@echo off rem LogDump tool - parses and prints log files. rem -l[ocation] print the source location of the message rem -d[ate] print the date of the message rem -s[severity] MIN|DEBUG|PATH|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|FATAL" rem display only records with severity >= value rem -o[utfile] the filename where to write the output. Always writes rem the complete file and terminates automatic. rem -c[omplete] read complete file(s). Starts with the file header. rem -p[ath] path to the server log directory or single file. If dir, contents of all files under dir are dumped"); rem default path is : '/usr/sap/C11/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/log' rem -h[elp] print help rem example: lv -c -s ERROR -p C:\usr\sap\C11\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\log\system -o errors.log rem writes all the messages with severity 'error' and higher from all logs under the rem -p path. @setlocal @title Log Dump set JAVA_CMD="/usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6\bin\java.exe" if EXIST %JAVA_CMD% ( echo launching Java from /usr/sap/EPP/J00/exe/sapjvm_6 ) else if DEFINED JAVA_HOME ( echo launching Java from JAVA_HOME set JAVA_CMD="%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java.exe" ) else ( echo WARNING SAP JVM not found and environment variable JAVA_HOME not set, trying to launch java from current PATH set JAVA_CMD=java ) %JAVA_CMD% -server -showversion -cp .\lib\sap.com~tc~logging~java~impl.jar com.sap.tc.logging.tools.lv.LV %* @endlocal @if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 ( echo Program terminated abnormally pause ) else ( rem Program successfully finished )