A composite element for viewing and editing a tabular dataset <author>Yuval Gilboa</author>(c) SAP AG 2003. All rights reserved. Gets or sets whether the user can add new gridview rows. Gets or sets whether the user can delete gridview rows. Gets or sets whether the user can edit the gridview cells.<ul><li>Changing the value of this property will only take effect the next time that the gridview is built. </li></ul> Gets or sets whether the user can move gridview rows. Gets or sets whether the user can resize the gridview columns. Gets or sets whether the user can sort the gridview by a specified column. Gets the current column id. Gets the current row id. Gets the current row id of the row that is being drawn. Gets or sets the control styling glyph.Sample glyph: <pre> .GRID-OUTER-BOX { border:window-inset white 2; background:#F7F3EF; width:100%; overflow:hidden; } .GRID-HEAD-BOX { position:absolute; overflow:hidden; background:#D6D3CE; } .GRID-INNER-BOX { position:absolute; overflow:auto; } .GRID-GRIPPER { position:absolute; left:0; top:0; background:white; filter:alpha(opacity=0); font-size:1; width:11; height:100%; cursor:col-resize; } TABLE.GRID { table-layout:fixed; width:100%; } TABLE.GRID TR.GRID-ROW { } TABLE.GRID TD.GRID-HEAD { background:#D6D3CE; color:#273855; height:17; border:solid #848284 1; border-color:#FFFFFF #848284 #848284 #FFFFFF; padding:0 2; text-align:left; vertical-align:middle; font:bold 11px tahoma; white-space:nowrap; } TABLE.GRID TD.GRID-CELL { background:#FFFFFF; height:15; border-right:solid #D6D3CE 1; border-bottom:solid #D6D3CE 1; padding:0; } TABLE.GRID TD.GRID-CELL INPUT { particle:field; background-color:transparent; background-position:right -1; background-repeat:no-repeat; color:black; border:none; margin:0; padding:0 2; font:normal 11px tahoma; height:14; width:100%; backgroundHilight:#C6D3EF; cursor:default; position:relative; left:0; top:-1; } TABLE.GRID TR.GRID-ROW-SEL TD.GRID-CELL { background:#F6F5F4; } TABLE.GRID TR.GRID-ROW-SEL2 TD.GRID-CELL { background:#C6D3EF; } INPUT.GRID-STR { } INPUT.GRID-URL { background-image:url(); } INPUT.GRID-EXPR { background-image:url(); } INPUT.GRID-USER { background-image:url(); } INPUT.GRID-INT { background-image:url(); } ... </pre> Gets or sets whether the gridview is readonly.<ul><li>Changing the value of this property will only take effect the next time that the gridview is built. </li><li>This property is a shortcut property that overrides the <code>canEdit,</code> <code>canAdd,</code> <code>canDelete,</code> <code>canMove,</code> and <code>canSort</code> properties. </li></ul> Gets the total number of columns in the gridview (including hidden columns). Gets the total number of rows in the gridview (actual rows with data). Gets or sets whether the will see the context menu. Gets or sets whether to show the gridview header row. Adds a new row just after the current row, and sets it to the given values.The new row values (indexed by column Id).The Id (or number) of the newly created row. Builds the gridview structure from the given definition.An array of grid column definitions.Indicates whether to hide the gridview header row.The initial number of grid rows to build. Clears the value of a specified cell.The row Id (or number); If omitted, the current row is assumed.The column Id (or number). Clears the values of all cells in a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to clear. Clears the gridview rows, while keeping the columns structure. Clears the gridview data. Clears the values of all cells in a specified row.The Id (or number) of the row to clear. If omitted, the current row is assumed. Clears the current selection. Deletes the current row, if any. Opens the editor associated with the given cell.The row Id (or number); If omitted, the current row is assumed.The column Id (or number). Enables or disables a specified cell.The row Id (or number); If omitted, the current row is assumed.The column Id (or number).Indicates whether to enable or disable the cell. Erases the gridview structure completely. Moves the input focus to the given cell.The row Id (or number); If omitted, the current row is assumed.The column Id (or number). Gets the value of a specified cell.The row Id (or number); If omitted, the current row is assumed.The column Id (or number).The cell value (return type depends on cell data type). Gets the caption of a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to get.The column caption. Gets the values of all cells in a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to get.The column values (by display order). Gets the gridview data as a string.The grid data in string representation. Gets the gridview data.The grid data table (indexed by row number and then by column id). Gets the gridview data indexed by a specified key column.The Id of the key column.The grid data table (indexed by key value and then by column id). Gets the values of all cells in a specified row.The Id (or number) of the row to get. If omitted, the current row is assumed.The row cell values (indexed by column Id). Hides or shows a specified column.The column Id (or number).Indicates whether to hide or show the column. Tests whether the current row is the first row in the grid. Tests whether the current row is the last row in the grid. Moves the current row to a specified position.The new row position. Searches a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to get.The value to match (may include '*' and '?' wildcards).The Ids of all rows that satisfy the search condition. Selects the next row. Selects the previous row. Selects a specified row.The row Id (or number).The operation that invoked the row selection. Sets the value of a specified cell.The row Id (or number); If omitted, the current row is assumed.The column Id (or number).The new cell value (parameter type depends on cell data type). Sets the caption of a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to set.The new column caption. Sets the values of all cells in a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to set.The new values for the column cells (by display order). Sets the gridview data.The grid data table (indexed by row number and then by column id). Sets the gridview data from a string.The grid data in string representation. Sets the values of all cells in a specified row.The Id (or number) of the row to set. If omitted, the current row is assumed.The new values for the row cells (indexed by column Id). Sorts a specified column.The Id (or number) of the column to get. If omitted, the current column is assumed.Indicates whether to sort in decending order. Fires whenever a grid cell is changed (and its <code>notify</code> attribute is set).The cell's row Id.The cell's column id.The grid cell's field object. Fires whenever a cursor exits from a grid cell.The cell's row Id.The cell's column id.The grid cell's field object. Fires whenever a grid cell receives focus.The cell's row Id.The cell's column id.The grid cell's field object. Fires whenever a grid row is selected.The selected row Id. Defines a grid column.The structure is an object with the following members: <table class="VERT"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>id </td><td>String </td><td>The column Id (must be unique within the gridview) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>type </td><td>Enum </td><td>The column data type. Can be any of the available field types (see <q ref="core.lib:GridEdit!FIELD_TYPES">FIELD_TYPES</q>) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>caption </td><td>String </td><td>The column display label </td></tr><tr><td class=V>width </td><td>Integer </td><td>The column display width in pixels </td></tr><tr><td class=V>hide </td><td>Boolean </td><td>Indicates whether to hide the column </td></tr><tr><td class=V>readonly </td><td>Boolean </td><td>Indicates whether the column cells are readonly (non-editable, but can receive focus) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>disable </td><td>Boolean </td><td>Indicates whether the column cells are disabled (non-editable and cannot receive focus) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>notify </td><td>Boolean </td><td>Indicates whether to raise a notification event when a cell in the column is changed </td></tr><tr><td class=V>enum </td><td>String </td><td>Name of enumeration for <code>enum,</code> <code>combo,</code> or <code>bool</code> columns </td></tr><tr><td class=V>min </td><td>Number </td><td>Minimum value for numeric columns </td></tr><tr><td class=V>max </td><td>Number </td><td>Maximum value for numeric columns </td></tr><tr><td class=V>step </td><td>Number </td><td>Stepping value for numeric columns </td></tr><tr><td class=V>arrow </td><td>Enum </td><td>Indicates when the dropdown arrow should be displayed for the column cells (always </td><td>auto </td><td>never) </td></tr><tr><td class=V>style </td><td>String </td><td>Custom style to apply to the column cells </td></tr><tr><td class=V>popup </td><td>String </td><td>The urn of the custom popup for user-defined fields </td></tr><tr><td class=V>hint </td><td>String </td><td>Hint used as an additional item that is added to the dropdown value list and, when clicked, opens a popup (e.g. 'Advanced...') </td></tr></table> The following additional properties are defined for columns of type 'expr': <table class="BOTH"><tr><td class="H V">Name </td><td class=H>Type </td><td class=H>Description </td></tr><tr><td class=V>gmlid </td><td>String </td><td>Required for 'expr' types - Id of bound GmlObject for setting the Dynamic Expression context </td></tr><tr><td class=V>exprType </td><td>String </td><td>If specified, expression validation also validates type compliance </td></tr></table> A special column named <code>_row</code> is automatically maintained to hold the gridview rows unique identifiers.