The base aspect for all graphic groups.<q ref="core.svg:Polyshape">Polyshape</q>Group aspect assumes several things on its base object:<ol><li>The inner members are stored in a property called <b>members</b> </li><li>The methods for adding and removing inner members in the base object are <b>attachElement</b> and <b>detachElement</b> </li><li>The event raised upon these operations is <b>onReattachElement</b> </li></ol>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Gets or sets the group's scale.The <code>scale</code> is a positive floating point number between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive), indicating the scale of the group's inner coordinates system (the group's contents) relative to the group's outer coordinates system (containing group or diagram).