Aspect for drawing zoomable connection pins.<q ref="core.svg:ZDrawing">ZDrawing</q>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Gets or sets the pin's anchor point.The <code>anchor</code> property is a bitwise combination of the following groups of flags:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_LEFT </td><td>Anchor to left edge </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_RIGHT </td><td>Anchor to right edge </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_TOP </td><td>Anchor to top edge </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_BOTTOM </td><td>Anchor to bottom edge </td></tr><tr><td class=V> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_START </td><td>Anchor to edge's start point </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_MIDDLE </td><td>Anchor to edge's middle point </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_END </td><td>Anchor to edge's end point </td></tr><tr><td class=V> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_AUTO </td><td>Anchor point is calculated automatically </td></tr><tr><td class=V> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_AUTOHIDE </td><td>The pin is hiden by default, but is displayed when selected </td></tr></table>
When SVG_AUTO flag is specified, the actual anchor point is calculated basing on SVG_START/SVG_MIDDLE/SVG_END flags
and the index of this pin among other pins with the same anchor settings. Typicially, pins created earlier
will be positioned before pins created later.
Defines the pin's direction.The <code>dir</code> property can be one of the following flags:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_INOUT </td><td>In/out pin </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_INWARD </td><td>Inward pin </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_OUTWARD </td><td>Outward pin </td></tr></table>
Defines the pin's connection radius.The connection <code>radius</code> is the distance between the exact point where lines connect to the pin and
the pin's origin. Use this property to override the default connection radius defined on the pin's
symbol, in order to accomodate for the geometry of the containing shape aspect.
Defines the pin's stroke color.If the pin color is not specified, the stroke color of the containing shape will be used.
Defines the pin's graphical symbol.
Defines the dynamic formula that evaluates to pin symbol.
This property is evaluated only if <q ref="core.svg:ZPin!symbol">symbol</q> property has SVG_DYNAMIC_PIN flag set.A dynamic formula is a string containing a valid JavaScript expression that involves one or more GML property references.
A GML property reference is written by adding the @ prefix (e.g., @pinSymbol or @Class.metadata.pinSymbol).
A bitwise structure for defining pin symbols.A pin symbol can be any bitwise combination of the following groups of flags:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_CLASSIC_PIN </td><td>Classic pin symbol (default) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_DIAMOND_PIN </td><td>Diamond symbol </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_CIRCLE_PIN </td><td>Circle symbol </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_SQUARE_PIN </td><td>Square symbol </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_TRIANGLE_PIN </td><td>Triangle symbol </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_CUSTOM_PIN </td><td>Custom symbol defined by the <q ref="core.svg:ZShape!pinSymbols">pinSymbols</q> property on the containing shape (using the first 8 bits as index) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_DYNAMIC_PIN </td><td>Pin symbol is calculated dynamically, basing on <q ref="core.svg:ZPin!dynsymbol">dynsymbol</q> property </td></tr><tr><td class=V> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_HOLLOW </td><td>The symbol is hollow, i.e. filled with white color (default for input pins). </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_FILLED </td><td>The symbol is filled with the primary color (default for output pins). </td></tr><tr><td class=V> </td><td> </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_NOTEXT </td><td>The pin text label is hidden </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_NOSYMBOL </td><td>The pin has no symbol </td></tr><tr><td class=V>SVG_HIDDEN </td><td>The pin has no text and no symbol, making it invisible (combines SVG_NOTEXT </td><td>SVG_NOSYMBOL) </td></tr></table>