====================================================================================================== Script Files for Deployment Tasks ====================================================================================================== SDA Generation Tool ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ make_SDA -------- Used to generate an SDA file from a Java EE compliant deployment unit. Usage: make_SDA [-w work_dir] [-d destination_file] [-pr properties_file] - Path to source file to produce an SDA from [-w work_dir] - Work directory [-d destination_file] - Destination SDA file [-pr properties_file] - Properties file where SDA attributes are specified Some sample properties files can be found where script files reside: JavaEE.properties, single-module.properties, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ make_SDAs --------- Used to generate an SDA file from each Java EE compliant deployment unit in the specified directory. Usage: make_SDAs [-w work_dir] [-d destination_dir] - Path to directory with source files [-w work_dir] - Work directory [-d destination_dir] - Destination directory ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DEPLOY script ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ deploy ------ Used for deploying Java EE compliant deployment units whether in SDA format or not. Usage: deploy :@: [-no_start] - User with administrators' rights - Password for this user - Target AS Java host - Target P4 port - Path to archive [-no_start] - Deployed modules are not started DEPLOY script waits some time before returning the result. To increase this time, property time.to.wait.factor (from ../cfg/deployment14.properties) can be used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Logs and traces are written to log directory which is obtained from ../cfg/deployment14.properties. ======================================================================================================