<@doc hierarchy="GMLDOM"> Layout Code (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. <@doc hierarchy="GMLDOM"> Layout Code (c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved. Class TileRuler inherit Ruler; static readonly property _hType = 'SPAN'; static readonly property _vType = 'SPAN'; static readonly property _hCSS = 'BOX-RULER H-BOX-RULER-TILE'; static readonly property _vCSS = 'BOX-RULER V-BOX-RULER'; static readonly property _rulerType = 'formruler'; constructor(board, parent, index, isVertical) this.supercall(board, parent, index, isVertical); end override method _getHType() return this._hType; end override method _getVType() return this._vType; end override method _getHCSS() return this._hCSS; end override method _getVCSS() return this._vCSS; end override method _getType() return this._rulerType; end override method _getParentElem(parent) return parent.elem; end override method canApplayRect(x, y, w, h) var parent = this.getParent(); // prevent dragging of the Ruler to create too short Tiles: var minY = parent.getContentsMinH() + parent.getContentsTop(); return y > minY; end override method applyPos(dontChangeFoc) var parent = this.getParent(); var pBase = parent.base; // if the Ruler is dragger lower than the bottom border of the TileView, // set it at the lowermost possible position: var maxY = SPLIT(pBase.size)[1]; maxY -= MIN(pBase.tileGap, 4); maxY = MIN(this.elem.y, maxY); maxY -= parent.getContentsTop(); pBase.setProperty("formHeight", maxY); parent.board.selection.setSingle(parent.elem); end