@echo off setlocal rem You might want to change these values to run the example. set JDBC_JAR="%1" set DRIVER="%2" set URL="%3" set USER="%4" set PASSWORD="%5" rem Example settings for MaxDB: rem set JDBC_JAR=..\jdbc\sapdbc.jar rem set DRIVER=com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.DriverSapDB rem set URL=jdbc:sapdb://localhost/ rem set USER=SAPDB if "x%JDBC_JAR%" == "x""" ( echo ERROR: Missing JDBC driver jar file for the database connection. goto :errorend ) if "x%DRIVER%" == "x""" ( echo ERROR: Missing JDBC driver class name for the database connection. goto :errorend ) if "x%URL%" == "x""" ( echo ERROR: Missing URL for the database connection. goto :errorend ) if "x%USER%" == "x""" ( echo ERROR: Missing USER for the database connection. goto :errorend ) if "x%PASSWORD%" == "x""" ( echo ERROR: Missing PASSWORD for the database connection. goto :errorend ) if "x%JAVA_HOME%" == "x" ( rem use java executable from PATH, if JAVA_HOME is not set. set JAVA_CMD=java ) else ( rem use java executable from JAVA_HOME, if JAVA_HOME is set. set JAVA_CMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" ) set LIBS=lib\persistence-api-1.0.jar;lib\orpersistence.jar;lib\jaxrpc-api.jar;lib\jaxm.jar;lib\sap.com~tc~antlr~runtime.jar %JAVA_CMD% -classpath orpersistence_example.jar;%LIBS%;%JDBC_JAR% com.sap.test.orpersistence.ExampleWithMap %DRIVER% %URL% %USER% %PASSWORD% endlocal if "0" == "%ERRORLEVEL%" goto :end echo Program terminated abnormally :errorend pause :end