 13:01:09 2022 $tpo5c81001u16_mem.c.memcmpU.memcmpU16.memchrU.memchrU16.memsetU.memsetU16.mallocU.reallocU.callocU.memcpyU.memmoveU.memcpy_sRFB.memcpy_sU16.memmove_sRFB.memmove_sU16$tpofde6001u16_cty.c.isxdigitU16.isspaceU16.isalnumU16.isalphaU16.islowerU16.isprintU16.isupperU16.isgraphU16.ispunctU16.iscntrlU16.tolowerU16.toupperU16Fri Jun 3 13:01:11 2022 $tpo61c4001u16_put.c.putc_unlockedU16.fputcU.fputcU16.fputsU.fputsU16.fwrite_unlockedU16.putsU.putsU16.fwriteU16_impl.fwriteU16.u16_fwriteU16.u16_fwriteUFri Jun 3 13:01:12 2022 $tpoa4ba001u16_get.cFri Jun 3 13:01:13 2022 $tpoa041001u16_tol.c.tol_dummy_function.strtolU16.strtolU.strtoulU16.strtoulU.strtollU16.strtollU.strtoullU16.strtoullUFri Jun 3 13:01:14 2022 $tpo5325001u16_prnt.c.checkArgs.vvfprintfU16.vvfprintf_sU16.vfprintfU16.vprintfU16.printfU16.fprintfU16.vsprintfU16.sprintfU16.vsnprintfU16.snprintfU16Fri Jun 3 13:01:15 2022 $tpo6fed001u16_OutCon.c.OutputConversionCtor.OutputConversionXtor.OutputConversion_setArgs.OutputConversion_parse.OutputConversion_toString.OutputConversion_outputFri Jun 3 13:01:16 2022 $tpo38cf001u16_FldWd.c.FieldWidthCtor.FieldWidthXtor.FieldWidth_parse.FieldWidth_isDigit.FieldWidth_atoi.FieldWidth_isDefined.FieldWidth_getValue.FieldWidth_isStatic.FieldWidth_setArgumentPosition.FieldWidth_setArgumentValue.FieldWidth_parse@AF11_3Fri Jun 3 13:01:18 2022 $tpo3b33001u16_LenMod.c.LengthModifierCtor.LengthModifierXtor.LengthModifier_parse.LengthModifier_setValue.LengthModifier_isCharValue.LengthModifier_isValue.LengthModifier_isShortValue.LengthModifier_isLongValue.LengthModifier_isLongLongValue.LengthModifier_isIntMaxValue.LengthModifier_isSizeValue.LengthModifier_isPrtDiffValue.LengthModifier_isLongDoubleValue.LengthModifier_isLongLongI64Value.LengthModifier_isLongLong$tpo447a001u16_FrmOut.c.FormattedOutputCtor.FormattedOutputXtor.OutputStream_writeNullTermination.FormattedOutput_parse.FormattedOutput_findNextSpec$tpoc356001u16_OutCS.c.OutputConversionSpecCtor.OutputConversionSpecXtor.OutputConversionSpec_setSymbol.OutputConversionSpec_isValidSymbol__.OutputConversionSpec_getSymbol.OutputConversionSpec_switchOnNegativeSign__.OutputConversionSpec_isNegative.OutputConversionSpec_getConvertedValue.OutputConversionSpec_isValid.OutputConversionSpec_toString.OutputConversionSpec_itoa__.OutputConversionSpec_dtoa__.u16_strnlenU16.OutputConversionSpec_ptoa__.OutputConversionSpec_isNumber.convertAsciiToWideChar.OutputConversionSpec_getWriteCountPointer.OutputConversionSpec_getConvertedValueSizeFri Jun 3 13:01:19 2022 $tpo3893001u16_OutFlg.c.OutputFlagsCtor.OutputFlagsXtor.OutputFlags_switchOnLeftJustifiedFlag.OutputFlags_switchOnSignConversionFlag.OutputFlags_switchOnSpaceFlag.OutputFlags_switchOnAlternativeFormFlag.OutputFlags_switchOnZeroFlag.OutputFlags_isLeftJustifiedFlag.OutputFlags_isSignConversionFlag.OutputFlags_isSpaceFlag.OutputFlags_isAlternativeFormFlag.OutputFlags_isZeroFlag.OutputFlags_parse$tpo5252001u16_OutStr.c.OutputStreamCtor.OutputStreamXtor.OutputStream_isFileOutputStream.OutputStream_writeSingleChar.OutputStream_writeSingleCharToFile.OutputStream_writeSingleCharToString.OutputStream_writeMultipleChar.OutputStream_writeString.OutputStream_writeStringToFile.OutputStream_writeStringToString.OutputStream_getMaxLength.OutputStream_getWrittenCharsFri Jun 3 13:01:20 2022 $tpo3283001u16_OutPrc.c.OutputPrecisionCtor.OutputPrecisionXtor.OutputPrecision_parse.OutputPrecision_isDigit.OutputPrecision_atoi.OutputPrecision_getValue.OutputPrecision_parse@AF7_3stlport_io/sap_us_io.cppFri Jun 3 15:27:03 2022 $tpo12c3001ap_us_io.cpp.__get_fdigit__4_STLFRUsPCUs.find__4_STLHPCUsUs_PCUsT1RCUs_PCUs.__get_fdigit_or_sep__4_STLFRUsUsPCUs._Initialize_get_float__4_STLFRCQ2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_RUsN32PUs.__insert_grouping__4_STLFPUsT1RCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__UsN24i.__insert_grouping_aux__4_STLHUs_PUsT1RCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__UsN24i_l.__convert_float_buffer__4_STLFPCcT1PUsRCQ2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_Us.__dt__Q2_4_STL8numpunctXTUs_Fv.do_decimal_point__Q2_4_STL8numpunctXTUs_CFv.do_thousands_sep__Q2_4_STL8numpunctXTUs_CFv.do_grouping__Q2_4_STL8numpunctXTUs_CFv.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__Fv.do_truename__Q2_4_STL8numpunctXTUs_CFv.do_falsename__Q2_4_STL8numpunctXTUs_CFv.__sinit80000000_x_2fsapmnt_2fis0174_2fa_2f722_5fEXT_5fREL_2frs6000_5f64_2fgenoptU_2fkrn_2fstl_2fstlport_5fio_2fsap_5fus_5fio_2ecpp__Fv.__init__0__Fv.__sterm80000000_x_2fsapmnt_2fis0174_2fa_2f722_5fEXT_5fREL_2frs6000_5f64_2fgenoptU_2fkrn_2fstl_2fstlport_5fio_2fsap_5fus_5fio_2ecpp__Fv.__init__1__Fv.__srterm__1__Fv.__init__2__Fv.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__FPCcRCQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc_.__srterm__2__Fv.__dt__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_Fv.do_is__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFQ3_4_STL10ctype_base4maskUs.do_is__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFPCUsT1PQ3_4_STL10ctype_base4mask.do_scan_is__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFQ3_4_STL10ctype_base4maskPCUsT2.find_if__4_STLHPCUsQ2_4_STL17_Ctype_us_is_mask_PCUsT1Q2_4_STL17_Ctype_us_is_mask_PCUs.do_scan_not__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFQ3_4_STL10ctype_base4maskPCUsT2.find_if__4_STLHPCUsQ2_4_STL12unary_negateXTQ2_4_STL17_Ctype_us_is_mask__PCUsT1Q2_4_STL12unary_negateXTQ2_4_STL17_Ctype_us_is_mask__PCUs.do_toupper__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFUs.do_toupper__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFPUsPCUs.do_tolower__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFUs.do_tolower__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFPUsPCUs.do_widen__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFc.do_widen__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFPCcT1PUs.do_narrow__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFUsc.do_narrow__Q2_4_STL5ctypeXTUs_CFPCUsT1cPc.__dftbdt__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTcTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__Fv._M_allocate_block__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTcTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__FUl._M_throw_length_error__Q2_4_STL12_String_baseXTcTQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__CFv.__get_fdigit_or_sep__4_STLFRUsUsPCUs@AF62_3stlport_io/dll_inst.cppFri Jun 3 15:27:05 2022 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Jun 3 15:27:19 2022 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Jun 3 15:27:26 2022 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Jun 3 15:27:32 2022 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Jun 3 15:27:34 2022 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Jun 3 15:27:56 2022 $tpo74aa001/codecvt.cpp.__dt__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_Fv.do_length__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFRCPcPCcT2Ul.do_max_length__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFv.do_always_noconv__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFv.do_encoding__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFv.do_unshift__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFRPcPcT2T1.do_in__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFRPcPCcT2RPCcPcT5T1.do_out__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTcTcTPc_CFRPcPCcT2RPCcPcT5T1.__dt__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_Fv.do_out__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFRPcPCwT2RPCwPcT5T1.do_in__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFRPcPCcT2RPCcPwT5RPw.do_unshift__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFRPcPcT2T1.do_encoding__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFv.do_always_noconv__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFv.do_length__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFRCPcPCcT2Ul.do_max_length__Q2_4_STL7codecvtXTwTcTPc_CFvstlport_io/collate.cppFri Jun 3 15:27:57 2022 $tpoc2e8001/collate.cpp.__dt__Q2_4_STL7collateXTc_Fv.do_compare__Q2_4_STL7collateXTc_CFPCcN31.do_transform__Q2_4_STL7collateXTc_CFPCcT1.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__GPCc_PCcT1RCQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc_.do_hash__Q2_4_STL7collateXTc_CFPCcT1.__dt__Q2_4_STL7collateXTw_Fv.do_compare__Q2_4_STL7collateXTw_CFPCwN31.__lexicographical_compare_3way__4_STLHPCwPCw_PCwN31_i.do_transform__Q2_4_STL7collateXTw_CFPCwT1.__ct__Q2_4_STL12basic_stringXTwTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTw_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTw__GPCw_PCwT1RCQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTw_.do_hash__Q2_4_STL7collateXTw_CFPCwT1stlport_io/ctype.cppFri Jun 3 15:27:58 2022 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Jun 3 15:27:59 2022 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Jun 3 15:28:05 2022 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Jun 3 15:28:11 2022 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Jun 3 15:28:14 2022 $tpob822001et_float.cpp._Initialize_get_float__4_STLFRCQ2_4_STL5ctypeXTw_RwN32Pw._Stl_norm_and_round__4_STLFRULRiULT3._Stl_tenscale__4_STLFRULiRi._Stl_atod__4_STLFPciT2._Stl_string_to_double__4_STLFPCc._Stl_string_to_long_double__4_STLFPCc.__string_to_float__4_STLFRCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__Rf.__string_to_float__4_STLFRCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__Rd.__string_to_float__4_STLFRCQ2_4_STL12basic_stringXTcTQ2_4_STL11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_4_STL9allocatorXTc__Rr._Stl_atod__4_STLFPciT2@AF12_5stlport_io/num_put_float.cppFri Jun 3 15:28:15 2022 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Jun 3 15:28:20 2022 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Jun 3 15:28:21 2022 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Jun 3 15:28:48 2022 $tpofdcb001o/locale.cpp.__sinit80000000_x_2fsapmnt_2fis0174_2fa_2f722_5fEXT_5fREL_2frs6000_5f64_2fgenoptU_2fkrn_2fstl_2fstlport_5fio_2flocale_2ecpp__Fv.__sterm80000000_x_2fsapmnt_2fis0174_2fa_2f722_5fEXT_5fREL_2frs6000_5f64_2fgenoptU_2fkrn_2fstl_2fstlport_5fio_2flocale_2ecpp__Fv.__ct__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFRCQ2_4_STL12_Locale_impl.__dftbdt__Q2_4_STL12_Locale_implFv.__dt__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFv.remove__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFUl.insert__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFPQ3_4_STL6locale5facetUlb.insert__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFPQ2_4_STL12_Locale_implRCQ3_4_STL6locale2id._M_insert__Q2_4_STL6localeFPQ3_4_STL6locale5facetRQ3_4_STL6locale2id._Stl_loc_get_index__4_STLFRQ3_4_STL6locale2id.__ct__Q2_4_STL6localeFPQ2_4_STL12_Locale_implb.incr__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFv.decr__Q2_4_STL7_LocaleFv._M_insert__Q2_4_STL6localeFPQ3_4_STL6locale5facetRQ3_4_STL6locale2id@AF38_18stlport_io/locale_catalog.cppFri Jun 3 15:28:49 2022 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Jun 3 15:29:10 2022 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Jun 3 15:29:15 2022 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Jan 18 11:52:58 2017 IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, Version Jan 18 11:53:03 2017 .__Invoke__Destructor.__Invoke__Delete.__3../../rs6000/except.CWed Jan 18 11:53:05 2017 .doDebug__18__checkEnvironmentFv.doDebugVerbose__18__checkEnvironmentFv.doOutputToLog__18__checkEnvironmentFv.__PrintFcn__FP7tbtable.__set_PA_callback__FPFv_v.__DoThrow.GrabInformation__FRP12__sigcontextRPlT2P7tbtablelR9registers.nextFrame__FR9registersPlRP12__sigcontext.GrabInformation__FRP12__sigcontextRPlT2P7tbtablelR9registers@AF9_7.__ReThrowclass.s.class../../../../../../../src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libm/fenv.cWed Apr 30 11:32:34 2008 IBM XL C Enterprise Edition for AIX, Version --- .feupdateenv.fesetenv.feholdexcept.fegetenv.fesetround.fegetround.fetestexcept.fesetexceptflag.feraiseexcept.fegetexceptflag.feclearexcept.fesetround@AF12_5../../../../../../../src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libm/floor.c.nearest.nearbyint.trunc.floor.fabs.ceil../../../../../../../src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/libm/_class.cMon Apr 28 15:07:56 2008 ._class../../../../../../../src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/librtl/64bit/rtld.cSat Apr 12 15:57:41 2008