This section describes the declarative syntax used by rules that define SmartForm-based editors / palettes.<h2>Syntax</h2> <pre> <i>editor-rule:</i> <i>editor-clause</i> <i>editor-clause</i> <i>editor-rule</i> <i>editor-clause:</i> <i>append-tag</i> <i>appendToGroup-tag</i> <i>remove-tag</i> <i>clear-tag</i> </pre> <h2>&lt;append&gt; tag</h2> Appends one or more editor groups. <pre> <i>append-tag</i>: &lt;append&gt; <i>group-tag</i><sub>many</sub> &lt;/append&gt; </pre> <div class="INSET"> <b>&lt;group&gt; inner tag</b><br/> Defines a editor group. All standard editor group attributes are supported (see <q ref="core.env:KitEditors!EDITOR_GROUP">EDITOR_GROUP</q> for details). Use the 'priority' attribute to control the order of groups in the editor. </div> <pre> <i>group-tag</i>: &lt;group <i>group-attributes...</i>&gt; <i>item-tag</i><sub>many</sub> &lt;/group&gt; </pre> <div class="INSET"> <b>&lt;item&gt; inner tag</b><br/> Defines a editor item. All standard editor item types and attributes are supported (see <q ref="core.env:KitEditors!EDITOR_ELEM">EDITOR_ELEM</q> for details). Use the 'priority' attribute to control the order of items in the group. </div> <pre> <i>item-tag</i>: &lt;<i>itemType</i> <i>item-attributes...</i>/&gt; </pre> <div class="INSET"> A special 'class' attribute is also provided as a shortcut for creating editor items based on class metadata. </div> <h2>&lt;appendToGroup&gt; tag</h2> Appends one or more editor items to an existing editor group. <pre> <i>appendToGroup-tag</i>: &lt;appendToGroup id="<i>groupId</i>"&gt; <i>item-tag</i><sub>many</sub> &lt;/appendToGroup&gt; <i>item-tag</i>: &lt;<i>itemType</i> <i>item-attributes...</i>/&gt; </pre> <h2>&lt;remove&gt; tag</h2> Removes a specified editor item / group. <pre> <i>remove-tag</i>:<sub>one of</sub> &lt;remove item="<i>itemId</i>"/&gt; &lt;remove group="<i>groupId</i>"/&gt; </pre> <h2>&lt;clear&gt; tag</h2> Clears a specified editor group. If the group identifier is omitted, then the entire editor is cleared. <pre> <i>clear-tag</i>:<sub>one of</sub> &lt;clear group="<i>groupId</i>"/&gt; &lt;clear/&gt; </pre> <h2>Example</h2> <pre> &lt;extend rule="definePalette"&gt; &lt;constraint&gt;(unit isa gml2:Module) and (board isa svg:ZDrawing)&lt;/constraint&gt; &lt;comments&gt;[Components]&lt;/comments&gt; &lt;append&gt; &lt;group id="COMPONENTS" title="Components" toggle="on"&gt; &lt;item class="gml2:Scenario"/&gt; &lt;item class="gml2:Service"/&gt; &lt;item class="gml2:Process"/&gt; &lt;item class="gml2:Module"/&gt; &lt;/group&gt; &lt;/append&gt; &lt;/extend&gt; </pre>(c) SAP AG 2003-2006. All rights reserved.