@script name="EnumMgr" also="Fields" hide="y">
Implements the %STUDIO% enumerations manager
(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
<@func name="EXISTS_ENUM">
Tests whether a specified enumeration exists in the global enumerations manager
The enumeration id
The test results
function EXISTS_ENUM(enumID) {
return (UPPER(enumID) in __ENUMS);
<@func name="GET_ENUM" also="GET_ENUM_ITEM SET_ENUM">
Gets a specified enumeration object
The enumeration id
An expression returning a valid enumeration object (prefix the expression with @ symbol)
The requested enumeration object
function GET_ENUM(enumID) {
if (enumID && enumID.charAt(0) == '@') {
try { return eval(enumID.substring(1)); } catch (e) { return {}; }
} else {
return __ENUMS[UPPER(enumID)] || {};
<@func name="SET_ENUM" also="SET_ENUM_ITEM GET_ENUM">
Sets a specified enumeration object
The enumeration id
The enumeration object
function SET_ENUM(enumID, enumData) {
__ENUMS[UPPER(enumID)] = enumData || {};
<@func name="GET_ENUMS" also="SET_ENUMS">
Gets the collection of all enumerations
The enumerations collection
function GET_ENUMS() {
return __ENUMS || {};
<@func name="SET_ENUMS" also="SET_ENUM">
Sets a given collection of enumerations
The new enumerations collection
function SET_ENUMS(enumsList) {
if (!__ENUMS) __ENUMS = {};
for (var k in enumsList) __ENUMS[k] = enumsList[k];
<@func name="RESET_ENUMS" also="SET_ENUMS">
Clears the collection of all enumerations
function RESET_ENUMS() {
__ENUMS = {};
<@func name="GET_ENUM_ITEM" also="SET_ENUM_ITEM GET_ENUM">
Gets a specified enumeration item
The enumeration id
The enumeration item value
The enumeration item text
function GET_ENUM_ITEM(enumID, value) {
var en=GET_ENUM(enumID);
return en ? (en[value] || '') : '';
<@func name="SET_ENUM_ITEM" also="GET_ENUM_ITEM SET_ENUM">
Sets a specified enumeration item
The enumeration id
The enumeration item value
The enumeration item text
function SET_ENUM_ITEM(enumID, value, text) {
var en=GET_ENUM(enumID);
if (en) en[value] = text;
<@func name="GET_ENUM_VALUES" also="GET_ENUM_TEXTS">
Gets the ordered list of all values in a given enumeration
The enumeration object
The enumeration values
function GET_ENUM_VALUES(data) {
var A=[];
if (!data || !data.$ORDER) return A;
for (var i=0, O=data.$ORDER, len=O.length; i
Gets the ordered list of all texts in a given enumeration
The enumeration object
The enumeration texts
function GET_ENUM_TEXTS(data) {
var A=[];
if (!data || !data.$ORDER) return A;
for (var i=0, O=data.$ORDER, len=O.length; i
Append an item to enumeration object
The enumeration object
The new item value
The new item text
If an item with this value exists - nothing is done
function ENUM_APPEND(enumData, value, text) {
if (!enumData || !enumData.$ORDER || enumData[value] !== undefined) return;
enumData[value] = text;
<@func name="ENUM2STR" also="STR2ENUM ENUM2ARR ARR2ENUM">
Converts an enumeration to string representation
The enumeration object
The string representation of the requested enumeration
function ENUM2STR(enumData) {
if (!enumData || !enumData.$ORDER) return '';
var A=[];
for (var i=0, O=enumData.$ORDER, len=O.length; i
Converts a string to an enumeration
The string representation of the enumeration
function STR2ENUM(enumStr) {
var data={$ORDER:[]};
for (var i=0, A=(enumStr||'').split(';'), len=A.length; i
Converts an enumeration to an array
The enumeration object
The array representation of the requested enumeration
function ENUM2ARR(enumData) {
var A=[];
if (!enumData || !enumData.$ORDER) return A;
for (var i=0, O=enumData.$ORDER, len=O.length; i
Converts an array to an enumeration
The array representation of the enumeration
function ARR2ENUM(enumArr) {
var data={$ORDER:[]};
for (var i=0, len=enumArr.length; i
Allocates and returns a new enumeration id
The new enumeration id
function ALLOC_ENUM() {
return '$'+(__ENUMS_ALLOC++);
function REMOVE_ENUM(enumId){
delete __ENUMS[enumId];
var __ENUMS = {};
var __ENUMS_ALLOC = 0;