A list display element for viewing and editing a list of objects.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.
Gets or sets a predicate for testing whether a specified node can be renamed.The predicate is either a Boolean <code>true/<code>false</code></code> value, or a function with the following signature: <code>Boolean = canRenameNode(id)</code>
Gets or sets the control styling glyph.
Gets or sets the list data provider.The data provider should be an object that implements the following interface
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Method </td><td class=H>Returns </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>getNode(id) </td><td><code>node</code> </td><td>Returns a specified node </td></tr><tr><td class=V>getNodeslist() </td><td><code>node[]</code> </td><td>Returns the list of all nodes </td></tr></table>
Where <code>node</code> is an object with the following members:
<table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Member </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>id </td><td>String </td><td>Node id (must be unique) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>name </td><td>String </td><td>Node name </td></tr><tr><td class=V>icon </td><td>String </td><td>Node icon </td></tr></table>
Gets the Id of the currently selected node.
Gets or sets the action to perform when the mouse wheel is rolled over this element (scroll|select|none).
Clears the listview.
Ends a node rename operation.Indicates whether to commit or cancel the rename operation.
Returns the node object that encloses the given HTML element.An HTML element.The enclosing node object, if any.
Returns the node object with the given Id.Id of requested node.The requested node object.
Processes the given hotkey and executes the corresponding action on the listview.The hotkey code.Returns true if the hotkey was consumed, false otherwise.
Notifies that a new node was added to the list.The new node data.
Notifies that the nodes list has been changed.
Notifies that a node was removed from the list.Id of deleted node.
Notifies that a node was renamed.Id of renamed node.The new name of the node.
Removes the given node.Id of node to delete.
Rebuilds the listview.
Selects the first node in the list.The selected node object.
Selects the specified node and scrolls it into view.Id of node to select.The selected node object.
Selects the last node in the list.The selected node object.
Selects the next node in the list (the first visible node that follows the currently selected node).The selected node object.
Selects the specified node.Id of node to select.The selected node object.
Selects the previous node in the list (the first visible node that precedes the currently selected node).The selected node object.
Starts a node rename operation.Id of node to rename.
Unselects the current node, if any.
Fires whenever whenever the user starts dragging a node.The node Id.Set this parameter to a valid DND object to start the drag and drop operation.
Fires when the user drops a node on a valid target.The DND object describing the drop target.
Fires whenever a node is removed.The node Id.
Fires whenever a node is renamed.The node Id.The new node name.
Fires whenever a node is selected by the user.The node Id.Indicates whether this is a strong select.