Defines the behavior of the drop operation for specific palette items.The unit classifier.The board classifier.The parent classifier. This is the element instance in which the palette item is dropped.The child classifier. This is the element class represented by the dropped palette item.A collection of property values for initializing the new element.The definition of the dropped palette item.The element created/affected by this operation, if any.<h2>Dependencies</h2><table class="WHITE" style="width:auto; margin-top:0" cellspacing="1"><tr><td class="H V"><i>pre-condition:</i> </td><td class=H><q ref="core.gml2:dragPaletteItem">dragPaletteItem</q> != [DND_NONE] </td></tr></table>
The exact behavior of the drop operation depends on the given classifiers.
Typically, the behavior is to create a new element based on the metadata associated with
the dropped palette item.(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.