# Start the Log Viewer local server and client.
# (c) SAP Labs LLC 2003

# LogDump tool - parses and prints log files.
# -l[ocation]           print the source location of the message
# -d[ate]               print the date of the message
#                       display only records with severity >= value
# -o[utfile] <filename> the filename where to write the output. Always writes
#                       the complete file and terminates automatic.
# -c[omplete]           read complete file(s). Starts with the file header.
# -p[ath] <dir or logfile>  path to the server log directory or single file. If dir, contents of all files under dir are dumped");
#                       default path is : '/usr/sap/C11/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/log'
# -h[elp]               print help
# example: lv -c -s ERROR -p C:\usr\sap\C11\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\system -o errors.log
#          writes all the messages with severity 'error' and higher from all logs under the
#          -p path.

/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6/bin/java -cp "./lib/sap.com~tc~logging~java~impl.jar" com.sap.tc.logging.tools.lv.LV $*