This section describes the declarative syntax used by rules that define taskpanels.<h2>Syntax</h2>
<i>taskpanel-clause</i> <i>taskpanels-rule</i>
<h2><append> tag</h2>
Appends one or more taskpanel groups.
<div class="INSET">
<b><group> inner tag</b><br/>
Defines a taskpanels group. Use the 'priority' attribute to control the order of taskpanel groups.
<group <i>id="" title="" icon="" priority=""</i>>
<div class="INSET">
<b><item> inner tag</b><br/>
Defines a taskpanel. Use the 'priority' attribute to control the order of taskpanels in a taskpanels group.
<panel <i>id="" urn="" title="" priority=""</i>/>
<h2><appendToGroup> tag</h2>
Appends one or more taskpanels to an existing taskpanels group.
<appendToGroup id="<i>groupId</i>">
<panel <i>id="" urn="" title="" priority=""</i>/>
<h2><remove> tag</h2>
Removes a specified taskpanel / taskpanels group.
<i>remove-tag</i>:<sub>one of</sub>
<remove panel="<i>panelId</i>"/>
<remove group="<i>groupId</i>"/>
<h2><clear> tag</h2>
Clears a specified taskpanels group. If the group identifier is omitted, then the entire taskpanels table is cleared.
<i>clear-tag</i>:<sub>one of</sub>
<clear group="<i>groupId</i>"/>
<extend rule="definePalette">
<constraint>(unit isa gml2:Module) and (board isa svg:ZDrawing)</constraint>
<group id="COMPOSE_TASKGRP" title="Compose" icon="">
<panel id="ELEMENTS" title="Compose Diagram" urn="URL[core.gml2:tools.panels.PalettePanel.htm]" isDefault="true"/>
<group id="ORGANIZE_TASKGRP" title="Organize" icon="">
<panel id="MODEL_ORGANIZER" title="Organize Model" urn="URL[core.gml2:tools.panels.ExplorerPanel.htm]"/>
<panel id="SEARCH" title="Search Library" urn="URL[]"/>
</pre>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.